
Jun 6, 2020
I'm sure more than a few of us feel worthless, but does it affect anyone especially strongly at night? Lately I've been struck with the fact that I am in fact always by myself. I lock myself in my head with music or books, but the loneliness makes me realize how undoubtedly pathetic i am. I just set up a dating profile, and even the people with bare minimum in their profile still have actual lives. The only thing i have to offer people is knowledge about books and movies, I dont hike, or work out.
How can I learn to let go? I don't want to feel all this shame and self pity, the guilt is enough. How can i snuff it? How did you guys handle it?
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Nov 4, 2020
ironically Toptock l work out, l bought a cheap weights bench and a barbell and 2 dumbbells on Fleabay and work out every 2nd evening,l got some protein shakes and creatine powder and just go for it,the burn feels fantastic and it helps get rid of my pent up aggression!
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live and let live or die
Dec 4, 2020
I'm sure more than a few of us feel worthless, but does it affect anyone especially strongly at night? Lately I've been struck with the fact that I am in fact always by myself. I lock myself in my head with music or books, but the loneliness makes me realize how undoubtedly pathetic i am. I just set up a dating profile, and even the people with bare minimum in their profile still have actual lives. The only thing i have to offer people is knowledge about books and movies, I dont hike, or work out.
How can I learn to let go? I don't want to feel all this shame and self pity, the guilt is enough. How can i snuff it? How did you guys handle it?
if i could get through a night without giving in to despair... i don't know what that would be like
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Jan 26, 2021
Not only at night. All day, every day. Even when I am with people - nobody knows how I really feel. Nights are actually better, I feel peaceful only when I sleep - can't feel or think. That's why I want to ctb.
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Nov 30, 2020
I get shockingly lonely at night.
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Deleted member 23885

Nov 18, 2020
Totally, it's much worse at night. When the sunlight disappears, my thoughts get darker. I feel more hopeless.
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Jan 18, 2021
Whenever I feel lonely it becomes definitely worse at night.

I good starting point is asking yourself whether you genuinely want to fill your life with something else other than books and movies or not. Do you think working out is something that might interest you someday (if you had the energy to start and make a regular practice out of it)? If not, no pressure to do it now. If the answer is even remotely yes, maybe you can try slowly, with some activity that might interest you more (I know that, for me, going to the gym and lifting weights is unbearably boring).

I don't believe motivation should arise from a comparison with others. I know how it feels, seeing people with diversified interests and fearing that deep down you're missing out, that you're not like them. How are they even managing to cram up so much in one day or one week?

Ultimately though, try to remember that a lot of people are good at "selling" what they have. Some people overestimate what they do and their own abilities and then they tell the world how good they are. Some people are actually very proficient at living or at working out, managing money, writing, knitting or whatever. It doesn't matter.

My point is that you could be a better human by your own standards and still not be enough, because if you head into the path of comparing yourself to others there's no easy way of stopping it. You get entangled in the process.

Sending you hugs.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
A lot of things hit me at night, or rather, when I'm attempting to sleep. (My sleep schedule is all over the place and other people's "day" often becomes my "night").

I have so much distress and trauma, past and present, so much fear, so many tear or rage-inducing things enter my mind when I'm trying to shut it off and go to bed. They are real things that occurred or are still occurring, but a person needs to sleep and I don't have the energy to re-live or evaluate my nightmare of an existence at the hour my head hits the pillow.
My brain also seems to be the type that never shuts the fuck up, it always needs to be thinking about something or multiple things at once, which would be pretty useful to me if I didn't have so much hell and so little joy for it to dig its claws into.
I rely on it for abstract thought and imagination, which saves me temporarily from my torture, but Jesus Christ, I wish I could literally just flip a switch when I have to go to bed.

I think part of the problem is that I feel incredibly trapped and though I do probably appreciate time alone more than the average person, I am not naturally someone who wants to stay cooped up and laze around all day. Even after all this time, I get so antsy, my mind wants a life to invest in, interests to cling to.
I had ambition and dreams once, but my situation stripped me of the ability to follow them. I am fatigued, I have no will and no hope, energy and motivation are gone, and rightfully so given the context and permanence of my circumstances.
Isolating in my room and living an existence similar to what you described, it is simply the lesser of two evils for me.
But maybe that's not the case for you.
Is there something stopping you from coming out from the walls of your mind and seeking company? Or does company cause you more pain than loneliness? Try to pursue what will benefit you more and harm you less.

And hey, at least you don't have to hide your ugly face like I do and can show yourself on a dating profile. I mean, I have no interest in dating anyhow, and I do detest how those apps/sites make it easier for the already intensely superficial aspect of relationships to thrive.
But I also know, if I had a different mental make-up and signed up to one of those nasty things for kicks, I would be in for a world of rejection. I cannot stand typical social media either, but again, I know I am also the kind of person who would either be insulted or ignored based on my appearance. I have witnessed it occur with others far too many times. And I'm done adding to the shitty memory/humiliation bank.
I am so glad for sites like this that are anonymous, I can finally speak my mind without fear that someone will invalidate my opinion with a put down about my profile picture. (Although I have had some harassment that used my own pain and lack of certain privileges against me on here. I guess it's not completely escapable.)
This might not make you feel any better coming from me, but if I had to "swipe" in whatever direction to accept someone-or message them-based on their description, I would skip the fad hikers (everyone does it now!) and the egotistical gym rats (working out should not be someone's "personality trait" or whole world IMO) and I would be a thousand times more interested in someone with knowledge or passion about books and movies.
Although, many hipster types can be just as obnoxious about those topics lol still, I find them genuinely more interesting.

I'm sure there are people who share your interests and value them, the only thing is, most people put all their stock in appearances when it comes to online dating. Some people don't even bother with a description because they are that empty, and used to relying on their visage.
It's the same in the "real world", the shallowness, but the dating sites remove that very important and natural aspect of meeting someone organically, where you may not even like them at first, they may be in the periphery, but you come to really appreciate and find endearing nuance in your interactions with them. I mean this for not just romantic partners, but even platonic relationships. Any connection that relieves others of loneliness. Some even find it on a site like this, or other forums where they feel more free to be themselves. But if you need actual, in person, human interaction, that requires coming out of your current zone or being lucky enough to have people who may care so much about you that they meet you half way.
If you have shame and self-pity for other reasons, I'm not so sure other people or a lack of technical loneliness will help.
To find worth, we must have certain things already in place to build more worth upon.
If you can find some base, some solid ground to stand on, maybe you can begin from there, build yourself up, expand upon your interests or invest even more into the ones you already have. They are not less important or less suggestive of an "actual life", if you favor them authentically.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Yes it's the worst time for me :( can't sleep because of anxiety so I just lay there with thoughts going around in circles
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Jan 13, 2021
Every single night without fail. The type of loneliness that is all consuming, you feel it in your bones. It gets so bad I wonder if it's possible to die of loneliness! Then I realise how pathetic I am for feeling that lonely and thinking that. /sigh Depression is fun.
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Jan 26, 2021
And hey, at least you don't have to hide your ugly face like I do and can show yourself on a dating profile.
Very sad you feel that way. Nobody should have to hide their face. Nevertheless, I am just average, some considered me cute, but still had to deal with shitty remarks and bullying. I guess some people just suck.
And you are generally right about the rest. I am saying "generally" because I can still find good in some people. Only it doesn't help me at this point, I am too broken.
PS. Sorry if my English is a bit sketchy - not my first language.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I get lonely as hell when the laptop goes off and I am broken from distractions. It is only good when I am dog tired and just go to sleep but that doesn't always happen. ;-;
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Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
Yeah I always make sure I watch a couple movies or xbox it at night. Night's wen I cry the most and realise how much I'm wasting my life, and all the mental pain hits me like a tsunami.
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