
Jul 16, 2023
Just read the news about the block in New Zealand. I'm from there. I know I'll still be able to access this site through a VPN but it still sickens me deeply. This website alone has brung me more closure and comfort than any therapist, counselor, friend or support group has ever had.

According to CNN, we are the 10th most happiest country in the world. I see why now. They're censoring all these resources and pretending that the people here are all fine n dandy while those suffering are left to suffer. Fun fact!! Did you know we have the HIGHEST youth suicide rate in the world?? Awesome right??

How are new users going to join this community, too? I know it's against the rules to have an active VPN during sign-up (or is that poorly enforced)

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Reactions: TheGoodGuy, Deathisbetter, Forever Sleep and 5 others


"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
I never really trust those "happiness" surveys. Its such a subjective area you can produce a study to frame pretty much whatever narrative you want.
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
I never really trust those "happiness" surveys. Its such a subjective area you can produce a study to frame pretty much whatever narrative you want.
I agree, they could be manipulated just to make the country look better.
To be honest, I don't think much of many surveys tbh.. I took one for fun since I was interested about what the government sponsored brainwashing site will say about my sexuality/gender. You know what came out? That site seriously said that I'm either cis or trans and provided me with many resources XD
Yeah, it's not like I'm attracted to woman, love working on cars, been in few bar fights in my youth and there's definitely no way that I always wear men clothes XD

So, if the government says "our country is the happiest in the world", then I definitely want to see all the details like where they collected the votes, statistics and many other data that proves their claims. I been once in Eritrea to help a internet friend of mine, give him some old phones since they don't have a well paying job and see how things work there. I would place that country in the top 10 rather than New Zealand. When I was there, the streets in cities and villages were clean, there was a small river where the water was quite clean and people there used it for cooking and everyone was quite happy and I got invited 8 times for a cup of tea but none of those people asked me for any money.