

Fat Ugly Bastard but otherwise decently okay
Nov 8, 2020
the only thing that is stopping me is the possibility of failing. i live with an abusive and insane mom, who doesnt let me leave the house and if i try she threatens to kick me out (i am 18). she puts me between her physical fights between her husband and her, because im her kid, and i should protect her no matter what. she makes me feel like shit no matter what she does, on purpose or not. im planning to sneak out through my window in the early morning to try and kill myself, but the terrifying fear of what if i fail is stopping me.

do you guys have anything to say on if it fails? your own experiences? were you forced to do anything, like go into a ward despite being of age and what not? i dont know anything, im a moron. and more specifically, to those with overbearing and/or insane parent(s) - what did you do? how did you handle it? if i fail i want to never, ever bring it up. i know its not realistic, but i dont want to.
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Mar 22, 2020
If you're in hell, if you fail, you'll be in a worse hell.

That's what happened to me. I almost ended up in a psych ward!!

Instead, I got a 2 day coma, 1 month in hospital (got even covid there) and 5 months in prison (my parents' house) ohhh, and a f*cked up stomach!! It's been almost 1 year and I had a terrible stomachache last Monday!!

Whatever you do, just be 100% sure you wanna do it. Failing really sucks.

I can't fail next time. Otherwise, I'll probably just lose my mind and end up in a psych ward until the day I die.
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Circling the drain
May 13, 2020
I failed three times, each time I got closer to the goal but the physical and mental damage got worse. My desperation made me act on the spur of the moment. My doctor knows about everything and he has said that I've effectively taken years of my life and my errors are slowly killing me.

There's very little or no upside to failing unless you are very lucky and it scares you into recovery with out any damage.

Please be careful and maybe seek help or an alternative, I wish you the very best and I hope you can find a way of dealing with that abusive relationship, sounds like hell.
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The Lonely

The Lonely

Jan 26, 2021
the only thing that is stopping me is the possibility of failing. i live with an abusive and insane mom, who doesnt let me leave the house and if i try she threatens to kick me out (i am 18). she puts me between her physical fights between her husband and her, because im her kid, and i should protect her no matter what. she makes me feel like shit no matter what she does, on purpose or not. im planning to sneak out through my window in the early morning to try and kill myself, but the terrifying fear of what if i fail is stopping me.

do you guys have anything to say on if it fails? your own experiences? were you forced to do anything, like go into a ward despite being of age and what not? i dont know anything, im a moron. and more specifically, to those with overbearing and/or insane parent(s) - what did you do? how did you handle it? if i fail i want to never, ever bring it up. i know its not realistic, but i dont want to.
Try to do something nice to you and relax for now. We all need to plan a lot o stuff before doing it. Failing is not an option here too.


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
Sadly, there is no 100%. There is almost always something that can screw it up. This could be as simple as someone finding you too soon, you messed up, the device/med/etc didn't work as it should've, and a number of other things.

At the end of the day, if you go down this path it's about lowering the risk as much as possible. When I was younger I had a large number of failed attempts. Luckily none of them changed me. I've tried things from drinking weed poison to trying to shoot a flare in my mouth. The weed poison hurt pretty badly at the time, but other than some pain and making it feel like glass in my throat. Nothing happened. The boat flare, idk what happened. To my guess it was a dud.

My point is, many of us has had failed attempts. Sometimes it doesn't do much when it's a failed attempt and other times you will not be able to walk or see again. So be careful.


the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I failed three times, each time I got closer to the goal but the physical and mental damage got worse. My desperation made me act on the spur of the moment. My doctor knows about everything and he has said that I've effectively taken years of my life and my errors are slowly killing me.

There's very little or no upside to failing unless you are very lucky and it scares you into recovery with out any damage.

Please be careful and maybe seek help or an alternative, I wish you the very best and I hope you can find a way of dealing with that abusive relationship, sounds like hell.
Nothing could scare a person into recovery if there is no recovery to be had.
But fear is exactly what a lot of power wielding psych "professionals" and pro-lifers use to run the narrative and force us into "help" (aka harm).
This is why a sanctioned option with a "guarantee" of sorts, as far as the outcome goes, is necessary.
Failing to end our misery, is often not what leads to the solutions that have eluded us for most of our lives, but instead, as another user mentioned, it just leads to worse pain and worse suffering, an overall further reduction of the quality of life.
So yea, as you said, there really is no upside to failing, unless your attempt was wholly impulsive/regrettable and your failure leaves you otherwise intact.
That scenario, being far less common than the general public would have you believe.
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Dec 29, 2020
I'm reminded of the man who stole an airplane, flew around it for an hour or so doing all these impossibly difficult aerial flips, while the sunset, until he ran out of fuel and crashed into an unpopulated island.

I'm thinking that's a pretty good death. Expensive for the airlines. He could've killed someone.

But he lived and died with wings. I don't know.

The death was probably painless. Going that fast into the ground. Probably vaporized into dust.

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Dec 26, 2019
Ended up in a mental hospital and stayed there for 3 weeks
Everybody's (who knows about the attempt) perspective about me changed since that. They act like I couldn't control myself and would kill myself anytime anywhere without thinking properly. So, they keep sending me messages to check if i'm still "alive" lmao not because they care, but because they don't want to go through losing someone through suicide. I've been lying to the question "how are you doing?" since then


Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Have my share of failed attempts. Will say through research is very important as well as very careful preparation. Also, combination ups the chances.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Failing can have all sorts of consequences, there is a chance of long term physical affects depending on the method. It can lead to being placed in a psych ward/ suicide watch, being monitored by relatives, a lack of freedom and sharp things confiscated for example. It can be really hard to die and if you attempt ctb people will try their best to stop you from doing it again. There should be a right to die.

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