I didn't eat for 8 hours, I took nausea pills, I waited 40 minutes, my biggest issue was that the sn got into like small globes, like a snowglobe idk how else to describe it, at the time I thought it was normal, but I looked it up and it said that it meant that moisture got into it, but I measured it out, I didn't have what was in the plan so I took lorazepam, I calculated so it'd be about equal to what the plan said, specifically 24 crushed pills of 1mg, I drank the SN then I took the lorazepam, put on a timer and sat down, I was supposed to be unconscious by 12 minutes, I only went unconscious at around ~35 minutes, so then I knew something was wrong, I ended up falling asleep, I have no idea for how long and TMI I had really bad diarrhea, didnt have any kind of pain since, I am so confused.
I have not.. I didn't have the resources to. I will next time. I kept it sealed but I got it like at the beginning of the summer, always kept it in a cool space, but it was a long hot summer. Could've that been the issue? I also don't understand the process of testing it but I will next time