Does accessing this forum make you feel better?

  • Yes, I feel somewhat better.

  • No, feel the same.

  • It makes me feel worse.

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Jan 11, 2024
It does - both to have people who I can be honest about this topic, and to share and learn information without judgment.

I've had a bunch of online communities (mostly music) and have found as I've come to terms with my death, how little any of them really are of interest. I've stopped going to Slacks and all of them because they're not real people - they're the people who would have bullied autistic me in high school. I need safe, kind, warm, empathetic people in my life. As I wrap things up this will be more likely a place to feel I can be more me.
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Aug 17, 2024
This forum makes me feel much better better. I think there are two parts in why using this forum has such a positive effect on me, one part is that it allows me to be part of an online community where we can have an open discussions on a topic which is taboo in all other parts of society. The second part is that the forum is really well run and moderated and it creates the overall tone of mutual respect and compassion.


endless grief
Aug 6, 2024
Yes and no.

Yes because it feels so validating to not be alone, and for people to not think i'm a terrible person for my actions. It feels safe that people won't immediately try and call the fuckin feds on me because I have an urge to CTB.

No because seeing so many people suffer makes me feel a deep pit in my stomach. I wish I could help everyone, I wish I could rid everyone of pain and take it all upon myself. I wish there was a way that I could wrap you all up in my arms and hug you tight, promising a better tomorrow.
It pains me to see you guys in such agony, you guys feel like family to me. This world is much too cruel on everyone; you all deserve such happy and fulfilling lives, and if there was a way to give that to you guys, even at the cost of my own, i'd do it in a heartbeat. :(


Jul 22, 2024
it does when i'm at my lowest

but when i'm not it'll only send me straight back into a ctb mood
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Feb 19, 2024
Its more complex i mean a lot of its just reading about other peoples struggles And pain if that would somehow lift up my mood i think that would make me not such a great person it does however make me feel at home And not have to pretend to agree with normie bullshit


Aug 23, 2024
I'm in agreement with the posts above. It's just nice to hang out (no pun intended) for a while with like-minded people. Nobody in my life has any idea I'm suicidal except for my psychiatrist, and he isn't going to stop me from ctb because I am viewed as stable and only see my psychiatrist about once a year. A lot of the time I feel like I'm leading a kind of double life where I'm not showing my true self to all my friends and family. But there's no way I would ever tell my friends and family because they would try to stop me ctb and I'm absolutely determined that nobody is going to stop me ctb. So I come to this forum and can be my true self in here.


Aug 16, 2024
Does using this forum make you feel better, even if it is just for a few minutes. I want to see if having people who are somewhat not happy with life and listening to others makes a difference in our moods.
I mean this is a community of people who think about ctb a lot more than normies.

I voted yes, because, yes, it makes me feel better. There is something comforting about having a place that understands how you feel.


Aug 28, 2024
no, not really. it's just someplace i've latched onto in a time of desperation.
to me, this place is just the other extreme of yet another problem that is ever-present in most social media.
instead of toxic positivity, it's toxic negativity. it only serves to re-enforce one-way thinking that is usually self-deprecating
for all the negative publicity this site gets, it doesn't really derail from the status quo, in a very insidious way it just re-enforces it
like for instance mental health stereotypes that focus on and blame the individual, so much so that it feels like the set-up to a mental health infomercial
it plays on common tropes, often trending topics - that aren't actually rooted in reality and are still relatively ''tame'' in the way that they skirt around very real issues
there's also been attempts to weaponize people's vents and aim them at users as a form of micro-aggression + cyberbullying
some bad actors have taken it a step further to prey on vulnerable individuals
the methods they post here feel like trolling, and aren't at all as peaceful as they advertise or suggest
also the abbrev ss is in line with neo-nazis (which is extra ironic/sus given the original owner's background), so minorities beware

the more time I spend on this site, the less I'm able to relate to the posts here.
some offer support and understanding but not at all like they used to in the past.
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Aug 18, 2024
It's just nice to have some sort of solution. Even with like regular mental health support things they're ultimately always just like Ā« you are brave, Ā» but being brave has never helped me. Real support helps people, but I don't have that. That's the thing about suicide, too, is that it's not just about the one person's mental health, it's normally telling of systemic issues and people's willingness to let ostracized people suffer. It's kind of victim blaming to think suicide is just about the person being unwell and not that their suicide is sometimes understandable to unbearable and impossible situations they don't have support for.
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I will never be happy and I will never feel normal
Jul 17, 2024
no, not really. it's just someplace i've latched onto in a time of desperation.
to me, this place is just the other extreme of yet another problem that is ever-present in most social media.
instead of toxic positivity, it's toxic negativity. it only serves to re-enforce one-way thinking that is usually self-deprecating
for all the negative publicity this site gets, it doesn't really derail from the status quo, in a very insidious way it just re-enforces it
like for instance mental health stereotypes that focus on and blame the individual, so much so that it feels like the set-up to a mental health infomercial
it plays on common tropes, often trending topics - that aren't actually rooted in reality and are still relatively ''tame'' in the way that they skirt around very real issues
there's also been attempts to weaponize people's vents and aim them at users as a form of micro-aggression + cyberbullying
some bad actors have taken it a step further to prey on vulnerable individuals
the methods they post here feel like trolling, and aren't at all as peaceful as they advertise or suggest
also the abbrev ss is in line with neo-nazis (which is extra ironic/sus given the original owner's background), so minorities beware

the more time I spend on this site, the less I'm able to relate to the posts here.
some offer support and understanding but not at all like they used to in the past.
genuinely curious & not asking in bad faith: what makes you say that some methods are trolling/not as peaceful as people claim? are you talking about like methods from the PPH or just generally stuff that users on here are posting?
also youre talking like youve been here a while but your account was made today....?


Aug 14, 2024
I found this forum accidentally, googling "suicide".
Then I realized it was the forum some newspapers talked about, due to some people CTB.
Long story short, I am glad I eventually found this place, where there is free speach about controversial topics.
Finally I'm among people who experienced stuff I had to pass through, people who can understand me, people that will not judge me.
Everywhere else I had/have to keep my mouth zipped, either because Terms Of Service or because people would'nt simply understand.
So, yes, I do feel better thanks to this community.


Apr 18, 2023
This is an extraordinarily hard question for me to answer.

Because the honest answer is nothing makes me feel better. Truly. Every second of everyday for over two years I have been in miserable and in hell. Every single second of every single day I'm constantly reminded of what was stolen and taken from me. I'm reminded how I should be a doctor saving lives which was stolen from me and yet there isn't anyone willing to get justice, my life back, etc.. for me. If justice is someone saying bnb sorry you are just wrong there is no case I would understand. I believe the evidence speaks for itself however and there is. It's a dark cloud, it's a constant stress and anxiety. It plagues everything. It's the complete gutting and removal of happiness from my life. I can't remember the last time I spent a full day just happy. It's been a long time since thoughts of committing suicide to end this pain wasn't a consideration. Something to rage and fight against. I could go on but you get it.

I do find this site calms me. It blunts the worst parts. It keeps me from exploding basically. Ironically I think it is has kept me alive. I think without it I would be dead.


Aug 28, 2024
genuinely curious & not asking in bad faith: what makes you say that some methods are trolling/not as peaceful as people claim? are you talking about like methods from the PPH or just generally stuff that users on here are posting?
also youre talking like youve been here a while but your account was made today....?
my post already implies I'm very familiar with this site
and the methods I'm talking about are the ones like:
''burning the quaran to get crucified in iran''
''death by cop''
''jumping in front of a locomotive''
''hiring a hitman''
''setting oneself on fire''

which all just feel like they were written by violence fetishists or trolls.
it's not a good look, especially for people who come here in a vulnerable state.
even supposedly innocent topics and questionnaires can come off as encouragement or victim shaming.


I've met a lot of kind souls here, and I'm not sure if it's because the site went mainstream but I personally think it's always been this way.
I remember when this site was just discussing difficult subjects and offering a more in depth support and understanding
for people in difficult situations, then just the same sentiments that feel dismissive at best and patronizing at worst.
as ideations are a touchy subject even in spaces that offer support for mental health.
I mostly came here just to have a place to vent where I wouldn't be crucified or threatened with institution.
I'm still going to focus on the people who offer good tips on how they cope and recover while giving their two cents.
but I can't deny that some people here don't use this site for what it was originally intended(?)
as I and many others have seem to become a target for cyberbullying, stalking and ma ever since I first joined
under the guise of ''trolling'' or controlled opposition, when it's clear that this place has deeper connections than advertised.
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Oct 31, 2021
Whenever I'm feeling really low and badly want to CTB I visit this forum. There's something about it that alleviates the pain. The people who post on here are very compassionate, and I think it feels nice to see I'm not alone in the suffering I feel. You really can't talk about this stuff with normal people without it turning into "DON'T KILL YOURSELF OH MY GOD WHAT WILL I DO IF YOU KILL YOURSELF PLEEAASSEEEE!"

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