This is probably going on a bit of a tangent but your post made me think of it when I hadn't given it a thought for some time.
I wouldn't really say the governments have enslaved people, I'd say it is more the banks. Although some people will still say it's a conspiracy or whatever, even when one American banker working in London was interviewed by "The artist taxi driver" on youtube, the banker said bankers don't run the world but they are trying to. So the 'conspiracy' is only wrong insofar as they just haven't achieved it yet. But that just highlights how people don't do anything until it is too late. They can't see them trying to do it and if bankers succeed it will take a lot of people a while to even see it has happened so it will be too late to do anything about it.
There was also a trader who was interviewed during the "Real Democracy" protests that happened in several countries. He said that traders pray for financial crisis, because it is an opportunity to make money. He said he wasn't even that much of a successful trader but he can't make money trading if there are not big highs and lows.
So as long as you have someone trying to control money and you have someone who could benefit from things going wrong you will always have someone with a reason to make that happen - as long as they are prepared when it does happen, that is all they care about.
Politicians and governments are playing the game (badly), they aren't orchestrating it.
When I first started taking an interest in how the banking system works. I read the workbook "Modern Money Mechanics" by The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. I had already read a transcript of an apparent phone call to "The Fed" which probably explained it all but it wasn't direct so it wasn't clear to me, but Modern Money Mechanics filled in the blanks for me, specifically the paragraph:
If business is active, the banks with excess reserves
probably will have opportunities to loan the $9,000. Of
course, they do not really pay out loans from the money
they receive as deposits. If they did this, no additional
money would be created. What they do when they make
loans is to accept promissory notes in exchange for credits
to the borrowers' transaction accounts. Loans (assets)
and deposits (liabilities) both rise by $9,000. Reserves are
unchanged by the loan transactions. But the deposit credits constitute new additions to the total deposits of the
banking system. See illustration 3
A lot of people have heard of the phrase 'money as debt' but I don't think many know what that really means. And if they did, although the quote attributed to Henry Ford goes:
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
I don't think many would do anything about it because their lives are too comfortable.
When new money is created as virtual money by being typed into a database, and then it has to be paid back with real money which is then kept in reserves so more virtual money can be 'lent' it is just a endless spiral. The government even needs to pay for the bank notes that are printed (in the UK by De La Ru PLC) so at every stage of the system, someone is owing money each time virtual or real money is created.
This is partly why I don't think it is governments who are are controlling everyone, they are just willing players in the game. It is probably like when you start working at a new company. People will complain about how hard it is to learn the inefficient jobs, but when people do eventually learn them, they will then resist any suggestion to improve the job and change it because now they know it fully they don't see the inefficiency as a problem any more. In fact they will fight to keep it the way it is quite aggressively because they wont want to learn the new way when it changes. Even if the thing is causing recurring problems, they will still resist change because they know the change could be worse for them than keeping it as it is and correcting things all the time.
Even looking at the recent information that has come out over The Queen of England saying she didn't want Prince Harry's security to be removed, but it was, because although people believed it was her who made the decision, it wasn't. She hadn't even personally given royal ascent to any laws for years, they were automatically signed off. The Queen once said herself that "dark forces" were at work, which to me is as concerning as Princess Diana saying Charles was planning an accident in her car. The real people controlling things are the quieter ones, just like in work places, the bully could be getting others to do their dirty work for them, or the head of a criminal gang is never known. If you want to control people, the best way is to do it with as few people as possible knowing you are the one controlling things. Make everyone think it is someone else.
I think George Carlin explained it well in the section of his stand up show which has been called The American Dream.