
Dec 5, 2020
I really want to discuss karma as it's one of the main things that keep me from CTB. I feel like karma is something that keeps you on a path of resolving certain issues or understanding certain perspectives, it's very simple in the higher realms, not on Earth though, here you can suffer tremendously and karma is understood through that perspective for some people like me. So even if karma is not a malevolent universal force but just the way the universe turns around and evolves, it doesn't change anything for me because it still means I will suffer, not because the universe is against me, but because karma is like gravity, it's just a universal force that influences you no matter what.

I don't understand what exactly my mission is though, and what am I supposed to learn to end this karma loop of suffering. If I don't understand what my mission is in yhis life then how will I ever? I am afraid I will keep killing myself in every life and it will never end. I really hope my understanding of karma and the universe is flawed. Does anyone understand this better? I would love to release this fear so I can kill myself. If I remain at the same spot until I die of age I won't fulfill my mission either and I will be born again in the same misery, like I will if I kill myself. So why wait and make it worse until then. 800.000 souls commit suicide every year. There has to be a place for us where we are taken care of no?

Edit: Karma is a thing wheter you want to believe in it or not. So please only comment if you truly understand this, I am so fucked already I really don't need further invalidation and cnfusion.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Karma doesn't exist. It's a made up concept to make people believe that the world is fair and just when it's nothing of the sort.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Does anyone understand this better?
Yeah, it's made up. Same way as reincarnation, souls and God were thought up by some fellas on psychedelics 10 000 years ago or sum.
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Oct 20, 2020
I do not understand your ideas, nor am I enlightened in the ways of karma, but have you considered that there is no "mission"? That you are simply left to your own demise by a greater force (Be it life or some higher being) until you "expire".
Nonetheless, hope you find the answers you seek
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Dec 5, 2020
Karma is a thing wheter you want to believe in it or not. So please only comment if you truly understand this, I am so fucked I really don't need further incalidation and cnfusion.
Yeah, it's made up. Same way as reincarnation, souls and God were thought up by some fellas on psychedelics 10 000 years ago or sum.

This comment is so gay
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Dec 5, 2020
Whether I truly understand karma or not, I have to admit that every now and then, when someone does me wrong, I take a little solace in thinking maybe someday it will come back to bite them. And I hope to be around to see it happen.
That is not how karma works, that is human flawed understanding.
No, because it is magical thinking.
And that is a psychiatric term that explains what they don't understand.


Sep 28, 2020
That is not how karma works, that is human flawed understanding.

I know. I deleted my post when I realized how awful it sounded. I am sorry, I did not mean to denigrate your pain and confusion. Please forgive me.
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Jul 23, 2020
You clearly don't understand karma either as you state in the very start of this thread, so what difference does it make if psychiatrists understand it or not? So far, nobody managed to scientifically prove whether it exist or not, so I'd rather believe in intensive studies rather than in people "who just know it exists". While psychiatrists might not have that much credit, you don't either.
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Dec 29, 2020
I dont think that karma exists.
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Aug 18, 2020
I really want to discuss karma as it's one of the main things that keep me from CTB. I feel like karma is something that keeps you on a path of resolving certain issues or understanding certain perspectives, it's very simple in the higher realms, not on Earth though, here you can suffer tremendously and karma is understood through that perspective for some people like me. So even if karma is not a malevolent universal force but just the way the universe turns around and evolves, it doesn't change anything for me because it still means I will suffer, not because the universe is against me, but because karma is like gravity, it's just a universal force that influences you no matter what.

I don't understand what exactly my mission is though, and what am I supposed to learn to end this karma loop of suffering. If I don't understand what my mission is in yhis life then how will I ever? I am afraid I will keep killing myself in every life and it will never end. I really hope my understanding of karma and the universe is flawed. Does anyone understand this better? I would love to release this fear so I can kill myself. If I remain at the same spot until I die of age I won't fulfill my mission either and I will be born again in the same misery, like I will if I kill myself. So why wait and make it worse until then. 800.000 souls commit suicide every year. There has to be a place for us where we are taken care of no?

Edit: Karma is a thing wheter you want to believe in it or not. So please only comment if you truly understand this, I am so fucked already I really don't need further invalidation and cnfusion.
I think a big part of the feeling of being lost is that IF you decide to forget this "living as long as you can" thing, that we can simply "go home now" and when we do we may not be relieved of the "karma wheel" BUT we can "check in with the boss". We can take that break in the afterlife realising we didn't fulfill all or part of our "mission" and we can simply ask "where am I at with this mission?". The people or guides there can take the time to shave off some of our bad karma for what we did right and explain "yet again" how far along the path we are and "what that path is". Considering constant reincarnation for spiritual growth in this scenario. At what point do we "go to a better world" as a physical being OR take that final break from living in this horrible place and just live in heaven or possibly an individual's version of heaven. Heaven of course just being a word to describe the afterlife and doesn't mean that it's great or even that God lives there. I think that's what most of us want. To know one more time what the heck we are "supposed" to do. Because this place honestly is a real sh*t hole. Every country is sad here. It makes no sense except to learn at a fast pace which could damn well be why we picked "this world" over another. Maybe this harsh, sad world is the quickest route to end karma and learn? Other wise it seems we are very very sad and lost for no reason at all. Watching children die and seeing huge injustices in the world is exhausting. And here we dont even give each other breaks any more. It seems we used to but those feelings are gone now it seems.
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Dec 5, 2020
Edit: Karma is a thing wheter you want to believe in it or not. So please only comment if you truly understand this, I am so fucked already I really don't need further invalidation and cnfusion.
Nope. There's nothing to "understand". Suicidal people are vulnerable to all kinds of silly delusions and eccentricities, but there's no deeper meaning to the random garbage they fill their heads with.

Nobody here owes you anything. Nobody here needs to pretend that whatever muddled and fanciful notions you entertain have any "meaning".

Nobody is owed "validation" for whatever random ideas they have. You're worsening your own confusion by delving into mumbo jumbo.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Karma is a thing wheter you want to believe in it or not. So please only comment if you truly understand this, I am so fucked I really don't need further incalidation and cnfusion.

This comment is so gay
What did you expect? Do you really think subjecting people to severe forms of cruelty in their next life would make them perform good deeds to atone for what they did in some past life? I don't believe in such a thing in the first place but it doesn't make any sense to me regardless. All this would accomplish is reinforce someone's hatred and continue a endless cycle of pain for themselves and others.

Look at someone like Lisa Montogomery(Don't look this up if you're triggered) who was heavily abused as a child and throughout her life. Do you really think she was going to start singing kumbaya songs, become a Nun, and start doing charity in Ethiopia after what happened to her? No, she murdered her family and was put to death for it.

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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I have read something about karma, past lives etc. There are really quite curious cases published out there. I have read cases of suicides and what apparently happened to them was that they would have to overcome the problem that made them commit suicide in another body. Honestly, I respect all ideas, even now I consider myself an agnostic. Sometimes I think the monks are wrong, we will never know until CTB anyway. And therefore, if there is a higher entity, at least I will have the right to reply and an explanation of why the world is shit. One of the explanations is that we are in the age of Kali Yuga or the age of darkness. What better time for CTB then. But these are conclusions from books that I have read. I am currently very close to Gnosticism. The version of the demiurge. A false creator. Read about Cathars or Bogomils.
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Oct 20, 2020
The guy/girl asked for spiritual advice not spiritual breakdown. He/She also clearly stated he/she would prefer only like minded people in the discussion. Not only is you intolerance impolite, you are braking the rules of the site by imposing your views. Not going to announce names.
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Jul 23, 2020
Saying something is true "wheter you want to believe in it or not" is imposing a view as well. You don't simply come to a public forum and ask not to be disagreed with. Besides, this forum is not a place for spiritual discussion, got to off-topic or another whole forum. So someone can come here fear mongering that suicide results in an endless cycle of suffering and I am just supposed to be quiet?
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Nov 25, 2019
I think you have a westernized interpretation of karma. The whole point of Buddhism is to be liberated from suffering, not to bring it upon yourself.

Karma is about intent. "With our thoughts we make the world." Send good out into the world and it will come back to you. I acknowledge that you may have made mistakes in the past, but what matters is your intent NOW. Don't dwell on the past - you need to forgive yourself.

Edit: y'all are being a bit mean to OP. You don't need to shit on their beliefs.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
He/She also clearly stated he/she would prefer only like minded people in the discussion.
In an edit, after everyone had made their posts already. Also this:
I really hope my understanding of karma and the universe is flawed. Does anyone understand this better?
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Jan 23, 2021

Apu: I am selling only the concept of karmic realignment.
Homer: You can't sell that! Karma can only be portioned out by the cosmos!
Apu: He's got me, there...

bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
The guy/girl asked for spiritual advice not spiritual breakdown. He/She also clearly stated he/she would prefer only like minded people in the discussion. Not only is you intolerance impolite, you are braking the rules of the site by imposing your views. Not going to announce names.
If you say it for me, I'll delete the post and that's it.


Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
The guy/girl asked for spiritual advice not spiritual breakdown. He/She also clearly stated he/she would prefer only like minded people in the discussion. Not only is you intolerance impolite, you are braking the rules of the site by imposing your views. Not going to announce names.

We have threads on Suicide Discussion that have nothing to do with suicide whatsoever. His question is loosely related to suicide at best and if he wants someone to reinforce his own beliefs then he's free to go on Reddit.
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Nov 25, 2019
he's free to go on Reddit.
I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy. Reddit is the most insidiously vile place on the web.

Besides, OP's question is clearly depression/suicide related.
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Dec 5, 2020
You clearly don't understand karma either as you state in the very start of this thread, so what difference does it make if psychiatrists understand it or not? So far, nobody managed to scientifically prove whether it exist or not, so I'd rather believe in intensive studies rather than in people "who just know it exists". While psychiatrists might not have that much credit, you don't either.
Which is why I am asking for clarifications from people who understand this. Psychiatry is barbaric so follow that if it pleases you I don't care. But don't come forcing your beliefs down my throat when I am asking for clarifications and validation. Make you own posts about how scinece is the holy grail of knowledge and I will leave your posts alone and you leave mine alone deal?
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Jul 23, 2020
Which is why I am asking for clarifications from people who understand this. Psychiatry is barbaric so follow that if it pleases you I don't care. But don't come forcing your beliefs down my throat when I am asking for clarifications and validation. Make you own posts about how scinece is the holy grail of knowledge and I will leave your posts alone and you leave mine alone deal?
No. It is a public forum. You can't simply come here expecting not to be disagreed with. Saying something is true no matter what and asking for those who don't believe it to just leave you alone is forcing a belief as much. Don't want to hear other opinions, don't engage with others. Tell me don't agree with me, but don't tell me to leave just because I don't believe the same things.
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Dec 5, 2020
I think a big part of the feeling of being lost is that IF you decide to forget this "living as long as you can" thing, that we can simply "go home now" and when we do we may not be relieved of the "karma wheel" BUT we can "check in with the boss". We can take that break in the afterlife realising we didn't fulfill all or part of our "mission" and we can simply ask "where am I at with this mission?". The people or guides there can take the time to shave off some of our bad karma for what we did right and explain "yet again" how far along the path we are and "what that path is". Considering constant reincarnation for spiritual growth in this scenario. At what point do we "go to a better world" as a physical being OR take that final break from living in this horrible place and just live in heaven or possibly an individual's version of heaven. Heaven of course just being a word to describe the afterlife and doesn't mean that it's great or even that God lives there. I think that's what most of us want. To know one more time what the heck we are "supposed" to do. Because this place honestly is a real sh*t hole. Every country is sad here. It makes no sense except to learn at a fast pace which could damn well be why we picked "this world" over another. Maybe this harsh, sad world is the quickest route to end karma and learn? Other wise it seems we are very very sad and lost for no reason at all. Watching children die and seeing huge injustices in the world is exhausting. And here we dont even give each other breaks any more. It seems we used to but those feelings are gone now it seems.
Thank you so much for this comment! It feels soothing and it puts karma in a more holistic perspective. I really like the idea to checking in with the higher realms to refresh yourself and be better prepared to complete whatever mission we're having. This planet truly is a miserable place plagued by polarity, unfairness nd separation, but as I've heard it is a place that creates the most expansion in the universe, which is really invalidating to my suffering. I try to see suicide as an empowering and self-loving act, suicide is literally the only thing that makes me feel like home, safe and loved.
Nope. There's nothing to "understand". Suicidal people are vulnerable to all kinds of silly delusions and eccentricities, but there's no deeper meaning to the random garbage they fill their heads with.

Nobody here owes you anything. Nobody here needs to pretend that whatever muddled and fanciful notions you entertain have any "meaning".

Nobody is owed "validation" for whatever random ideas they have. You're worsening your own confusion by delving into mumbo jumbo.
I didn't ask for a muggle response.
What did you expect? Do you really think subjecting people to severe forms of cruelty in their next life would make them perform good deeds to atone for what they did in some past life? I don't believe in such a thing in the first place but it doesn't make any sense to me regardless. All this would accomplish is reinforce someone's hatred and continue a endless cycle of pain for themselves and others.

Look at someone like Lisa Montogomery(Don't look this up if you're triggered) who was heavily abused as a child and throughout her life. Do you really think she was going to start singing kumbaya songs, become a Nun, and start doing charity in Ethiopia after what happened to her? No, she murdered her family and was put to death for it.

JFC PEOPLE KARMA IS NOT ABOUT GOOD OR BAD!!!!! That is human flawed perspective.
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Oct 20, 2020
No. It is a public forum. You can't simply come here expecting not to be disagreed with. Saying something is true no matter what and asking for those who don't believe it to just leave you alone is forcing a belief as much. Don't want to hear other opinions, don't engage with others.
You do realize you make 0 contribution to helping OP with his question then? There is a reason we don't discuss milk during someone's goodbye thread.
Disagreement is expected and more than tolerable, nor can OP do anything about it, yet I see no reason for you to continuously announce your opposite view, to the point of it becoming enforcing.
If you are unable to contribute to the thread conversation in a meaningful way, without completely changing the topic or forcing your views onto others - Consider ignoring it and move along. This is basics of respect.
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Dec 5, 2020
What did you expect? Do you really think subjecting people to severe forms of cruelty in their next life would make them perform good deeds to atone for what they did in some past life? I don't believe in such a thing in the first place but it doesn't make any sense to me regardless. All this would accomplish is reinforce someone's hatred and continue a endless cycle of pain for themselves and others.

Look at someone like Lisa Montogomery(Don't look this up if you're triggered) who was heavily abused as a child and throughout her life. Do you really think she was going to start singing kumbaya songs, become a Nun, and start doing charity in Ethiopia after what happened to her? No, she murdered her family and was put to death for it.

Oh an by the way, murdering your family because it abused you is actually more progressive than trying toto live up to their exoecrations like the rest of the world does. That is karma, it is growth and expansion. And those that are stuck in the good and bad thinking are more constricted than those who are empowered.
Saying something is true "wheter you want to believe in it or not" is imposing a view as well. You don't simply come to a public forum and ask not to be disagreed with. Besides, this forum is not a place for spiritual discussion, got to off-topic or another whole forum. So someone can come here fear mongering that suicide results in an endless cycle of suffering and I am just supposed to be quiet?
Oh come on man this is not your regular forum for clashing opinions. This is a forum for suicidal people, have some fucking respect! You are just deflecting at this point.
We have threads on Suicide Discussion that have nothing to do with suicide whatsoever. His question is loosely related to suicide at best and if he wants someone to reinforce his own beliefs then he's free to go on Reddit.
This is the most invalidating comment of them all. It has everything to do with suicide for me. If you don't like my beliefs tha carry on, why are you so triggered by some dumb bitch that believs in fairytales?
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Jul 23, 2020
You do realize you make 0 contribution to helping OP with his question then? There is a reason we don't discuss milk during someone's goodbye thread.
Disagreement is expected and more than tolerable, nor can OP do anything about it, yet I see no reason for you to continuously announce your opposite view, to the point of it becoming enforcing.
If you are unable to contribute to the thread conversation in a meaningful way, without completely changing the topic or forcing your views onto others - Consider ignoring it and move along. This is basics of respect.
Because I am entitled to my opinion and I have the right to express it as much as I'd like here. That is not agains the rules. I am not being rude, if it bothers you to be disagreed with, it is not my fault you are that sensitive.
Oh come on man this is not your regular forum for clashing opinions. This is a forum for suicidal people, have some fucking respect! You are just deflecting at this point.
This a forum for discussions, and discussion always involve several points of view, which may or may not clash. That is not a bad thing; what is bad is asking for only opinions that resonate to be expressed. You are the one thinking they can select who engages or not. You can't. You are misinterpretating the point of this website, which is not to provide validation, but to provide a space for conversations that can't be had somewhere else due to suicide being a taboo.
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