

New Member
Jan 11, 2022
I intend to end my life by partial hanging. however I have a big doubt: can using marijuana relieve the pain of the ligature pressed by the rope?

I feel that if I did something wrong, at least I wouldn't be in pain as I would be high on weed and relaxed.


Nov 9, 2022
I feel like you'd be less likely to be thorough and therefore more likely for things to go wrong 😫


Aug 14, 2022
I smoked a joint or two last night for the first time in a pretty long time. Almost close to a year. I'm actually a bit buzzed as I typed this because I just finished the roach.

To answer your question I don't think it would change much. You'll probably still feel the pressure and pain. I mean it may help. I guess depending on the person. My whole philosophy back in the day when I was still able to smoke weed daily was that "Everything is better when you're high" I probably would have ended up smoking a bunch of weed before taking the route of hanging which was my original method.

Nowadays because of the mental issues that I'm dealing with whenever I smoke weed it just doesn't give me the same feeling that it used to. It can and usually does trigger severe anxiety and panic in me. With that being said I'd rather not take any substances during the process of CTB. Unless I had a gun and got drunk enough to shoot myself.

I was planning on huffing air duster whenever I drop into the noose though. (When it was still my method) I wouldn't recommend anyone doing this I'm not encouraging anyone to take their life I do recommend people to seek out all help and exhaust all options first, I'm just sharing my experiences.


Sep 5, 2022
I got my nose pierced while high, and if anything it made the pain worse because my skin felt more sensitive to the needle. Just food for thought.


So tired of struggling
May 8, 2022
I intend to end my life by partial hanging. however I have a big doubt: can using marijuana relieve the pain of the ligature pressed by the rope?

I feel that if I did something wrong, at least I wouldn't be in pain as I would be high on weed and relaxed.
I'd just like to ask what pain do you think you will feel?
In my experience just practicing, I've only felt dizzy and my head feeling full. I've only gotten to cutting off my jugular. It was more of a panic feeling.
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Nov 18, 2022
I feel like it would not make a difference honestly. Unless you were literally greening out but that sounds like a miserable experience anyways. A sedative like benzos would probably be more effective if you can get them.


New Member
Jan 11, 2022
Eu só gostaria de perguntar que dor você acha que vai sentir?
Na minha experiência apenas praticando, eu apenas me senti tonto e com a cabeça cheia. Só consegui cortar minha jugular. Foi mais uma sensação de pânico.

I've already done some tests of tightening the rope around my neck, but I wasn't hanged accurately, according to the articles I've read, it's possible to feel pain from the pressure of the rope, in addition to the survival instinct of despairing and focusing on my breathing getting weak, despite to know everything. That's it, I just have to face minutes of agony.
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