

Oct 14, 2019
This is venting/discussion. TRIGGER WARNING: discussion about abortion, rape, heavy disabilities, women's rights, taking care of a child with heavy disabilities. If such topics are hard for you and for your well-being, I don't recommend reading any further. Additionally, I'm not a native English speaker, so my English isn't perfect, especially commas. I don't know, where to put commas, so I will put them badly I guess. I'm not an expert, not a doctor, but I'm a woman and I thought that it should be talked about. If you are interested in this topic I advise you to do further research. It's kinda a religious topic, but I don't want to start a discussion "does God exist?", I want it to be solely about women's rights and what is good or bad.

I don't like spending much time on social medias, but today I did spend and what I read shocked me much.
To give some context. Poland had a compromise - you could abort a fetus if a) it came from a rape; b) it was heavily disabled; c) mother couldn't bear a child, and it would be harmful for her health to be pregnant, or to be bear a child. Practice prove it not to be true - a "doctor" could say "I won't abort this child, because it's against my conscience". It's crazy. You chose to be a doctor, you weren't forced. In every other job you would be kicked out for saying, that you won't carry out your responsibilities. So women had to go abroad to the countries, in which you could do the abortion, some non profit organizations would help. This was the case until last Thursday.

The Constitutional Court decided, that abortion in cases a) and b) is against our constitution. You hear me? Additionally, in Poland we don't have any sexual education. The only thing you hear in school is "sex is bad, you shouldn't do it, until you're very mature". Contraception? Condoms. Theoretically women can get pills from the doctor, but they aren't aware about other options. If a woman can't get pills, then only condoms and "calendar" remain. There are so many myths among us about sex. People believe, that you can't get pregnant from intermittent sex. What is "calendar"? Not making sex during fertile days. I heard an expert saying, that this method is very hard to use, because many things including stress can affect your fertile days.

So maybe giving up for adoption? I personally find it more cruel to give up a child for adoption than to abort. Why? Closed institutions in Poland are also in a very bad condition. There is a journalist, who speaks about it vastly.

EDIT: So many women end up taking care of heavily disabled children. They are usually left by their husbands. Government pays very little. A few hundred złoty for a child per month, whose expenses are like a few thousands złoty per month? For a lonely mother, who can't work, because such child requires constant care? Not including special expenses like new wheelchair or new special treatment.

EDIT 2: I forgot to add. You know we have a pandemic. The situation in Poland isn't good as I vented in my previous thread What's the problem? We should stay home but this government provoked riots, which will cause the situation to become even worse.

EDIT 3: Ok sorry for letting my emotions take over. Abortion isn't a simple topic. I'm just afraid of what my government is able to do. They simply violated women's rights. And yes our abortion law wasn't perfectly moral, but they made it even worse. I'm venting, that I have no control over my life, because I can get outvoted easily by a group of radical Catholics. I feel endangered. But I don't want to say, that abortion is always right, it isn't and we should avoid it. But we have to consider everything.

I just wanted to vent, that I am a woman in such country. Getting abroad isn't that easy, though I'm considering that option. Thank you for reading.
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Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
Society can't and shouldn't sacrifice itself just for women and good looking males (because only them will have hook-ups). If you can't have a child, be more careful and don't fuck random strangers, it's that simple. Also can't you just put the children to adoption when he is born? If not I agree you should be able to

I also agree that you sould be able to abort in case of rape and if you have health problems. But for the rest why can't you let the baby be born? He is still a human being
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Beautiful moon, take me away.
Sep 23, 2020
i dunno. i wish i wasn't born.
not everyone wants to be born by virtue of being human. life isn't some beautiful gift.
no reason not to let women have control over their bodies. if I were pregnant I'd probably kill myself rather than give birth and risk passing on my health problems to my child, if i wasn't able to abort.
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Oct 14, 2019
@Futile well we are talking only about that cases that I mentioned. I don't want to judge women. Teenagers aren't educated so unwanted pregnancies occur too often. I also want to give a chance to everyone. The adoption topic is a larger discussion. As I said our closed institutions such as mental wards, orphanages aren't in a fine condition. I consider it cruel to send there anyone. But I'm not an expert so I can't really say which abortions are good and which aren't.

Thank you, you made a very good point, that I was afraid to make. What if this child won't want to live, and we can predict that? I mean if you give that child no conditions it will be hard for them to live.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Oh well yes, Poland is a shithole.
You can see why from my 5+ threads about it.
I was date raped 3 months ago. I couldnt get plan B because of self righteous doctors. Both gp and gynecology hospital refused me
I ended up having to complete an hour long online interview about why exactly I need plan B including whether I know about dangers of irresponsible sex, what is my occupation, phone number and how old I am?? Its crazy. And then I needed to pay 49 pln for that interview and then another 102 pln for a single pill. That left me bleeding dark blood and in pain, because I know Im mentally ill and I dont want to be forced to care for a rape baby!
Registration office told me to call the police, I wont (see my thread and my experiences with them). My parents told me Im a whore.
Im 26 and I just lost my virginity, and I remember nothing except his dick in me and waking up in my house.

This country is ass backwards. They are going to force women to carry to term babies without brains and with organs inside out, and force them to watch them die in pain over weeks or days. A raped teen will need to be a mother too, why not! She is totally fit to be. When I was 13, there was the case of Alice Tysiac. She was forced to carry her baby to term even though it caused her to go blind and severely disabled and now she cant care for the girl. Then when the women freak out and either give up their babies or even worse, break down one day and hurt them, theyre shamed. The child itself only matters till its out of the womb. My disability for bipolar is 720 pln - wont even cover renting a room yet alone living expenses. Some months ago they decided to penalize leaving kids in the windows of life (the place you can leave your newborn if you do not wish to take care of them. Adoption with appointed adoptive parent dissapeared. And then, you have so many couples with the woman being infertile but wanting a baby so badly, but if they found out she divorced, or is single, or had a stay in psych ward - its game over. Not fit to be a mother apparently, no matter how responsible she is. I watched a girls kids being taken away from her because she made a suicide attempt.
Last year our ruling party outlawed miscarriages. If you loose a pregnancy you can be investigated because they need to make sure that you didnt purposefuly cause the miscarriage. This is one step below Salvador where women carry prison sentences for miscarriages as murder.
And when my artist friend admitted to being trans in a mental hospital they thought trans means bisexual.

This is why Im moving to fucking Germany next week
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Oct 14, 2019
Hello Bridge Jumper nice to see you! <3 I recognize you from other threads, though I'm surprised that you're a Polish woman, I haven't read your other threads, but maybe I should.

Omg I feel sorry for you... It must have been unimaginably awful. I do not know, what else to say, it's just heavily, fuckily bad.

Oh I know about that case. I read about that in a book called "Spróchniały Krzyż" by Joanna Podgórska. It hasn't been yet translated to English, it's a relatively new book, but I believe the English title would be "The Rotten Cross". This talks a lot about this topic. But the mostly shocking was the case of a young boy without the upper skull, who died soon after his birth and it was heavily traumatic to watch. But what's also bad and talked about in the book is mothers killing their newborns. We have 150 cases per year if I remember well. The mother is heavily uneducated and without any possibility to raise a child, so she kills her newborn... There is also another book to be mentioned. "Żeby umarło przede mną" by Jacek Hołub and it is also not translated but I believe it would be called "May my child die before me". It contains 5 stories of mothers with heavily disabled children. The children require constant care. Their expenses are extreme and none of the fifth mothers can afford it. One can afford it mostly, but it's hard for her. They all depend on good people.

Ehh mental illnesses aren't recognized in Poland. You're either considered crazy or "it's not that bad get the hell out of bed". I'm glad you can make it to Germany, despite your disability.
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Jul 16, 2020
Society can't and shouldn't sacrifice itself just for women and good looking males (because only them will have hook-ups). If you can't have a child, be more careful and don't fuck random strangers, it's that simple. Also can't you just put the children to adoption when he is born? If not I agree you should be able to

I also agree that you sould be able to abort in case of rape and if you have health problems. But for the rest why can't you let the baby be born? He is still a human being
Ma che problemi hai?


Apr 5, 2018
Hearing about abortion and women rights reminds me of this:
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Wishing for eternal sleep
Oct 20, 2020
I was furious when I saw this news about Poland. Unfortunately, it's the result of a backwards mentality that a foetus' rights trump the rights of an autonomous woman / girl. Funny thing is that the anti-abortionists only care about foetuses. They don't give a shit once an unwanted child is born and gets abused by its parents or dumped in an institution. All that energy they spend on screaming about a bunch of cells in a uterus could be spent on helping look after already-existing orphans or disabled kids.

A woman in Ireland died because she was miscarrying and bleeding to death with the docs refusing to help. The shithead docs refused to give her any medical treatment since the "baby" (a foetus being naturally expelled from the uterus) had more rights than her, a woman with a family who didn't want to lose her. It's all about control. Telling women what they can and can't do in this world.
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24/7 sylvia plath
Sep 3, 2020
Saw that in the news :( so depressing that a European country is still apparently stuck so far in the past.
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Oct 14, 2019
@Burzolog sorry I don't get it. Why is it a comedy? I took it all literally and it made sense to me. That dude made some good points.

@Breadfbra and @Futile I don't know what to say because I like Italian but you guys asking "what is your problem" in the language not everyone understands isn't really helpful.
Futile your question is hard and topic isn't simple. My naive solution is euthanasia. Let's not kill the child, let them grow and decide themselves, but of course I don't know much, so I am probably wrong.

I mean you're right about them not caring about born children. I know I experienced it myself being abused physically and mentally my entire "childhood". There were many people, who didn't care enough to take me away from the abusive environment, but they cared enough to fight for fetuses. Of course there are from time to time good Christians, who fight for all children, but they are unfortunately a minority.

@AJ95 you saw that in the news? Can I ask in what country? In the UK?


Apr 5, 2018
@Burzolog sorry I don't get it. Why is it a comedy? I took it all literally and it made sense to me. That dude made some good points.
I don't know why it's called a comedy, and I can't precisely explain why do I find it funny (although I could try), but I think that comedy doesn't have to be nonsensical to be funny.


Jan 9, 2019
This is venting/discussion. TRIGGER WARNING: discussion about abortion, rape, heavy disabilities, women's rights, taking care of a child with heavy disabilities. If such topics are hard for you and for your well-being, I don't recommend reading any further. Additionally, I'm not a native English speaker, so my English isn't perfect, especially commas. I don't know, where to put commas, so I will put them badly I guess. I'm not an expert, not a doctor, but I'm a woman and I thought that it should be talked about. If you are interested in this topic I advise you to do further research. It's kinda a religious topic, but I don't want to start a discussion "does God exist?", I want it to be solely about women's rights and what is good or bad.

I don't like spending much time on social medias, but today I did spend and what I read shocked me much.
To give some context. Poland had a compromise - you could abort a fetus if a) it came from a rape; b) it was heavily disabled; c) mother couldn't bear a child, and it would be harmful for her health to be pregnant, or to be bear a child. Practice prove it not to be true - a "doctor" could say "I won't abort this child, because it's against my conscience". It's crazy. You chose to be a doctor, you weren't forced. In every other job you would be kicked out for saying, that you won't carry out your responsibilities. So women had to go abroad to the countries, in which you could do the abortion, some non profit organizations would help. This was the case until last Thursday.

The Constitutional Court decided, that abortion in cases a) and b) is against our constitution. You hear me? Additionally, in Poland we don't have any sexual education. The only thing you hear in school is "sex is bad, you shouldn't do it, until you're very mature". Contraception? Condoms. Theoretically women can get pills from the doctor, but they aren't aware about other options. If a woman can't get pills, then only condoms and "calendar" remain. There are so many myths among us about sex. People believe, that you can't get pregnant from intermittent sex. What is "calendar"? Not making sex during fertile days. I heard an expert saying, that this method is very hard to use, because many things including stress can affect your fertile days.

So maybe giving up for adoption? I personally find it more cruel to give up a child for adoption than to abort. Why? Closed institutions in Poland are also in a very bad condition. There is a journalist, who speaks about it vastly.

EDIT: So many women end up taking care of heavily disabled children. They are usually left by their husbands. Government pays very little. A few hundred złoty for a child per month, whose expenses are like a few thousands złoty per month? For a lonely mother, who can't work, because such child requires constant care? Not including special expenses like new wheelchair or new special treatment.

EDIT 2: I forgot to add. You know we have a pandemic. The situation in Poland isn't good as I vented in my previous thread What's the problem? We should stay home but this government provoked riots, which will cause the situation to become even worse.

EDIT 3: Ok sorry for letting my emotions take over. Abortion isn't a simple topic. I'm just afraid of what my government is able to do. They simply violated women's rights. And yes our abortion law wasn't perfectly moral, but they made it even worse. I'm venting, that I have no control over my life, because I can get outvoted easily by a group of radical Catholics. I feel endangered. But I don't want to say, that abortion is always right, it isn't and we should avoid it. But we have to consider everything.

I just wanted to vent, that I am a woman in such country. Getting abroad isn't that easy, though I'm considering that option. Thank you for reading.
Almost everything has been said so I gonna interpose a kind of little offtop here. Why do you think that abortion isn't always right? Obviously I would avoid conception as I could if I had a girlfriend and I rather wouldn't let kill three-year-old kid cause some people remember life from this age but why should we care about something which most likely has no consciousness?
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Oct 14, 2019
You posed me a tough question. I have to remind, that I know nothing, and it's all just my bunch of thoughts.

First of all I'm not a moral person. I think, that anything you do is neutral. You murdering anyone doesn't bother me. I'm not an anti-natalism person though. People that are anti-natalism act towards their views, compared to me saying "you want to bear children, fine, I don't care". BUT I understand one thing - that most people consider life to hold value, and I have to respect that. Some lives are really worth being protected. And of course there is a biological difference between a fetus that is 7 months old and a one being just 3 weeks old.
If a woman isn't suffering much, the child is fine and just about to be born, then killing it is not okay. It is taking away a chance. If the adoption system is working, a healthy newborn can get easily a loving family. A HEALTHY one. I'm talking about cases in which the child can potentially live a good life. Of course in case of rape it's unlikely, because of various reasons.
And all cases are different, so I think, a COMPETENT doctor along with a COMPETENT PSYCHOLOGIST and the mother should decide. I disagree with strict restrictions.
BUT what if we were wrong and the child can't have a good life? In that case I suggest a decent access to the euthanasia. Let's not force people to live.
Not sure if you understood what I said. I wrote it badly XD If you have any further questions, ask them, but as I had said, I don't want people to argue on abortion.

But coming back to the topic. I am just sad, that I have little control. That I will have to leave Poland as soon as I get independent. That some people will die. The police will kill them, others will be killed by the coronavirus. THIS IS NOT THE FIRST PROTEST MY GOVERNMENT HAS CAUSED DURING THIS FUCKING PANDEMIC. Farmers, miners and now all the women. And you know what? People chose this government. They cannot handle the pandemic despite all the experts that exist. There are countries that are doing almost fine. People will vote again for them! Unless the youth stands up!
Poland has had problems with healthcare since ever. You American guys would want a "free" (I mean paid from taxes), in which you have everything covered (not literally everything but most things). And we appreciate, that we have it. There is one problem. The taxes are being spent badly and our healthcare system has never worked fine. You would have to wait half a year or longer for ONE appointment with a specialty doctor. We started to have big problems with 200-300 new cases daily... And now it's over a dozen thousands daily!!! We are just going to fucking fail.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Poland is such a good country that Im disabled because my vertigo problem causes me to have no balance, and they wont ever do anything about it they say its in my head and I should see a psychiatrist, and now I got addicted to opiates because otherwise I cant leave my bed on my own XD
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
a "doctor" could say "I won't abort this child, because it's against my conscience". It's crazy. You chose to be a doctor, you weren't forced. In every other job you would be kicked out for saying, that you won't carry out your responsibilities.
Hippocratic oath or something? Maybe a lot of religious doctors. I am pro-abortion (note: not pro-choice).
If you can't have a child, be more careful and don't fuck random strangers, it's that simple.
zach galifianakis yes GIF
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