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One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
I have been with doctors, psychiatrist, physcologists, shamans, and many people who charge by the hour or service.
and they say you are smart, you can make it through, they will help you, but they make a good living because they charge a TON of money from you?

damm, I hate them too..... specially the small number of shamans Ive been with.... I have talked back and got mad at them, telling them why do they sell their services so fucking expensive.... one told me the "product/drug" was very special brought from Peru... damm, he probably bought it online.... I hate them too...

specially the psychologists who said, he really wanted to help me, he was really interested in my case, but if I stop paying.... he wouldnt even fucking return a call to see how i'm doing... screw them too..
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Feb 18, 2019
I have been with doctors, psychiatrist, physcologists, shamans, and many people who charge by the hour or service.
and they say you are smart, you can make it through, they will help you, but they make a good living because they charge a TON of money from you?

damm, I hate them too..... specially the small number of shamans Ive been with.... I have talked back and got mad at them, telling them why do they sell their services so fucking expensive.... one told me the "product/drug" was very special brought from Peru... damm, he probably bought it online.... I hate them too...

specially the psychologists who said, he really wanted to help me, he was really interested in my case, but if I stop paying.... he wouldnt even fucking return a call to see how i'm doing... screw them too..
There are some free clinics and lots of these people volunteer there, they just also have to pay the rent, pay down their astronomical student loans, and pay for their own healthcare. I think it's ok if people like to help, but don't want to do it for free. Artists want to share their work with the world but they charge for the art, authors sell their books, musicians sell concert tickets.

The only way it would really work to make free help easily accessible is to completely change the economy. Basic income, free education, and all that.

In our current system, I don't mind compensating people for providing me with something. I don't feel entitled to their time for free, and in a healthcare relationship the benefit is one-sided. I'm not helping them back or tending to their needs, like I would with a friend.
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Jun 27, 2019
Essential services should never be profit driven and only available if you can afford them...that's just shitty and inhumane...but this economic system, which most people want because it gives them the best chance (even if its infinitesimal) of becoming wealthy and powerful, is what we are stuck with. There are enough resources for everyone to live at a humane level and access needs, but the distribution is majorly out of whack. Most people care more about making sure others aren't getting anything they don't "deserve" than making sure everyone has what they need.

Anytime someone is getting paid, and needs to get paid to live at the level they expect they deserve for their "class", that is the primary concern, and you are a means to that end and if push comes to shove they will always choose the money over the person. I have seen it over and over my entire life. Of course they all think they are above it, but the proof is in the invoice. There are very few people, though they do exist, who put people before profits.

What personally grates me about the medical "business" is how they get paid, and a LOT, regardless of whether they actually help you at all. They even get paid when they make things worse. The little guys don't get paid unless they produce, repair, make someone else rich. Mechanics don't get paid if they repair your car incorrectly or make it worse. But doctors, therapists, whatever...paid a fat check regardless of the result. I think if we are going to stick with this crap capitalistic mess then they should get paid like all other workers...only if they do what they are meant to.
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
Everyone has gifts and talents that are highly valued. A person who has become a specialist in something has a right to charge a high value for a good service. Studies show that people who charge higher prices are valued higher by their customers and they become well sought after. There is a psychology behind this practice.

Do you live in the states? If so, have you been to the free clinics and county services? Majority of them have poor services and they suck. That's because the providers they hire offer poor quality of services because they have low skill level and low training (and probably don't care). These facilities are not able to pay the price for better practitioners as top quality practitioners know their value and self worth.

I'm happy to pay for a top quality practitioner because the top people in their profession spend a lot of their time and energy making sure they have the top knowledge, cutting edge technologies and the skillsets to serve your highest needs. If they invest in themselves to offer you the best service those investments deserve to be compensated.

Again there is always the free county services available to those who don't value top practitioners. In the end you get what you pay for.
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One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
Okay, to be specific.... and to specific about what I mean...

Is them doctors or whatevers, who tend to show and say they REALLY care for you.... that they have even come to appreciate you....

But they they charge, not what the free clinic charges, but a TON of money, like expensive doctors

but if you dont pay, they show no CARE after all, not even a phone call, about "hey, what are you doing? ( not even so they could at least showed they care )"

sure, no one was asking for a free service, that almost doesnt exist....

( I do go with a free very old psychiatrist who doesnt charge me, but he does charges his patients, I've seen him do... he even says he loves me after the the year we have been talking)

but this post is about the people who say they Really Care, charge a lot of money, and if you dont pay, you wont hear from them again... I hate them... even Shamans, and some expensive yoga teachers who also play this game...
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Jun 27, 2019
s the free county services available to those who don't value top practitioners. In the end you get what you pay for.

That's the problem. Not everyone can afford to pay for proper care because of how fucked the class system is and how healthcare is a for profit venture in the USA instead of a human right based service. Also there aren't enough low income/free services for the need. It's shameful that society allows this to happen. It's inhumane. All the talk of "deserve" and "entitlement" etc is used to punch down at those with little to no resources rather than lift them up.
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Feb 18, 2019
Okay, to be specific.... and to specific about what I mean...

Is them doctors or whatevers, who tend to show and say they REALLY care for you.... that they have even come to appreciate you....

But they they charge, not what the free clinic charges, but a TON of money, like expensive doctors

but if you dont pay, they show no CARE after all, not even a phone call, about "hey, what are you doing? ( not even so they could at least showed they care )"

sure, no one was asking for a free service, that almost doesnt exist....

( I do go with a free very old psychiatrist who doesnt charge me, but he does charges his patients, I've seen him do... he even says he loves me after the the year we have been talking)

but this post is about the people who say they Really Care, charge a lot of money, and if you dont pay, you wont hear from them again... I hate them... even Shamans, and some expensive yoga teachers who also play this game...
People define "care" differently and have different ways to show it, same with love. Caring can include setting boundaries, not stringing along, not enabling, and other things that may hurt short-term but IMO shows a greater big-picture caring, because it's not just about making you happy for 30 seconds at the cost of maybe missing out on the future.

If they call you even when you're not showing up for services, then that makes people less likely to ever show up. There's so many studies about this. People get the little buzz from connection and skip the actually important parts of healthcare.

There's also a balance when caring for others, so you don't burn yourself out. Setting boundaries is one way to do that. Standardizing your limits and applying them equally to everyone is another way.
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Jun 20, 2019
Well, everyone has to get paid. And here in the US it's a capitalist system. I guess my biggest problem is with psychiatrists. I've been seeing a psychiatrist for almost 7 months. And honestly, it's been beyond useless and potentially dangerous. And the amount he charges to meet for 45 minutes is a crime. Insurance reimburses some of it but it's still offensive.
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One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
yeah, and they like you to keep coming even though they see you are not getting better... keep paying and paying... and paying... and sure you are not obligated too, but damm... some people know what I mean....

like Theon said, sometimes it seems offensive
from my point of view
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Feb 18, 2019
What personally grates me about the medical "business" is how they get paid, and a LOT, regardless of whether they actually help you at all. They even get paid when they make things worse. The little guys don't get paid unless they produce, repair, make someone else rich. Mechanics don't get paid if they repair your car incorrectly or make it worse. But doctors, therapists, whatever...paid a fat check regardless of the result. I think if we are going to stick with this crap capitalistic mess then they should get paid like all other workers...only if they do what they are meant to.
There are labor laws that people have to get paid when they work, unless they are contractors and agree to project-based pay, and even then there are minimums. I don't know what country you're in, but in the US mechanics get paid even if they fuck up your car. Sometimes that money comes out of the company, but the company gets money from customers - so maybe YOU don't pay when they fuck up your car, but the mechanic is paid out of what everyone else has paid the company over time.
yeah, and they like you to keep coming even though they see you are not getting better... keep paying and paying... and paying... and sure you are not obligated too, but damm... some people know what I mean....

like Theon said, sometimes it seems offensive
from my point of view
That hasn't been my experience. I've had several providers tell me up front that they can't help me, at the first appointment. Or further into the therapy or medical care, THEY would bring up that it doesn't seem to be helping, and would offer to refer me out but also said I can keep seeing them until I find somebody else, if I want to. In my 30 years of dealing with mental health and medical health, I haven't had anybody string me along. And I always had the option to switch and see somebody else at any point that I wanted to. If I kept going even though they didn't help, that was entirely my choice. I did that a few times and thought the money was worth it, because I at least had somebody to dump my emotions on without me having to worry about their needs, like I would with friends or family.
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One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
from what I know my family spent around 50k in total in all my treatments , hospitalizations, medications, doctors, and all...
and sadly im not healed or cured...
and the on of the lasts doctor who really said he cared for me
he never called me to see how I was doing... there's the so-called "I care for you"....
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Essential services should never be profit driven and only available if you can afford them...that's just shitty and inhumane...but this economic system, which most people want because it gives them the best chance (even if its infinitesimal) of becoming wealthy and powerful, is what we are stuck with. There are enough resources for everyone to live at a humane level and access needs, but the distribution is majorly out of whack. Most people care more about making sure others aren't getting anything they don't "deserve" than making sure everyone has what they need.

Anytime someone is getting paid, and needs to get paid to live at the level they expect they deserve for their "class", that is the primary concern, and you are a means to that end and if push comes to shove they will always choose the money over the person. I have seen it over and over my entire life. Of course they all think they are above it, but the proof is in the invoice. There are very few people, though they do exist, who put people before profits.

What personally grates me about the medical "business" is how they get paid, and a LOT, regardless of whether they actually help you at all. They even get paid when they make things worse. The little guys don't get paid unless they produce, repair, make someone else rich. Mechanics don't get paid if they repair your car incorrectly or make it worse. But doctors, therapists, whatever...paid a fat check regardless of the result. I think if we are going to stick with this crap capitalistic mess then they should get paid like all other workers...only if they do what they are meant to.
Yes! i came to say this, Ineven screamed it at an insurance rep a few weeks ago! We incentivize doctors to do a shit-job by paying them for their mistakes. No payment rendered til they do the fucking job competently. Not payment for every misdiagnosis and incorrect medication while they refuse to do lab work because they prefer to use guesswork and Google while we suffer. Fucking idiotpigs! Scam artists!

I would never ask them to work for free, I am happy for them to get rich, if they would do their fucking jobs!
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Feb 18, 2019
from what I know my family spent around 50k in total in all my treatments , hospitalizations, medications, doctors, and all...
and sadly im not healed or cured...
and the on of the lasts doctor who really said he cared for me
he never called me to see how I was doing... there's the so-called "I care for you"....
You know that a lot of times they're not actually allowed to call, and it would put their license at risk, right? Using patient contact info when somebody is no longer your patient is a HIPAA violation, and in mental health there are rules against "dual relationships" because there's too much risk of exploitation. Lots of people break the rules, but that doesn't change that the rules exist and some actually choose to follow them, for good reason. Not just wanting to keep their license and avoid court, but because they've thought through the risks to the patient and the potential harm it could cause.
Yes! i came to say this, Ineven screamed it at an insurance rep a few weeks ago! We incentivize doctors to do a shit-job by paying them for their mistakes. No payment rendered til they do the fucking job competently. Not payment for every misdiagnosis and incorrect medication while they refuse to do lab work because they prefer to use guesswork and Google while we suffer. Fucking idiotpigs! Scam artists!
ACA included funding to pilot value-based care, which is flat rate pay per treatment regardless of how many complications occur or how long it takes. The new administration got rid of that program.


One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
You know that a lot of times they're not actually allowed to call, and it would put their license at risk, right? Using patient contact info when somebody is no longer your patient is a HIPAA violation, and in mental health there are rules against "dual relationships" because there's too much risk of exploitation. Lots of people break the rules, but that doesn't change that the rules exist and some actually choose to follow them, for good reason. Not just wanting to keep their license and avoid court, but because they've thought through the risks to the patient and the potential harm it could cause.

ACA included funding to pilot value-based care, which is flat rate pay per treatment regardless of how many complications occur or how long it takes. The new administration got rid of that program.

oh cool cool, I know everything about HIPAA , I work in that area....

but they can call to cancel appointments, to remember you to pay, to say they are increasing they prices,
but yeah, definitely calling to check how you are doing, god forbid, them could loose their licensce for that...
plus HIPAA does not forbid AT ALL for a psychiatrist to call his patient... maybe calling a no longer patient...
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Feb 18, 2019
oh cool cool, I know everything about HIPAA , I work in that area....

but they can call to cancel appointments, to remember you to pay, to say they are increasing they prices,
but yeah, definitely calling to check how you are doing, god forbid, them could loose their licensce for that...
plus HIPAA does not forbid AT ALL for a psychiatrist to call his patient... maybe calling a no longer patient...
The HIPAA comment was in situations where you've missed so many sessions that you're considered discharged.

Calling to ask how you're doing sounds odd to me, I guess, because I don't see the point. They can't have a full conversation with you because then they're being your friend (dual relationship thing) or giving you a free phone session (they can get fired by insurance for this... I'm serious. It's stupid.) and just saying "how are you doing" then hanging up after 5 minutes seems cruel.

Maybe you're in an area with bad providers, too? I've had some therapists who did phone check ins for free between sessions, but we discussed that ahead of time and made all of the expectations clear. I had others that were very strict that they're only reachable 9-5 and if I need to talk to them between appointments I can schedule an extra session.

If this is somebody you see regularly, have you tried bringing this up to them? They might agree to the in between calls as long as boundaries are clear, or they can explain why they don't do it.


One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
I totally understand your point.... and I do see the other point of view... and I have to say I agree... Im okay with that.
I can even say I understand now.... regarding profesional Doctors/Psychologists/Psychiatrists. I agree with you...

the reason why I wrote YogaTeachers/etc and *... its because its about them people who are interested in helping you, some even have come to say they like me, and they care for me, couple even said they appreciate me at a deeper level, ..............

but then again, I stop paying, they stop caring is what I perceive. <--- this, perhaps that should be the Title of the post


Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
Not payment for every misdiagnosis and incorrect medication while they refuse to do lab work because they prefer to use guesswork and Google while we suffer. Fucking idiotpigs! Scam artists!

I would never ask them to work for free, I am happy for them to get rich, if they would do their fucking jobs!

Insurance has specific standards that require a certain set of criteria be met before tests are ordered. Often times patients ask for expensive tests that are not warranted. Many of these tests are not covered if there was no basis for the testing in the first place. Insurance companies would then start placing the responsibility on the patient to pay for unwarranted treatment.

Doctors have lost their insurability (and credibility) behind giving tests and medications that were not called for just because a patient requests it; especially if the doctor shows a pattern of "over-reaching". This could be construed as a form of malpractice.

Also remember that medicine is called "a practice" for a reason. Every patient presents symptoms differently and doctors have to piece the story together like a puzzle to find the answer. Its not like a math equation that always has the same answer. Every case looks different.
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One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
but then again, I stop paying, they stop caring is what I perceive. <--- this, perhaps that should be the Title of the post
but then again, I stop paying, they stop caring is what I perceive. <--- this, perhaps that should be the Title of the post


Feb 18, 2019
I totally understand your point.... and I do see the other point of view... and I have to say I agree... Im okay with that.
I can even say I understand now.... regarding profesional Doctors/Psychologists/Psychiatrists. I agree with you...

the reason why I wrote YogaTeachers/etc and *... its because its about them people who are interested in helping you, some even have come to say they like me, and they care for me, couple even said they appreciate me at a deeper level, ..............

but then again, I stop paying, they stop caring is what I perceive. <--- this, perhaps that should be the Title of the post
I get it, I think. I dealt with that feeling about all people, for a long time. What I thought was "caring" didn't match what they thought it was, or my expectations didn't take their situations into account too. I don't know if that's what it's like for you but the underlying similarity is there of feeling the discrepancy between words and actions.

Now that I think about it though, the people who I feel the most care from, are the ones who don't verbally announce that they care for me. They just show it, or they ask what I need then do it or explain why they can't/won't, but they don't say "I care".
Insurance has specific standards that require a certain set of criteria be met before tests are ordered. Often times patients ask for expensive tests that are not warranted. Many of these tests are not covered if there was no basis for the testing in the first place. Insurance companies would then start placing the responsibility on the patient to pay for unwarranted treatment.

Doctors have lost their insurability (and credibility) behind giving tests and medications that were not called for just because a patient requests it; especially if the doctor shows a pattern of "over-reaching". This could be construed as a form of malpractice.

Also remember that medicine is called "a practice" for a reason. Every patient presents symptoms differently and doctors have to piece the story together like a puzzle to find the answer. Its not like a math equation that always has the same answer. Every case looks different.
Yes, this article doesn't mention that a lot of these poor outcomes are due to over-testing and over-treating. Tests have false positives and treating a false positive means unnecessary exposure to risk from the treatment. Patients are also so happy to sue, and doctor jobs hinge on satisfaction ratings (not objective outcomes like actual improvement) so they over-treat, often against their own clinical judgement, because the hospital makes them. The only people winning here are politicians and CEOs, doctors aren't the enemy, they're as screwed as most patients. The anger is often misplaced.
but then again, I stop paying, they stop caring is what I perceive. <--- this, perhaps that should be the Title of the post
but then again, I stop paying, they stop caring is what I perceive. <--- this, perhaps that should be the Title of the post
I don't trust the yoga teachers or "holistic doctors" at all. They are often either brainwashed or they're outright scamming charlatans, and there's very little protection for consumers in the way of licensure laws and all that. Some of them do help, but most are MLM-level bad.
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
The HIPAA comment was in situations where you've missed so many sessions that you're considered discharged.

Calling to ask how you're doing sounds odd to me, I guess, because I don't see the point. They can't have a full conversation with you because then they're being your friend (dual relationship thing) or giving you a free phone session (they can get fired by insurance for this... I'm serious. It's stupid.) and just saying "how are you doing" then hanging up after 5 minutes seems cruel.

If this is somebody you see regularly, have you tried bringing this up to them? They might agree to the in between calls as long as boundaries are clear, or they can explain why they don't do it.

I agree. If a doctor spent 5-10 minutes calling every patient that stopped showing up they would probably lose days of time and compensation. You do realize that doctors have hundreds of patients at a time that they are juggling right? There are hundreds of patients that no longer want services or stopped showing for other reasons and want to be left alone. What you (@dandan) are asking is not really feasible.

Every human being also has a responsibility to care for themselves. If you are not ok you have a responsibility to help yourself and tell someone your needs. Doctors are not expected to be mind readers. There's a huge difference between a psych and a surgeon. There is after care and assurance that a procedure is healing and progressing as expected because there is a possibility of infection etc. that would put the patient's life at risk. I wouldn't expect a surgeon to have the same follow-up care and bedside manners for wounds / surgeries as a psych would for have for talk therapy services.
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Feb 18, 2019
I agree. If a doctor spent 5-10 minutes calling every patient that stopped showing up they would probably lose days of time and compensation. You do realize that doctors have hundreds of patients at a time that they are juggling right? There are hundreds of patients that no longer want services or stopped showing for other reasons and want to be left alone. What you are asking is not really feasible.

Every human being also has a responsibility to care for themselves. If you are not ok you have a responsibility to help yourself and tell someone your needs. Doctors are not expected to be mind readers. There's a huge difference between a psych and a surgeon. There is after care and assurance that a procedure is healing and progressing as expected because there is a possibility of infection etc. that would put the patient's life at risk. I wouldn't expect a surgeon to have the same follow-up care and bedside manners for wounds / surgeries as a psych would for have for talk therapy services.
I would also feel pressured into talking with them if they called me, and might feel violated or stalked but not have the guts to say I don't like it.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Doctors saying they care is just the usual fake empathy neurotypicals are programmed to display. They just say it because it's what people enjoy hearing, it's just noise.
Everybody knows you can't really pay someone to care.
I think the bigger problem is just living in a society where everyone is expected to "display empathy" but nobody is expected to actually mean it. It fucks peoples' heads up.
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Jun 20, 2019
I totally understand your point.... and I do see the other point of view... and I have to say I agree... Im okay with that.
I can even say I understand now.... regarding profesional Doctors/Psychologists/Psychiatrists. I agree with you...

the reason why I wrote YogaTeachers/etc and *... its because its about them people who are interested in helping you, some even have come to say they like me, and they care for me, couple even said they appreciate me at a deeper level, ..............

but then again, I stop paying, they stop caring is what I perceive. <--- this, perhaps that should be the Title of the post
At the end of the day, they're not your friends. They're people providing a service. Doesn't mean you can't become friends with them and that they couldn't care about you but if you don't form a relationship outside of the class/office environment, you're ultimately just a client.
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Jun 30, 2018
I have been with doctors, psychiatrist, physcologists, shamans, and many people who charge by the hour or service.
and they say you are smart, you can make it through, they will help you, but they make a good living because they charge a TON of money from you?

damm, I hate them too..... specially the small number of shamans Ive been with.... I have talked back and got mad at them, telling them why do they sell their services so fucking expensive.... one told me the "product/drug" was very special brought from Peru... damm, he probably bought it online.... I hate them too...

specially the psychologists who said, he really wanted to help me, he was really interested in my case, but if I stop paying.... he wouldnt even fucking return a call to see how i'm doing... screw them too..

I say, hate the game and not the player.


au revoir
Jun 13, 2019
my doctor is just my drug dealer.
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Apr 8, 2018
There are some free clinics and lots of these people volunteer there, they just also have to pay the rent, pay down their astronomical student loans, and pay for their own healthcare. I think it's ok if people like to help, but don't want to do it for free. Artists want to share their work with the world but they charge for the art, authors sell their books, musicians sell concert tickets.

The only way it would really work to make free help easily accessible is to completely change the economy. Basic income, free education, and all that.

In our current system, I don't mind compensating people for providing me with something. I don't feel entitled to their time for free, and in a healthcare relationship the benefit is one-sided. I'm not helping them back or tending to their needs, like I would with a friend.

Studies show doctors generally go into medicine for money etc. in America. It's such an overpaid field that they make more than even CEO on average. (most ceo are smaller companies) It's literally the highest paying field in many cases. You're not paying their rent, your paying for their many houses in the nicest areas.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I'm not sure what your gripe is exactly: is it that these people charge too much for their services in your opinion or that they pretend to care about you personally?

Obviously almost no-one can afford to work for free. Whether their prices are excessive is a matter of checking out what others in that profession charge. Either you're willing to pay their price or you go elsewhere. Or you don't use that service at all. Psychiatrists and psychologists are prettty useless anyway. No idea about shamans.

If you expect people you pay to render certain services to care about you that's rather naive. If I go to a doctor I don't care what they think about me personally: I expect them to do their job. Caring is what friends and family are supposed to do, ideally. If 'caring' is required to make someone feel better it's definitely not medicine. I will never pay someone to pretend to be my friend.

Surely you can't expect professionals to keep doing what they do without payment? Would you continue to work if your boss stopped paying you? I certainly wouldn't.
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Apr 8, 2018
I'm not sure what your gripe is exactly: is it that these people charge too much for their services in your opinion or that they pretend to care about you personally?

Obviously almost no-one can afford to work for free. Whether their prices are excessive is a matter of checking out what others in that profession charge. Either you're willing to pay their price or you go elsewhere. Or you don't use that service at all. Psychiatrists and psychologists are prettty useless anyway. No idea about shamans.

If you expect people you pay to render certain services to care about you that's rather naive. If I go to a doctor I don't care what they think about me personally: I expect them to do their job. Caring is what friends and family are supposed to do, ideally. If 'caring' is required to make someone feel better it's definitely not medicine. I will never pay someone to pretend to be my friend.

Surely you can't expect professionals to keep doing what they do without payment? Would you continue to work if your boss stopped paying you? I certainly wouldn't.

Nonsense. Medical services in America are the most expensive in the world while having poor outcomes, as shown by the most Important metrics such as life expectancy and infant mortality. Medical services In America are equivalent to owning all the water In America, saying I will tell you how much it cost after you drink it and than making the same bullshit arguments you are.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019

Manners clearly are beyond you, aren't they? Next time try to indicate what exactly you don't agree with and at least try to be polite: that's how a discussion among grown-ups enfolds.

I do not claim to be all-knowing and it's perfectly possible something I wrote is incorrect but I do not take kindly to your sort of crude verbal aggression.

Nowhere in his original post does the OP refer to living in the US nor do I refer to the US in my reply yet you conclude I commented on that topic... In most countries it is actually the case healthcare is affordable and what is considered expensive is determined by what the majority in that profession charges.
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