Moon Flower

I'll soon be sleeping sound
Oct 14, 2019
Okay so I'm gonna try to keep the backstory here as brief as possible. My longest term s/o died in 2017, I was completely dependent on him as I'm disabled and he wouldn't allow me to do the work I do now. A friend took me + my pets in for a while. I ended up meeting someone else and moving in with them. My current s/o lives with his mom as she's still recovering from cancer treatment/couldn't be alone. She has two massive dogs and so I had to leave my pets with my friend who took me in, who I've been paying to watch them ever since.
Fast forward to now, my s/o's mom is actually kind of a terrible person and really seems to be enjoying us paying her rent/doing all of her chores considering she sabotages every attempt we make to move out (for example, his dad bought him a car but she kept the title for herself and wouldn't sign it over) so we're still stuck here. My friend's mom fell in with a shitty man and has pretty much become a con artist and started trying to extort extra money out of me "for the pets" for several months now. To give you guys an idea of how low she's sunken and how selfish she is, she bailed on giving my friend's sister a ride at the last minute to a $50,000 cancer stem cell treatment appointment her insurance barely was willing to cover so she could go clean a house for cigarette money, and when one of my cats died in their care she threatened to withhold his ashes unless I bought them from her.
AND SO, WHAT BRINGS ME HERE TODAY. Earlier this month my friend told me that my cat got outside and needed a flea treatment. He's severely allergic to fleas, breaks out into sores if he catches them. So fine, I send an extra $20 for flea meds. Then his mom texts me making it out like it's worse than it is saying she needs $40 for my dog to get a flea bath (who is up to date on his treatments). She then tells me her friend is paying for it and I just have to pay her back later. Now, I am BY NO MEANS made of money. I do what more or less amounts to the onlyfans thing but not through onlyfans, and I'm older than a lot of those girls so I don't see much business these days. BUT, I was doing okay this month, I finally had enough to see a psych and get my thyroid meds, so I'm like fuck it, I'll toss my friend 40bux to take my dog to a groomer just so I don't have to deal with his crazy mom. Note I said I WAS doing well this month.
Today my friend's mom sends me a picture of my cat with a cut on the base of his tail underneath, not somewhere that he could've done it with his claws, but too clean to be a bite. She's telling me my cat's hurting himself because of his flea allergy and I need to send her 250 dollars tonight for a vet appointment or she's going to rehome him (ie: there goes the money for my psych/meds). She also told my friend nothing about this and contacted me directly, which is very unusual. Everyone I've shown the picture to thinks that there was no way he could've done this to himself/might not have even been done by an animal (I can post the pic if people wanna see it/give me opinions). I kind of think this lady might have sunken as low as to be hurting my cat to get more money out of me, and my friend's mental state has deteriorated so much after catching COVID + acute benzo withdrawals that I fear my pets will no longer be safe in his care in a short time. I also still can't bring them here because of my s/o's mom's dogs.
Idk man I just don't know what to do, it feels like no matter what things are gonna go from bad to worse, and it just makes me wanna ctb more. Do I keep being extorted for money I don't have, which keeps me trapped here/less able to escape living with my s/o's mom AND without the medications I need, or do I cut my losses, abandon my pets/allow them to be rehomed despite the fact that I raised them from birth just to free myself? There's no pleasant way out lol
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  • Hugs
  • Aww..
Reactions: clocktower, antigone_iris, Silvermorning and 4 others

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