

Who knows, who cares
Apr 7, 2022
Elon Musk bought Twitter. I saw this and it makes me feel a little crazed: "With 40 billion dollars, Elon Musk could have given each of the 330M people living in America a million dollars and still had $7B left over. Why aren't more people talking about this?"

I don't know what to think about a guy like this who can flush that kind of money down the toilet on a whim while there is so much suffering.

Edit: Yeah, the math doesn't work out. The quote is bogus. I'm a dope.
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Apr 19, 2022
Idk. I won't be around much longer so him owning twitter won't affect me.

Maybe he can curb cancel culture on twitter, though.
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Who knows, who cares
Apr 7, 2022
You don't?
I guess it's like he's operating on another plane of reality. It's almost hard to imagine that this actually happened, that it's even possible. His motivations are so foreign to me that I find it hard to judge them.


Apr 19, 2022
He's based and money pilled.
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Feb 21, 2022
Why should he be obligated to give his money away to other people?
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Why should he be obligated to give his money away to other people?
Indeed, it's perfectly fine that one particularly odious individual should sit on an obscenely immense pile of cash like a dragon hoarding gold whilst millions across the globe literally die due to their own poverty, this is absolutely fair and just, Elon Musk should be applauded for setting this fine example of hyper-capitalism in all its glory.
Maybe he can curb cancel culture on twitter, though.
Seriously what the hell is this, who is being "cancelled" right now, who do you want this caricature of a bond villain to protect you from as you go about posting memes on the internet, do you even know what you are saying
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Mar 9, 2022
I've never understood why anybody likes him.
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Dec 17, 2021
I read... On Twitter... Before they made the announcement that he had asked the un how $6b could help cancel food shortages in the world. They replied with a list. And instead, he's bought Twitter for 7x that
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Mar 9, 2022
I find ppl who worship rich ppl weird in general.
That, and just celebrities as a whole too. Getting into arguments and fights on social media to defend people who most likely don't care that they're exist at all. Just couldn't be me.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
That, and just celebrities as a whole too. Getting into arguments and fights on social media to defend people who most likely don't care that they're exist at all. Just couldn't be me.
I'm always doing it tbh, whenever l see a celebrity with a sizeable platform, immeasurable wealth and over a million followers on twitter tweet something racist l get straight in there to defend them from the hordes of the woke mafia, cancel culture is a scourge and protecting the right of celebrities to tweet out pig-ignorant bullshit by way of wading into their replies with barely coherent simpering is the noblest political act that l, a skint fucking nobody on the internet, could possibly do in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty two.
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Jul 7, 2019
I'm not a fan of musk, actually fuck him for his "funny" market manipulating tweets. But this situation and the reactions from the usual annoying internet people have been a sight to behold.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer company and userbase.
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Quiet Desperation

Lonely wanderer
Dec 7, 2020
Not to be that guy, but 40B divided by 330M is $121.
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Sep 16, 2021
I think Elon Musk sucks, in that he is bad at what he does (and he also sucks) and Twitter is on the downward arc of it's relevancy. Very on brand Musk purchase.
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Who knows, who cares
Apr 7, 2022
Oh sorry about that, guess I'm the greater dope :ahhha:
Noooooo I was such a dope I was going to delete the thread and you get this box that you have to fill in and I thought horrors, this is it, I have to leave this up for the entire internet to see because deleting it is worse. Sigh.
I'm not a fan of musk, actually fuck him for his "funny" market manipulating tweets. But this situation and the reactions from the usual annoying internet people have been a sight to behold.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer company and userbase.
I actually like Twitter because it allows me to follow certain specific experts who tweet on topics that interest me, like epidemiologists talking about covid. It's possible to use Twitter and almost entirely avoid the drama. So I'm hoping it doesn't all go to hell.
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Feb 21, 2022
Indeed, it's perfectly fine that one particularly odious individual should sit on an obscenely immense pile of cash like a dragon hoarding gold whilst millions across the globe literally die due to their own poverty, this is absolutely fair and just, Elon Musk should be applauded for setting this fine example of hyper-capitalism in all its glory.
What are you personally doing to help the starving and impoverished?
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
In all honesty I'm not that bothered by this. I mean I get it and I'm not defending Musk. Maybe I'm ignorant to some element of this. It just seems like this is what happens now. That money spent was an investment (whether wise oe otherwise) and is due to pay itself back. If Musk truly did ask for said info on food shortage from the UN then maybe there's a plan we're unaware of. Maybe Musk is a delusional pig. Truth is we can only make assumptions one way or another and it's easy to lean on the direction that urks us most because lets face it, the world, humans more precisely are entirely flawed by nature. There's certainly no good reason people are starving and even struggling to pay bills is this day and age when the secretary of state is richer than the Queen of it. It's obsured. However its that way regardless and picking at every ludicrous purchase they make really changes nothing. Just starts a back and forth flame war amongst the little people and whatever public figure wants to be super wokededed or whatev's yo. I dunno, maybe for some it highlights the next step in their education on the world we live in so fair enough, people are gonna feel it's at their pinnacle of awareness and understanding and talk about it as such but the truth is there's always another rung on the ladder to despair and disgust and tomorrow (or soon enough) you'll view some other c*nt being a c*nt. Is it reason to accept it. No. But put your energy where it matters. Or do both if you have the energy for that. I'm just another c*unt being a fuckwit on the web myself. Don't listen to me. Wasn't so long I was expressing my disgust at JayZ winning a bid on an ugly tiffany watch in the millions. My argument was much the same. He could have fed a lot of people with that watch. So I get it. I also know its a fool errand. :((

I know OP realised their mathematical error and corrected it. Fair play. Truth is I overlooked it too. One thing that did strike me is the effect of giving a nation of people one million each. It would have pretty unexpected consequences. Many businesses would close for one. There'd be price hikes because 'hey you can afford it so you will'. Just how most of the world works. Even when you can't afford it, right!? Drug use and addiction would rise rapidly. There'd be an increase in population, both intentional and accidental due to all the 'fuck that's a relief' screwing. Many people would spunk their money in casinos over night. Definitely within weeks. Some would straight up get robbed because guess what, now that thug you pass daily knows you have a mil in the bank and they're gonna walk you down there and have you extract it from the atm. (granted this isn't going to fly for everyone but would happen to some without doubt) You might argue why would they, they have a mil too. Logic cannot be applied here because people are c*nts. Illegal imigrants wouldn't receive their mil so guess what, they're gonna stick out like a sore thumb unless they get clever. That nasty prick at work that steps on everyone and helps themselves to peoples lunches and what not. Don't think they're not eying up their greedy share of your slice of the pie. They're no better than the thug who mugged you on the way in. The economy would have to 'adjust to suit' the sudden influx of money and that's fine but it wouldn't be in favour of the citizen. That mil wouldn't be worth a mil for long and the country would be back in negative numbers within the year. Some would have benefited and trust me, I'd take that mil with open arms but I'm kidding myself if I suddenly believe I'm set for life.

This is the quandry with a lot of small third world countries. They don't know how to use money (which may sound patronising but it is true) and how would you educate them overnight. Small country is still in the thousands of people. I'm an ultruastic person and there's been times in my life where I was in a position to make good money. I had plans before getting sick and gave this all some thought. I no doubt still haven't fully grasped the big picture. I'm just saying, it's a pretty complex one. Really I think the best way is to first make sure the countries have water (without back breaking work) and a sustainable food source. Provide money in the form of grants and work with them in an amicable way to build good infrastructure. Create an environment where they can flourish in a working ecosystem and provide them the benefit of hindsights learned in more developed countries. Warn them never to venture out of their little echobubble and join with the rest of the idiot world, turn tail and run lol. I'm over simplifying I know. I've run out of steam. Basically humans are c*nts and may never be able to live in an equal resources society because as soon as someone breaks out of the bubble and pushes ahead into higher numbers a competitor rises to meet the demands of the impact of their actions. Nuclear weapons is a prime example. "My gun is bigger than yours so don't jump my fence". "well then I better get a bigger gun myself because now you're gonna jump over mine!" and so on and so forth. Twitter!? Meh. I'd rather see it in Elons hands than Zuckerbergs grubby mits. Lesser evil right!? What a bunch of c*nts!
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Everyone is alone. Everyone is empty.
Mar 11, 2022
It's like you don't even understand human nature. People are selfish. Your utopia that you imagine in your head is never going to actualize.
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Feb 5, 2021
but would giving money to everyone fix anything in long term? many people that end up in that desperate situation don't deserve the money, and will manage it poorly.
Actually, giving away the money like that is like injecting a drug to a society. people would tend to sit in that 1M and work less, leading to poor economy and bad effects long term.
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Heaven, send Hell away
Mar 29, 2021
It's only an exchange of leadership. The 40B money can still be spent to help people, it just can't be spent by Musk anymore. Economics, people. We should be more worried about how Musk will change Twitter, given that he's the kind of person to spend 40B to own another company instead of help reduce poverty.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
I'm assuming that 40B will be earned back in revenue anyway, right? It's not like buying a consumable item. It's a business. Much like investing in property, the money eventually returns and the spender can then use that money another way.
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Apr 21, 2022
"I'm not like all of the other Billionares"
-Elon musk
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silent staring void

Jan 22, 2020
With the way that people talk about this on the internet, you might think that twitter was previously owned by the state and paid for by the taxpayer.
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Who knows, who cares
Apr 7, 2022
With the way that people talk about this on the internet, you might think that twitter was previously owned by the state and paid for by the taxpayer.
It's that a petulant twit with bottomless pockets is able to purchase an entire social media platform, stating he will make the company private and run it as he pleases. He believes in free speech without limits. Nobody knows what will come of this, though many suspect nothing good. He himself was a spreader of covid misinformation, among other things.


Jul 31, 2020
It's nothing new that twitter has always been in favor of the left, it just needs to see the biggest leftist newspapers and the sympathizers cry, I heard an idiot saying that soon half the world will be controlled by billionaires.. bruh this already happens to thousands of years. I support total freedom of speech I hope he does what he said, however he is a businessman he will always prioritize making money over individual freedom. I also don't believe he should give people money, I wouldn't.

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