

2x Failed CTB Member
Jun 10, 2022
I finally got enough money and found another slightly cheaper source for SN and it should be here in at most, the next week. I still have pets to take care of and I'll be alone until the 26th so I'm planning on going on the 21st. I'm finally going. I think I want to try and update here at least once everyday until then. That's all I have to say.
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Skinning my arm to feel something
Aug 28, 2024
If that's your decision i hope everything goes well, may you rest well.
And, if you don't mind me asking, do you have someone to take care of your pets for you?
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I wish you all the best, I hope you find the peace you search for.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I hope you find peace soon regardless of what you do
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2x Failed CTB Member
Jun 10, 2022
Update: My Meclizine arrived today. I'm relieved. All I have to wait for is my SN. I'm filled with resentment and hate and tiredness that I can't do it anymore. I'm somehow calm despite feeling all of this inside. I'm just going to die alone. And I'm okay with that. Because the people who have abused me will never be sorry, I will never never forgive them even once I'm gone. Because they don't care whether I'm dead or alive, I'll hate them.
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2x Failed CTB Member
Jun 10, 2022
Update: I forgot to post yesterday. But, nothing happened. I've only tried cleaning around my house but that's about it. I still need to finish my note and I finally started it not too long ago, but I've run out of energy again to continue writing it. I also feel the need to tell my life story over again, I think in an effort to try to re-claim it my own before I go. I know for a fact there will be a lot said after I'm gone and the people who'll be doing the most talking and the least (somehow at the same time) will be the people who have done the most damage. I've been pushed off the edge. I've been abused for long enough and I am tired. Life is not easy and I am weak. But, I still tried. I did try. I tried listening to others' guidance and I even tried listening to my own in spite of the "loop" my life seems to be on. I've tried getting better multiple times and made my efforts at surviving and obviously, I've just barely survived everything. I made my attempts obviously. And the only thing I regret is them not succeeding. I could've avoided so much if I had died the first time. Because of what's happened, I've given up entirely to the point where I've put myself in dangerous and self-harming and humiliating situations I wouldn't have before because I've been forced to forget who I am. I have been shown it's not important, that it will never matter more than who other people think I am does. I tried "reviving" myself, but I don't have any interest anymore. The only reasons I have pro-longed my life is because of my friends, because of my two cousins who are basically like siblings to me. They are the only people who care. They have been the only people to treat me like a human being. With them, I am safe. They are safe. Things are calm and things are healthy. They do what they can for me and I try my best to do what I can as well. I know it's not much. They claim otherwise but I'm just hopeful I've been helpful somehow.

I still wait around for the apologies I think I "deserve" and have ignored everyone telling me that karma is real in efforts to get me to let my guard down. It contradicts them also telling me to forgive them without an apology. But if I'm making this about deserving, they don't deserve it. I always thought that I never knew or was taught how to forgive or just that I wasn't capable of it, but that's proven not to be true. I know how to forgive someone who's wronged me because I've done it before with a proper apology. With the people who have wronged me and apologized taking accountability for what they've done entirely and I've been able to move on. That's been something that is really rare for me to come by. I haven't experienced it from family. I have only experienced it once or maybe twice from people outside. Other than that, it has been blaming me for being weak, blaming what has happened to them to excuse them abusing me, constantly coming up with excuses as to why it was and will never be their fault. So, resentment has only built up and simmered. It's died down and boiled back over the top and I'm sure they get something out of it.

Some have said they are sorry, followed up with why I am to blame for them cheating. For them emotionally and mentally abusing me and threatening to beat me in a "joke". I've heard "I'm sorry" followed up with the fact they are not perfect for them physically beating me (with a belt) for things that were not my fault since I was child. They would apologize afterwards, promising it would never happen again and things would improve, things would change and it would only happen again. They get angry at me for being skeptical at them for everything. For staying on my guard around them even though I don't have any reason not to. They have scared me into submission. I don't fight or I didn't fight for a long time. They are the same person to criticize me after attempting, downplaying my reasons along with my cousins who have tried as well. They've failed to defend me in arguments with other family when they know I'm speaking the truth and told me to comply with them; Their only reason being that we would move out of their house soon and that I should comply until then. That we would continue to run away. When it comes to family, detaching and letting go is more than difficult. My family has denied me everything they've done to me and my siblings or downplayed it. I've said everything that needs to be said to them and don't miss being in that situation. I have never been apologized to for the rape and sexual abuse I've gone through with others when I was a child and I don't wait around for them to apologize. I don't wait around for them to say they did what they did.

Now, I am tired and I don't have anymore care to continue living. It takes an effort just to choose to get better and it takes strength and want to continue living. I don't have that anymore.

It's easiest for me to take the blame, even though I falter in and out of it as my emotions go up and down on everything that's happened in my life. When you've seen your parent get abused and then they abuse you, it is hard to get angry. It is hard not to be to at least try being there with them physically so they are reminded they aren't alone. But I have had little to no sympathy from them about the abuse I have been out through and they nearly went as far to say that it was my fault, that I've allowed them to do what they did to me, I chose to let them do it (specifically referring to me being emotionally abused and cheated on).
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2x Failed CTB Member
Jun 10, 2022
Update: It's hard for me to remember to update everyday. I think about it during the day but a lot of the time, I just let it go because I barely have any energy to write anything a lot of the time.
I think being cheated on has un-done a lot of progress I made. I think the most surprising thing it's done to me is make me hate my skin color and race. I was cheated on with a white girl and he also spoke with only other white girls, even including his female friends. Even if they were not white, they pass as white. I can't. I'm Asian, Black, and Hispanic. I'm not dark-skinned or very brown. I'm relatively light-skinned but not enough to pass. In grade school, I went through what I've heard a lot of other people of color go through at least at once in their lives which is their phase of trying to look white. But, I really wanted to be it.

I wanted to get my hands on Kojic Acid soap and I would hyperventilate if my mom said she couldn't straighten my hair before I left for school or if I didn't have enough time to do my makeup before school. It eventually got to the point where I genuinely couldn't tell if I was looking back at myself in the mirror or at someone else. I don't miss that time. Anyways, by now I have cut off the friends who ruined my esteem and I did find friends who made me feel more secure in my own race and color. I was happy and I was proud to be who I was.

I'm not saying being cheated on has ruined that entirely because I do sometimes feel proud to be who I am racially, but a lot of the time, I feel like there's a lot of self-hate and shame lingering. Unfortunately, I wish I could hide my color sometimes so that some white male would accept me with more than sexual intent. I feel like that's all that will happen at the end of the day. I will not be white enough. I am not good enough, and I can always be better, I can always give more. Sometimes, I still feel like ripping my own skin off, I find it repulsive to look at when I see myself sometimes. It only reminds me of what's happened. I'm not saying that it's other people of color who I think are ugly, it's that I am not. I think it's just me hating myself and that's it's me I hate seeing. I can't even look at myself without being reminded of everything that's happened and I can't take it anymore.
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2x Failed CTB Member
Jun 10, 2022
Update: I thought about updating again a little while ago, but I didn't really feel like typing a lot. Now, I only have 5 days left. I got everything I need. I'm just waiting for a bit for my two pets so they won't be alone for a while.
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Even the stars make room for new stars
Sep 3, 2024
It's so sad that the color of your skin makes you feel inferior or unhappy in some way.

Just remember that if we were all white or the same color, humans would come up with a way to separate us anyway, like discriminating people with smaller ears than the rest or bigger eyes. It's really totally random and has nothing to do with your value as a person.

I sympathize with your feelings about your past relationships though.. that must be hard. There are good people out there though. And good men. And you only need to find one.


2x Failed CTB Member
Jun 10, 2022
Update: These last 4 days are starting to feel like they're longer than the rest. I haven't gone out because I am too scared and too comfortable in my fear. It's been hard. I can barely sleep anymore and I try to avoid the silence as much as possible I've realized. I just need to go over the procedure and then I know I'll succeed. I don't know what's happened to me. But soon, I'll be gone so I won't have to worry.
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2x Failed CTB Member
Jun 10, 2022
Update: I took my pills and I just have to wait one hour for them to start working and then I'll drink the SN, but this has failed before and I'm terrified of waking up. I've nearly spent all my money again and I have nothing going for me. I'm scared I'll be put into a hospital where I'll be treated terribly or that I will no longer be able to be left alone after this. I'm terrified I'll have to keep living. I'm not sure I even want to say goodbye to my ex anymore. He treated me terribly and doesn't care about how I am via what he's done.
I just really hope this works like everyone else here that's doing this.
And like last time, I don't want to feel like I'm alone while I'm doing this or that no one knows I've gone.
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Reactions: Plato'sCaveDweller, Interloper, ihateearth and 2 others


Aug 13, 2024
We respect your decision. Whatever you decide, let us know. All my support through this screen.
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Aug 22, 2023
May you travel well. May you reach home soon.
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Aug 18, 2024
I wanted to get my hands on Kojic Acid soap and I would hyperventilate if my mom said she couldn't straighten my hair before I left for school or if I didn't have enough time to do my makeup before school.
The world is so cruel for so many horrible, pointless reasons. This breaks my heart.

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