
Dec 5, 2020
Because I am entitled to my opinion and I have the right to express it as much as I'd like here. That is not agains the rules. I am not being rude, if it bothers you to be disagreed with, it is not my fault you are that sensitive.

This a forum for discussions, and discussion always involve several points of view, which may or may not clash. That is not a bad thing; what is bad is asking for only opinions that resonate to be expressed. You are the one thinking they can select who engages or not. You can't. You are misinterpretating the point of this website, which is not to provide validation, but to provide a space for conversations that can't be had somewhere else due to suicide being a taboo.
You are still deflecting. I clearly stated what I am looking for and you can't handle the fact that your opinion is not welcome everywhere.


Jul 23, 2020
You are still deflecting. I clearly stated what I am looking for and you can't handle the fact that your opinion is not welcome everywhere.
You don't get to choose which opinions are welcome here.
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Jul 23, 2020
You don't get to enforce them. It's a rule.
I did not enforce anything. I gave my opinion. The moment it did not resonate with yours, you claimed I was pushing things down your throat. See how I am not talking about karma anymore? Because I never tried to prove it doesn't exist, I just gave my point of view on it and moved on. I am now only talking about how you think you can go around kicking people out of threads. You still have not gotten over the fact this is a public forum in which people will disagree and you have no control over it.
How deliciously ironic :pfff:
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Dec 5, 2020
You don't get to choose which opinions are welcome here.
It is not my page but it is my post about what worries me personally. You don't want to respect me so you hide behind your justifications.
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Jul 23, 2020
It is not my page but it is my post about what worries me personally. You don't want to respect me so you hide behind your justifications.
I am not even talking about karma anymore, I am not saying I agree or disagree with you anymore, I stopped talking about it posts ago, because I gave you my opinion and moved on. Except you kept attacking other people and I over the fact we chose to engage on an open thread in an open forum, just because it was not what you expected to hear.
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Jan 22, 2021
Karma doesn't exist. It's a made up concept to make people believe that the world is fair and just when it's nothing of the sort.
Have you seen my name is Earl? It's on disney+
I don't believe in all that but watching that back to back It's funny imagining it's real


Dec 5, 2020
I am not even talking about karma anymore, I am not saying I agree or disagree with you anymore, I stopped talking about it posts ago, because I gave you my opinion and moved on. Except you kept attacking other people and I over the fact we chose to engage on an open thread in an open forum, just because it was not what you expected to
I didn't ask for opinions but for answers to my question. I didn't invite anyone to discuss their opinions but because freedom of speech and website rules and open thread and whatnot you get to justify whatever you say. With zero sensitivity for people because that is not a website rule. I'm not discussing karma with you either, why would I if you don't know anything about it? I just hate who you are as a person and that is my opinion.
I think you have a westernized interpretation of karma. The whole point of Buddhism is to be liberated from suffering, not to bring it upon yourself.

Karma is about intent. "With our thoughts we make the world." Send good out into the world and it will come back to you. I acknowledge that you may have made mistakes in the past, but what matters is your intent NOW. Don't dwell on the past - you need to forgive yourself.

Edit: y'all are being a bit mean to OP. You don't need to shit on their beliefs.
I am not talking about mistakes, it's not about the good and the bad. It's about empowerment in your life, acceptance of reality and non resistance to reality, exercising free will, getting out of victim or victor mentality, processing your traumas and ancestral baggage/ healing, creating functional and fulfilling relationships... I have been stuck in life for so long and I literally didn't learn anything in this life because I am so stubborn on hating myself and my life. I don't want a sceanrio where I have go through this stuff again in an even more intense life. Every living second is torture for me, my nervous system is fried and I don't ever want to live like this again.

Maybe my view is westernized but I don't like Buddhism too much because I find it to be the most escapist spirituality of them all, many people use it as escapism and not as a tool for actual enlightenment. I find it hard to put together what the truth is underneath all the spiritualities of this planet. I wouldn't really care about the concept of karma if I didn't want to kill myself. The way it was used in the past was manipulative and now there's so much confusing information about it.
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
Karma is a thing wheter you want to believe in it or not. ... I am so fucked already I really don't need further invalidation and cnfusion.
Hi @LetMeGoPlease, I don't know if karma exists or not.

However, I am a "fan" of Buddhism (I know you said you're not so much), but I absolutely do not agree with everything it espouses... Anyway, I have given a lot of thought & consideration to karma. There was a great dharma talk on karma I once heard and I'm desperately trying to find it for you... It goes very well to your initial questions.

Anyway, you seem absolutely convinced of the fact of karma... Can you say how and why you became convinced? I'd appreciate it for my own understanding...

***** ADDITION *****
Ok, I haven't been able to find the dharma talk on karma, but here is an extensive article along the same lines as the talk... by the same Buddhist teacher as gave the excellent talk I heard. Please let me know if this helps...

***** ADDITION 2 *****
Still haven't found the talk I heard... but here's another that the same teacher gave and it seems to have much of the same content:
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Dec 4, 2019
I really want to discuss karma as it's one of the main things that keep me from CTB. I feel like karma is something that keeps you on a path of resolving certain issues or understanding certain perspectives, it's very simple in the higher realms, not on Earth though, here you can suffer tremendously and karma is understood through that perspective for some people like me. So even if karma is not a malevolent universal force but just the way the universe turns around and evolves, it doesn't change anything for me because it still means I will suffer, not because the universe is against me, but because karma is like gravity, it's just a universal force that influences you no matter what.

I don't understand what exactly my mission is though, and what am I supposed to learn to end this karma loop of suffering. If I don't understand what my mission is in yhis life then how will I ever? I am afraid I will keep killing myself in every life and it will never end. I really hope my understanding of karma and the universe is flawed. Does anyone understand this better? I would love to release this fear so I can kill myself. If I remain at the same spot until I die of age I won't fulfill my mission either and I will be born again in the same misery, like I will if I kill myself. So why wait and make it worse until then. 800.000 souls commit suicide every year. There has to be a place for us where we are taken care of no?

Edit: Karma is a thing wheter you want to believe in it or not. So please only comment if you truly understand this, I am so fucked already I really don't need further invalidation and cnfusion.
Ask on Reddit
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Weed Addict
Aug 20, 2020
I think that if you believe killing yourself is detrimental to your "mission" then just don't do it and endure the suffering. Just make the most of your life and try to do good deeds and move on from past mistakes
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
The guy/girl asked for spiritual advice not spiritual breakdown. He/She also clearly stated he/she would prefer only like minded people in the discussion.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole point of making a thread on a forum BECAUSE you want to see others opinions on the matter?

Also, telling someone to leave because they don't agree with you is not only rude but also something that doesn't work on the internet.
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Into The Void

Into The Void

Mar 10, 2021
I really want to discuss karma as it's one of the main things that keep me from CTB. I feel like karma is something that keeps you on a path of resolving certain issues or understanding certain perspectives, it's very simple in the higher realms, not on Earth though, here you can suffer tremendously and karma is understood through that perspective for some people like me. So even if karma is not a malevolent universal force but just the way the universe turns around and evolves, it doesn't change anything for me because it still means I will suffer, not because the universe is against me, but because karma is like gravity, it's just a universal force that influences you no matter what.

I don't understand what exactly my mission is though, and what am I supposed to learn to end this karma loop of suffering. If I don't understand what my mission is in yhis life then how will I ever? I am afraid I will keep killing myself in every life and it will never end. I really hope my understanding of karma and the universe is flawed. Does anyone understand this better? I would love to release this fear so I can kill myself. If I remain at the same spot until I die of age I won't fulfill my mission either and I will be born again in the same misery, like I will if I kill myself. So why wait and make it worse until then. 800.000 souls commit suicide every year. There has to be a place for us where we are taken care of no?

Edit: Karma is a thing wheter you want to believe in it or not. So please only comment if you truly understand this, I am so fucked already I really don't need further invalidation and cnfusion.
I believe karma exists. I strongly suspect that there are lords of karma that help determine our next life. I think we might loose are free will and ability to think for our self on our own behalf in the afterlife over time once the yang energy in the energy body is used up. I think killing yourself isn't necessarily a bad idea per se. It depends on how much one is suffering and how much have they honestly tried to get better as to if it's a good idea or not. I think we should push through the BS in life and try to attain equilibrium if not mastery. In other words suicide IMO from the karmic perspective should be a last ditch option when all else fails. At the end of the day it's up to each individual to find their purpose to life.
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Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Oct 20, 2020

Apu: I am selling only the concept of karmic realignment.

Homer: You can't sell that! Karma can only be portioned out by the cosmos!

Apu: He's got me, there...

Completely OT, but I love when Homer breaks character and says smart/enlightened things like this.
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Oct 20, 2020
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole point of making a thread on a forum BECAUSE you want to see others opinions on the matter?

Also, telling someone to leave because they don't agree with you is not only rude but also something that doesn't work on the internet.
Did you specifically took things out of context or simply didn't read all of the statements made on this tread?
Several users tried to impose their views on OP, as well as disrespected OP's believes and made zero contribution to the intended discussion. All occurred despite OP clearly being sensitive about the topic and asking not to diverge from the intended discussion of the thread . I found occurring situation inappropriate, and intervened in an attempt to prevent them from possibly doing it any further.
"Correct me if I am wrong" - The whole point of making a thread is whatever OP wants it to be, either by directly stating something or marking a thread with an appropriate flare. There is nothing stopping you from voicing your opinion on the topics of these threads, which I never condemned, however I find diverging from the topic selected by OP without his consent, especially in an aggressive manner to the point of enforcing your own views - Inappropriate and disrespectful.

OP wanted to receive opinion of like minded people, it is his right. Just as it is yours not to respect his wish.

It is however nobody's right to enforce their views and be overly disrespectful. The main factor that made intervene.

I believe I responded to the best of my extent with the little time window I have. I will restrain from responding to the second part of your post due to it being completely made up.

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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
This entire thread is one big "karma"-fuck.

No one knows how karma really works, the belief that if you did something bad, you would get due retribution right back at a later point in time. It's all theoretical and you be wasting your time thinking about it and believing that time will act on your behalf. If karma worked, I would've been dead by an unseen force by now or stricken with cancer.
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
Did you specifically took things out of context or simply didn't read all of the statements made on this tread?
Several users tried to impose their views on OP, as well as disrespected OP's believes and made zero contribution to the intended discussion. All occurred despite OP clearly being sensitive about the topic and asking not to diverge from the intended discussion of the thread . I found occurring situation inappropriate, and intervened in an attempt to prevent them from possibly doing it any further.
"Correct me if I am wrong" - The whole point of making a thread is whatever OP wants it to be, either by directly stating something or marking a thread with an appropriate flare. There is nothing stopping you from voicing your opinion on the topics of these threads, which I never condemned, however I find diverging from the topic selected by OP without his consent, especially in an aggressive manner to the point of enforcing your own views - Inappropriate and disrespectful.

OP wanted to receive opinion of like minded people, it is his right. Just as it is yours not to respect his wish.

It is however nobody's right to enforce their views and be overly disrespectful. The main factor that made intervene.

I believe I responded to the best of my extent with the little time window I have. I will restrain from responding to the second part of your post due to it being completely made up.

It's not me taking things out of context, you keep saying people are imposing their views when all they are doing is putting their opinions up, you don't have to agree with them if you don't want to and nobody is forcing you to.

I'm gonna move on now, best of luck to you and OP.
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Jan 10, 2020
I really want to discuss karma as it's one of the main things that keep me from CTB. I feel like karma is something that keeps you on a path of resolving certain issues or understanding certain perspectives, it's very simple in the higher realms, not on Earth though, here you can suffer tremendously and karma is understood through that perspective for some people like me. So even if karma is not a malevolent universal force but just the way the universe turns around and evolves, it doesn't change anything for me because it still means I will suffer, not because the universe is against me, but because karma is like gravity, it's just a universal force that influences you no matter what.

I don't understand what exactly my mission is though, and what am I supposed to learn to end this karma loop of suffering. If I don't understand what my mission is in yhis life then how will I ever? I am afraid I will keep killing myself in every life and it will never end. I really hope my understanding of karma and the universe is flawed. Does anyone understand this better? I would love to release this fear so I can kill myself. If I remain at the same spot until I die of age I won't fulfill my mission either and I will be born again in the same misery, like I will if I kill myself. So why wait and make it worse until then. 800.000 souls commit suicide every year. There has to be a place for us where we are taken care of no?

Edit: Karma is a thing wheter you want to believe in it or not. So please only comment if you truly understand this, I am so fucked already I really don't need further invalidation and cnfusion.
I think about karma too - and it is one of my biggest hold backs as well. I was raised with acknowledgement of several religions, including hare krsna and Christianity. I've naturally migrated more toward Christianity more in the past several years, while still seeing the logic of the concept of karma (we see it all around us in nature - macrocosm/microcosm).

I don't have all the answers and in so doing profess to have a definitive answer on this by any stretch of the imagination... but this is my personal take... As I've come to terms with my "lot" in life (misery / sadness / incurable loneliness) while simultaneously building a relationship with the Christ energy... lately I've found peace by tuning myself into the grace, love and forgiveness of Christ aka Jesus.

I don't believe in the hell and damnation aspect for those who are otherwise good people but choose to take their own lives. Why should we be punished more? How is that kind, loving or forgiving? Maybe we weren't given the right "resources" to deal with life effectively, maybe we are "highly sensitive people" who are not equipped for life on earth. Maybe we are big sweethearts but for one reason or another were unable to find fulfillment in life. Maybe we've experienced far too much trauma and pain to be able to cope with.

So now in my own mind I align with God / Christ as being all merciful to those who never meant to harm anyone but for one reason or another decided not to carry out this lifetime to a natural death. I do truly believe in my heart that we are wounded souls and that we deserve compassion and love - and I believe that is what we will get. Relief and healing.

I know for my part I did everything I could and still do - to be responsible to myself and others... but for my own highest good - it is my choice and mine alone to make -- and I know that it is going to be OK. Jesus knows my heart, He understands... he wants the best for me, but he understands the limitations and pitfalls of being a human.

In so far as how karma works, I have much respect for the ancient teachings of the East... however, even they are imperfect, as they were devised and developed by imperfect humans. Maybe there is a space for the cycle of reincarnation in nature which includes and absorption of part of the energy back into the formless, limitless and timeless primordial soup of nothingness... maybe that's what can happen for good people who take their own lives... gentle reabsorption back into native nothingness. To me, that sounds like bliss and peace. To just be nothing.

I don't know if what I've shared will be helpful at all since you are talking about Vedic / Hindu theosophy and oft times proponents of one philosophy or religion won't mix with others... so take it for whatever it is worth for you. Wishing you peace, sending love.
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Weed Addict
Aug 20, 2020
Yeah, it's made up. Same way as reincarnation, souls and God were thought up by some fellas on psychedelics 10 000 years ago or sum.
since someone brought back this thread randomly I want to say that this will crack me up till the day I CTB lmao
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Mar 22, 2020
I really used to believe in karma.

Now, I just believe that some people have more good luck than others.
For instance, you can't choose your family or where you're born, it just happens and you might be the nicest guy on Earth but some thieves could kill you instantly on a random day.

I believe we all have good and bad times and nothing lasts for very long.
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