
Jan 24, 2021
My ex gf said that this site glorifies suicide. Do you agree with that? In my view suicide is not a righteous act, its morally wrong but in this evil world some of us have inescapable pain that almost forces us to ctb.
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
It doesn't. People are just used to everyone glorifying life, so failing to do so will seem like glorifying death to them.
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Jan 24, 2021
It doesn't. People are just used to everyone glorifying life, so failing to do so will seem like glorifying death to them.

do they have to be mutually exclusive? Can we not say that life has inherent value but still be forced to CTB?


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Most people on here look positively or neutrally at suicide and will express this view. This could be seen as glorifying suicide in comparison with what the normies on TV say, yes. There are others like yourself on the forum, too, who have religious, moral or genetic objections to suicide as well; but you are severely outnumbered imo.

Sounds like you and your ex automatically assumes that it's negative to "glorify" suicide, but at least you accept its place when someone is under a, in your perspective, large enough amount of suffering. Which I think is a great start.
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Feb 23, 2020
I am listening

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Jan 24, 2021
Most people on here look positively or neutrally at suicide and will express this view. This could be seen as glorifying suicide in comparison with what the normies on TV say, yes. There are others like yourself on the forum, too, who have religious, moral or genetic objections to suicide as well; but you are severely outnumbered imo.

Sounds like you and your ex automatically assumes that it's negative to "glorify" suicide, but at least you accept its place when someone is under a, in your perspective, large enough amount of suffering. Which I think is a great start.

I think it comes down to if someone believes human life has value, if there is no God and therefore no inherent value to a human life then suicide is meaningless, but then it would also be meaningless to murder or molest a child. The child's life has no value.

so I don't think seeing suicide in a positive light is ever an option, but in the face of inescapable suffering it could be understandable but still ultimately wrong
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I think it comes down to if someone believes human life has value, if there is no God and therefore no inherent value to a human life then suicide is meaningless, but then it would also be meaningless to murder or molest a child. The child's life has no value.

so I don't think seeing suicide in a positive light is ever an option, but in the face of inescapable suffering it could be understandable but still ultimately wrong
If you could instantaneously terminate all life in the universe, would you?
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Feb 15, 2019
To most people not buying into the zeitgeist that life is an inherent and objective good and therefore suicidal people are pathologically out of touch with reality who must be forced to exist is glorifying suicide.

Anyone who truly glorifies suicide on this site is dealt with. I would ban anyone who tried to coerce someone into suicide or portray it as the only/best option.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
I wouldn't say "glorify", but more like "fantasize" suicide. Let's face it: no one wants to be in our position. If our life is better and we have no problems, we wouldn't be thinking about suicide, right? If only circumstances are different for the better, the word "suicide" won't even cross my mind. Heck, I'd be enjoying life and wait until my natural death.

Some people here "glorify" suicide. But for myself and others, I fantasize about it because life is crap. All I want is a life that's not challenging or competitive. I want an easy life, but that rarely occurs.
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Jan 31, 2021
I think there should be a bit more focus on recovery on this site, but no, it doesn't. This website allows free talk about suicide methods, unlike most places on the internet, and for outsiders, who don't have any idea how it is to be in our position, it looks like this is a pro-suicide website for that reason.

And beside the talk about certain methods, I've never seen any "glorifying" of commiting suicide here.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
No, I don't think so. I think glorifying would be more like "Yeah suicide is awesome!" when most view it as tragic consequence of the disgusting nature of reality. Some, like me, are happy to be leaving this earth and it's horrors, like anyone would be to be relieved of their suffering.

I think it comes down to if someone believes human life has value, if there is no God and therefore no inherent value to a human life then suicide is meaningless, but then it would also be meaningless to murder or molest a child. The child's life has no value.

so I don't think seeing suicide in a positive light is ever an option, but in the face of inescapable suffering it could be understandable but still ultimately wrong
I don't see how that follows. I think most people agree it's wrong to enact cruelty or suffering regardless of whatever value life might have.
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Feb 15, 2019
No, I don't think so. I think glorifying would be more like "Yeah suicide is awesome!" when most view it as tragic consequence of the disgusting nature of reality. Some, like me, are happy to be leaving this earth and it's horrors, like anyone would be to be relieved of their suffering.
This is a great way of wording it.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
There's nothing glorious about the circumstances that brought us here and/or prompted us to stay here, whatever those may be.

If suicide itself was being glorified in this site then there'd be a lot fewer members because they'd mostly all be dead.
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Jul 8, 2018
For me suicide is not something I want to do or think that it's something cool. Just like a cancer patient chooses to go through chemo, nobody looks forward to that, it is just a necessity to avoid more pain. I guess this is something difficult to understand for people who have had good lives.
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Jun 25, 2020
How is suicide morally wrong? Let be truthful life is objectively bad. Some ppl think life is a gift. Good for them but they are out of touch with reality. I read depression and suicide are natural reactions to the horribleness of life. So its better to not be born and if you are born then its better to die ASAP. Yes suicide and death in general are sad things but the only way to prevent them is to stop giving birth. Although its in our instinct its still morally wrong to give birth because its the cause of all suffering. We humans have the intelligent to fight this instinct and stop procreating. But the other life forms aren't intelligent enough to stop doing it (at least those on earth) so its better if we intervene and lead to their extinction. I read somewhere where a scholar said its our responsibility to eradicate all life forms in the universe.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
I've never come across a member posting that suicide is great, which is surprising really as there are all sorts on here.

Seen plenty of posts saying life sucks, but that's something different.
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Apr 17, 2021
In my view suicide is not a righteous act, its morally wrong
1. But it's righteous when it's making others' lives better (i. e.: Sacrificing yourself for others' sake, like in a war-torn situation where you have to provide cover while your allies move to safety), yes?

2. Kindly define what's "morally wrong" about it.
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Iš Lietuvos
Feb 2, 2021
How is suicide morally wrong? Let be truthful life is objectively bad. Some ppl think life is a gift. Good for them but they are out of touch with reality. I read depression and suicide are natural reactions to the horribleness of life. So its better to not be born and if you are born then its better to die ASAP. Yes suicide and death in general are sad things but the only way to prevent them is to stop giving birth. Although its in our instinct its still morally wrong to give birth because its the cause of all suffering. We humans have the intelligent to fight this instinct and stop procreating. But the other life forms aren't intelligent enough to stop doing it (at least those on earth) so its better if we intervene and lead to their extinction. I read somewhere where a scholar said its our responsibility to eradicate all life forms in the universe


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Mar 21, 2021
Where? Before joining I read nearly 90 pages worth of threads and never saw anything of the sort. All it is is accepting that it is our choice which it should be, if you don't want to be here anymore you can be involuntarily imprisoned, which is the sick idea really out of those two?
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May 27, 2020
No I do not think that it does. To glorify suicide would be to promote it, and that is not what this community does. Instead Sanctioned Suicide tries to offer a neutral ground where the subject can be discussed by those who have thoughts of it. The community does not condemn suicide but it does not condone it either which, in turn, means that it is not a promotion of the act. The belief that suicide is an okay and acceptable choice, is not the same as coercing somebody into making that choice; the doors of life and death are both open, but nobody will push you through - this is the important difference.

If anything it is society that glorifies suicide given that there are so many who willingly mistreat each other. Society must want some of its members to end their own lives; considering that the vicious behaviour around us, is usually committed knowing full well that it will damage the mental health of its victims.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
To glorify something means to treat it as splendid or excellent than normally be considered. It means to praise, admire, worship or extol.
When a member of SS starts a thread that they are about to take their own life, the opposite of glorification occurs.
Other members encourage the suicidal person to slow down and consider if this is what they really want to do. If the suicidal member is very determined, they are wished a peaceful and painless end.
SS is far better at preventing suicides than any useless suicide prevention hotline.
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
My ex gf said that this site glorifies suicide. Do you agree with that? In my view suicide is not a righteous act, its morally wrong but in this evil world some of us have inescapable pain that almost forces us to ctb.
Who said it was morally wrong? The bible? lol

At the its the person who decides.
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Mar 20, 2021
No. It's not glorified because nature designed us with an SI that prevents us from fully glorifying it. It's not morally wrong either. What is morally wrong is the fact that despite experiencing the harsh horrors of this twisted and cruel world people still continue to breed and bring more people into this world who will end up suffering with them and become suicidal. If there is a higher life form/being out there who designed this whole travesty we call life I'd like to ask them why a cell or fetus is not given enough sentience and awareness to decide for itself whether or not to come into this world or terminate itself. If I could've seen a snapshot of my entire life up until death I'd 100% have chosen to remain nothingness. Suicide is not some glorious thing, it's terrifying, there's so much that can go wrong, SI makes it hard because we experience anxiety and pain when doing methods. Most people are forced to leave this planet alone anyway. The idea of being dead, fading into nothingness, and not having to worry about the anxieties of life is what is glorified, not the act of ctb itself
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A Nameless Monster
Mar 7, 2021
Our illuminated overlords love death. Most lives don't cost all that much and society is hostile as a rule of thumb. Might as well give them a reason to hate me so glorifying away, all the way myself. Arguing with the pro-life brick wall ultimately has the same outcome.

The Kafkaesque bureaucratic limbo of legal euthanasia will persist for many, many years to come even with the right passport. The honorable plutocrats realized the niche market for suicide exists. That will trend up when the recession kicks off so congratulations to them. So, yeah, everyone better worry about what that one 'super scary' forum is thinking.
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Jan 31, 2021
Not saying this to score points as a newbie; my take on it is that SS normalises suicide, by removing the taboo elements via open discussion, rather than glorify it.
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life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
How is suicide morally wrong? Let be truthful life is objectively bad. Some ppl think life is a gift. Good for them but they are out of touch with reality. I read depression and suicide are natural reactions to the horribleness of life. So its better to not be born and if you are born then its better to die ASAP. Yes suicide and death in general are sad things but the only way to prevent them is to stop giving birth. Although its in our instinct its still morally wrong to give birth because its the cause of all suffering. We humans have the intelligent to fight this instinct and stop procreating. But the other life forms aren't intelligent enough to stop doing it (at least those on earth) so its better if we intervene and lead to their extinction. I read somewhere where a scholar said its our responsibility to eradicate all life forms in the universe.
This is important, because it enters into the subject of: The right-to-die.
-- And the key point here, is that it's absolutely ridiculous, that this term (right-to-die), even exists.

Ie, the very fact that it exists, means that some people believe, that they have the right to keep someone alive, even if that person wants to die.

And, of course, if someone wants to die, and they're being forced to stay alive, then the reason for keeping them alive, is inherently selfish.

Ie, for the moment, let's forget about the word immoral, and just focus in the word selfish.
-- Basically, it's irrelevant what reason is given (to keep them alive), because that reason, is one that will be inherently selfish, since it is to please them, and not the person that wants to die.
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Nov 27, 2019
Yea it's a common narrative, that we're all just romanticizing and glorifying our mental illnesses or suicidal tendencies.

In my opinion just another way to guilt trip us.
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Nov 30, 2020
Yea it's a common narrative, that we're all just romanticizing and glorifying our mental illnesses or suicidal tendencies.

In my opinion just another way to guilt trip us.
Don't forget we encourage people to commit suicide as well.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It doesn't glorify suicide, this is an pro choice forum. This forum offers support for suicidal people and an place to vent without having the risks of being sectioned. It probably helps people feeling less isolated. It presents suicide as an rational option when someone is experiencing extreme suffering and as human beings we deserve a right to die. It is barbaric that most countries are against this at all costs. This website holds similar view of countries that allow assisted dying.
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Aug 18, 2020
I wouldn't say "glorify", but more like "fantasize" suicide. Let's face it: no one wants to be in our position. If our life is better and we have no problems, we wouldn't be thinking about suicide, right? If only circumstances are different for the better, the word "suicide" won't even cross my mind. Heck, I'd be enjoying life and wait until my natural death.

Some people here "glorify" suicide. But for myself and others, I fantasize about it because life is crap. All I want is a life that's not challenging or competitive. I want an easy life, but that rarely occurs.
Wise words.

I completely reject the notion that suicide is immoral. This is a religious attempt to stigmatize suicidal people and shame them. For me suicide is more or less the last ressort. But I still don't have good options.
Personally I turn more pessimistic and nihilistic about life when I am more depressed. And I understand the feelings of the people who just have to vent because elswhere they are stigmatized for suicidal thoughts.
Some people might glorify death because they are pro suicide. But the forum is pro choice and as long they do not encourage other people I see no problem.
We are playing down our anxiety about death, pain and SI by using terms like ctb. However for many people who suffer immensly humor takes the edge off and is very important.
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