
Aug 18, 2020
MY psychiatrist barely knows something. I am scared she does not give me lorazepame or other stuff if I say it to her. On the other hand I don't give a shit about this compassion of pro-lifers. They are like "I understand your pain but no suicide is under no circumstances an option and we could rather lock you up forever in the psychiatry to keep you safe". I am starting to talk more openly with my psychologist about my suicidal thoughts. It is not unlikely he will give me up soon. I am so sick of these hyocrites.
If I talk to professionals about my suicidality they feel sorry for me because so much shit happened. But in the end I am all alone with my problems, poverty, extreme pressure and pain. It is pointless they cannot change my main problems.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
yes but thats because they cant help if they dont know. its the same idea as a physical problem. if you tell them you have a small cut theyll send you home with a bandaid even though you need a cast. if they dont know, you wont get the proper help that you need. (i wont disagree that the way it seems to be typically handled isnt right. a person would get a lot more help out of volunteering to go to psych. i could go into a whole 50/50 thing again, thats all this is)

edit: i feel i should also add that i told my psychiatrist that ive bit my husband, bashed my head against walls, among other things and i still have yet to see what a psych ward looks like.
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Mar 22, 2020
Yes, he does and I'm seeing him because I was forced to have one psych after my failed attempt.

However, he thinks I've got over suicide and have no thoughts about it anymore, which of course, it's a lie.

I highly recommend not talking about ctb with anybody. Otherwise, psych ward or being a prisoner in your parents house will be coming.
For me, it was family prison for 6 months.

I don't talk about ctb IRL anymore lol.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
No, but I've been dropping hints. It's a cry for help. I can't help it, and it's pathetic. It's like I'm seeking attention, and I want to be sympathized with. My college therapist may have an idea, but it's probably out of her scope. You may wonder why I can't just say "I'm suicidal", well, I don't want to go to the PSYCH ward. I want to be free and to do whatever I want. I'm only a danger to myself, not others.
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Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
Yep, i'm very honest with my therapist and mental health team They knows i have capacity and as long as i am clear i have no immediate intent they can't get me sectioned. As @Life_and_Death said they can't help if they don't know. i appreciate few are lucky to find the right therapist to feel safe to disclose suicidal intent or even thought but if you can i think it's important to
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Apr 3, 2019
I try to be honest these days, but vague. I started talking to a new psychiatrist last month and once this month. I was pretty open with her about my issues, and last we talked I told her that therapy was my "last resort" to see if it would help. She doesn't want to make me take medication, and is very sympathetic, which is a relief. (My last psych kinda intimidated me and didn't want to see me anymore once I told her I no longer wanted to take medication.) This new psych is very understanding of my concerns because of my history with psych meds.

I told my new therapist that I'm suicidal as well, just because I feel like I should be transparent if I want her to know how to better approach helping me. Again, I tend to be pretty vague just to kind of cover my ass. She's the first therapist that's been very understanding of my feelings and respects my thoughts, and hasn't urged me to go to a psych ward again as of yet. Now, if I told her that I had what I needed to CTB and was feeling very suicidal, or planned on CTB very soon indefinitely, that might be a different story.

I think it's a matter of "reading the room". That's not always easy, but usually you can kinda tell by testing the waters with a psychiatrist or therapist and see how they behave or whatever. If you feel like you can't be honest, or at least more honest with who you're seeing for help, maybe see about being paired with someone else that you feel more comfortable with. Hope this helps.
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Nov 30, 2020
No idea, never speak to the fella. My cpn knows. I suppose she might of told him.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
However, he thinks I've got over suicide and have no thoughts about it anymore, which of course, it's a lie.

So your psychiatrist is a delusional normie then? He must think he's the greatest because he's found the cure to suicidal thoughts, himself.
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Mar 22, 2020
So your psychiatrist is a delusional normie then? He must think he's the greatest because he's found the cure to suicidal thoughts, himself.

Haha yes, he is! I only keep seeing him because if I don't, my family will think I'm suicidal again!
The good thing is that the meds he gave me are working: lamotrigine and quetiapine but yeah, unfortunately, he's a normie.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Haha yes, he is! I only keep seeing him because if I don't, my family will think I'm suicidal again!
The good thing is that the meds he gave me are working: lamotrigine and quetiapine but yeah, unfortunately, he's a normie.
The only med he needs to prescribe you is Lionel Messi.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
It was a joke because @WornOutLife lives in Argentina and people worship Lionel Messi there as the greatest football player. Football is like a drug to South Americans, get it?
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Mar 22, 2020
It was a joke because @WornOutLife lives in Argentina and people worship Lionel Messi there as the greatest football player. Football is like a drug to South Americans, get it?

We certainly do! You can't imagine how depressed people were here when Maradona died some months ago.
Messi is the only "God" I believe in haha
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Mar 6, 2021
Yes she know's it. And sometimes when she think its to heavy for me, i go to the ward
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Aug 8, 2020
I always try my best to act like I'm in a good mood, when I go in to see my provider. I say nothing to give her any idea how suicidal I am. Saying you feel suicidal to a psychiatric provider is a good way to get committed.
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A Girl on the Shore
Aug 12, 2018
Not really I am not that honest with them when it comes to my suicidal thoughts I just tell them that I am fine and that I am doing better when in reality am not
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Nov 30, 2020
It was a joke because @WornOutLife lives in Argentina and people worship Lionel Messi there as the greatest football player. Football is like a drug to South Americans, get it?
That explains it. Football is like antimatter to me I know nothing about it.
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Nov 27, 2019
I'm honest with everyone about being suicidal. But I guess no one really thinks there's an actual risk. Well to be honest I have lied about getting rid of my SN. I have not and never will give up my only semi-peaceful option, you fools.

Here, they can't sanction you unless there is an immediate risk as in 1) you tell them you have an actual plan and will ctb like tomorrow or 2) you have lost your grip on reality. Anyways when you can say the words "not actually doing it like today lol" you're fine.

With medication, my experience is that they let you on them, but they prescribe them in smaller batches when there is a suicide risk. So for example you would still get your benzo's, but only for 2 weeks in stead of for a month, so it's not enough to do any harm.
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Nov 30, 2020
I'm suspect it's an unwritten rule that says psychiatrist's shouldn't interfere with suicidal people and should just get them off the records as quickly as possible, without direct encouragement, but by not taking them seriously in the hope that they kill themselves. I might be wrong and they're the most compationate people in the world. Not fucking likely.


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I'm suspect it's an unwritten rule that says psychiatrist's shouldn't interfere with suicidal people and should just get them off the records as quickly as possible, without direct encouragement, but by not taking them seriously in the hope that they kill themselves. I might be wrong and they're the most compationate people in the world. Not fucking likely.
Maybe that's the compassionate thing to do.
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Dec 11, 2018
Yes, my psychiatrist knows and constantly wants me to be admitted.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Yes, but in my country they only admit you if you are in an altered state. A psychosis or something that requires a strong tranquilizer to reduce it. Hallucinations, being out of reality or being very violent in that state. A depressive is still given a choice because he only has "low spirits" then they start drugging you with more drugs until you are an emotionless zombie.
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Mar 3, 2021
My psychiatrist knows I have suicidal thoughts, but he can't stop me from ctb
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Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
Why do we tell our therapist/dr/psychiatrist?

For support and to keep us from acting on it,
Just to be able to talk about it,
For it to be treated and to not have these thoughts or desires?
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Aug 18, 2020
I can understand why many say it is important to tell. And for many this likely applies to. However my psychiatrist cannot make me able to work. I was in many clinics told my story. Many psychologists/ psychiatrists know my story. But you might be right next time I gonna talk with her about it. I am curious what will happen.


Dec 18, 2019
Ive spoken to my therapist and psychiatrist about it, cautiously.
I guess just to have a place to say it. Also, they're the ones who prescribe the drugs. (I've gone off most of them since they bring their own problems.)
If I were honest, they'd probably lean strongly toward putting me in the hospital.
If I thought it would change anything or do any good I'd probably be more honest about it.


no one can emphasize if they have never felt it
May 7, 2021
yes he does but he discharged me from the hospital after a few days. I lied about the extent of my suicidal thoughts. He called me at some point to ask about my medications and stuff and asked about the thoughts. He asked if I had a plan for suicide but he didn't press hard enough for me to tell him. He doesn't think it's that's severe but I have been thinking about suicide ever since I got out of the hospital everyday. And I do have a plan with the SN that he doesn't know about. I joined this forum after I was discharged from the hospital. hahaha.


Nov 4, 2020
NO! Never mentioned it to her as l do Not want to be sectioned ever again, experienced that years ago and like fuck am l going in there again! Besides l have my Lovely Doggy to look after and care for (Thank Goodness) Nope l'll just keep pretending l'm doing ok and continue to have political and economic discussions with my invisible russian Mouse friends! Not crazy e6553300 89a2 33b9 8ecf d355fb9ce955


Completely Catawampus
Nov 20, 2020
I made the mistake once of mentioning my ctb intent over the phone to a suicide hotline with my healthcare provider and was whisked away to 72-hour lockup. Never again. I am very cautious about how I bring the subject up to my psych. The most I will tell him is that I have suicidal ideation with no plans.

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