
Sep 16, 2020
Horrible snidy fuckers hypocrites and cowards I'm not finding any humor ATM. But we are as bad as them for allowing them in
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I mean, I have been in both positions. However, one of my cousins always assumes the worst of us. He thinks everyone is judging him when we mostly feel sorry for him.
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Sep 16, 2020
I mean, I have been in both positions. However, one of my cousins always assumes the worst of us. He thinks everyone is judging him when we mostly feel sorry for him.
Isn't that judging him in itself.
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Apr 2, 2023
That moment when my godmom & godbro accidentally confirmed that they talk shit behind my back, calling me selfish when I keep providing for them only for her to come back like "no you're not selfish at all, you give me everything I ask for, I'm so sorry baby", she was mad that I keep beating her in a card game she taught me, I am not joking, she's lashed out over cards at me specifically four fucking times now but still wants to play spades with me, crotchety old jerk
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Sep 16, 2020
That moment when my godmom & godbro accidentally confirmed that they talk shit behind my back, calling me selfish when I keep providing for them only for her to come back like "no you're not selfish at all, you give me everything I ask for, I'm so sorry baby", she was mad that I keep beating her in a card game she taught me, I am not joking, she's lashed out over cards at me specifically four fucking times now but still wants to play spades with me, crotchety old jerk

Glad your doing well to keep coherent in your time of crisis.
Sorry I mean elderly folk, are extremely competitive in trivial games because they feel so powerless in life games, and because they are hurt by big daddy government they have no quarms about placing further harm unto their own children. Most people should be neutered.
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Apr 2, 2023
Meh, not much of a crisis, the last time was weeks ago & I'm used to it enough to not care that much, I just wish she were a little more self-aware about what a dick she is sometimes & what triggers it, but thank you ^w^

And oh god, those people who always complain that no one cares or helps them, nonstop, especially when they're constantly asking you for things & help đź’€
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Sep 16, 2020
Meh, not much of a crisis, the last time was weeks ago & I'm used to it enough to not care that much, I just wish she were a little more self-aware about what a dick she is sometimes & what triggers it, but thank you ^w^

And oh god, those people who always complain that no one cares or helps them, nonstop, especially when they're constantly asking you for things & help đź’€
Yeah if you can keep the relationships stable by swallowing pride, or being above it... However we look it.

These types can be referred to as emotional vampires etc. but perhaps harsh wording as if that's what we've experienced then we must've allowed them in.
Take care friend , all the best
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Oct 24, 2023
I have extended members of the family who apparently talk about me - to be honest, I don't give a damn and I think that they don't like that. But I would not entertain them in my heart or home - if they have time to waste talking about me, I will not begrudge them that little happiness.

I have a work colleague who contacts me several times during every single working day asking foe help. She is lazy and whatever little work she does is usually done incorrectly and she is rude to our clients who are vulnerable. She is quite wealthy and works because she is bored at home and loves money too much - most of us work because we have to feed our families and pay the bills. Anyway she has spent the last few years since covid started bad mouthing me to the colleagues in the office - I have been working from home since covid started due to health challenges hence I end up doing 90% of the work. Anyway I got really fed up as she kept bad mouthing me and was constantly disturbing me as she was incapable of doing her job - so ine day I told her that I am aware that one person in the office has been bad mouthing me to all the colleagues and some colleagues have told me that this person is toxic, horrible le etc and she wanted names (I never told her that she was the person they were complaining about). I refused to entertain another conversation regarding the matter. She is now walking around the office accusing people of talking about her! I have no sympathy for her whatsoever.
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Sep 16, 2020
He was a drug addict. Idk what else we can think.
Perhaps that hes the same as hundreds of millions of other westerners in that aspect.
I have extended members of the family who apparently talk about me - to be honest, I don't give a damn and I think that they don't like that. But I would not entertain them in my heart or home - if they have time to waste talking about me, I will not begrudge them that little happiness.

I have a work colleague who contacts me several times during every single working day asking foe help. She is lazy and whatever little work she does is usually done incorrectly and she is rude to our clients who are vulnerable. She is quite wealthy and works because she is bored at home and loves money too much - most of us work because we have to feed our families and pay the bills. Anyway she has spent the last few years since covid started bad mouthing me to the colleagues in the office - I have been working from home since covid started due to health challenges hence I end up doing 90% of the work. Anyway I got really fed up as she kept bad mouthing me and was constantly disturbing me as she was incapable of doing her job - so ine day I told her that I am aware that one person in the office has been bad mouthing me to all the colleagues and some colleagues have told me that this person is toxic, horrible le etc and she wanted names (I never told her that she was the person they were complaining about). I refused to entertain another conversation regarding the matter. She is now walking around the office accusing people of talking about her! I have no sympathy for her whatsoever.
Yeah if they're talking about us those people are leaving somebody else alone, good perspective