

Apr 17, 2019
For the past couple weeks I've been doing a small series of posts on here, regarding different parts of my plans for ctb. If you happened to stumble on a few of them, you already know the background, but to summarize: I'm in a small condo with basically no money, but a few hours home alone on certain days of the week. It was easily determined that I have the time and privacy to ctb, and the note is being worked on, but now I have to figure out if it's even physically possible to hang myself (preferably full suspension at the moment) from anything in this little place, and how I can approach that, if it is. So, here's what I've "scouted" in my home so far:

Everything attached to the walls and ceilings looks like a no-go, far too weak to hold me. It comes down to doors, I feel. There are a few doors, well-hidden from any windows, and they seem like the only reasonably strong structures in the whole condo. Even they might be too weak since this place is kinda old but hopefully I can go over the details with you guys and run some tests to get at least a rough estimation of how sturdy they are. There are two spots where I might be able to hang from a door. If these ideas sound silly and ridiculous, I'm sorry, I really don't know a lot about this and I'm frankly none too bright. Firstly, there's upstairs. My bedroom door is close to the bathroom door (though they're pretty much diagonal to each other which could be awkward), so I might be able to tie something to the bathroom's inside doorknob, sling it over the door to my room, and hang from inside my room (if i can keep the doors relatively still). The other potential option is the basement. There's a door down there, leading to the tool room, which is bigger and stronger-looking than the doors upstairs, but it lacks the benefit of having another nearby door, so I'd need to tie the other side of the rope to something else, maybe just the opposite doorknob of the same door, if that isn't putting too much weight in one spot or doesn't have a risk of slipping off?

What exactly do I have on hand to play the role of the "rope"? Well, probably nothing. The only thing I've kinda had my eyes on is a dog leash, not the normal one, but an extra-long, tougher, dog park leash that looks and feels to be made of something similar to a proper traditional rope, though it's quite thin. If that's not trustworthy enough, or too brutal, there may be something else less conventionally "ropey" I can use, I'm not totally sure what else works in terms of household objects. I can go into more depth with that and show you guys what I have, I guess. If there's really nothing, I could maybe resort to sneaking off to the store and seeing if there's any suitable ropes or equivalents I can afford and hide away at home. Assuming that wouldn't raise eyebrows at the store, I mean.

Finally, there's my weight to consider. I don't think I have a scale at home but I'll try to find some way of weighing myself soon. I am an obese, adult male, who drinks too much beer, so that will surely have an effect...Definitely will make sure I'm not in the middle of digestion before a hang. Going forward, I'll work on doing some weighing and measuring, to get a better grasp on how doable this is, and perhaps provide pictures of the area and objects I may use (which would be heavily censored to prevent any personal information being revealed, of course).

To start with I'm just wondering if the basic idea of this ctb sounds sensible, if my initial vague "plan" has the right direction, and I'll provide more concrete things I can discuss as soon as I can. Thank you all again for being here, listening and helping, and being generally great people. Can't tell you enough how amazing this site has been for me already.
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Mar 27, 2018
I think that if you are overweight you should buy a new rope, at least one cm thick, 5-10 meter long. Take one thats good for a couple of hundred kilo, just to be safe.

I have searched for one to my self online and they are rather cheap.
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Apr 17, 2019
I think that if you are overweight you should buy a new rope, at least one cm thick, 5-10 meter long. Take one thats good for a couple of hundred kilo, just to be safe.

I have searched for one to my self online and they are rather cheap.
Thanks for the advice. I took a quick look and this looks like one of the cheaper ones so far while fitting your criteria decently well.
Seem okay to you?


Mar 21, 2019
If you go walmart, order the 3/4 or 5/8 inch double braided dock line. I had the 5/8 and it is nice. Now on a boat.
I just ordered the 3/4 inch. It will hold a ton...literally. It also does not dig in and has more comfort. A soft and supple covering. Both about the same price as your option.
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Apr 17, 2019
If you go walmart, order the 3/4 or 5/8 inch double braided dock line. I had the 5/8 and it is nice. Now on a boat.
I just ordered the 3/4 inch. It will hold a ton...literally. It also does not dig in and has more comfort. A soft and supple covering. Both about the same price as your option.
Thanks for the pointer. Sounds very promising, I'll look at it, and probably go with it.
Edit: I'm having a problem...All of these ropes seem to be strictly for online order. I really want to be able to buy in-store, so I can bring it straight home, when the place is empty, and hide it. Because if I order online, my entire family is going to see the most suspicious package ever arrive in the mail.
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Mar 21, 2019
Ship it to work. It comes on a typical brown box. Take it home when you can.


Apr 17, 2019
Ship it to work. It comes on a typical brown box. Take it home when you can.

Not currently working, but depending on when I ctb, might be working at that point, so thank you, I'll keep that in mind, it's a good plan.

Ideally though, I'd still like to take care of this sooner, by going in-store, so I'm trying to keep my options open and I'm still looking at ropes I could potentially buy in person. While checking a local store, I found this rope with the details pictured here. Wondering if this is at all a viable option?


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Mar 21, 2019
3/8 is a little thin for comfort but really, it will only be annoying for 15 seconds!


Apr 17, 2019
Well, hey, if it works it works. I don't do well with pain, but my priority is just to get whatever's immediately accessible, cheap, and strong enough to finish me. Those 15 seconds will be a nightmare, I'm sure, but I just wanna die, so I think I'll go grab that rope in a couple days when I'm alone. Maybe try to pad it a bit if that will help.

I might be overthinking this but I'm even considering faking a shopping list or something, just so it looks like I'm stopping by a bunch of stores for different things and not just getting a rope.
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