
Jan 14, 2019
I'm so paranoid about using this site, paranoid about sharing any info about me etc. I'm even paranoid about having a suicide pact with someone else.

Everything I write, I have to think eleven times through, because I'm afraid of being identified and charged with assisting suicide.

I wish I could just say here whatever's on my mind and make plans with a partner freely without fear of persecution.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I'll say it. I'll do it. I'll write what I want to. If they want me let them come and take me. I'll have my suicide plan ready to go and kill myself before they reach me!
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Apr 15, 2019
Is it common to be charged with assisted suicide when you are also suicidal? It seems more likely that they'd force you to get treatment (i.e. psych ward) than to file criminal charges, at least in the US.

Heart of Ice

Sep 26, 2019
I'm one of those people on here that does not feel comfortable with the idea of doctor-assisted euthanasia for the mentally ill, but even I think assisted suicide laws are really one of the stupidest laws on Earth. Suicide is legal. Why would assisting someone in a legal act be illegal? Makes no sense to me.


Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
I think assisted suicide for any reason the person feels fit is okay with me.
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Aug 18, 2019
I'm so paranoid about using this site, paranoid about sharing any info about me etc. I'm even paranoid about having a suicide pact with someone else.

Everything I write, I have to think eleven times through, because I'm afraid of being identified and charged with assisting suicide.

I wish I could just say here whatever's on my mind and make plans with a partner freely without fear of persecution.
Feel free to speak up. Monitored or not (probably SS is monitored) it is not illegal, strictly speaking, what can they probably do to you? What country do you live?


Aug 9, 2019
You read my mind
I'm so paranoid about using this site, paranoid about sharing any info about me etc. I'm even paranoid about having a suicide pact with someone else.

Everything I write, I have to think eleven times through, because I'm afraid of being identified and charged with assisting suicide.

I wish I could just say here whatever's on my mind and make plans with a partner freely without fear of persecution.
So true. First, people are afraid to speak about suicide in society , now they are made to feel afraid online.
Assisted suicide laws are important but this site doesn't assist suicide.
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Feb 23, 2019
There's nothing 'wrong' with wanting to die. It's not Illegal and you can share that information with anyone you want to. In fact, it's a good idea to talk about it. There are very good reasons why someone might want to die and some of those reasons can be talked through and even addressed.

Never feel that you can't talk about it.
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Jan 14, 2019
Where I come from, people are regularly being charged with assisting suicide for being part of a suicide pact. There are at least three stories that I know of, of a husband and a wife trying to CTB together, where just one spouse dies and the other surviving, and the surviving spouse gets sent to jail.

Maybe it's just my shitty backwards country where religion still plays a big role in controlling people's lives.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I think as far as the reasoning is concerned about why assisted suicide is illegal is probably due to the fact of coercion and bullying (not saying that that's what happens or if that is the case), and then also some residual good Samaritan law about having to "save" someone and the duty to be a hero or some garbage like that. I do think that it is silly to punish the surviving person of a pact though. Tbh, I think they need to change the way the law is written and not criminally prosecute people who aid (with consent and proof of consent) those who wish to die, or those who decide not to intervene.


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
Is it common to be charged with assisted suicide when you are also suicidal?

It would be viewed as murder if the country doesn't allow it. I remember doing research a few years back, and I found where someone did actually have someone help them off themselves. And in doing so, that person who helped was charged and found guilty of murder.
I think it was in NYC USA

Suicide is legal. Why would assisting someone in a legal act be illegal? Makes no sense to me.

I halfway agree with this. Like I think doctors or trained people should be the only ones OK to help. Like too many things can go wrong that would make the person far worse off.

Anyways, why would something legal end you up in a psych ward?

Feel free to speak up. Monitored or not (probably SS is monitored) it is not illegal, strictly speaking, what can they probably do to you? What country do you live?

I 100% agree, however with some rules. It is best to just assume the site is being looked at. Just like how you can say how to make a bomb and not end up in jail, but have eyes on you for a bit. Same I think goes with methods and what not.
The problem comes in when you are selling or helping the sale/trade of illegal goods, or if you in some direct method have someone off themselves.

A number of years back I remember of hearing about 2 guys that made a parrot learn "kill yourself". Long story short, they were charged for murder after some woman killed herself after having the bird for a bit (I think a year).

With this all being said. If I was stopped and asked about this by the gov. I would just say this is for research for a book or whatever. Beyond that they can pound sand.

surviving spouse gets sent to jail.

I never heard of that happening. What country are you in? Or at least what part of the world?
As far as legal, I can see that. If it is proven to be suicide and not actually murder. Then I personally don't agree with this. But at the same time I just wish there was a legal way I can go to a doctor and pay them to help.

I don't understand how a society is OK with killing an unborn child (abortion) but not OK with a doctor doing it to an adult that wants to die. Like you have several states in the USA where if you're 6 months form dying anyways, then you can ask. But that's stupid IMO. The baby obviously wasn't 6 months from dying. But again a full grown adult who wants to die = psych ward

Oh BTW this reminds me of the off line party in Welcome to the NHK. I don't think those things actually happen. At least I couldn't find much info on them when doing research a while back.
Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
There's nothing 'wrong' with wanting to die. It's not Illegal and you can share that information with anyone you want to. In fact, it's a good idea to talk about it. There are very good reasons why someone might want to die and some of those reasons can be talked through and even addressed.

Never feel that you can't talk about it.
Just don't ever talk about it with doctors. I had a pain management doctor say that if I kept crying he was going to make plans for me to go to a mental hospital. So imagine what h would have don't if I said I wanted to kill myself? They're mandated reporter so just don't say anything like that around them. Just looking out for you.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Just don't ever talk about it with doctors. I had a pain management doctor say that if I kept crying he was going to make plans for me to go to a mental hospital. So imagine what h would have don't if I said I wanted to kill myself? They're mandated reporter so just don't say anything like that around them. Just looking out for you.

What kind of a heartless doctor it is? Damn


Jan 14, 2019
What country are you in? Or at least what part of the world?

I'm from a first-world country but religion still plays a big part in my country's law-making. I know I'm being paranoid and I probably don't need to worry about telling you what country I'm from, but I'm still kinda paranoid about that.


Nov 27, 2019
Just don't ever talk about it with doctors. I had a pain management doctor say that if I kept crying he was going to make plans for me to go to a mental hospital. So imagine what h would have don't if I said I wanted to kill myself? They're mandated reporter so just don't say anything like that around them. Just looking out for you.

Yep never ever seek help for mental health from doctors (therapists are okay, they don't write diagnosis or prescribe pills). Unless absolutely necessary. Once you have been diagnosed, you NEVER get rid of the stigma, and it will stay in the system forever. There is nothing you can do to convince them that you are not flawed and weak, and it can close many doors and shut down dreams. Nobody will care if you try to prove that you are fine and dealing with it.

I *seriously* can't stress this enough because the "helpers" often say the opposite. It will change forever how you are seen, not in a good way. It's like a criminal record, only worse.
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