

Sep 10, 2023
Yes, absolutely! I've used DMT almost entirely by myself as I find it allows me to explore myself more. There is no physical risk with it at all. Always start with a low dose and gradually work your way up - you'll be fine! The most dangerous part is the method of inhalation; since DMT hits so fast and hard, you might drop your pipe (for example), which could be extremely hot and dangerous. I would recommend a Yocan Orbit; it's a very foolproof way of smoking DMT with no risks. The experience itself is completely safe, and I would, of course, recommend having someone, maybe here on SaSu, to talk about your experience afterward. Make sure to document it afterward.

However, I should note that the recommended guidelines for any psychedelic use suggest having a trip sitter - always keep that in mind. From my own experiences and those of my friends who I've introduced DMT to, they feel completely safe and enjoy doing it by themselves also. There are more things that can go wrong with LSD or shrooms if you don't have a trip sitter, mostly due to their longer duration. But DMT is different! In some ways DMT is more gentle :heart:.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate you. That is so good to know. I have a lot of experience using mushrooms and LSD alone so I can imagine as long as I find a way to take it that is safe, it will go fine. I will look into the Yocan Orbit, thank you for that info! I also meditate a lot and have waiting until I was ready to introduce DMT. I feel like I am finally at that point. Thank you for your insight!
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May 6, 2024
I'm a proponent of psychedelics but if you have high blood pressure or a heart condition then there are risks to DMT. Ayahuasca retreats often will not take people with heart conditions. Also negative interactions with anti-depressants.

I smoked weed for a time to cope. Ended up with a high tolerance and it made my depression worse. To the point where I now avoid it altogether.

Psilocybin is great but if you're on anti-depressants they reduce the effects greatly which really sucks.
I've tripped on LSD which like psilocybin could result in a good or bad trip. Though even a bad trip can lead to some insight.
There are the tiny amount of cases where people end up with unwelcome hallucinogenic flashbacks.
With all things, moderation is probably the healthiest approach.
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Wandering Shadow
Sep 11, 2024
Thank you so much. I really appreciate you. That is so good to know. I have a lot of experience using mushrooms and LSD alone so I can imagine as long as I find a way to take it that is safe, it will go fine. I will look into the Yocan Orbit, thank you for that info! I also meditate a lot and have waiting until I was ready to introduce DMT. I feel like I am finally at that point. Thank you for your insight!
It makes me so glad that I'm able to offer advice and help guide you on your journey of self-discovery with DMT. It's truly my favorite drug; I used it almost daily last year before bed to help me sleep. It's a miracle medicine. Remember, DMT is gentle and only wants the best for you - it never wishes you harm. Don't be afraid of the truth, and try not to have any expectations for the trip. You'll never be completely ready, so take your time and work your way up!

The more you use DMT, the more you'll realize just how beautiful and kind it is. It truly is the most loving substance on this planet. Crying as an aftereffect of DMT is common - tears of joy, tears of relief. It feels like all the negative emotions and burdens you've carried throughout the week are released when you do DMT. You finally get that warm hug, reassuring you that everything will be okay. No matter what happens in the world, you've found your peace. For me many times, DMT would almost tell me that it was glad to see me again. It felt like it was talking to me, telling me "I'm so glad you decided to come back here" when I was very suicidal.

I hope my words encourage anyone reading this to look into it. It truly is the most beautiful drug in the world. :heart:
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Jun 2, 2024
I used opioids (my drug of choice), alcohol, a few times pregabalin and benzos (but I don't like the two latter that much). But the first two I don't recommend if you tend to want to use them daily. Opioids are expensive and their withdrawals are hell and alcohol can give some very scary organ and brain damage relatively quickly resulting in a slow painful death or staying a half vegetable for a decade first. Taking drugs to escape reality will also only tend to make you delay ctb. I am sober from both opioids and alcohol now and try to focus on ctb instead.
Yeah, opiates are the way to go IMO if you want to just nod off, relax, and forget about everything while you feel content. Alcohol just makes things wore for me personally and causes me to get hyper-focused on whatever is on my mind at the time. Weed is good of course but it stays in your system for a month which isn't good. I mostly just stick to cigarettes and partake in opiates 2-3 times a month at most but am sober 90% of the time.


Apr 15, 2024
Yeah, opiates are the way to go IMO if you want to just nod off, relax, and forget about everything while you feel content. Alcohol just makes things wore for me personally and causes me to get hyper-focused on whatever is on my mind at the time. Weed is good of course but it stays in your system for a month which isn't good. I mostly just stick to cigarettes and partake in opiates 2-3 times a month at most but am sober 90% of the time.
Yeah, opiates can give a consistent high and calmness that lasts for like 5-8 hours with little damage to organs. But the downside is that tolerance grows rapidly and they are super addictive and expensive if getting them from the street. For me, alcohol gives a content calm high similar to opiates but it lasts only like 40 minutes. Then when drinking more, similar to what you said, its effect tends to enhance whatever emotion I set my focus on, so it makes me either angry or sad. Stupid drug. I have tried weed also a few times by taking drops of cannabis oil. Every time I got horrible paranoia and then loss of sense of time. I think it has to do with having an underlying anxiety disorder. I've never tried cigarettes properly and wanna stay that way.


Nov 20, 2023
lsd is so nice to stop depression for a while
its like energetic and happy
depression and unwanted thoughts always end up coming back tho but it helps for maybe a week or so
occasional trip is better than having to take daily ssri pills tbh
dxm is good every now and then but the vomit happens every time
opiates make it impossible to have unwanted thoughts tbh but they are difficult to get

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