
Another parasite to Earth
Oct 17, 2018
I live in Asia, where mental health awareness is low and catching the bus can be seen as cowardly. I think my mother has told her sister.
Granted, she can do what she wants, but I'm already comparing myself to my cousins and friends, it's another thing for my aunt to actually be aware of it and be able to share that information with said cousins. Her acknowledging it is like rubbing even more so in my face that I'm not as "patient" or "gritty" as my cousins are.

Have you ever been in the same situation, and how do you deal with it/react to it? Because if anything this makes me want to ctb even more.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
First degree relatives know about previous suicidal ideation and behaviour but think that it's stable or getting better rather than me slowly but surely taking baby steps to ctb and even being able to make an okay-ish-ugh attempt at this point in time. Don't think anyone else knows and if they do it doesn't affect me.

My poor mental health affects the people around me, of course, but not to any huge extent since everyone in my family are successful normies with no real deviations from societal norms at all. When I kill myself they will take psychological damage, though, not anything I'm thrilled about but it has to be done since my life is completely over.


Feb 27, 2021
My dad is pissed at the fact that I'm not mentally well (and have expressed wanting to die numerous times to him) but has faith or whatever that I won't go through with it. Even thinks that I'll one day get better and have kids(lmao).

My mom knows I'm miserable/suicidal but still holds onto hope that I'll at least find someone to love to keep me in this world. She kinda has already accepted that I'll never have kids for fear of passing on my mental illness. But still in her opinion thinks I'd be a good mom(lmao).

Both my mom and dad's family don't know about my mental illness or being suicidal. Frowned upon on my dad's side since they're pretty much strict Catholics. And on my mom's side mental illness and ctb attempts thrives but ppl don't like to tell anyone their business. When I go to visit family I'm either quiet af or put on a fake smile and chat a bit. I think they just take my lack of words for just being shy rather than being depressed and anxious af.

I plan on ctb after both my parents die for my mom's sanity and my dad's honor.
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Another parasite to Earth
Oct 17, 2018
My dad is pissed at the fact that I'm not mentally well (and have expressed wanting to die numerous times to him) but has faith or whatever that I won't go through with it. Even thinks that I'll one day get better and have kids(lmao).

My mom knows I'm miserable/suicidal but still holds onto hope that I'll at least find someone to love to keep me in this world. She kinda has already accepted that I'll never have kids for fear of passing on my mental illness. But still in her opinion thinks I'd be a good mom(lmao).

Both my mom and dad's family don't know about my mental illness or being suicidal. Frowned upon on my dad's side since they're pretty much strict Catholics. And on my mom's side mental illness and ctb attempts thrives but ppl don't like to tell anyone their business. When I go to visit family I'm either quiet af or put on a fake smile and chat a bit. I think they just take my lack of words for just being shy rather than being depressed and anxious af.

I plan on ctb after both my parents die for my mom's sanity and my dad's honor.
My mother's the same, she thinks that some day I'll fall in love and marry someone. As someone who's never been on a date, never been asked out on a date, never even had a small group of close friends, uh yeah I'm pretty skeptical. Don't think anyone will love me anyway. Hell, I don't love me. Hah. My mother also thinks I shouldn't have kids because of the same fear.

That's very thoughtful of you, though. Whatever happens, hope you find what you're looking for.
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Mar 22, 2020
My schizophrenic mother can't understand that I want to ctb and told everybody she knows about my failed attempt. All my family and neighbors know about it. It sucks.
My dad knows I'm suicidal but he thinks I'm 100% recovered now because I'm an expert at lying, especially in therapy.
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
Personally no one from my family really knows about my mental issues but my mother is like always comparing me to my cousins, neighbors and so on and now, since I lost the job due to covid, she's has been talking BS like "If I would learned more and work at *** like that that neighbors son, then you wouldn't have problems with finding a new job. Every single company would immediately hire you"
Yeah, for sure..

Only my friend knows about my problems but he's been cool so far, so I'm fine with that.


Mar 30, 2021
My family, including extended, know about my previous attempt in 2010 and spent a month in a psychiatric hospital, but since then my mental health has rarely been discussed and I've hidden all signs of how I feel or my intentions to CTB. I assume everyone in my family believes I'm doing well and feel good when in fact I'm the absolute opposite


Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
My immediate family has an idea, but my extended family has no idea since I'm in Canada (one of the best country to live in) and they are the in Philippines, a third world country. My family has been keeping an eye to me since I am looking depressed for two weeks now. They saw a note last year that fell out of my pocket that says "Suicide is always an option; take comfort in that". So I'm in their radar right now.


Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
They brush it under the rug, pretend they didn't hear it even though I have a long list of inpatient visits for suicide attempts or outlandish behavior. They tell me I'm normal and that I'm a bit too old to be acting. I should just man up like most men do....and I do, except I'm always rebuilding after collapsing on the inside.


Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
I don't even know my extended family.
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Dec 5, 2020
I don't know and I don't care what my extended family knows about it. I also don't care what my immediate family thinks about it.

The only issue is that anything other than hanging requires more prep work than I'm capable of putting in. Anyone being sad or bothered by my death – that's their problem, and I don't care how it makes them feel.