

Born to lose
May 22, 2020
Whether due to being out of my league, having a boyfriend, or some vast geographical distance, I only seem to find women attractive who I can't have. And whether or not due to having OCD, I then fixate on them and drive myself crazy, like some kind of romantic masochist. And finally I use it as 'the same old story' part of my reasoning for cbt.

How d'you get out of a pattern like this?
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Jul 16, 2020
I would focus on quality of character, being friendly to my fellow (wo)man, show genuine interest beyond beauty and sex. Then I let go (Hold on Loosely but dont let go ;) ) wait and allow things to take their course.
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
I would focus on quality of character, being friendly to my fellow (wo)man, show genuine interest beyond beauty and sex. Then I let go (Hold on Loosely but dont let go ;) ) wait and allow things to take their course.

hard to get? lol
Love that!
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death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
(...)How d'you get out of a pattern like this?
i feel you, i'm also dealing with ocd and its on my reasons-list.., if you find your behavior obsessive, i would try to find a solution for the ocd itself, for me there was an specific trauma which caused my ocd, so i would try to resolve that.
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May 12, 2020
I'm the same except I'm a female and I find a man who I can't have extremely attractive.It's driving me crazy that I want him so bad.
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Jul 16, 2020
hard to get? lol
Love that!
Most people have addictive manic personalities! So you have to cause (cause effect law) them to want and crave your love, interest, praise/compliments and attention, but just in increments or exciting bursts. Get em addicted to you (Its not evil, playing bad non mutial agreed upon games, or manipulative cause really we all want this. We just dont want it ALL the time.Like playing the same song too many times in a row loses its intended emotional effect or eating the same thing too often loses it flavor.

If we get those aforementioned things too easily and too often most men and women will lose interest, devalue you to crumbs on the floor, see you as needy and desperate. These types will lose interest fast, reject you and look elsewhere to get that new exciting fix. This behavior then creates their need for game.

Sadly both men and women turn these natural things into those nasty games and share different methods of manipulation with their bro buddies and sis posses.Always trying to stay one up on the game thus helping to create this ridiculous, never ending,
unnecessary and cruel war of the sexes (made especially bad in our times cause of internet social media).

Human sexuality, the laws of attraction, affection and attention are like a built in opiate for us. This nature shouldn't be something to be ashamed of or abused.Our love/sex lives made unnecessarily complicated by those who adopt the lies of brain and emotional heart programming from all forms of media, upbringing and toxic social exchange.

Simply put, humans tend to treasure the difficult spotless healthy looking apples at the top of the tree and devalue the easy ones that have some defects or dirt on them on the ground (I personally can see the value in all of them!). And because of this sick CULTure both men and women are rejecting possible life mates cause they arnt 'perfect' (Mr./Ms. Right) enough to meet their impossible requirements (too short, wrong color eyes, wrong color skin, wrong hair color, not wealthy enough, wrong car, clothes and shoes are too cheap, wrong job, wrong fan of team or soda etc.) and bs standards. Which being honest, I call it like it is and women are by the numbers the worse of the 2 sexes currently.
I'm the same except I'm a female and I find a man who I can't have extremely attractive.It's driving me crazy that I want him so bad.
Grab an easy friendly apple. Give it a try!
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
Most people have addictive manic personalities! So you have to cause (cause effect law) them to want and crave your love, interest, praise/compliments and attention, but just in increments or exciting bursts. Get em addicted to you (Its not evil, playing bad non mutial agreed upon games, or manipulative cause really we all want this. We just dont want it ALL the time.Like playing the same song too many times in a row loses its intended emotional effect or eating the same thing too often loses it flavor.

If we get those aforementioned things too easily and too often most men and women will lose interest, devalue you to crumbs on the floor, see you as needy and desperate. These types will lose interest fast, reject you and look elsewhere to get that new exciting fix. This behavior then creates their need for game.

Sadly both men and women turn these natural things into those nasty games and share different methods of manipulation with their bro buddies and sis posses.Always trying to stay one up on the game thus helping to create this ridiculous, never ending,
unnecessary and cruel war of the sexes (made especially bad in our times cause of internet social media).

Human sexuality, the laws of attraction, affection and attention are like a built in opiate for us. This nature shouldn't be something to be ashamed of or abused.Our love/sex lives made unnecessarily complicated by those who adopt the lies of brain and emotional heart programming from all forms of media, upbringing and toxic social exchange.

Simply put, humans tend to treasure the difficult spotless healthy looking apples at the top of the tree and devalue the easy ones that have some defects or dirt on them on the ground (I personally can see the value in all of them!). And because of this sick CULTure both men and women are rejecting possible life mates cause they arnt 'perfect' (Mr./Ms. Right) enough to meet their impossible requirements (too short, wrong color eyes, wrong color skin, wrong hair color, not wealthy enough, wrong car, clothes and shoes are too cheap, wrong job, wrong fan of team or soda etc.) and bs standards. Which being honest, I call it like it is and women are by the numbers the worse of the 2 sexes currently.

Grab an easy friendly apple. Give it a try!

I agree with what you said about the game keeping things exciting but
I don't 100% agree with you regarding soul mate expectations and how everyone should just lower their expectations and be okay with that.

Personality aside, men and women tend to be attracted to opposite sex with good physical/facial traits& financial stability. This is also from a evolutionary standpoint so the offspring can grow up in a favorable environment. Media reinforces this, but doesn't mean it's entirely wrong.

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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
That's just every woman for me tbh, and I've given up on dating at this point because ugly and terrible personality. It never even began for me.
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
That's just every woman for me tbh, and I've given up on dating at this point because ugly and terrible personality. It never even began for me.

Also beauty is subjective,
so it's definitely probable you find someone considered attractive
while at the same time they find you attractive as well.

Even if you perceive yourself as unattractive,
you will still end up with a good match.
Especially that now there's 7.8 billion people on the planet.
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Jul 16, 2020

Hmmm, I am not sure you fully understood what I was trying to get across (not intended to be insulting with that).
I was going to ad a summary on how it's natural to want things you have trouble getting to (the top of a tall mountain for example). Going into the cat string method of GAME, cats as women, only want the string when it's kept away from them and especially when it's desired by other cats (women). The desire has to build by difficulty creating excitement, something fresh and new and then they chase it!

In my life for example, in Junior High I was asked by a very attractive girl to go out with her, I reluctantly accepted because of her reputation, but I was friends with her girlfriend so I accepted (looking back I should have asked her out!), then after some months she lost interest in me, cause I wasn't a skirt chaser and wanted a loving faithful friendly relationship, so she went with some young kid to the school dance against my wishes. The next time I saw her at school she had a hickey on her neck, which was humiliating for me , got the school talking and it got me pissed me off. We were on the verge of breaking up thereafter and then all of sudden 2 or 3 other girls started asking about going with me. See what I'm saying?

So obviously after Junior high and High school it gets ALOT more complicated with the GAME, it gets new requirements in addition, cause we go out into the work force or try to create a business, purchase cars to drive, design our own looks with the way we dress (often based on trends , esp back then) and much more superficial shit.

Here is my critic: women generally are looking for Mr.Impossible Perfect (good looking, tall, successful, desired by other women) and Men are generally looking for the Trophy hot girl (note: I'm going after both sexes here) that will give them an easy lay (get em hooked on sex) while requiring that they stay faithful only to them, but BOTH shallow indviduals will lose interest when it's too EASY. Alot of this is social programming from bad parenting, schooling and toxic media. And creates what we have come to call The Game and I'm opposed to that game. I see through those shallow waters and get a clear view of the bullshit.

Do you not hold the truths I speak of to be self evident?

Also, my critic isn't on all women or men (I'm not this way). The woman I'm with doesn't play these games with me.

As I said in my first post, I mentioned focusing on the quality of character additionally I will add that, whatever you expect from others you better have yourself or meet the other person's absurd requirements in turn. That's equilibrium (equality, that thing that feminists claim to want) my brother and since a long time now, in the relationship business agreement known as marriage, men do in fact get the shaft!
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
This is my perspective, from having obsessed and having been obsessed over:

I think that you may be obsessing about who you want them to be and not who they actually are.

That imaginary person they represent is extremely desirable, and the more you want them, and the more you can't have them, the more desirable they become, and the cycle keeps going. Once you "got" them, if you did, there's a good chance you'd be enamored for a while, then end up hating them for not being the fantasy.

Part of breaking out of the cycle for me was realizing people have a right to choose who they do and don't want to be with. I value my right to choose, and if someone doesn't choose me, while it may not feel good, I respect their right. That keeps me from getting butt hurt and taking it personally. It helps me to handle rejection and not "winning." And it keeps me from being envious of others who have what I do not, which is about false perceptions of them and about envy, which to me feels like a small and petty child inside who hates others who have, and it's this same small and petty child who obsesses over having the object in the fantasy, who hates all of them, really. I helped the child grow up, appreciate autonomy, appreciate and enjoy what I already do have, even if it isn't much, and to be happy for others even if I don't have what they do or if they don't want me. They're allowed to have what they have, and they're allowed to not want me.

I wouldn't hate someone if I liked chocolate and they didn't. At the risk of someone sexualizing this metaphor (and I ask that no one does), I can't make someone like my personal flavor, but I did learn to work with, adjust, enhance, and really like my own flavor, which is good because I'm stuck with it whether I want it or not. In the end I'm happier to be alone if I can't find someone who wants me exactly as I am, and whom I can't accept and don't want exactly as they are. If their flavor is off or not to my preference, even though they look great from the outside, I can't change it and I'll drive myself and them crazy trying. I've been driven to distraction by others wanting me to be a different flavor or insisting I am a different flavor. So, are you chasing the flavor you want but isn't that flavor and never will be? That to me is obsessing.
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Born to lose
May 22, 2020
Thanks for your replies everyone. @GoodPersonEffed in particular that was a great response. I feel I'm at a maturity level where I completely agree with you and can indeed put things more in better perspectives nowadays - and you're almost certainly right about me projecting who I want them to be - HOWEVER, I still feel like how a lot of the other responses were saying: that a lot of it is about 'game', and me having no real 'game', it gets frustrating never getting to find out how they will inevitably disappoint me lol.

So currently I'm over my last major obsession but there's a few potentials and I can already see how easily I could slip. What tends to happen when I think there might be an interest on her side is I just send a friendly message or two, she replies once or twice, and then shuts the hell up. I don't send further messages. Sometimes she will reply again weeks down the line, sometimes not. But more often than not I don't feel like I ever get to find out whether or not she was ever into my 'flavour', as @GoodPersonEffed put it.

It's the open-endedness that frustrates me the most.
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Jul 12, 2020
Get over it, because it is a waste of Important energy and It reduces your view of Important things for example what you csn achieve without her. Besides you may destroy to lifes hers and yours if you Start to push you into her life. Dont do it. Just feel happy for her . IT is the only way to get over it. I dont mean it to offend english isnt so good


Jul 16, 2020
Thanks for your replies everyone. @GoodPersonEffed in particular that was a great response. I feel I'm at a maturity level where I completely agree with you and can indeed put things more in better perspectives nowadays - and you're almost certainly right about me projecting who I want them to be - HOWEVER, I still feel like how a lot of the other responses were saying: that a lot of it is about 'game', and me having no real 'game', it gets frustrating never getting to find out how they will inevitably disappoint me lol.

So currently I'm over my last major obsession but there's a few potentials and I can already see how easily I could slip. What tends to happen when I think there might be an interest on her side is I just send a friendly message or two, she replies once or twice, and then shuts the hell up. I don't send further messages. Sometimes she will reply again weeks down the line, sometimes not. But more often than not I don't feel like I ever get to find out whether or not she was ever into my 'flavour', as @GoodPersonEffed put it.

It's the open-endedness that frustrates me the most.
Na , I'm not talking about you not having game, in fact I criticized GAME. Theres games that are fun and good for those that participate and then there's the nasty ones. That's why I at times capitalized all the letters.

Anyway, happy that a good comment was made for you to relate with and maybe help you along with the issue. I will meditate on your comments here for abit, let them digest and probably post further on the subject sometime later.

For now, its about time for me to get some sleep. I was recently in the hospital and didnt get enough, just sorely lacking and feeling it. GN SS
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Thanks for your replies everyone. @GoodPersonEffed in particular that was a great response. I feel I'm at a maturity level where I completely agree with you and can indeed put things more in better perspectives nowadays - and you're almost certainly right about me projecting who I want them to be - HOWEVER, I still feel like how a lot of the other responses were saying: that a lot of it is about 'game', and me having no real 'game', it gets frustrating never getting to find out how they will inevitably disappoint me lol.

So currently I'm over my last major obsession but there's a few potentials and I can already see how easily I could slip. What tends to happen when I think there might be an interest on her side is I just send a friendly message or two, she replies once or twice, and then shuts the hell up. I don't send further messages. Sometimes she will reply again weeks down the line, sometimes not. But more often than not I don't feel like I ever get to find out whether or not she was ever into my 'flavour', as @GoodPersonEffed put it.

It's the open-endedness that frustrates me the most.

I'm glad you got value from anything I said. I'm enjoying this conversation and the thread.

I want to respond to your comment. Please forgive if I sound at all preachy or like I'm spouting feel-good platitudes. I'm into what I'm saying, but it's just my opinions and perpsective, imperfect, fallible, and not universally applicable.

I think people in general don't know or respect themselves. They reject things about themselves rather than accepting and working with them. They put on false fronts and hide things, and sometimes present themselves as only what they like about themselves, or as other than they are so as not to be vulnerable. But then they have to put so much effort into maintaining the false front, and their genuine needs don't get met because they're hiding them and not allowing them to get met. They don't give someone else a chance to reject them because they've already rejected themselves. They even hide themselves from themeselves, as if it's something to be ashamed of.

This feeds into the Game. Everyone is going after something with other people who also have false fronts. No one gets to what is genuine. It's all self-manipulation and attempts at other-manipulation. Any satisfaction is fleeting because it's not meeting genuine needs. There's no connection, only false connecting with false, and blocking access to what's real. It's sideways approaches rather than direct. Direct can get rejected.

If you're getting ghosted after a few communications, it's not so much open-ended to me, but passively ended. If there's not been any real investment in exploring the connection, I think it's okay to just stop communicating, especially if one feels awkward and just doesn't know how to assertively say, "Thanks but no." If that person comes back when they feel like it, it's not your flavor they're going for. They want you to feed them in some other way, indirectly. This can be a subconscious manipulation or it can be outright manipulation. They don't want what's been offered, they want attention or being made to feel good, and when you want something genuine, they'll get offended, redirect, do something to get you off balance and go back to agreeing to their way or they'll discard...and maybe come back again later to feed some more.

Personally, if there's been some investment in exploring a new friendship or romantic relationship, and I find I don't want to invest further, I'll tell them directly. I only don't tell them if I get a vibe that they are in some way unsafe for me, if they already don't hear my no, and I just end contact without telling them. But I've found that people have a hard time with directness, too. They'll complain about ghosting and hate that treatement, and they'll also hate having been directly rejected, though I try to make it clear I"m not rejecting them, but the connection, which is not going to work for me, which doesn't satisfy. Either way, they're going to dislike the rejection, but at least when I state it's over, that I choose not to pursue it further, they know it's over. I don't go back and try again, I know it's not working, that's been sufficiently proven. Digging for nuggets of gold in a shitpile doesn't change that it's a shitpile, or make it as valuable as gold just because there's gold in it. What they do with my telling them assertively and not unkindly is up to them (I don't tell them it's a shitpile, nor that there was gold), but at least there's not the discomfort of not knowing, and holding on to hopes and expectations that I will never meet. I may or may not tell them something about them that I can no longer deal with, it depends on how open we've been with each other, and if it's something truly harmful to them and their relationships that it would serve them to know. Either way, they'll probably reject at first. I'm not harming them, though. It may hurt to know the truth, but the truth does not harm. I try to not be harmful in the telling, to not wound when I do it. It's taken a lot of conscious effort and practice to be able to do this. Sometimes I have harmed. I've learned, and try to do better going forward, because I know I've got the idea right, just learning how to do it with finesse. It's never fully comfortable, I have to work out my own feelings and recover somewhat, but to me it feels grounded and right to do the right thing in spite of discomfort.

Disconnecting and coming back later is a dangling carrot. It throws the other person off balance. It's false promises, and it sets up feelings like addiction. A person with self-respect can recognize that the other person's behavior doesn't feel good, and that any subsequent behaviors from them will also not feel good and there will be no genuine satisfaction. They've already revealed how they're going to disappoint (but I get that you may need or want to experience this, it's one thing for me to tell you, it's another to know for yourself). One can walk away from the toxic connection. They can say to themselves, "That person's actions don't feel good. I wish them well. I'm moving away from them and moving on." Of course there are still feelings of rejection, but there's also a gift in knowing that if one had handed their heart to that other person, that person would not have treated it well, they were about treating themselves, and one got free of certain future pain and torment. Even if it takes a while to get to this point, one doesn't have to beat themselves up for any pain and torment they experienced, they woke up to what was going on and got free from additional and certain future pain and torment. The more emotionally invested one is, the more pain and torment. Like a drug, one may get some good highs, but the suffering builds and isn't worth it, and eventually will strongly outweigh the highs. The highs are just highs, they're not something real. Both the highs and the pain are passions that throw one off balance.*

Your flavor is gourmet and for discerning tastes. One doesn't make the effort of a gourmet meal to serve it at a child's party. The kids will munch it down the same as they would fast food, not like it nearly as much, and probably throw it around, play with it, chew it up and show each other their full mouths -- do everything with it except for what it was meant for (an awkward metaphor): appreciation of the flavor and the effort that went into it, appreciation of how the flavor blends with and enhances their own, appreciation of how that flavor is enhanced in return, and appreciation for how it is good for digestion, with lots of nutrients. I get that you may want to serve to kids for a while and experience for yourself what they'll do with it, but I hope you'll remember that you're still gourmet. The more you know that, the more likely you can enjoy your own flavor even if no one else is appreciating it. Seeing it unappreciated reveals much about who you're serving it to, and it's not bad to have that experience. They're just kids, though even a few kids can be sociopaths, but they're still just kids, one doesn't have to hate a kid for being a kid, but they certainly don't have to hang out with them to get their needs met; kids are all about getting their own needs met, they don't yet have the capacity to meet others', let alone recognize them. If I could hope for you, which is not my right but yours, I would hope you won't tweak your flavor to make it acceptable to unrefined palates, but instead use the experience to make your flavor even more refined.

* "When in the grip of passionate emotions, we run the risk of being blind to the best course of action." (Epictetus)

"Those who are without skill and sense as to how they should live, like sick people whose bodies can endure neither heat nor cold, are elated by good fortune and depressed by adversity; and they are greatly disturbed by both, or rather by themselves in both, and not less in those circumstances called good." (Plutarch) [Please note one gets skill and sense by the practice of living, we aren't born knowing how to do complex things, we learn by trying, failing, trying some more, succeeding, and then continuing, if we choose to, to strive toward excellence, like an athlete who aspires to be an Olympian.]
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Born to lose
May 22, 2020
Thanks @GoodPersonEffed, you've certainly brightened my day. I've definitely tried to hide the nerdier aspects of who I am, say (though I've started letting go of that recently), and I know all too well the addiction-lite feeling of the dangling carrot you spoke of. I guess I just haven't met a genuine match yet, painful though that is to face up to. I mean it all basically drove me to alcoholism in my 20s/early 30s, and in that mess who the hell even knows what's genuine? Heartache is always a good excuse for a bender, though.

But we live and learn...

Anyway I guess I'm in more of a place of recovery this week than I realised: I don't feel too bad about any of it right now; I feel more like I don't need to fall down that old trap again. It's kind of weird, even though this is but a small part of the story, I've found I've not been obsessing about suicide (or women) all day...

And @Zhontafly yeah I guess I misread your posts. The problem I see though is this: how d'you know who's playing and, if they are, how d'you know what they are playing???
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Nov 6, 2018
Whether due to being out of my league, having a boyfriend, or some vast geographical distance, I only seem to find women attractive who I can't have. And whether or not due to having OCD, I then fixate on them and drive myself crazy, like some kind of romantic masochist. And finally I use it as 'the same old story' part of my reasoning for cbt.

How d'you get out of a pattern like this?

I was like that. Then in my 30s I finally was having sex with really really good looking women. Yet, after 3 or 4 weeks, the sex would start getting routine and the passion would lessen.

That was the pattern for me during my early-mid 30s. Then, got married to someone that also one would think was out of my league. Now, 15yrs later, we rarely have sex. We're still good to one another (usually), but there's no passion.

Such is life for most people. Novelty gone and sex becomes meh.

If you can have sex with a few great looking women, it will be out of your system. Then, what matters, is life-parnnership: can you make one another's life better.
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Jun 16, 2020
I can totally relate. There is a beautiful, young woman working at a local bottle store. When I first saw her she appeared to be flirting with me, but I must be mistaken, because on subsequent visits she paid me no attention.

The number of men who have access to beautiful women is low. In my grade in high school there were approximately 160 students. We can assume 80 are female. There wasn't a single girl among them that I would describe as 'beautiful'. There was a girl who could be said to be bordering on it, but that's it. There was a girl in the grade above who was beautiful. We could conclude from this that only about 1 in 160 women are beautiful. I think they be rarer still because I don't recall seeing any beautiful girls in the youngest and oldest grades either.

So what percentage of men have access to this 1 in 200 women? Whatever it is, it's very low. I take solace knowing the overwhelming majority of men are in the same boat I am.


May 14, 2020
Whether due to being out of my league, having a boyfriend, or some vast geographical distance, I only seem to find women attractive who I can't have. And whether or not due to having OCD, I then fixate on them and drive myself crazy, like some kind of romantic masochist. And finally I use it as 'the same old story' part of my reasoning for cbt.

How d'you get out of a pattern like this?
Groucho Marx's remark about clubs springs to mind-I guess this may be a manifestation of low self esteem. You only want them if they seem "too good" to want you, but if they did want you, maybe they'd seem less good. I can only sympathise and hope if your self worth improves this will stop
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Feb 8, 2019
"You with your veins full of night — you have no more place among men than an epitaph in the middle of a circus." Cioran

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