
Aug 18, 2020
I wish I could watch it live. But where I live it will be 2:45 a.m. And well my mental health is more important than this debate. I wonder whether they will put these two old grandpas on uppers or downers to make them alive for these two hours.

Who do you think will win? Who was better (after the debate)?

I hope and think maybe Biden will win the debate. Everything will be considered a win if he knows where he is and does not shit himself on air. (hyperbole)

I am pretty excited.
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Jun 16, 2024
If Biden performs like he did at the last State of the Union, I think he'll win. He's been preparing for the last couple of weeks while Trump has been mainly campaigning.


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
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I'd like to shut down
Mar 13, 2024
from what i saw of highlights, trump won. had harder points.this is what happens when you try to turn the guy into oj simpson while disregarding the reasons his supporters vote for him, ffs


Banned troll.
Jun 26, 2024
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
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May 5, 2021
Trump is like an extreme version of Biden.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
You're kidding, right? Trump is a literal fascist - how on earth are they equally bad?

Eqully bd as candid8ts - am nt specfyng morlly

USA = @ th/ stge whre thy r choosng betwn - lke u sd - a fascst & an 81 y/o wh/ cld nt pt propr sentncs 2gthr - thse r thr choics fr th/ nxt 'leadr of th/ free wrld'

Uk = nt mch bettr bt @ least = nt as cartoonsh as wht usa = xperncng atm
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May 5, 2021
Eqully bd as candid8ts - am nt specfyng morlly

USA = @ th/ stge whre thy r choosng betwn - lke u sd - a fascst & an 81 y/o wh/ cld nt pt propr sentncs 2gthr - thse r thr choics fr th/ nxt 'leadr of th/ free wrld'

Uk = nt mch bettr bt @ least = nt as cartoonsh as wht usa = xperncng atm
I don't think they are equally bad. Trump unironically wants to turn America into a fascist state. Biden may have dementia but he's very moderate.


Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
I don't think they are equally bad. Trump unironically wants to turn America into a fascist state. Biden may have dementia but he's very moderate.

Slf wld obvsly prefr demcrts t/ win bt usa = scrapng th/ barrll

Am jst sayng tht persnlly slf thnk tht thy r bth terrble candid8ts & fnd intrstng hw usa poltcs hs reachd tht pnt
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Jun 16, 2024
If Biden performs like he did at the last State of the Union, I think he'll win. He's been preparing for the last couple of weeks while Trump has been mainly campaigning.
Well, I was dead wrong. Biden was almost like a zombie.


Life and Death
Feb 14, 2024
It seems that Biden has made a bad impression, they are even considering whether to replace him.


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
You're kidding, right? Trump is a literal fascist - how on earth are they equally bad?
Both are bad, very bad, in different ways. Biden is a senile paedophile who is very relaxed on the matter of ethinic cleansing being undertaken by a US satellite state, his place in hell is very much assured and if this is the best "least worst" candidate the Dems can offer they absolutely do not deserve to win an election. This is the end result of the dems spending a decade stomping on social movements of the left in order to retain positions of proximity to both political and corporate power, nobody owes them their vote purely on the basis that the other guy is worse - l say this as someone who has regularly voted "least worst" up until the point these pinstriped west-wingers did their damnedest to ensure Corbyn was defeated when it was their turn to hold *their* nose, but we all deserve better at election time than being guilt-tripped into voting for some glistening sleaze just because the other guy is worse. This is why liberals will always pick a fascist over a socialist, their political survival depends on being the "least worst" at all times.
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May 5, 2021
Both are bad, very bad, in different ways. Biden is a senile paedophile who is very relaxed on the matter of ethinic cleansing being undertaken by a US satellite state, his place in hell is very much assured and if this is the best "least worst" candidate the Dems can offer they absolutely do not deserve to win an election. This is the end result of the dems spending a decade stomping on social movements of the left in order to retain positions of proximity to both political and corporate power, nobody owes them their vote purely on the basis that the other guy is worse - l say this as someone who has regularly voted "least worst" up until the point these pinstriped west-wingers did their damnedest to ensure Corbyn was defeated when it was their turn to hold *their* nose, but we all deserve better at election time than being guilt-tripped into voting for some glistening sleaze just because the other guy is worse. This is why liberals will always pick a fascist over a socialist, their political survival depends on being the "least worst" at all times.
"Biden's a pedophile" is the average Trumpist take.


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
"Biden's a pedophile" is the average Trumpist take.
I am very aware that his obvious proclivities, rather like his absence of mental competence, is something we have to pretend does not exist because Trump is worse but I'm not playing, demand better imo.
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May 5, 2021
I am very aware that his obvious proclivities, rather like his absence of mental competence, is something we have to pretend does not exist because Trump is worse but I'm not playing, demand better imo.
What makes Biden a pedo?


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
What makes Biden a pedo?
Haven't you seen the numerous video footage of him touching young girls inappropriately and, weirdly, sniffing their hair? Creepy af


May 5, 2021
Haven't you seen the numerous video footage of him touching young girls inappropriately and, weirdly, sniffing their hair? Creepy af
Right-wingers obviously made him look perverted by cutting an old clip in a certain way, and providing no context.


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Right-wingers obviously made him look perverted by cutting an old clip in a certain way, and providing no context.
Do agree that context should be provided when a horny old goat is sniffing pre-pubescent girls hair tbf.

Assuming he is not a creep (which he is)*, under what circumstances would anyone vote for someone so obviously fucking senile without the premise that the other guy is worse? What positive argument can be made for another Biden term beyond the IF YOU DON'T GET IN LINE AND VOTE YOU'LL BE TO BLAME WHEN TRUMP GETS IN rhetoric which went down so well in 2016?

* joe biden is a creep
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⦿ ⦿
Jul 31, 2023
I'm European so my stake in the US politics is small. But I think the third candidate (whoever that may be, not Trump/Biden) must seize this opportunity and win this election.


Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Both are bad, very bad, in different ways. Biden is a senile paedophile who is very relaxed on the matter of ethinic cleansing being undertaken by a US satellite state, his place in hell is very much assured and if this is the best "least worst" candidate the Dems can offer they absolutely do not deserve to win an election. This is the end result of the dems spending a decade stomping on social movements of the left in order to retain positions of proximity to both political and corporate power, nobody owes them their vote purely on the basis that the other guy is worse - l say this as someone who has regularly voted "least worst" up until the point these pinstriped west-wingers did their damnedest to ensure Corbyn was defeated when it was their turn to hold *their* nose, but we all deserve better at election time than being guilt-tripped into voting for some glistening sleaze just because the other guy is worse. This is why liberals will always pick a fascist over a socialist, their political survival depends on being the "least worst" at all times.

Am crious as t/ hw th/ wrld wld lk nw if th/ Demcrts dd nt stiff Brnie Sandrs in favr of Hillry
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⦿ ⦿
Jul 31, 2023
Am crious as t/ hw th/ wrld wld lk nw if th/ Demcrts dd nt stiff Brnie Sandrs in favr of Hillry
Damn, totally forgot about Sanders! He wrote a very interesting book on the late stage of capitalism: uber-capitalism. I only read a few pages but it seemed quite an interesting book.


May 5, 2021
Do agree that context should be provided when a horny old goat is sniffing pre-pubescent girls hair tbf.
So, let's say that a father sniffs or kisses his daughter's hair... that's creepy?


Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Damn, totally forgot about Sanders! He wrote a very interesting book on the late stage of capitalism. I only read a few pages but it seemed quite an interesting book.

Frm slf recllectn h/ ernd mre vtes in primries etc & shld hve bn nomn8td as Demcratc candid8 bt ws riggd t/ gt Clintn in wh/ evry1 h8tes

H/ cmes acrss as smrt persn wth as mch authnticty as cld b xpectd frm a polticn

So, let's say that a father sniffs or kisses his daughter's hair... that's creepy?

Th/ childrn tht h/ ws smellng wre nt hs
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Who was the child then? Probably a family member or someone he knows.
None of them were, idk, maybe next time you go out you should fondle and sniff any girls under the age of ten that you encounter and gauge the reaction, hell they may even make you president
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
None of them were, idk, maybe next time you go out you should fondle and sniff any girls under the age of ten that you encounter and gauge the reaction, hell they may even make you president

If nt temptd b/ tht thn jst rpe & asslt sme adlt womn insted & wll stll hve a trm in th/ offce