Yeah, absolutely. This is one of the worst. Whenever I've sought out help in the past, I've been belittled, my problems minimised, told that I shouldn't be complaining because "other people have it worse". No-one takes you seriously unless you've been traumatised in a war or something, and people just don't give a shit if you don't have what they deem as an appropriate "reason" to be suicidal.
I didn't fucking choose to be suicidal, if I could snap my fingers and enjoy life like I did when I was a kid then I instantly would. But people treat it like it's a choice, like it was my decision to wake up and be miserable and want to be dead all day and night. Saying "everyone has problems" makes me feel nothing but endless guilt for feeling like shit about my situation, and it's frankly absurd that people think this is an appropriate thing to say. I want to be understood, but these kinds of statements just makes it seem like they don't even remotely care and just want me to "get over it" and "move on" when I physically can't. It shows a complete lack of understanding and detachment from the realities of what people experience.
And yeah, like you said, it's always non-mentally-ill people saying this. I swear to God, so-called "normal" people have less empathy than your average suicidal person. People seem completely incapable at even trying to understand what it's like for people with severe depression, anxiety, etc. For them, it's just a matter of "just cheer up!" and "get over it, it's not a big deal,", like those are choices we make instead of involuntary thoughts we can't get rid of. They don't even remotely understand how hard it is for some people, they can only see the word from their own personal perspective exclusively. Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow worldview of how things work is disregarded as "attention seeking nonsense" and so on. YOU'RE blamed for the shit you go through even when you have no control over how your mind works, they act like it's YOUR choice that this is happening, the burden is placed on YOU even when you've done nothing to deserve it.
And then, at the end of all of this, people somehow still fucking wonder why suicide rates are so high. Some people are just incapable of understanding and empathising with mentally-ill people, and show no interest in rectifying their ignorance.