When the moment of truth arrives, you will know better those around you. Unfortunately some will not support you. It's hard, and it's harder when you would have supported them in their place. It is better to forget the good times with those who have disappointed you, the truth has come out, they do not deserve you.
I'd rather be alone than surround myself with people who wouldn't support me when I needed it, because I would. The feelings are not reciprocated.
Sometimes we torture ourselves too much, if we had done this or that, or if I had not said/done this or that. But it's not our fault, it had to happen, whatever we did, because they are like that, we can't change them.
When friendship and/or love is true and reciprocated, they support no matter what, without time limits, without ultimatums, without 'I can't take it anymore'
Do not think that it has been too much for that person, or that he did what he could, no, that is not true friendship or love.
Said everything that I think, it is only my humble opinion, I hope that your situation improves from the bottom of my heart. Good luck.