I️'m also interested and one of the reasons I️ joined was to figure out where to get it. I️'ve tried and can't get anyone to ship to a residential address.
SN seems like the best method to me and for whoever finds me. I️'m a type 1 diabetic and have always thought I️'d just give myself a massive shot of insulin and that would do the trick but I️'ve been reading that there's a good chance I️'d survive but could have serious brain damage afterwards.
The last thing I️ want is any chance of being unsuccessful. I️ tried with pills when I️ was younger and ended up committed afterwards. If that happened to me at this stage of life, my horrible life situation would be 10x worse and I️'d have to face the people I️ was going to leave behind.
I️ don't want to hurt anyone and hope they'll understand that I️'m at the end of my rope with no way out. I️ have one month left on an apartment lease, no job or hope at finding one, or money, so can't get a new apartment.
At 53, I️'be blown my retirement being unemployed, no one wants to hire Gen Xers and all I️ have to look forward to is a miserable life, in debt, never able to retire.
I️ need to do something now before I️ end up homeless or having to move in with my parents, which I️ could not survive. I️ also would rather do this in the apartment where I️ live alone so that the apartment manager can find me and not traumatize my family.
Please let me know how to get the SN or suggest another means that is foolproof.
I️'ve made up my mind and now just want to follow through with it. Waiting is awful because it gives me time to think about what happens afterwards. I️ need to do this for me…for once in my life, not worry about what anyone else things and just do what I️ need to do to be at peace.