Oh, that's an interesting association, I didn't know whothat was & had to look it up.
Sometimes I check the etymology of words at
https://www.etymonline.com/. There are so many words that have something together with other words, which allows for easier remembering bc it brings connectivity, association. And some words are just a conjunction of other words.
Like hypoglycemia. Hypo (low/under) + glyc (something about sugar, glucose) + emia (something about blood). You could guess it's about low sugar levels in blood. Without knowing what the whole word means, one can intuit the meaning by knowing something about its constituent parts.
A few words with hypo-: hypothermia would be something about low temperature (hypo + thermal), and hypothalamus is some part of the brain, which is, not coincidentally (co + incident), located just a little below thalamus. Btw, etymonline refers to "thalamus" as "inner chamber". Now, I don't know if that's the true background of the word, but it's good way of thinking about it. Thalamus is located somewhere deep deep in the middle of the brain. Inner chamber. I also think of the throne room.
Or reincarnation. Re (back, again) + in (in, duh) + carn (flesh, as carnal pleasures) + tion (noun formating suffix, I guess). Process of returning in flesh, or state of being returned in flesh.