

Feb 29, 2024
I just can't feel comfortable in my body, which is read as very masculine. It just hurts a lot. I only know this pain from my depression, but I've never had this dysphoria so strongly and for so long. I don't know if I'll manage to come out in time so that hormone therapy etc. will work. I don't think that will lead me to the only solution. Suicide. Not acutely, maybe not soon, but I know that there are only two ways for me to somehow feel better in the long term.
Srry for the long text, I'm really sorry, but I love you all and would be very happy about answers, yes, actually
Best regards

Translated with DeepL
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Apr 6, 2024
I hope you find a way to be comfortable in your body, however that may be. There are many many trans people who transition later in life and still find happiness with their new selves, maybe you could look up some videos or blogs of peoples experiences with transitioning later on? Out of curiosity how old are you? I don't know much about hormone therapy but I believe it still has affect even if you are post pubescent which I presume you are. Also you don't have to come out publicly in order to see a doctor and talk to them about your options. You can talk to them first, start hormones and give yourself more time to be ready.
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Sep 11, 2024
you can always start hrt before you come out to anyone. dont even need a doctor really. thats what i did personally. didnt tell any friends other than one for months, and my parents only found out when i got outed by my mom's friend a year and a half later. i think this is the best way to go about it personally because starting as soon as possible (which was already much later than id want) was very important to me. but idk how old you are and what your situation is.
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Sep 16, 2024
It is never too late too to start HRT. Not gonna lie, after puberty "MTF HRT" isn't so effective but it still can make wonders to your body. It is like a lottery, sometimes you get lucky and other times not so lucky, so it is possible you get good results.

About coming out, it is a hard decision. I don't know about your home/country situation about the topic, but maybe you get accepted?

Sending you positive vibes!
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Feb 29, 2024
you can always start hrt before you come out to anyone. dont even need a doctor really. thats what i did personally. didnt tell any friends other than one for months, and my parents only found out when i got outed by my mom's friend a year and a half later. i think this is the best way to go about it personally because starting as soon as possible (which was already much later than id want) was very important to me. but idk how old you are and what your situation is.
Hi, im currently living in germany which makes it hard to get an HRT; you have to see several doctors and psychologists before youll get an HRT; but theyre about to make an new law so that you can get it way easier; hope that theyll manage to do that
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Sep 11, 2024
Hi, im currently living in germany which makes it hard to get an HRT; you have to see several doctors and psychologists before youll get an HRT; but theyre about to make an new law so that you can get it way easier; hope that theyll manage to do that
hopefully that gets changed cuz that sucks yea. u can always order online as well if that doesnt work out, ik someone in germany who did that. (dm if u need details)
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