

Apr 11, 2019
The main reason I want to kill myself is because of work. It sucks so much that I have to be a slave in order to survive in this shit hole. I'm thinking of ctb in a few days and I'm not going to work today or ever again. I'm not even going to let them know. Fuck them. Fuck work. I'd actually mostly enjoy life if I was rich. Fuck this world.
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Apr 11, 2019
I work in a warehouse. I wish I could get a better job but I'm too stupid and my social anxiety really holds me back.
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Apr 3, 2019
I know the feeling. I also hate my job and I only do it out of need. Basically being a loner makes you incapable of ever moving up. Nice to a see another JoJo fan.
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Dec 29, 2018
I work in a warehouse. I wish I could get a better job but I'm too stupid and my social anxiety really holds me back.
At least you have a job and you are self supporting.

I depend on others a 100%, can't get a job on my own because of social anxiety.
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Apr 8, 2019
Have you studied in university?
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Apr 11, 2019
I'm 25 and I failed out of college. No interest in going back to that hell
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Dec 7, 2018
I liked my job, but a work place relationship has ruined me. Feel like I've destroyed my career and wasted the last seven years where I work because I'm so miserable now
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Alan James

Apr 11, 2019
I can't work anywhere because of mental disorders and sociophobia (or even sociopathy), but I also don't receive any benefits. I once wanted to become an engineer like my grandfather but I cannot because I do not have the abilities, I am just too stupid for that. I have always perceived any work as a terrible torture, nothing but wage slavery and in any case I cannot enjoy spending money due to depression. Therefore, I have no money. I feel like the most worthless and useless loser in the whole world and I am almost sure that one day I will die a slow, painful death from starvation when all my relatives die. I do not need money and any things, seems I can't get any pleasure at all, I would give all my money and all my property for the right to euthanasia. I do not need anything not from the state not from society except euthanasia.
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Macc Lad

Macc Lad

Jan 22, 2019
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Aug 27, 2018
I hear you, work 8-10 hours a day 5 days a week with only 2 days off in the weekend and a few weeks of vacation a year for the rest of our life that alone should be reason enough to want to die.
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Apr 7, 2019
If I did not had to work I believe my life quality would improve about 80%. My job pays well but I hate it, and it forces me to everyday interaction with lots and lots of people (And I have sociophobia). I have to work 8 hours a day, so when I get home I´m too tired to do anything, and have no time to do things that I actually like (drawing, movies, music) or sometimes I´m just so stressed out of work that these things give me no pleasure.

But, yeah, I suppose having no job may be worst (except if you are damn rich)
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Apr 3, 2019
The worst is being hold to their goals every day and bein questioned whenever you don't reach it. Let's say they have a goal of 90% and you get 100% 4 out of 5 day, but one day you get 89.99% because reason and the following day you have someone quedtioning you why you didn't reach your goal. I hate it.
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Nov 11, 2018
I've never had a job, I'm now up to about 400 applications since January and no response back. I'm applying for warehouse or entry level IT positions. I have all the qualifications needed but no experience, because of no experience I get no chance. That being said I know it will suck working too. The whole system sucks.
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Aug 27, 2018
Have you studied in university?
Not sure what you are implying.

I see a lot on the News on Facebook a lot of Americans get angry when they talk about raising the minimum wage just to 15$ like for Mc Donald´s workers and these people get angry because they think that if you want more money study and get a better paying job and jobs like working at Mc Donalds is just a stepping stone but in reality both a person with a higher education and a worker at Mc Donalds waste 1 hour of their lives to earn money so we are essentially selling hours of our lives on something we don´t like doing.

To me it feels like it´s almost upside down because people who take higher educations do that because they have a passion for what they want to work as while a Mc Donalds worker literally only work to survive thus slaving their lives away so it´s almost like they should earn more I am not saying they actually should but just in terms of love for what you are doing it would be fair.
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Have a great day!
Mar 24, 2019
Every time I have hope about the future I remind myself that I will have to work for the rest of my life before retiring and by then, I'd want to die anyway. It's not worth it.
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One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
The main reason I want to kill myself is because of work. It sucks so much that I have to be a slave in order to survive in this shit hole. I'm thinking of ctb in a few days and I'm not going to work today or ever again. I'm not even going to let them know. Fuck them. Fuck work. I'd actually mostly enjoy life if I was rich. Fuck this world.
Exactly.... now imagine me!!

Where I had the opportunity to be a millionaire, but I fucked it up....
and even worse...
my family didnt helped at all... they could've helped... a couple hundreth dollars was all that was needed back in the day... fuck them too
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Apr 5, 2019
I actually gonna cbt if forced to work again
Most of my mental troubles began with wrok
And vice versa
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Mar 28, 2019
In order to avoid homelessness, I soon have to work in a nursery home, wiping asses of old people who had a more fulfilling life than I will ever have.
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Jan 5, 2019
I liked my job, but a work place relationship has ruined me. Feel like I've destroyed my career and wasted the last seven years where I work because I'm so miserable now

Sorry to hear. A workplace relationship has really messed me up too and has made me want to resign.
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Mar 31, 2019
Every time I have hope about the future I remind myself that I will have to work for the rest of my life before retiring and by then, I'd want to die anyway. It's not worth it.
My exact feelings.
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Dec 7, 2018
Sorry to hear. A workplace relationship has really messed me up too and has made me want to resign.
Yeah it's messed me up big time. I'm sick of my parents, doctors, work colleagues telling me it gets easier. It doesn't. Not when I'm the one with all the guilt and shame. Lol if it makes you feel any better im also struggling with drug addiction and lost the girl because of it
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Apr 17, 2019
Work is too hard to find and usually when you do get it and start training your bosses ditch you anyway because they found someone better.

Fuck it all, I'm done with it.
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Mar 21, 2019
The government should provide universal basic income.
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
At least you have a job and you are self supporting.

I depend on others a 100%, can't get a job on my own because of social anxiety.

I'm in the same situation. I feel guilty, but at the same time I have no desire (or ability) to work.
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Mar 23, 2018
The main reason I want to kill myself is because of work. It sucks so much that I have to be a slave in order to survive in this shit hole. I'm thinking of ctb in a few days and I'm not going to work today or ever again. I'm not even going to let them know. Fuck them. Fuck work. I'd actually mostly enjoy life if I was rich. Fuck this world.

I plan on ending it as well and not quitting work … just let them wonder why I don't show up. :wink:
Also if I would give notice and not CTB … then I would be out of a job.
Even though it is shitty I still need a job until I finally end it.
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Jan 5, 2019
Yeah it's messed me up big time. I'm sick of my parents, doctors, work colleagues telling me it gets easier. It doesn't. Not when I'm the one with all the guilt and shame. Lol if it makes you feel any better im also struggling with drug addiction and lost the girl because of it

Mine was just a fling that shouldn't have happened. Unfortunately I caught feelings for her and still have them. The only way things would get easier for me would be to find a new job and cut contact with her completely. It's too hard to let go though and it would be a shame to throw the friendship away.

She's not the reason I want to ctb, but the whole thing has been detrimental to my mental health.

Sorry to hear about your drug addiction. That makes your situation even worse.
I plan on ending it as well and not quitting work … just let them wonder why I don't show up. :wink:
Also if I would give notice and not CTB … then I would be out of a job.
Even though it is shitty I still need a job until I finally end it.

That's the reason I haven't quit my job. Incase I don't end up CTB. I do shiftwork and it's hard to find an appropriate time to CTB where I give my manager enough time to cover my shifts. I might just have to ask for a few days off.
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