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I do kinda, there are 3 males and 1 female that I went to senior school with all took their own lives .... none I was particularly close too but still decent number
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Revan, Final Escape, dano6533 and 3 others
My freshman year roommate shot himself with a shotgun in a grocery store parking lot, I believe. I was never close to him, he was an asshole to everyone and would steal peoples things. Anyways, that's the only one I know so far. I do know suicidal people and people on the internet that have committed, but no one in person.
No one I was close to. I've heard story about one particular old (older than me, in his 40's, 50's maybe?) guy (a neighbor of an uncle) with family and kids who hanged himself in his garden.
One of my close childhood friend hung himself a couple of years ago. I went camping with his family a couple of times growing up but we moved to different cities after high school and lost touch. I isolated from all of my friends starting around 23 because of depression/chronic illness.
Another person I knew through skateboarding also hung himself not long after an accident that left him paralyzed when I was still in high school.
My best friend in high school got kicked out and hanged himself three years later. I miss him everyday. I hope to join him, in whatever afterlife awaits me.
ephemeral, Final Escape, dano6533 and 1 other person
My close friend hung himself almost 3 years ago. He always had suicidal toughts and tried ctb by pills 2 or 3 times before.
Once he asked me if I want to ctb, I answered that things not so bad to do it yet, but now looks like they are..
Final Escape, Ampsvx123, dano6533 and 1 other person
When I was in Grade 10, a senior have CTB'd by hanging herself on their house's comfort room. Her parents are sick fuckers btw and she's suffering a lot too from her mom's abuse (if my head isn't mixing these details up with other details then it is a fact to rely on). Then last year, my classmate saw her picture and she's so freaked out the moment she discovered that it is the one who exited before. And then boom with the ghost stories. Ah, damn humans.
My mother killed herself by overdosing when I was around 9 years of age. She had many health problems and the night before she passed she was talking about no longer being in pain and going to heaven. At the time, I was too young to really catch on to the implications.
Ktmnny, ephemeral, Final Escape and 4 others
My mother killed herself by overdosing when I was around 9 years of age. She had many health problems and the night before she passed she was talking about no longer being in pain and going to heaven. At the time, I was too young to really catch on to the implications.
My mother killed herself by overdosing when I was around 9 years of age. She had many health problems and the night before she passed she was talking about no longer being in pain and going to heaven. At the time, I was too young to really catch on to the implications.
In 2006 a close friend of mine killed himself by slitting his wrists. His mother found him in his apartment after not hearing from him for a while. After she found him, she called me and asked if he had ever said anything about being depressed or wanting to die. I told her he never mentioned anything, and in fact he seemed like a happy guy. I cherish the gifts he gave me, including a mug he made me on which he painted my name and some triangles, since triangles are my favorite shape. Before he died, he gave me a book about the Dalai Lama.
I also had two classmates who were brothers that both died by hanging, though it was said they were accidental deaths caused by autoerotic asphyxiation.
And strangely here I find myself planning my own suicide.
My brother hanged himself 6 years ago. He phoned me the night he done it, but I chose not to pick up. Didn't know he was gonna do it, I wonder what would be if I did answer the phone.
lv-gras, Ktmnny, nuclearsnake and 2 others
My brother hanged himself 6 years ago. He phoned me the night he done it, but I chose not to pick up. Didn't know he was gonna do it, I wonder what would be if I did answer the phone.
Yes I've known at least 4 young guys who have. It's disturbing because you know something not right when all these young guys just dying and they are far too young to be dying.
Ay, one of the few childhood friends I had, who after elementary school started hiding under the facade of a bad boy maverick, hung himself in the forest when he was 18. It was deliberate and well planned, nobody knew what was going to happen, but after our talks in high school I knew that he was a ticking bomb...we haven't talked much during his last year alive, but I still vividly remember randomly seeing him buying shit-ton beer with his party mates two nights before his ctb. He seemed genuinely happy to see me before leaving and wishing me a good night. I bought some soda and went home to study for my mock exam not knowing what'll happen two days later.
I know someone that hung himself in his apartment bedroom closet and someone else who purposely drove on the wrong side of the freeway and drove into a semi
I know someone that hung himself in his apartment bedroom closet and someone else who purposely drove on the wrong side of the freeway and drove into a semi
My love of my life OD with benzos and antidepressants 6 moths ago. I loved him so much, but I knew he had lots of difficulties with all what happened in his life. He lost his sister and his mum in very dramatical ways, I don't want to give more details. I thought I could give him enough love to overbear all his suffering, but I was wrong.
It also involves putting other people's lives in danger. I, personally, am not a fan of that even though I can understand how desperate one can get to finally ctb.
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