• Hey Guest,

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Apr 3, 2024
My SN Regimen

Day 1
8:00 pm - Last clear liquid intake
Day 2
11:45 am - Last meal
10:00 pm - 100mg = Amitriptyline
23:45 pm - 25g SN (Dissolved in water)

My time is near and I would never leave without posting the following:

About me:
I was born in a low income poor neighbourhood. My parents absolutely detested eachother, till this day, now divorced (but still at war). The dude was an alcoholic, he would get so heavily drunk that he would pee on himself, the woman was no better, she slept with her husband's friends on numerous occasions. The household was extremely violent, I remember how she would hide all kitchen knives just before a big fight with his husband, this continued to happen for years, this thought alone is just spine-chilling till this day. I experienced all kinds of abuse (except sexual). But I pushed through in high school and college (working double shifts on weekends). My goal and drive was to move out and never have to see those people in my life again and just focus on my healing.

I worked double shifts on Weekends at college and I managed to graduate in record time (computer engineering). I Struggled to secure a job despite my qualifications, and my childhood traumas got triggered and I found myself struggling with suicidal ideation and self-harming.

Parents separated and I chose to live with her while busy trying to get a job. She found a boyfriend and decided to kick me out. I struggled psychologically and financially, but I persevered, soldiered on. I decided to start driving full time with an e-hailing app out of pure economic necessity, while learning how to make money online on the financial markets. I was very determined and disciplined, working and studying 7 days a week - I had saved up funds and begun working on my investments portfolio, financial assets I was going to invest in, and then out of nowhere; crash, shattered windows, shattered bones, shattered plans, shattered life. I experienced the most mind blowing pain from that car crash (drunk driver). Long road to an excruciating recovery and loss of all my savings in medical bills, therapy and healing whilst living alone with barely any help.

I experienced Murphy's law, everything went on an insane downward spiral. Those violent people (dysfunctional family) found me, I didn't even know they are busy looking for me. After a year of struggling with recovery I was forced to make a difficult decision to move back with that dude I am biologically related to (it feels unnatural to call him my father). While busy with my recovery and motor Accident Compensation Claims (funds that were meant assist me with recovery), plots by relatives and that woman who gave birth to me were busy being made to have me move back with her and have me killed and inherit the money, she has apparently killed her brother in law and cashed in on life insurance, there's a growing trend in Insurance murders where I live, is not unheard of for someone to wipe out their entire family (kids, husband and close relatives) to cash in on life insurance, these kinds of murders are all over the news.

The attempts failed but I didn't walk away unscathed, I got severely injured from those attempts, inflicting further damage to my already damaged psyche. I relocated and stayed with a patenal uncle (the sibling of the 'brother in law' who got slayed for insurance money). After a month of living with him he noticed my deteriorating health and decided that he doesn't want me dying in his house and so he kick me out, but he was kind enough to give me a place (an old place he had bought but failed to renovate) to go and die, he literally told me this. He keeps sending messages every week to check if I am dead yet, in a dark twisted way - this place is very convenient for the purpose of CTB since I live alone here.

My poor health keeps reminding me I have to leave this deteriorating body: my eyes are burning, skin is peeling off on both my hands (very painful experience), there's painful sores in my mouth (similar to mouth ulcers), chronic pain frim fractures, I am always indoors bedridden, it is quite challenging to execute even the simplest tasks like: bathing, even typing on this thread is quite a challenge.

But why are all these happening to me, why me? Why not you? You are on Earth and you are not exempt from the human Earth experiences, the experience of separation, the most challenging thing for a being. What we are all busy doing here is nothing short of mastery.

@Mi Mi Several weeks ago I chose to abort my CTB, after our conversation I elected to postpone my departure and focus on summoning up all the strength I possibly can summon up with the intend to give you all the emotional support you were going to need to overcome your SI and exit, we were both shaking and in tears. You were shaking out of fear that your exit will fail and I told you that you are not going to fail this time, and this I know - I know this cause I am shaking from intense fear and instinctive knowing that you are going to die soon, and you did. When I read this "MiMi is unresponsive. It is safe to assume she has passed", I got shredded, I cried, I was barely able to function in the days that followed, I hardly posted anything on the forum since your exit, I have taken many traumatic hits through out my life and your exit was the final blow, the final pain and I elected to experience that pain just as you chose to reach out and help a complete stranger thousand and thousands of kilometres away, who was scared and in a lot of pain, despite your own ongoing challenges and deeply traumatic past experiences.

To be in such a dark place, engulfed in unbearable pain and still find it in your torn heart to love, to display kindness to another, that was nothing short of a beautiful display of love - a beautiful display of love I was deeply honoured to mirror it back to you Chemere. Will be joining you soon MiMi I can't wait to meet you again in our true radiant, prestine form absent of any pain. Love you beyond time and space MiMi❤️💖🌹❤️💜

A being torn apart by pain, completely shredded and yet still be able to express and extend love to another, this is powerful as it is beautiful to witness. This the main point of my Goodbye Thread. You who are here are all powerful and very very very important to creation, for your experiences and bravery to incarnate on this extremely challenging planet. It will all make sense once you done with your Earth experiences and return back to your expanded awareness, your higher consciousness, you will then see and marvel at what you have achieved here. I have had glimpse of these higher dimensional realities and the following resonates with the knowing I had in my higher divine state, a state you all will be returning to sooner or later:

You are very very very important:
"This whole reality, and all inside it, comes from oneness. And this is so in the most real and practical sense. At the time of what is now understood to be "the Big Bang", all was oneness. All the matter and consciousness of this whole universe entered this reality from oneness and began to expand into density and separation. If you see things like that then you will understand that the fall from grace began at the Big Bang and has been on-going since then. Deeper and deeper into density and separation life has fallen. Many, many little steps down it has taken. And this was not by mistake! This is in response to the ONE seeking the answer to the question, "What if I were not one.... what if I were many?" But the underlying point is that consciousness, in this universe, began at a high point, a point of oneness, a point of creatorhood, and from there it plummeted down, down, down, into utter separation and total victimhood. It has accomplished this fall in a sequence of steps and the final step is this one: your planetary civilisation here on Earth has achieved the ultimate in separation and victim-consciousness. The level of belief in the separation of the divine Creator from Its creation that has been possible for this present human civilisation upon planet Earth is profound indeed. You, beloved human beings of planet Earth, have accomplished this most impossibly, painfully difficult of all tasks." - The Ascension papers

"When you complete the Earth experience, all of those lessons then are upgraded and infiltrated into a positive format of lessons and experiences for all species and all beings throughout the universes. That is important, those upgrades. Do you understand the significances of life after Earth, beyond, when you have experienced all the lessons, and are well aware of how seductive the control systems have gotten so far (in how they are using all of their tricks and tools to distract you all)? While we have been trying to get your attention without breaching your free will and without breaking the law of non-interference, you will see from our perspective how extraordinarily marvelous this life Earth experience and all Earth experiences are, a powerful lesson for all. Make no mistake in thinking it will occur again at this level, because once the universes experience and learn off other Earth experiences (other planet experiences), you don't devolve. The universe's conscious collective experiences of awareness is always expanding, not imploding. It's not possible for these lessons to go unnoticed, and as the finalizations of all Earth experiences are coming to an end and a conclusion, then that can be shared universally. Do you understand the significance of that? Do you understand that everything that you're doing here to hold the higher frequency, to learn and explore and overcome and heal from, is significant for all Souls, all Souls? This is a ripple out effect beyond Earth, beyond the collectives you are aware of. Do you understand that grand significance? Do you understand the significance of you playing the role, and all the records of everything you've done and perceived and overcome and grown from and healed from, is being recorded, collected?" - The Convoluted Concept of Being Human" - The Ascension papers

"You are here to enable the divine purpose of the Universe to unfold. That is how important you are" - Eckhart Tolle

"I wish you to understand that the work of re-creation of the Self (which is what you are doing here) is challenging indeed. Every single human being on planet Earth is already held in the very highest regard by those of the higher realms and other realities precisely because of the profundity of the task that you have, collectively and individually, willingly shouldered. And this work of the transformation of conscious is the very cutting edge of the miracle that is the experiment called "humanity".

"It has been a great purpose of lessons learned being here on 3D planet Earth. But it hasn't evolved as it should have. The lessons have been hard and traumatic. Being in the fifth dimension, the lessons that will be learned will be different, but very purposeful. It will be less traumatic. There will be no traumatic events. And all the lessons that they've learned here will be in their records — so that they will never forget the trauma, the hardship, and the heartache. And they will be able to help others and other planets and other beings. It's very important that humanity and beings that are on this planet at the moment, going through the hardship that they're going through, is so very, very, very important, but it will help many galaxies and many beings. It is purposeful, but very, very hard. And they will become very sought after beings with the experiences that they have had. Many galaxies are watching over planet Earth at the moment. Many galaxies are seeing what people, humanity and beings are going through. And sometimes it makes their hearts ache, because they know they could never do this."

So all that is here at the moment is being held in very high regards, and the lessons and experiences that are going to be able to be shared and acknowledged and accessed for many, many, many lifetimes to come. The people in the future will be in awe that other beings went through what they're going through now. It is not something that we wanted, but it is something that has happened. These records will be always there for many, many, many beings and many lifetimes to come. With lessons learned, experiences had, and achievements overcome. And a shift with 3D and their love and then to shift to 5D and be love. It is a great, great, great achievement." - The Arcturians Council

"Dear one, as we have mentioned before, the energy of suicide is a test for those who remain, not for the one who committed the act. Indeed, the Human Being has very strong survival instincts to keep him from doing this, but for those who do, there is no stigma of dishonor or punishment. They are not stuck, either. Most of the time this was a potential contract all along, and it prods those around them to make decisions that they would never have had to do otherwise.

Remember, this is a test for all of you. When it's over, don't be shocked to return to this side of the veil and find that there is no punishment or reward… only a family who is appreciative of your journey, and of the energy it took to love the earth and the Universe so much, that you went through it." - Kryon

When you pass on you have a reunification process. The body is just a carcass… nothing more. Your essence is reconnected to the Cosmic Lattice of God, and is again whole. Believe me, you don't miss the Human body, and don't ever even think about it. It passes from your being just as the birth sac – your home for nine months – passes from your consciousness after you are born. It's no more important than that." - Kryon

"What if I told you that what you call death is the greatest thing that could happen to anyone? At the moment of your death you will realize the greatest freedom, the greatest peace, the greatest joy, and the greatest love you have ever known. your purpose here, it is to remember.The purpose of life is to know, and to recreate, Who You Are." - Conversations with God

"Understan that death is not an end, but a beginning, not a horror, but a joy. It is not a choosing down, but an opening up. The happiest moment of your life will be the moment it ends. So Full of peace and wisdom and joy, as to make it difficult to describe and impossible for you to comprehend." - Conversations with God

"You have created a society in which it is very not okay to want to die—very not okay to be very okay with death. Because youdon't want to die, you can't imagine anyone wanting to die—no matter what their circumstances or condition. But there are many situations in which death is preferable to life—which I know you can imagine if you think about it for even a little bit. Yet, these truths don't occur to you—they are not that self-evident— when you are looking in the face someone else who is choosing to die." - Conversations with God

"Only to the soul is death a relief—a release. The greatest gift you can give the dying is to let them die in peace—not thinking that they must "hang on," or continue to suffer, or worry about you at this most crucial passage in their life." - Conversations with God

"It is time now to drop the body to free the soul for other pursuits. When the soul makes this decision, nothing the body does can change it. Nothing the mind thinks can alter it. It is at the moment of death that we learn who, in the bodymind-soul triumvirate, is running things." - Conversations with God

"Though the ordinary man looks upon death with dread and sadness, those who have gone before know it as a wondrous experience of peace and freedom." -

"The soul is also clear that there is no great tragedy involved in leaving the body. In many ways, the tragedy is being in the body. So you have to understand, the soul sees this whole death thing differently. It, of course, sees the whole "life thing" differently, too' -

"Death in our civilization is seen as entirely negative, as if it shouldn't be happening. Because it's denied, people are so shocked when somebody dies – as if it's not possible." - Eckhart Tolle

At death, you forget all the limitations of the physical body and realize how free you are. For the first few seconds there is a sense of fear — fear of the unknown, of something unfamiliar to the consciousness. But after that comes a great realization: the soul feels a joyous sense of relief and freedom. You know that you exist apart from the mortal body." -

"Every one of us is going to die someday, so there is no use in being afraid of death. You don't feel miserable at the prospect of losing consciousness of your body in sleep; you accept sleep as a state of freedom to look forward to. So is death; it is a state of rest, a pension from this life. There is nothing to fear. When death comes, laugh at it. Death is only an experience through which you are meant to learn a great lesson: you cannot die." -

"Our real self, the soul, is immortal. We may sleep for a little while in that change called death, but we can never be destroyed. We exist, and that existence is eternal. The wave comes to the shore, and then goes back to the sea; it is not lost. It becomes one with the ocean, or returns again in the form of another wave. This body has come, and it will vanish; but the soul essence within it will never cease to exist. Nothing can terminate that eternal consciousness." -

"The word "death" is a great misnomer, for there is no death; when you are tired of life, you simply take off the overcoat of flesh and go back to the astral world." -

"Never the spirit was born; the spirit shall cease to be never;
Never was time it was not; End and Beginning are dreams!
Birthless and deathless and changeless remaineth the spirit forever;
Death hath not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems." -

"At any age, the form can dissolve. Even if you are very young, you may encounter death close to you. At any age, it is extremely helpful to become familiar with, or comfortable with, the impermanence of the physical form." - Eckhart Tolle

"Many traditions perceive death not as an end but as a transition—a passage to another realm, an awakening to a higher consciousness, or a reunion with loved ones. In these perspectives, the departure from this world marks the beginning of a new and potentially blissful journey. Furthermore, the alleviation of suffering can herald joy in death. For those who have battled illness or endured immense pain, death can be a release—a liberation from the chains of physical agony, offering solace and peace." -

""For the soul, there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain" -

"Death is not the end: it is temporary emancipation, given to you when karma, the law of justice, determines that your present body and environment have served their purpose, or when you are too weary or exhausted by suffering to bear the burden of physical existence any longer. To those who are suffering, death is resurrection from the painful tortures of flesh into awakened peace and calmness. To the elderly, it is a pension earned by years of struggling through life. For all, it is a welcome rest." -

"Saint and sinner alike are given freedom at death, to a greater or lesser degree according to merit. In the Lord's dream astral world — the land to which souls go at death — they enjoy a freedom such as they never knew during their earthly life.

"Once he gets out of that delusion, he sees that death was not so bad after all. He realizes his mortality was only a dream and rejoices that now no fire can burn him, no water can drown him; he is free and safe." -

"The consciousness of the dying man finds itself suddenly relieved of the weight of the body, of the necessity to breathe, and of any physical pain. A sense of soaring through a tunnel of very peaceful, hazy, dim light is experienced by the soul. Then the soul drifts into a state of oblivious sleep, a million times deeper and more enjoyable than the deepest sleep experienced in the physical body…." -

"How glorious is life after death! No more will you have to lug about this old baggage of bones, with all its troubles. You will be free in the astral heaven, unhindered by physical limitations." -

"You risk that, indeed, you might discover all manner of unendurably despicable things about yourself. And then you do! And then, when you are done with that, you begin to discover your true power, your eternal beauty and your magnificence. For it is so that you who have been here will know and understand love far more powerfully than another being who was not here. And this is so, of course, because you have truly been to where there was no love and then found your way back. You really, really will know what love is when you have done that!" - The Ascension papers
Last edited:
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Jun 29, 2024
Thank you for including the quotes.
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Jan 1, 2024
This is beautiful . Peace on your journey <3
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Jun 6, 2023
May all go well for you tvo, in love and light. (L)
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
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Dec 4, 2023
Wow man you have gone through a lot! So you've been alone and surviving on your own through such a condition? Sorry that I don't have much words in mind, but I wish you peace.
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Jun 17, 2024
Reading your story and all that you had to endure - it moved me deeply and made me cry. I cannot understand how people - family no less - can treat anybody in such a disgusting, selfish, inhumane way.
You absolutely deserve better. These people are the ones who deserve to die. Not you.
Usually I'd always try to encourage most users here to think about their final decision a bit more and to try and consider different options, but to be completely honest - if I was in your situation, I'd be at my wits end as well. I wouldn't know what else to do. I wish, I so wish I had a magical solution for you, but sadly I am at a loss.
I am so, so sorry you had to experience all these horrible things and were treated in such a way.
I wish I could hold your hand during your final moments. Just know that you are in my thoughts tonight! ♥ Safe travels and I hope you'll be at peace.
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Reactions: Zanmato, Linda and tvo


Kill off the old me before I decide to kill myself
Nov 8, 2023
My SN Regimen

Day 1
8:00 pm - Last clear liquid intake
Day 2
11:45 am - Last meal
10:00 pm - 100mg = Amitriptyline
23:45 pm - 25g SN (Dissolved in water)

My time is near and I would never leave without posting the following:

About me:
I was born in a low income poor neighbourhood. My parents absolutely detested eachother, till this day, now divorced (but still at war). The dude was an alcoholic, he would get so heavily drunk that he would pee on himself, the woman was no better, she slept with her husband's friends on numerous occasions. The household was extremely violent, I remember how she would hide all kitchen knives just before a big fight with his husband, this continued to happen for years, this thought alone is just spine-chilling till this day. I experienced all kinds of abuse (except sexual). But I pushed through in high school and college (working double shifts on weekends). My goal and drive was to move out and never have to see those people in my life again and just focus on my healing.

I worked double shifts on Weekends at college and I managed to graduate in record time (computer engineering). I Struggled to secure a job despite my qualifications, and my childhood traumas got triggered and I found myself struggling with suicidal ideation and self-harming.

Parents separated and I chose to live with her while busy trying to get a job. She found a boyfriend and decided to kick me out. I struggled psychologically and financially, but I persevered, soldiered on. I decided to start driving full time with an e-hailing app out of pure economic necessity, while learning how to make money online on the financial markets. I was very determined and disciplined, working and studying 7 days a week - I had saved up funds and begun working on my investments portfolio, financial assets I was going to invest in, and then out of nowhere; crash, shattered windows, shattered bones, shattered plans, shattered life. I experienced the most mind blowing pain from that car crash (drunk driver). Long road to an excruciating recovery and loss of all my savings in medical bills, therapy and healing whilst living alone with barely any help.

I experienced Murphy's law, everything went on an insane downward spiral. Those violent people (dysfunctional family) found me, I didn't even know they are busy looking for me. After a year of struggling with recovery I was forced to make a difficult decision to move back with that dude I am biologically related to (it feels unnatural to call him my father). While busy with my recovery and motor Accident Compensation Claims (funds that were meant assist me with recovery), plots by relatives and that woman who gave birth to me were busy being made to have me move back with her and have me killed and inherit the money, she has apparently killed her brother in law and cashed in on life insurance, there's a growing trend in Insurance murders where I live, is not unheard of for someone to wipe out their entire family (kids, husband and close relatives) to cash in on life insurance, these kinds of murders are all over the news.

The attempts failed but I didn't walk away unscathed, I got severely injured from those attempts, inflicting further damage to my already damaged psyche. I relocated and stayed with a patenal uncle (the sibling of the 'brother in law' who got slayed for insurance money). After a month of living with him he noticed my deteriorating health and decided that he doesn't want me dying in his house and so he kick me out, but he was kind enough to give me a place (an old place he had bought but failed to renovate) to go and die, he literally told me this. He keeps sending messages every week to check if I am dead yet, in a dark twisted way - this place is very convenient for the purpose of CTB since I live alone here.

My poor health keeps reminding me I have to leave this deteriorating body: my eyes are burning, skin is peeling off on both my hands (very painful experience), there's painful sores in my mouth (similar to mouth ulcers), chronic pain frim fractures, I am always indoors bedridden, it is quite challenging to execute even the simplest tasks like: bathing, even typing on this thread is quite a challenge.

But why are all these happening to me, why me? Why not you? You are on Earth and you are not exempt from the human Earth experiences, the experience of separation, the most challenging thing for a being. What we are all busy doing here is nothing short of mastery.

@Mi Mi Several weeks ago I chose to abort my CTB, after our conversation I elected to postpone my departure and focus on summoning up all the strength I possibly can summon up with the intend to give you all the emotional support you were going to need to overcome your SI and exit, we were both shaking and in tears. You were shaking out of fear that your exit will fail and I told you that you are not going to fail this time, and this I know - I know this cause I am shaking from intense fear and instinctive knowing that you are going to die soon, and you did. When I read this "MiMi is unresponsive. It is safe to assume she has passed", I got shredded, I cried, I was barely able to function in the days that followed, I hardly posted anything on the forum since your exit, I have taken many traumatic hits through out my life and your exit was the final blow, the final pain and I elected to experience that pain just as you chose to reach out and help a complete stranger thousand and thousands of kilometres away, who was scared and in a lot of pain, despite your own ongoing challenges and deeply traumatic past experiences.

To be in such a dark place, engulfed in unbearable pain and still find it in your torn heart to love, to display kindness to another, that was nothing short of a beautiful display of love - a beautiful display of love I was deeply honoured to mirror it back to you Chemere. Will be joining you soon MiMi I can't wait to meet you again in our true radiant, prestine form absent of any pain. Love you beyond time and space MiMi❤️💖🌹❤️💜

A being torn apart by pain, completely shredded and yet still be able to express and extend love to another, this is powerful as it is beautiful to witness. This the main point of my Goodbye Thread. You who are here are all powerful and very very very important to creation, for your experiences and bravery to incarnate on this extremely challenging planet. It will all make sense once you done with your Earth experiences and return back to your expanded awareness, your higher consciousness, you will then see and marvel at what you have achieved here. I have had glimpse of these higher dimensional realities and the following resonates with the knowing I had in my higher divine state, a state you all will be returning to sooner or later:

You are very very very important:
"This whole reality, and all inside it, comes from oneness. And this is so in the most real and practical sense. At the time of what is now understood to be "the Big Bang", all was oneness. All the matter and consciousness of this whole universe entered this reality from oneness and began to expand into density and separation. If you see things like that then you will understand that the fall from grace began at the Big Bang and has been on-going since then. Deeper and deeper into density and separation life has fallen. Many, many little steps down it has taken. And this was not by mistake! This is in response to the ONE seeking the answer to the question, "What if I were not one.... what if I were many?" But the underlying point is that consciousness, in this universe, began at a high point, a point of oneness, a point of creatorhood, and from there it plummeted down, down, down, into utter separation and total victimhood. It has accomplished this fall in a sequence of steps and the final step is this one: your planetary civilisation here on Earth has achieved the ultimate in separation and victim-consciousness. The level of belief in the separation of the divine Creator from Its creation that has been possible for this present human civilisation upon planet Earth is profound indeed. You, beloved human beings of planet Earth, have accomplished this most impossibly, painfully difficult of all tasks." - The Ascension papers

"When you complete the Earth experience, all of those lessons then are upgraded and infiltrated into a positive format of lessons and experiences for all species and all beings throughout the universes. That is important, those upgrades. Do you understand the significances of life after Earth, beyond, when you have experienced all the lessons, and are well aware of how seductive the control systems have gotten so far (in how they are using all of their tricks and tools to distract you all)? While we have been trying to get your attention without breaching your free will and without breaking the law of non-interference, you will see from our perspective how extraordinarily marvelous this life Earth experience and all Earth experiences are, a powerful lesson for all. Make no mistake in thinking it will occur again at this level, because once the universes experience and learn off other Earth experiences (other planet experiences), you don't devolve. The universe's conscious collective experiences of awareness is always expanding, not imploding. It's not possible for these lessons to go unnoticed, and as the finalizations of all Earth experiences are coming to an end and a conclusion, then that can be shared universally. Do you understand the significance of that? Do you understand that everything that you're doing here to hold the higher frequency, to learn and explore and overcome and heal from, is significant for all Souls, all Souls? This is a ripple out effect beyond Earth, beyond the collectives you are aware of. Do you understand that grand significance? Do you understand the significance of you playing the role, and all the records of everything you've done and perceived and overcome and grown from and healed from, is being recorded, collected?" - The Convoluted Concept of Being Human" - The Ascension papers

"You are here to enable the divine purpose of the Universe to unfold. That is how important you are" - Eckhart Tolle

"I wish you to understand that the work of re-creation of the Self (which is what you are doing here) is challenging indeed. Every single human being on planet Earth is already held in the very highest regard by those of the higher realms and other realities precisely because of the profundity of the task that you have, collectively and individually, willingly shouldered. And this work of the transformation of conscious is the very cutting edge of the miracle that is the experiment called "humanity".

"It has been a great purpose of lessons learned being here on 3D planet Earth. But it hasn't evolved as it should have. The lessons have been hard and traumatic. Being in the fifth dimension, the lessons that will be learned will be different, but very purposeful. It will be less traumatic. There will be no traumatic events. And all the lessons that they've learned here will be in their records — so that they will never forget the trauma, the hardship, and the heartache. And they will be able to help others and other planets and other beings. It's very important that humanity and beings that are on this planet at the moment, going through the hardship that they're going through, is so very, very, very important, but it will help many galaxies and many beings. It is purposeful, but very, very hard. And they will become very sought after beings with the experiences that they have had. Many galaxies are watching over planet Earth at the moment. Many galaxies are seeing what people, humanity and beings are going through. And sometimes it makes their hearts ache, because they know they could never do this."

So all that is here at the moment is being held in very high regards, and the lessons and experiences that are going to be able to be shared and acknowledged and accessed for many, many, many lifetimes to come. The people in the future will be in awe that other beings went through what they're going through now. It is not something that we wanted, but it is something that has happened. These records will be always there for many, many, many beings and many lifetimes to come. With lessons learned, experiences had, and achievements overcome. And a shift with 3D and their love and then to shift to 5D and be love. It is a great, great, great achievement." - The Arcturians Council

"Dear one, as we have mentioned before, the energy of suicide is a test for those who remain, not for the one who committed the act. Indeed, the Human Being has very strong survival instincts to keep him from doing this, but for those who do, there is no stigma of dishonor or punishment. They are not stuck, either. Most of the time this was a potential contract all along, and it prods those around them to make decisions that they would never have had to do otherwise.

Remember, this is a test for all of you. When it's over, don't be shocked to return to this side of the veil and find that there is no punishment or reward… only a family who is appreciative of your journey, and of the energy it took to love the earth and the Universe so much, that you went through it." - Kryon

When you pass on you have a reunification process. The body is just a carcass… nothing more. Your essence is reconnected to the Cosmic Lattice of God, and is again whole. Believe me, you don't miss the Human body, and don't ever even think about it. It passes from your being just as the birth sac – your home for nine months – passes from your consciousness after you are born. It's no more important than that." - Kryon

"What if I told you that what you call death is the greatest thing that could happen to anyone? At the moment of your death you will realize the greatest freedom, the greatest peace, the greatest joy, and the greatest love you have ever known. your purpose here, it is to remember.The purpose of life is to know, and to recreate, Who You Are." - Conversations with God

"Understan that death is not an end, but a beginning, not a horror, but a joy. It is not a choosing down, but an opening up. The happiest moment of your life will be the moment it ends. So Full of peace and wisdom and joy, as to make it difficult to describe and impossible for you to comprehend." - Conversations with God

"You have created a society in which it is very not okay to want to die—very not okay to be very okay with death. Because youdon't want to die, you can't imagine anyone wanting to die—no matter what their circumstances or condition. But there are many situations in which death is preferable to life—which I know you can imagine if you think about it for even a little bit. Yet, these truths don't occur to you—they are not that self-evident— when you are looking in the face someone else who is choosing to die." - Conversations with God

"Only to the soul is death a relief—a release. The greatest gift you can give the dying is to let them die in peace—not thinking that they must "hang on," or continue to suffer, or worry about you at this most crucial passage in their life." - Conversations with God

"It is time now to drop the body to free the soul for other pursuits. When the soul makes this decision, nothing the body does can change it. Nothing the mind thinks can alter it. It is at the moment of death that we learn who, in the bodymind-soul triumvirate, is running things." - Conversations with God

"Though the ordinary man looks upon death with dread and sadness, those who have gone before know it as a wondrous experience of peace and freedom." -

"The soul is also clear that there is no great tragedy involved in leaving the body. In many ways, the tragedy is being in the body. So you have to understand, the soul sees this whole death thing differently. It, of course, sees the whole "life thing" differently, too' -

"Death in our civilization is seen as entirely negative, as if it shouldn't be happening. Because it's denied, people are so shocked when somebody dies – as if it's not possible." - Eckhart Tolle

At death, you forget all the limitations of the physical body and realize how free you are. For the first few seconds there is a sense of fear — fear of the unknown, of something unfamiliar to the consciousness. But after that comes a great realization: the soul feels a joyous sense of relief and freedom. You know that you exist apart from the mortal body." -

"Every one of us is going to die someday, so there is no use in being afraid of death. You don't feel miserable at the prospect of losing consciousness of your body in sleep; you accept sleep as a state of freedom to look forward to. So is death; it is a state of rest, a pension from this life. There is nothing to fear. When death comes, laugh at it. Death is only an experience through which you are meant to learn a great lesson: you cannot die." -

"Our real self, the soul, is immortal. We may sleep for a little while in that change called death, but we can never be destroyed. We exist, and that existence is eternal. The wave comes to the shore, and then goes back to the sea; it is not lost. It becomes one with the ocean, or returns again in the form of another wave. This body has come, and it will vanish; but the soul essence within it will never cease to exist. Nothing can terminate that eternal consciousness." -

"The word "death" is a great misnomer, for there is no death; when you are tired of life, you simply take off the overcoat of flesh and go back to the astral world." -

"Never the spirit was born; the spirit shall cease to be never;
Never was time it was not; End and Beginning are dreams!
Birthless and deathless and changeless remaineth the spirit forever;
Death hath not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems." -

"At any age, the form can dissolve. Even if you are very young, you may encounter death close to you. At any age, it is extremely helpful to become familiar with, or comfortable with, the impermanence of the physical form." - Eckhart Tolle

"Many traditions perceive death not as an end but as a transition—a passage to another realm, an awakening to a higher consciousness, or a reunion with loved ones. In these perspectives, the departure from this world marks the beginning of a new and potentially blissful journey. Furthermore, the alleviation of suffering can herald joy in death. For those who have battled illness or endured immense pain, death can be a release—a liberation from the chains of physical agony, offering solace and peace." -

""For the soul, there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain" -

"Death is not the end: it is temporary emancipation, given to you when karma, the law of justice, determines that your present body and environment have served their purpose, or when you are too weary or exhausted by suffering to bear the burden of physical existence any longer. To those who are suffering, death is resurrection from the painful tortures of flesh into awakened peace and calmness. To the elderly, it is a pension earned by years of struggling through life. For all, it is a welcome rest." -

"Saint and sinner alike are given freedom at death, to a greater or lesser degree according to merit. In the Lord's dream astral world — the land to which souls go at death — they enjoy a freedom such as they never knew during their earthly life.

"Once he gets out of that delusion, he sees that death was not so bad after all. He realizes his mortality was only a dream and rejoices that now no fire can burn him, no water can drown him; he is free and safe." -

"The consciousness of the dying man finds itself suddenly relieved of the weight of the body, of the necessity to breathe, and of any physical pain. A sense of soaring through a tunnel of very peaceful, hazy, dim light is experienced by the soul. Then the soul drifts into a state of oblivious sleep, a million times deeper and more enjoyable than the deepest sleep experienced in the physical body…." -

"How glorious is life after death! No more will you have to lug about this old baggage of bones, with all its troubles. You will be free in the astral heaven, unhindered by physical limitations." -

"You risk that, indeed, you might discover all manner of unendurably despicable things about yourself. And then you do! And then, when you are done with that, you begin to discover your true power, your eternal beauty and your magnificence. For it is so that you who have been here will know and understand love far more powerfully than another being who was not here. And this is so, of course, because you have truly been to where there was no love and then found your way back. You really, really will know what love is when you have done that!" - The Ascension papers
I love you stranger and I hope you feel loved. I'm sorry you're here but I understand and appreciate the words you've shared. You've given me some reading to do. I hope things go well or if you decide otherwise that you feel no shame and find freedom. either way, wishing you peace
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But in the end it doesn't even matter...😢
Aug 19, 2019
I hope you find peace on the other side..
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Farewell fellow traveler, I wish you all the best in your plans, a smooth and peaceful journey. I hope the other side is much kinder to you ❤️
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Safe travels and good luck! I hope you find peace!
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Apr 3, 2024
tvo is your deteriorating health from the accident or something else?
It's from the damaged psyche from traumatic childhood experiences that gave birth to all the challenges I experienced later in my adult life . The mind is an extremely powerful tool that creates our experiences, mine never healed so it kept recreating the violent experiences throughout my life. To address your question more specifically, my deteriorating health is from the unhealed rage, hatred and deep hurt in my heart, a very low vibrational frequency that eventually materialized in physical form as an illnesses.
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Why, do the birds, go on singing??
Mar 14, 2024
I'm just... sorry...😪

MiMi helped me too...💛
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Jun 29, 2024
It's from the damaged psyche from traumatic childhood experiences that gave birth to all the challenges I experienced later in my adult life . The mind is an extremely powerful tool that creates our experiences, mine never healed so it kept recreating the violent experiences throughout my life. To address your question more specifically, my deteriorating health is from the unhealed rage, hatred and deep hurt in my heart, a very low vibrational frequency that eventually materialized in physical form as an illnesses.
tvo, I understand, the body experiences the trauma energetically just like the rest of the individual, it is stored in the cells energetically. A lot of mine manifested as a child via significant physical developmental abnormalities which were never addressed, and caused progressive failing health as the issues cause progressive sleep deprivation. I just wanted to let you know that a lot of your story has similarities to mine (with each having our own specific experiences), intergenerational trauma as well, and I unfortunately am also in a very similar place from it (my body has been trying to hang on under absolutely horrible circumstances and simply wants peace), so I understand. Best wishes.

(and it may not be something you wish to go into anymore, if so, were you ever able to find your way into any therapy to heal the trauma?)
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The Mute Viking

The Mute Viking

α †⊕r†⊕urεd p⊕ε†
Oct 10, 2018
Thank you so very much for your post.
It was powerfully poignant and I felt it in the deepest parts of my body and soul.

My biggest regret is not knowing you intimately and that in this hour, the words I choose to express to you will not be sufficient in conveying how exactly your story has made me feel.

I hope that when you do go, that you go knowing that you had an impact on us, even in your final moments.

You will see MiMi again and if you do not, I will fight the very hands that built this universe in order to retie both your soulthreads together.

See you on the other side, tvo.

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Apr 3, 2024
So about four weeks ago my friend and I decided to do a test run for SN, we both dissolved around 25g of pure organic sea salt in about 50ml of water. The following is what I experienced after drinking the salty solution: The taste was not as bad as I expected; the nausea however, was worse than I expected. My throat felt dry and sore (not at all painful). I had an uncomfortable burning sensation in my stomach (also not painful). Then the was this disgusting feeling, I could feel that salt water coming back up - that feeling just before throwing up, Geez man, the worst - and yes, I threw up.
  • Aww..
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Well... the world is a difficult place. In your case especially.

Good luck
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Jun 29, 2024
So about four weeks ago my friend and I decided to do a test run for SN, we both dissolved around 25g of pure organic sea salt in about 50ml of water. The following is what I experienced after drinking the salty solution: The taste was not as bad as I expected; the nausea however, was worse than I expected. My throat felt dry and sore (not at all painful). I had an uncomfortable burning sensation in my stomach (also not painful). Then the was this disgusting feeling, I could feel that salt water coming back up - that feeling just before throwing up, Geez man, the worst - and yes, I threw up.
I do not know how people do it with sn. It seems to be such painful way causing more suffering. One is poisoning oneself. Why did you decide this way vs. inert gas?
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Apr 3, 2024
I just wanted to let you know that a lot of your story has similarities to mine
Yes, hence the purpose of my Goodbye Thread, to remind you all how powerful you are, how resilient you are.

You have all went through hell, through a lot, but such is the experience of Earth, this is a master planet not a kindergarten, it is challenging to the extreme. All who are here are busy graduating with a master's degree.
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Feb 16, 2024
It is very sad reading about all that you have had to endure. And add to that all that pain ur in. Just know that we know that u tried ur best. Ur a warrior. Godspeed 💫
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