niki wonoto

Oct 10, 2019
There is what's called the existential depression (or usually more known as existential crisis). Normally, people will only experience such the existential crisis only temporarily for a short time. But in my case personally, I've had it for already more than 10 years more until now. Very few people in this world probably rarely have this type of depression, in my opinion. It's even sad & frustrating that not even all those so-called "experts/professionals" in mental health, psychotherapy, psychiatrists, etc etc have truly understood nor even knew about this.

Existential depression is a lot or much more deeper than just the usual/regular/normal depression, in my opinion, as it's usually asking all the 'existential' questions about life, meaning of life, purpose, universe, existence, world/society or humanity/civilization, etc etc. It is also philosophical in nature, especially rooted in Nihilism (or can be from Philosophical Pessimism and similar philosophy such as: Antinatalism, Efilism, Depressive Realism, Promortalism).

There is still not any 'clinical' term for existential depression (except few articles & journals online that I've found), sadly/unfortunately. But it can literally kills & destroys all your entire/whole life (from my own experiences).
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Petulant Child
Apr 4, 2023
I can see why there is no actual diagnoses for 'existential depression' and I don't really think that it is a thing in general. A lot of people's fundaments of depression are based on what you described. One emotion of depression is 'hopelessness'. You stop seeing the point in existing as you can't understand what meaning you have in this world. And so on.

Imo, 'existential depression' is more a cause and reason for depression than an actual diagnoses.
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May 16, 2023
I'm one of those guys, had it for around 15 years. It's a very lonely and painful existence; the only thing that kept me alive for so long is a tremendous fear of reincarnation/hell, stuff like that. There's nothing wrong with my life, and I do not suffer from trauma. I genuinely despise this world and life - I just want to be gone forever.
Anyway, getting "help" is the last thing you want to do if you suffer from "real" depression. These c*nts force-fed me with all kinds of pills that harmed me, only to give me stupid looks when, after months, I still said that there was absolutely no positive change. Mental health institutes are a complete joke and are only meant for people with temporary setbacks but who want to live otherwise. And why shouldn't it? After all, the science™ status quo is modern-day humorism that says depression is just some chemical imbalance and no one would ever seriously want to die. You are treated like trash when you don't play along...
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Jan 4, 2021
@niki wonoto : You're talking my language here !

I'm a "TMT witness" ( fast becoming a tired joke , but I keep wheeling it out).

I read "The Denial of Death" by Ernest Becker almost ten years ago and it changed my life . At last I had an academic Pulitzer prize winner (?) taking this stuff seriously ... and validating my deepest darkness.

I recently came across Irvin.D Yalom , famous therapist and author who is all over this stuff too.

I mentioned on a thread here at some stage that none of my five or so therapists ever ever ever mentioned this stuff ... like it is taboo and only 'silly people' doubt the sacrosanct narratives of their society . (give me strength.)

I've since mapped this on the terrain of the formiddable conservative /orthodox v progressive/revolutionairy(evolutionairy) divide.

And humans have been circle jousting that for millennia it seems ...

What more purpose do you need than to belong seamlessly to human society ? Who are you to question it ? ADJUST !!!

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Aug 11, 2021
i think you just struggle to find meaning in life. you ought to try new things to find out more about yourself. i know that's hard. but get on the strongest antidepressant known to man - parnate - and go explore the world..!


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
What you are describing isn't an "illness". Being aware of how futile and harmful existing really is, is just being realistic and not being blinded by delusions. Wanting to exist here in this chaotic nightmarish world truly is the irrational thing, I think the illness would be being "happy" in this reality, as to me it's absurd seeing existence as a desirable state, it's true that existence is just a tragic consequence of evolution and it makes sense wishing to not exist as death is the absence of all suffering and anguish, one cannot be harmed by not existing but this world holds unlimited potential for torture.

To exist means to be a slave to suffering and not seeing this as desirable could never be "depression". The reality is that existence is nothing more than an unnecessary harm and humans have the ability to be aware of this unlike animals who only act in a way in order to benefit their survival, but many humans are too delusional to accept the reality of this existence, it truly is horrifying how existence has tortured sentient beings throughout history, the pain that has been experienced is beyond comprehension and the tragedy lies in how unnecessary it all is, so I think instead of existential depression the correct way to describe this is being aware. Therapy is a scam anyway and just a way to profit from people's suffering, honestly to me it's insensitive when people dismiss those who are being realistic as being "ill". Existence in itself is the true problem and that is undeniable.
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Life boat
Aug 29, 2022
Existence in itself is the true problem and that is undeniable.

Existence is essentially consciousness, and if there is consciousness then awareness, then intelligence.

I rather blame humanity than "existence".

Blame the closest thing that can actually assume responsibility for the poor conditions and suffering that human beings experience.

And if accusing or blaming is the only thing we can do, then we might have to acknowledge that we are also apart of the "problem". What I mean to say is, if the only way that life could be worth living is if there was no suffering, then.. the human being which is the only thing that is capable to cause or prevent suffering, can either act or be apathetic. Either way, the burden rests upon humanity. Blaming "existence" isn't a reasonable way to acknowledge the actual root of the problem.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I have always felt that I had no real place in this world. Everything always felt so fabricated and phoney. Perhaps it is just me, but I never felt a real sense of belonging.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yeah- I imagine this would be a difficult depression to have. It seems like there would be nothing to distract you, or pull you out of it.

I'm under no illusions that the things I find important in life actually aren't- in the grand scheme of things. The people I've loved will all be dead one day. Very soon, some of my older relatives that have passed on will have no living people to remember them anymore- and, so will it be with all of us. I'm creative but not brilliant by any means- so, my work won't have left much of a creative legacy. Even knowing that though- SOMETIMES, I can still lose myself effectively in my work and it sometimes still feels worthwhile. It must be a living hell when literally nothing distracts you and nothing feels worthwhile. I'm sorry.
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Seeking one final escape
Aug 13, 2023
As a trans woman that knew early on, but grew up in horrible circumstances relative to my desires, this was a major reason I was horrified by my reality from the get-go.
I knew that life was largely meaningless, so it mostly only mattered how you and those you like felt along the way.
But I felt awful, just awful within the life I was stuck into. It wasn't me.
Someone else's life and 'identity' (moreso a lack thereof) forced onto me.
And the world around me I could not understand, why would people bother you for trying to be happy in ways that don't hurt anyone?
Why is it wrong, why is it alien to mainly care about happiness and life quality?

The ensuing isolation, emptiness, and lack of chance and ability to live myself out truly, or be given any real chance at participating in society, had me quickly yearning for death as the only comforting companion I could imagine.
Escapism helped soothe and distract me temporarily, but my feelings always rose to the surface, with increasing intensity the older I got.
Only real social inclusion and participation, and not having to fear long-term/permanent isolation/exclusion allowed me to feel calm and safe.
But you need identity, persona(s), things that make up your life (like education, employment, hobbies etc) to forge lasting social bonds.
It never worked to just keep putting on band-aids after band-aids - which I have learned the hard way that mental health "treatment" is all about.

I know typically the exact reasons, the root causes, I'm depressed, but the powerlessness in actually being able to affect these circumstances kept driving me into these deep depressive phases.
If your core needs (somewhat different for everyone) like food, water, human contact, sex etc. aren't met, you will be unhappy, plain and simple.
If I try to engage with what I enjoy, it hurts, because I don't have the means to live myself out externally.
And I can see that, even if I meet them for a moment, long-term I won't be able to keep up accounting for what I need.
I hate being stuck existing in fantasies instead.
It's too lonely - I can't share any of my thoughts or experiences.
There are no forms of help for people actually seeking to tackle core problems and seek long-term improvement, no matter how much you try and argue that it would be mutually more practical.
That kind care just isn't out there, this world doesn't care.
You have to be blessed with real family and/or friends, lots of resources, or being ungodly strong in your own right, to live a halfway acceptable life.
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Mar 18, 2023
Is it really uncommon as you think it is? A lot of people struggle to find meaning in life. And many depressed people don't see a meaning in living at all, nihilism is a very common thing in people contemplating suicide. If we were to subtype all the different ways depression manifests, there would be thousands. But depression founded in nihilism is common enough that it made its way through pop culture. I do think that persistent depression through the years is less common though, even though even that doesn't seem as rare as one might think. Many who live with it for decades keep it to themselves and learn to hide it well enough.
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Sep 30, 2023
I've suffered from clinical depression from age 7, yet began suffering from an existential crisis 8 years ago.
I would rate my existential crisis as the main reason I want to ctb.
Everything is pointless and meaningless, and nothing really matters.
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Aug 13, 2022
I believe that the entire human race is nothing but an out-of-control parasite on this earth. So me for me, as a parasite, I have no purpose and nothing in life matters or has meaning. The idea of a higher purpose or calling or of karma, or of serendipity, etc etc... are nothing but social constructs.
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Sep 16, 2023
Way to turn depression into some hipster esque dick measuring contest. Plenty of people have experienced long term existential crises. Where do you think a large chunk of philosophy comes from? This is dumb


𝙴𝚡𝚒𝚝 ➔
Sep 22, 2023
i think maybe most people are so distracted by life and living in the moment and instant gratification that when you take it away nihilism takes over, and there aren't any easy answers (or at all) for that. it's a painful existence unless you look away.
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Feb 4, 2023
I'd argue most depression that gets to the point of suicide is existential in nature, no longer find purpose or meaning in living, if some intangible feeling of emptiness becomes so great it swallows even the love you have for your family and friends, that sounds existential to me
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