Similar to a lot of other replies. University 4th year student here, I've always been a straight-A student, 4.0s, honor roll, whatever. No matter how bad my mental health got, no matter how nonexistent my social life was. But last semester was when I made serious concrete plans to CTB and it was like a flip switched, because keeping up with it had always made me miserable and I didn't want to spend my last days stressing about stuff that no longer mattered.... ironically, all it did was stress me out more, lol. Worried/disappointed emails from professors, having to hide it from my parents, and obviously it puts more pressure on actually going through with CTB'ing because I've dug myself into a hole when everyone expects me to graduate
If I hadn't given up I would probably be going on to graduate school though. So just another waste of time and money because I have no idea what I want to do with my life other than end it. Man. University has been a nightmare