

Mar 24, 2019
The Bible is a Plagiarised , all the stories are stolen from other "religions "

This is Horus. He is the Sun God of Egypt of around 3000 BC
The story of Horus is as follows: Horus was born on December 25th of the virgin Isis-Meri. His birth was accompanied by a star in the east, which in turn, three kings followed to locate and adorn the new born saviour.
At the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher, and at the age of 30 he was baptized by a figure known as Anup and thus began his ministry. Horus had 12 disciples he travelled about with, performing miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water. Horus was known by many gestural names such as The Truth, The Light, God's Anointed Son, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, and many others. After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days, and thus, resurrected.


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Mar 19, 2019
You guys are hilarious. I love the "you Christians" accusations. This is something you're clearly battling in your mind. You can't get any more generic and simple than "intelligent designer". It's a basic idea. It's not exclusively held by Christianity. Would it help if we called God an Alien, or maybe even Head Software Designer of the Matrix? It doesn't change the concept. I've yet to be persuaded this is impossible. It's certainly not obvious we're existing due to random chance. Instead, what I'm seeing is a bunch of people simply jumping out of the bushes and snarling with accusations and value judgements. That doesn't sound like "free thought" or reason to me.

What really makes me a little sad is NOBODY watched the damn video, did they?

@RodgerThat You would be hard pressed to prove to me that suicide is an act that was actually condemned by God as a sin in the Bible. I don't even think it's possible to "literally interpret" the Bible. As evidenced by the huge variety of different churches who all interpret the same document differently. That's all beyond the scope of "Does God exist?" anyways.
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It's over and out.
Apr 23, 2019
@RodgerThat You would be hard pressed to prove to me that suicide is an act that was actually condemned by God as a sin in the Bible. I don't even think it's possible to "literally interpret" the Bible. As evidenced by the huge variety of different churches who all interpret the same document differently. That's all beyond the scope of "Does God exist?" anyways.
I'm no scholar neither have I studied the Bible, but I'm fairly certain that suicide is a direct sin against God, because you are being ungrateful or something. We also commit sins in everyday life that may actually be condemning us to yet another circle of hell.
As for if God exists, I was saying that if he did exist, His word would have been distorted so much that it would be unrecognisable.


Game Over
Mar 31, 2019
I meant argument against a belief. Saying "all of them are wrong" is a fun opinion but it's not intelligible. What does that even mean? Why should I believe you? Are you some kind of atheistic prophet? Are you channeling knowledge directly to the masses? That's no different than statements made by most of religion. It would make more sense if there was a specific idea you thought was false and you provided a persuasive reason for why.
How do I know there is a god? It doesn't engage in any of my five senses and proving that god exists fails the inductive reasoning chart. Im only leaving at i am for sure certain there is no God. People haven reasons for believing but i don't because to me it seems impossible that a creater would leave no traces of themselves.
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Mar 24, 2019
You guys are hilarious. I love the "you Christians" accusations. This is something you're clearly battling in your mind. You can't get any more generic and simple than "intelligent designer". It's a basic idea. It's not exclusively held by Christianity. Would it help if we called God an Alien, or maybe even Head Software Designer of the Matrix? It doesn't change the concept. I've yet to be persuaded this is impossible. It's certainly not obvious we're existing due to random chance. Instead, what I'm seeing is a bunch of people simply jumping out of the bushes and snarling with accusations and value judgements. That doesn't sound like "free thought" or reason to me.

What really makes me a little sad is NOBODY watched the damn video, did they?

@RodgerThat You would be hard pressed to prove to me that suicide is an act that was actually condemned by God as a sin in the Bible. I don't even think it's possible to "literally interpret" the Bible. As evidenced by the huge variety of different churches who all interpret the same document differently. That's all beyond the scope of "Does God exist?" anyways.
Well he must be an alien as he dose not live on earth, ln the same as mars is inhabited entirely by robots lol
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Apr 20, 2019
Since I was raised Christian, I was first introduced to the concept of "God" through the Christian religion. For this reason I will explore this question by listening to a debate between a Christian Theist and an Atheist. The particular debate I am focusing on today will be a debate between William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens.

So you watch a debate and partially identify as a Christian (at least by upbringing) then complain when people associate you with Christianity?

You never even give us a clear definition of what the "God" you're arguing for is all about.

This way you can keep saying you don't identify as so and so and just keep claiming you're talking about something deeper than whatever argument is thrown at you.

I'll give you some credit though, profile picture matches your argument pretty well lol.
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Mar 19, 2019
So you watch a debate and partially identify as a Christian (at least by upbringing) then complain when people associate you with Christianity?

You never even give us a clear definition of what the "God" you're arguing for is all about.

This way you can keep saying you don't identify as so and so and just keep claiming you're talking about something deeper than whatever argument is thrown at you.

I'll give you some credit though, profile picture matches your argument pretty well lol.

Ahh. Yes. What do I mean by God? What do any of us mean by it? We all seem to know somehow. If God is fictional then why are we all so opinionated? I think you have to start with how you were taught the concept. This seems obvious when you start hearing people object to the idea of God. Because a Catholic atheist is very different from a Protestant or Jewish Atheist. I was raised Christian though. So I arbitrarily narrowed the debate down to a Christian who defended the idea of God. If I had to define the concept I would say "a being with intelligence and powers that are greater than mine." Do you think I actually know how we got here? I'm just discussing concepts.

None of this is actually new to me. I've heard this debate from a wide variety of sides before. It never gets old to me. My understanding just gets deeper. I chose William Lane Craig vs Christopher Hitchens because it's actually a pretty well balanced debate. Hitchens is an awesome debater. Craig isn't easy to dismiss though. I've yet to settle completely on one side though. It just all makes me more aware of how much I don't know.
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Apr 20, 2019
So if my intelligence and powers end up being greater than yours, I will be a god to you?
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Predator, criminal, emotional blackmailer
Jan 28, 2019
So if my intelligence and powers end up being greater than yours, I will be a god to you?
You should insist on a very dear sacrifice if he says yes.
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Apr 20, 2019
Lol he has to sacrifice himself, duh. Otherwise how else will I know if he's a devout follower? And he better not worship any other gods.

This reminds me, I used to have a very crazy ex who was bipolar and either really hated me or worshiped me all the time. When she was good though, I'd often joke and speak in a deep voices like Xerxes from 300 and hold out my hand and be like "but I am a kind god, all I ask is that you kneel before me". It was hilarious.
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Predator, criminal, emotional blackmailer
Jan 28, 2019
Just to put it out there - I went to religious schools and I have some bible contest wins under my belt. I have also read up about a lot of other religions and Christian apologetics, because I was interested in what made them tick. I have also endured a lot of conversion attempts. None of it took - I've been an atheist since I was 6.
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Apr 20, 2019
Having been born in Russia, I was an atheist since birth lol, with maybe a few interruptions here and there. They only lasted a week or so of self induced euphoria until the warm and fuzzy feelings ran out and I realized how stupid it is haha. I think that's why the Jahova's witnesses always kept coming to my parents house. They probably think we've never gotten indoctrinated yet so we're perfect victims to get sucked into their cult.
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Apr 5, 2019
My short answer would be no, but I agree that it depends on what you consider God to be. I find the notion of the man in the sky to be an almost laughable concept (though if belief helps an individual then I don't wish to insult it), but for God to be nature, the sun, the cause of creation, laws of physics, or even just something internal, it's at least easier to understand. (As for polytheism, those seem almost like mascots / imaginary figureheads for different aspects of life). I know so little about the universe, so I can't say much about it with a huge amount of confidence.


Mar 19, 2019
So if my intelligence and powers end up being greater than yours, I will be a god to you?

Yeah, why not? I already assume you must believe this is the case. Afterall, you already seem to know things I cannot.

What was it you said earlier?

"Nothing 'intelligent', would "design" something that's 99.99999999% (don't quote me on the math, you get the point) useless, for some insignificant amount of life somewhere."

What can I say? Mind blown. That's some real truthiness being thrown out there.

Do you remember Windows 95? Explain that, Mr. God.


Jan 19, 2019

If there is one then I hope he is like this.

The video might start off as exactly as you think but bear with me there is a twist.
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
I don't believe in the slightest. To me it's all a man-made construct.
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Nov 12, 2018
I think God is a way for people to answer some questions that we might never have the actual answers to.
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Apr 20, 2019
I think God is a way for people to answer some questions that we might never have the actual answers to.
Can't say never because we can't predict the future. I'd rather have no answer than a wrong one. If someone asks me what pi to the 1000th digit is, I'd rather say I don't know than spew a bunch of made up numbers.

If you meant to say that god is a way for people to make up wishful thinking fairy tales to comfort their lack of understanding of how evolution and the universe works, then you're correct.
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Oct 6, 2018
I have no doubt whatsoever that there is no god / gods/supreme being. Religion appears to me nothing but a tool for coercion and control.
The concept is to me akin to believing in Santa. I cannot comprehend how any intelligent person can believe it.
I do imagine there is alot of comfort for many in religion. Im quite envious of that tbh.
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Mar 19, 2019
Yeah. Religion probably existed because of stupid people. It must be that we've grown more intelligent as a species. It was also created to control people. We've outgrown our tendencies to control. I think you might be right. All evidence seems to confirm this.


Apr 3, 2019
Just like any claim about paranormal stuff, all claims of a real deity have been baseless or with debunked evidence, so the existence of any god can be treated the same way as the existence of unicorns or leprechauns. Big affirmations need big evidence, and so far anyone who has claimed to have evidence on anything paranomal has been found to be either a con man or deluded.
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Mar 19, 2019
Yeah, this is true. You need evidence. It has to be reasonable. I've been looking around at everything that exists and thinking... Where the fuck is the evidence for God? I'm not seeing it. The idea we were created is clearly baseless. Therefore, I conclude God must simply be a fairy tale. I bet people back in the old days NEVER thought about this. We have evolved in our intelligence and knowledge.
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Nov 5, 2018
Yeah, this is true. You need evidence. It has to be reasonable. I've been looking around at everything that exists and thinking... Where the fuck is the evidence for God? I'm not seeing it. The idea we were created is clearly baseless. Therefore, I conclude God must simply be a fairy tale. I bet people back in the old days NEVER thought about this. We have evolved in our intelligence and knowledge.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". --Carl Sagan
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I am free, therefore I am lost.
Apr 12, 2019
I don't think this is a question that us carbon based life forms limited (maybe) to life are in the right position to give a proper answer. I say we just don't know until we reach the other side of the gate. Or maybe we'll never know even then. And I'm not necessarily talking about the God we usually think about, I'm talking about more like a superior entity or dimension.
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Nov 5, 2018
Yeah. Religion probably existed because of stupid people. It must be that we've grown more intelligent as a species. It was also created to control people. We've outgrown our tendencies to control. I think you might be right. All evidence seems to confirm this.

I don't think "stupid" is fair. Ignorant, yes, but not necessarily stupid. If it's the year One and everyone's scientifically illiterate, it's easy to buy into superstition to explain every natural phenomenon you don't understand.
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Oct 23, 2018
I have no idea. I firstly have no idea what is meant by god. Since there are so many examples throughout history it could mean anything. Same for what attributes are ascribed. It is also fascinating how many gods are very human-like in their stories and behaviours, we must be very special indeed.

I once made the mistake along with others, of psychologically profiling various deities throughout history and using their traits and stories to create that profile on a psychology focused website. Feel free to ask how that ended...

Why are we the centre of attention? What if it is actually all for the dust mites and we just exist to provide them skin flakes? Or what if God is actually a drunk scientist from an alternate dimension so advanced we can't even comprehend their existence. Who simply wants us to pass the butter but forgot to even create butter, then got distracted in a different universe so we and butter became irrelevant and quickly forgotten?

I am still waiting to hear from cats as well. About their fickle god and the important act of devotion involving pushing things off surfaces. All the while wearing an expression of deep offence as if any undisturbed object is an insult to the magnificence of themselves and their god that I have offended both by not providing timely treats. I am also curious if the holy words of a cat are written in smells beyond human capability to even register?

I also feel all these gods need to just contact an ad agency and maybe have a crash course in PR because, to be honest, I find their brands to be pretty vague and open to interpretation amongst a sea of other brands. Many of which no one is even talking about these days. Even the people touting a specific brand can't even agree. So it is all a bit too piecemeal for my tastes. Hardly cohesive in what it is trying to convey. Sort of dilutes the brand if you think about it. Doesn't help that a lot of literature has been destroyed or altered. It is the equivalent of being handed nine pamphlets for the same product. One variety promises to cure male pattern baldness the other wandering womb syndrome... the rest are partially burned and might be for another product that simply references the first. That is just confusing and not very efficient. Clarity of message is important if you want consumer recognition.

To all gods watching my forum post within this time frame. In this backwater of pain that for some reason is part of your design to exist... You should take some inspiration from these people.

I mean as a god with supernatural powers you would not even need satellites. As far as I know, no laws exist that prevent gods writing things in the sky. You could just turn the sky purple for example and write your message in gold lettering understandable to everyone on the planet including the illiterate. Rendered in such a way that the interpretation would be perfect. Something beyond the limited medium of words. So no one gets to argue what is meant. They will just know, just as intuitively as they know how to breathe. It is also pretty hard to burn the sky.

No god as yet has made this landmark decision! Personally, I find that surprising especially if one of your ascribed traits is Omnipresence. Have you never seen children playing telephone? Or seen how witness testimony is considered one of the worst forms of evidence? Surely you must be aware of semantic differentiation when it comes to language as well? Especially over long time spans?

I mean seriously you are trusting human beings with important messages. The same human beings who can't agree on what colour this dress is!

Or which way this dancer is spinning.

Might help if you had not designed us with the ability to see patterns where there are none. Then clarity of message probably would not be so problematic when it comes to you lot existing or not...

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It deepens like a coastal shelf
Mar 20, 2018
Oh -- God exists, alright. And he needs your money!
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Nov 5, 2018
Oh -- God exists, alright. And he needs your money!

One of the very best, all time greatest bits in the history of ever. If there's an afterlife, I can only hope George Carlin's there!
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Apr 1, 2019
At the end of the day, God is an unfalsifiable concept. Along with the large number of definitions posited by so many people, it really begs the question of what exactly a God would be. Is a technologically superior being a God? Probably not. Does a God have to be Omnipresent, Omnipotent and all the other Omni's? For that matter, does a God even have to be inherently good?
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