

Mar 30, 2021
Most people on here are searching methods for painless and easy suicides, and a lot of the time the conversation is about SN. But I'm curious to know, why are you against or not interested in charcoal burning when it's way more accessible than SN? Since it only requires around 800g - 1kg of coal to create a toxic atmosphere by carbon monoxide in confined spaces like cars, tent, small bedrooms or bathrooms. You can simply fall unconscious in around 10-15 minutes (depending on the space size and amount of charcoal) and die 'in your sleep' shortly after.

I just wonder why people don't like this method. Is it because it's not a satisfying death for you? You want to physically take something or do something to cause your death? You're uncertain about it's reliability or you don't have the space to do it privately? it's a relatively popular method in Asia, but the West doesn't consider it that often

Please enlighten me with your personal opinion because I feel as far as painless suicides go, this should be as popular or frequently considered as SN.. not trying to advertise or encourage it, of course.. just wanna know why other methods are more appealing to people

I mean, it's basically the same as when people would run the exhaust of their car through the window or run the car in a garage. Due to catalyst converters or whatever they're called, CO from a car isn't a popular method these days, but essentially charcoal is the same thing but more accessible..
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Mar 4, 2021
I have no place for this method. I'm not going to spoil an expensive car. Better to let my relatives sell it later and get the money.

I don't want to buy a tent.

SN is easier.
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Mar 30, 2021
I have no place for this method. I'm not going to spoil an expensive car. Better to let my relatives sell it later and get the money.

I don't want to buy a tent.

SN is easier.
Where do you intent to take SN? At home or you'll go to a different location? Personally, I feel like SN isn't easier because you have to first try and find a source which can ship to you, then you have to go through the fasting and prep in order to not throw up, which may still happen anyway.. I'm not disregarding SN as a method though, it clearly works for many people but I don't think charcoal is any more difficult since most people already have the resources for it at home
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Mar 4, 2021
Where do you intent to take SN? At home or you'll go to a different location? Personally, I feel like SN isn't easier because you have to first try and find a source which can ship to you, then you have to go through the fasting and prep in order to not throw up, which may still happen anyway.. I'm not disregarding SN as a method though, it clearly works for many people but I don't think charcoal is any more difficult
I have no problem buying SN. I wanted to and he was already at my house in 5 days.

I have a car. I'll just ride it to the right place.

I'll take a couple of trash bags if I vomit.

Starvation? Fasting is not a problem. Can't we help but eat for 8-9 hours? You don't have to starve for a day or something. You can take advantage of sleep at night and do it in the morning.
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Mar 30, 2021
I have no problem buying SN. I wanted to and he was already at my house in 5 days.

I have a car. I'll just ride it to the right place.

I'll take a couple of trash bags if I vomit.

Starvation? Fasting is not a problem. Can't we help but eat for 8-9 hours? You don't have to starve for a day or something. You can take advantage of sleep at night and do it in the morning.
True, I didn't mean to suggest fasting for 8 hours is necessarily a problem.. it just takes a lot of time from start to finish and in that time you may panic or sike yourself up to the point you back out. But you're right that you can take advantage of sleep and do it in the morning


Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
On paper SN just sounds way more peaceful and is kinda romantic. The last long sleep
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Jun 16, 2020
I read about the case of a couple or family who bought a bbq into their tent, not to commit suicide, but to keep warm on a cold night. The man survived, but he said when he woke up he never felt worse (physically). That's when I abandoned it as a method.
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Mar 30, 2021
I read about the case of a couple or family who bought a bbq into their tent, not to commit suicide, but to keep warm on a cold night. The man survived, but he said when he woke up he never felt worse (physically). That's when I abandoned it as a method.
I think I've seen this story somewhere before, but since it wasn't intentional I would've assume that the amount of charcoal wasn't enough or it had already burned for X amount of time that there wasn't enough burn left.

I think it also depends on where in the tent you're laying because I've seen another story where a girl was closer to the barbecue where the concentration was highest, and the others survived with poisoning because they were further from it. Again I would assume since it wasn't intentional that there either wasn't enough charcoal to make to full area toxic or the burn didn't last long enough
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May 29, 2020
given the choice i would take the CO and take careful measures not to wake up
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Nov 16, 2019
OP you have done very little due diligence and are likely not aware of the multiple failures that occur when people try BBQ method in a tent or small room.

I've spoken to several on this website. First of all, not all charcoal briquettes are created equal. Asian charcoal is far more lethal. Also, the intense burning of the eyes and nose causes intense discomfort and leads to failure.

Many often spontaneously find themselves outside of the tent alive and confused as SI kicked in and they woken up and got the hell out of there.

Also, failure with SN is very benign with regard to physical symptoms. Failure from CM can cause chronic nervous system issues.

The grass isnt always easy.
Also there are many failures due to timing issue with the charcoal briquette starter (when to bring it inside) and terrible issues with the disposable grills as far as efficacy goes.
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Jan 23, 2021
Why not charcoal? Because "Propane."
"Taste the meat, not the heat..."


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Mar 17, 2021
Most people on here are searching methods for painless and easy suicides, and a lot of the time the conversation is about SN. But I'm curious to know, why are you against or not interested in charcoal burning when it's way more accessible than SN? Since it only requires around 800g - 1kg of coal to create a toxic atmosphere by carbon monoxide in confined spaces like cars, tent, small bedrooms or bathrooms. You can simply fall unconscious in around 10-15 minutes (depending on the space size and amount of charcoal) and die 'in your sleep' shortly after.

I just wonder why people don't like this method. Is it because it's not a satisfying death for you? You want to physically take something or do something to cause your death? You're uncertain about it's reliability or you don't have the space to do it privately? it's a relatively popular method in Asia, but the West doesn't consider it that often

Please enlighten me with your personal opinion because I feel as far as painless suicides go, this should be as popular or frequently considered as SN.. not trying to advertise or encourage it, of course.. just wanna know why other methods are more appealing to people

I mean, it's basically the same as when people would run the exhaust of their car through the window or run the car in a garage. Due to catalyst converters or whatever they're called, CO from a car isn't a popular method these days, but essentially charcoal is the same thing but more accessible..
I live in an apartment. Cant leave the house because of house arrest. Don't want to set the fire alarms off lol.
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Dec 20, 2020
most people cant go out because of lockdown and live in city's etc, also no risk of brain damage with SN
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Oct 13, 2020
Most people on here are searching methods for painless and easy suicides, and a lot of the time the conversation is about SN. But I'm curious to know, why are you against or not interested in charcoal burning when it's way more accessible than SN? Since it only requires around 800g - 1kg of coal to create a toxic atmosphere by carbon monoxide in confined spaces like cars, tent, small bedrooms or bathrooms. You can simply fall unconscious in around 10-15 minutes (depending on the space size and amount of charcoal) and die 'in your sleep' shortly after.

I just wonder why people don't like this method. Is it because it's not a satisfying death for you? You want to physically take something or do something to cause your death? You're uncertain about it's reliability or you don't have the space to do it privately? it's a relatively popular method in Asia, but the West doesn't consider it that often

Please enlighten me with your personal opinion because I feel as far as painless suicides go, this should be as popular or frequently considered as SN.. not trying to advertise or encourage it, of course.. just wanna know why other methods are more appealing to people

I mean, it's basically the same as when people would run the exhaust of their car through the window or run the car in a garage. Due to catalyst converters or whatever they're called, CO from a car isn't a popular method these days, but essentially charcoal is the same thing but more accessible..
I agree with you. I am beginning to think about this method.. but I guess I always knew it was jumping for me, and I never wanted to risk methods where I could be discovered and risk brain damage.. but I do like the idea of the peacefulness of charcoal.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Brain damage.
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I want to end it

Apr 29, 2018
Isn't it too easy for the CO to seep out? I think you would need a very confined airtight place for it to work.
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a gnome
May 1, 2020
honestly this was my preferred method before actually looking into sn, because I'd read about it from cases of famous people in asia executing it so easily. i actually tried it recently, and the charcoal i had didn't do much (it wasn't enough tbh). i just felt slightly dizzy and then nothing else. after failing, i read further and realized that the chances of brain damage when surviving it were big. i was specifically worried about the fact that many people haven't even had to be saved by outsiders, they quite literally walk out themselves while still out of it and then survive with awful side effects. so although i do find sn to be difficult to obtain for me, and very expensive where I'm at, the lack of possible BD and the reliability of it seems more reassuring and more likely to be successful. in every other aspect it seems equal to CO poisoning though, so i like it. if i don't manage to get the money for the sn then i might just do the charcoal method again. i'll just try with more of it, seal the bathroom more thoroughly and find better quality charcoal i guess(?
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charlotte greentea

charlotte greentea

Misery Chick
Apr 2, 2021
SN seems better to me because you can kind of do it anywhere but with charcoal you have to be in a place that won't be disturbed or hopefully not harm anyone else while you do it.


Dec 21, 2020
Is there a reason you seem so... Offended by people choosing this method?

I live an apartment. There are tons of obvious reasons why this method isn't possible for many many people...


Oct 8, 2018
Each of us must make our own choices concerning methods. If someone is comfortable with a method, that is their choice with no need to critique it. SN is a commonly selected method with lots of information available on using that method. Likewise, the charcoal method is used by some since they feel it is a good method. Whatever your reasons for the method you pick it is your choice. We should not question or criticize someone for how they wish to exit. We are here to support each other and give encouragement and support in very dark times in our lives. Above all, we must remain civil toward each other. Because God knows, the world has not been civil to us.
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I’m haunted by the bottle & death on my breath.
Sep 6, 2020
most people cant go out because of lockdown and live in city's etc, also no risk of brain damage with SN
Not entirely true. You can get brain damage with any attempt. The entire point of SN is to make it so you aren't getting oxygen to your brain. If your brain is deprived of oxygen too long but not long enough to kill you or you are brought back after 4-6 min of not breathing you likely will have some brain damage. SN itself doesn't cause brain damage the same way some drugs directly cause physical issues but it most definitely is not accurate that you can't end up brain damage and a vegetable from SN. Anything that gives you hypoxia can give you brain damage with a quickness.
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Sep 4, 2020
How is SN peaceful? Isn't it painful if you take the wrong dosage?


Mar 30, 2021
Is there a reason you seem so... Offended by people choosing this method?

I live an apartment. There are tons of obvious reasons why this method isn't possible for many many people...
I don't know what gave you the idea that I was offended because I'm really not. I posted this thread out of genuine curiosity because I see the majority of members planning, wishing and hoping for SN, but seen a lot of backlash and disinterest in charcoal. So I wanted to know what their reasons were for pro SN over charcoal
Each of us must make our own choices concerning methods. If someone is comfortable with a method, that is their choice with no need to critique it. SN is a commonly selected method with lots of information available on using that method. Likewise, the charcoal method is used by some since they feel it is a good method. Whatever your reasons for the method you pick it is your choice. We should not question or criticize someone for how they wish to exit. We are here to support each other and give encouragement and support in very dark times in our lives. Above all, we must remain civil toward each other. Because God knows, the world has not been civil to us.
I wasn't criticising anyone's choices. If you reread my original post, I'm literally asking why the majority prefer one (more difficult to obtain) method over another out of genuine curiosity

Guys, I don't know why some people seem so pressed about me asking this.

I've never tried charcoal, and I've been on and off considering it for a while, alongside hanging.

This post was literally to COMPARE the two methods and ask people's personal opinion between the two. I like research and information, so that's why I like to ask WHY to certain things so I can understand reasons behind an answer or decision.
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Dec 20, 2020
Not entirely true. You can get brain damage with any attempt. The entire point of SN is to make it so you aren't getting oxygen to your brain. If your brain is deprived of oxygen too long but not long enough to kill you or you are brought back after 4-6 min of not breathing you likely will have some brain damage. SN itself doesn't cause brain damage the same way some drugs directly cause physical issues but it most definitely is not accurate that you can't end up brain damage and a vegetable from SN. Anything that gives you hypoxia can give you brain damage with a quickness.
tbh what you say makes logical sense.

i was of the belief that brain damage can only occur if you are resuscitated after cardiac arrest from the sn. i also found this online, the use of sn infusions to prevent cerebral damage because it has neuroprotective effects

sounds completely counterproductive i know


Dec 21, 2020
I don't know what gave you the idea that I was offended because I'm really not. I posted this thread out of genuine curiosity because I see the majority of members planning, wishing and hoping for SN, but seen a lot of backlash and disinterest in charcoal. So I wanted to know what their reasons were for pro SN over charcoal

I wasn't criticising anyone's choices. If you reread my original post, I'm literally asking why the majority prefer one (more difficult to obtain) method over another out of genuine curiosity

Guys, I don't know why some people seem so pressed about me asking this.

I've never tried charcoal, and I've been on and off considering it for a while, alongside hanging.

This post was literally to COMPARE the two methods and ask people's personal opinion between the two. I like research and information, so that's why I like to ask WHY to certain things so I can understand reasons behind an answer or decision.
It was definitely some of the wording for me. Asking people if a specific way of death is not satisfying enough for them compared to your preferred method, followed by a "please enlighten me" which is often used to be condescending.

Text sucks for that. No worries if you're just genuinely curious
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Mar 30, 2021
It was definitely some of the wording for me. Asking people if a specific way of death is not satisfying enough for them compared to your preferred method, followed by a "please enlighten me" which is often used to be condescending.

Text sucks for that. No worries if you're just genuinely curious
I understand your confusion but it really wasn't intended the way you thought. The reason I used "please enlighten me" was for two reasons; first is a streamer I watch says it often and unconsciously became part of my vocabulary, and secondly I just find people are often so vague with their answers and don't explain it with enough detail. Like when people simply say "I don't want brain damage" I'm like ok... but the majority of other methods pose the same risks...

I just like facts, information, details, reasons.. like, more is more for me. I can't understand when someone writes 5 words without elaborating lol
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Aug 7, 2019
I considered this method (charcoal) but rejected it in the end because I do not want my passing to impact on others.

I'm not convinced a tent would work because it wouldn't be air tight (and I live in London, England where it's almost impossible to pitch a tent anywhere private enough - I don't have a garden and ...).

Inside my flat, in my small bathroom, could work but the risk (however small) of causing a fire that could impact my neighbours makes it a no go for me. A hotel room would carry the same risk.

My current plan is to use the "night night" method.

Each to their own though, of course.

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