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(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
Nov 25, 2023
Does anyone know if these interact? Or with Antiemetic domperidone?
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Nov 25, 2023
I think the recommendation is to wean off SSRI 1 month prior the ctb and ALL other drugs for that matter

The SN is going to target your blood yes, but there might be interactions in your brain with the SSRI that might prolong the unconscious phase kicking in (because SSRI are known to go on so many receptors that are even unknown to the doctors themselves )
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
I think the recommendation is to wean off SSRI 1 month prior the ctb and ALL other drugs for that matter

The SN is going to target your blood yes, but there might be interactions in your brain with the SSRI that might prolong the unconscious phase kicking in (because SSRI are known to go on so many receptors that are even unknown to the doctors themselves )

Pls confrm ur srce fr tht recmmndatn

Am nt awre of tht infrmatn
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Nov 25, 2023
Pls confrm ur srce fr tht recmmndatn

Am nt awre of tht infrmatn
I don't have any source except from my own very long and drawn out experiences with SSRI , SNRI and tramadol , amphetamines etc. also this segment above is just something I read someone else mentioning as well plus my own theories . I'll add to this more later

I can't say for sure 100% guaranteed it affects the time to fall unconscious but I have my suspicions that it does or can depending on the individual genetics

I think being cautious of this like the poster above is , will be very beneficial for him and is very wise

Edit: I don't have the exact details now but I think it's the GABA receptors when it comes to N at least and if you have tolerance to benzodiazepines for example you're gonna have trouble with N
Don't think it's the same with SN though when it comes to GABA
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(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
Nov 25, 2023
I think I will go off them. I don't want to fck it up. They don't help me much anyway
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
SSRIs wrk on serotnn receptrs

SN prevnts oxygn frm b-ing producd in red bld clls

Thy hve v diffrnt mechnisms of actn & wrk on dffrnt prts of th/ bdy & systm

Unconscsnss frm SN = bcse of lck of oxygn - thre r 0 receptrs whch r affctd dirctly frm SN frm wht am awre
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Nov 25, 2023
SSRIs wrk on serotnn receptrs

SN prevnts oxygn frm b-ing producd in red bld clls

Thy hve v diffrnt mechnisms of actn & wrk on dffrnt prts of th/ bdy & systm

Unconscsnss frm SN = bcse of lck of oxygn - thre r 0 receptrs whch r affctd dirctly frm SN frm wht am awre
SSRI doesn't only work on seratonin receptors Dot ..

(Btw there's a sea of different brands and variants of SSRI)

Respectfully but you clearly need to do some more research.

Did you know that they still haven't figured out the exact mechanisms behind SSRI?
(I don't mean the seratonin part now)
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
SSRI doesn't only work on seratonin receptors Dot ..

You need to do some more research clearly

U hve a pattrn on th/ frum of criticisng othr usrs knwldge w/o prividng n.e factul infrmatn urslf

If u r goin2 mke sch commnts thn pls bck thm up wth specfc infrmatn othrwse u wll jst cme acrss as antognistc

Did you know that they still haven't figured out the exact mechanisms behind SSRI (I don't mean the seratonin now) ?

"SSRIs inhibit the serotonin transporter (SERT) at the presynaptic axon terminal. By inhibiting SERT, an increased amount of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5HT) remains in the synaptic cleft and can stimulate postsynaptic receptors for a more extended period

SSRIs exert action by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, thereby increasing serotonin activity. Unlike other classes of antidepressants, SSRIs have little effect on other neurotransmitters, such as dopamine or norepinephrine. SSRIs also have relatively fewer side effects than TCAs and MAOIs due to fewer effects on adrenergic, cholinergic, and histaminergic receptors.

= tru tht ppl d/ nt knw xactly hw SSRIs wrk wth rgards t/ anxty / deprssn bt @ th/ sme tme slf rpeat tht SSRIs wrk on neurl receptrs whch SN prevnts red bld clls frm producng & crryng oxygn t/ th/ brain -- thre = 0 evdnce tht SSRIs effct trnsportatn of oxygn

Thy oper8 on cmpletly dffrnt systms

= lke sayng tht drownng wll affct ppl SSRIs diffrntly -- am sre = nt smethng tht hs bn disprovd bt thre = 0 info tht am awre of whch confrms tht eithr
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Nov 25, 2023
I'm sorry I can't understand what you're trying to write🤷‍♂️ it's too hard to decipher this time

Wikipedia won't tell you how many receptors are targeted
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
U hve a pattrn on th/ frum of criticisng othr usrs knwldge w/o prividng n.e factul infrmatn urslf

If u r goin2 mke sch commnts thn pls bck thm up wth specfc infrmatn othrwse u wll jst cme acrss as antognistc

"SSRIs inhibit the serotonin transporter (SERT) at the presynaptic axon terminal. By inhibiting SERT, an increased amount of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5HT) remains in the synaptic cleft and can stimulate postsynaptic receptors for a more extended period

SSRIs exert action by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, thereby increasing serotonin activity. Unlike other classes of antidepressants, SSRIs have little effect on other neurotransmitters, such as dopamine or norepinephrine. SSRIs also have relatively fewer side effects than TCAs and MAOIs due to fewer effects on adrenergic, cholinergic, and histaminergic receptors.

= tru tht ppl d/ nt knw xactly hw SSRIs wrk wth rgards t/ anxty / deprssn bt @ th/ sme tme slf rpeat tht SSRIs wrk on neurl receptrs whch SN prevnts red bld clls frm producng & crryng oxygn t/ th/ brain -- thre = 0 evdnce tht SSRIs effct trnsportatn of oxygn

Thy oper8 on cmpletly dffrnt systms

= lke sayng tht drownng wll affct ppl SSRIs diffrntly -- am sre = nt smethng tht hs bn disprovd bt thre = 0 info tht am awre of whch confrms tht eithr

You have a pattern on the forum of criticizing other users knowledge without providing any factual information yourself.

If you are going to make such comments, then please back then up with specific information, otherwise you'll just come across as antagonistic

It's true that people do not know exactly how SSRI:s work regards to anxiety/ depression, but at the same time I repeat that SSRI's work on neutral receptors and SN blocks red blood cells from producing and carrying oxygen to the brain - there is 0 evidence that SSRI's effect transportation of oxygen.

They operate on a completely different system.

It's like saying drowning will effect people on SSRI's differently ,I'm sure it's not something that has been disproved. But there is 0 information that I am aware off which confirms that either

Also - the info provided was from the National Library of Medicine - not Wikipedia
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Nov 25, 2023
My statement still stands nonetheless.
We don't know exactly how these substances work , especially SSRI are still on dark territories when it comes to science involved

Better to be safe than sorry and be 100% drug free 1 month prior to ctb attempt with any substance if you have been on SSRI before.

I can't recall exactly where I heard it from the first time and I'm really trying to but it makes a lot of sense to me too because when I took SSRI and even when I was off it I felt the remains of the drug for up to 2 weeks after

I can also safely say that when I took SSRI it affected the effects of the other drugs I took , ie they became worthless when I was on SSRI .

So conclusion, there are guaranteed cross interactions between these drugs , question is how much it really effects

Actually now that I try to remember I think it was even PN who mentioned something about antidepressants
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Does anyone know if these interact? Or with Antiemetic domperidone?

Pls disrgard n.e infrmatn tht = givn w/o propr scientifc backng

Thre = 0 evdnce frm n.e usrs on th/ frum t/ sggest tht SSRIs hve impactd SN in n.e wy whtsoever

Interactns of othr drgs cn b checkd on

Stoppng medcatns = smethng tht shld happn wth advce frm a doctr - nt strangrs on an internt frum

Interactns frn PN r oftn refrrng t/ anti-emetc medcatns wth ADs - nt wth SN
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Scrap that, nothing matters at all after all
Jun 24, 2023
Pls disrgard n.e infrmatn tht = givn w/o propr scientifc backng

Thre = 0 evdnce frm n.e usrs on th/ frum t/ sggest tht SSRIs hve impactd SN in n.e wy whtsoever

Interactns of othr drgs cn b checkd on

Stoppng medcatns = smethng tht shld happn wth advce frm a doctr - nt strangrs on an internt frum
Just translating for dot.

Please disregard any information that is given without proper scientific backing.

There is no evidence from any users on the forum to suggest that SSRIs have impacted SN in any way whatsoever.

Interactions of other drugs can be checked on [](

Stopping medications is something that should happen with advice from a doctor - not strangers on an internet forum.

Interactions from PN are often referring to anti-emetics with ADs - not SN itself
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Nov 25, 2023
Just translating for dot.

Please disregard any information that is given without proper scientific backing.

There is no evidence from any users on the forum to suggest that SSRIs have impacted SN in any way whatsoever.

Interactions of other drugs can be checked on [](

Stopping medications is something that should happen with advice from a doctor - not strangers on an internet forum.

Interactions from PN are often referring to anti-emetics with ADs - not SN itself
I can't express how sorry I am for stroke victims , I know they have a hard time formulating thoughts and use logic - but to anyone else reading I am only wishing for the best outcome for your exit nothing else. I am not here to fear monger or cause drama I'm just telling you what I know, and while most of my text above applies to N mostly, I wouldn't disregard the fact that there are drug interactions with SN too even though it's "just a salt".
SN is poison so I doubt any drug is going to block that. SN directly stops the bloods ability to carry oxygen. It's not a drug. The body has its own mechanism for producing enzymes to slightly block it in some people but not enough to overcome it usually.

please be respectful of the chemistry and cross drug interactions , they're nothing you just play around with terms like that

You can put people in grave danger by giving false info like that

However you wanna label the substance it's still something that's affecting the biology of our bodies
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Jul 11, 2023
I can't express how sorry I am for stroke victims , I know they have a hard time formulating thoughts and use logic - but to anyone else reading I am only wishing for the best outcome for your exit nothing else. I am not here to fear monger or cause drama I'm just telling you what I know, and while most of my text above applies to N mostly, I wouldn't disregard the fact that there are drug interactions with SN too even though it's "just a salt".

please be respectful of the chemistry and cross drug interactions , they're nothing you just play around with terms like that

You can put people in grave danger by giving false info like that

However you wanna label the substance it's still something that's affecting the biology of our bodies

My gosh you are as informed on a very valued mod as you are on your "advice" please refrain from giving out your playground diagnosis on medication or Dot's condition, before you do someone some actual damage beyond your misguided and uneducated drivel.

Id also like to point out that attacking people on this site and assuming someones thought process and condition without much knowledge on them at all is rather pathetic. Try to understand the actual meaning in Dots words (kindly translated previously as you don't seem intelligent enough to do yourself, perhaps you're a stroke victim? in which case I apologise).

Please in future back up your statements evidentially and factually with real world data and analysis instead of making up utter crap out of thin air.

happy to take this further on DM
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Nov 25, 2023
I think I will go off them. I don't want to fck it up. They don't help me much anyway
On the topic of these medicaments, I assure you these do more harm than good.
And that goes for all of you out there using SSRI's currently - DO NOT take them. It's better to go without it than to ingest this poison into your bodies.
Thats all I wanted to say.

My gosh you are as informed on a very valued mod as you are on your "advice" please refrain from giving out your playground diagnosis on medication or Dot's condition, before you do someone some actual damage beyond your misguided and uneducated drivel.

Id also like to point out that attacking people on this site and assuming someones thought process and condition without much knowledge on them at all is rather pathetic. Try to understand the actual meaning in Dots words (kindly translated previously as you don't seem intelligent enough to do yourself, perhaps you're a stroke victim? in which case I apologise).

Please in future back up your statements evidentially and factually with real world data and analysis instead of making up utter crap out of thin air.

happy to take this further on DM
It's not a playground diagnosis on medication, it's personal experience and research. Please refrain from commenting if you haven't done the research yourself.
You're doing more harm than good for trying to play hero.
I don't want to talk with you in DMs so please stay away from my inbox.
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Jun 12, 2018
I can't express how sorry I am for stroke victims , I know they have a hard time formulating thoughts and use logic - but to anyone else reading I am only wishing for the best outcome for your exit nothing else.

You will stop this right now. Spreading misinformation is one thing but insulting someone is completely off the rails. This isn't the first time you attract attention of staff with your rude behavior and I strongly suggest you adjust how you talk to other people in this forum.
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Nov 25, 2023
You will stop this right now. Spreading misinformation is one thing but insulting someone is completely off the rails. This isn't the first time you attract attention of staff with your rude behavior and I strongly suggest you adjust how you talk to other people in this forum.
I acknowledge and accept it , I just wanted to say that it wasn't meant as an insult I seriously thought something like this happened to him.
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