

Fake smile, real pain.
Dec 30, 2020
I wrote letters for my attempt last year and when I woke up from my 7 days coma my mother gave everything to the doctors so I guess next time I won't write any.
A Desperate Fool

A Desperate Fool

at the End of His Pitiful Rope
Jan 23, 2021
My (soon-to-be-ex) wife had a bucket list of things we wanted to do together someday. Things like having kids, raising them to be respectful, and retiring to Florida someday. I kept (stole) it to write a short and sweet note on.


May 5, 2020
I won't be writing one. They don't give a shit what I have to say alive so why would I think they would care after? And it gets read out at a coroners inquest. No ta!
Likewise. I Just personally can't see the point doing one. Besides we are not going to be around when they read it anyway.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Likewise. I Just personally can't see the point doing one. Besides we are not going to be around when they read it anyway.
To me it's just making the living feel a bit better about it and have some closure., but. FUCK THEM.
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Jan 17, 2021
I'm kind of torn on the matter. I feel like leaving a suicide note would be a form of closure for my family and friends. But I also feel like my reason for my death would be ridiculed or called stupid. However, I do want my boyfriend to know that its not his fault and I love him very much. Though I know he'll blame himself regardless. Also, I would like somebody to tie up affairs I wouldn't be able to do myself without suspicion (I control payments for a game server, and would need the assets I have saved sent to my co-owner).

But also its an important to ensure that this was my own choice, and they shouldn't open a police investigation.
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May 5, 2020
To me it's just making the living feel a bit better about it and have some closure., but. FUCK THEM.
I know if I wrote one I'd be called spiteful and awful that I decided to end things.
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Jan 18, 2020
No mater what you write about how you feel, they will never truly understand.
The real reason to write a note is to thank your folks for everything they done for you and they shouldn't feel guilty.
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Mar 21, 2021
Yes. I am rubbish at writing anyway so there is no point. Maybe I just print off a funny picture and the word BYE
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Apr 2, 2021
If I leave a letter it will be short and not focused on me. My act is what I have to say about the reasons. Besides, they already know. Now it's about what I leave behind.

Absolve everyone from guilt, wish them the happiest life and tell them I love them. A message of love is the best thing I have to offer to try to make up for their loss.

A rebellion over my own rebellion. Fuck this hate. I'm tired of my hate. Won't waste a word on it.
Indeed. Fuck the hate. I fully embrace your outlook. I'm actually in tears. Why is it that you're all such beautiful people? Yet have hurt as you have?

A message of love. That's what I'll do too.
At first, I wanted to put to words my reasons, my logic. Now, I think it just minimizes the phenomenon. Can you really simply explain how a person comes to off themselves? I don't think it's possible.

Now, I just want to absolve people of any guilt. What's especially damning to me is just how much people around me have tried. An ex of mine especially....I love them. I just don't want to be around.
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Mar 13, 2021
If I had a fool proof method guaranteed to kill me painlessly then I'd write a long note implicating all the people who'd driven me to it

They say suicide can be seen as an act of anger and I can see how that would be true if I did that though

So it would be pointless rage against people with have zero empathy and would be actively glad I'd done it/wouldn't take an ounce of responsibility
as that's no how they operate

It's a catch-22 type situation - the reason I want to do it is the reason I shouldn't do it


Apr 17, 2021
I think a note is practical in the sense that it rules your death as a suicide so no resources are spent on any type of investigation from authorities.

Then I think a note can never make up for the grief of your loved ones, but it can clear things up. Leave as little doubt as possible. The note is not for your sake, but for theirs. You give them something to hold onto, something tangible, which I think can help in a grieving process.
Good point.
Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Quote: "Does anyone else feel a suicide note is pointless?"

I do.

What can someone possibly say that will make my taking my own life easier for them? And that to me would be the goal of a note, a vain attempt to ameliorate someone else's potential pain (and I am not speaking of a revenge or anger note).

And yet part of me still wants to write that note and I find that so arrogant of me - suicide will likely hurt people no matter any scribbles I leave on a piece of paper. (Ironically that hurt in my case will likely be self-centered on their part - how could she do this to me and not what could I have done to help her ... ::rolling eyes here::

I am still on that infernal fence of deciding whether or not to leave a note; however, if I do I will only say something to the effect that it was not your fault - it was my life and my decision to do what I wanted with it - and that brings us right back to trying to ameliorate someone else's pain.

Maybe I can think of something more tangible than a piece of paper to leave behind to convey to some people I am sorry to have caused any potential pain.
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Feb 24, 2021
Quote: "Does anyone else feel a suicide note is pointless?"

I do.

What can someone possibly say that will make my taking my own life easier for them? And that to me would be the goal of a note, a vain attempt to ameliorate someone else's potential pain (and I am not speaking of a revenge or anger note).

And yet part of me still wants to write that note and I find that so arrogant of me - suicide will likely hurt people no matter any scribbles I leave on a piece of paper. (Ironically that hurt in my case will likely be self-centered on their part - how could she do this to me and not what could I have done to help her ... ::rolling eyes here::

I am still on that infernal fence of deciding whether or not to leave a note; however, if I do I will only say something to the effect that it was not your fault - it was my life and my decision to do what I wanted with it - and that brings us right back to trying to ameliorate someone else's pain.

Maybe I can think of something more tangible than a piece of paper to leave behind to convey to some people I am sorry to have caused any potential pain.

I know that the people I leave behind will be truly heartbroken, and that makes it so hard for me to leave. But I feel exactly the same re nothing I ever write will ever make it any easier for those left behind to deal with.

As you say, maybe it doesn't need to be a note. Maybe it needs to be something more tangible, personal, real, than a note? Maybe that would mean more than a piece of paper that will answer questions, but will never really console those who read it simply because of what it is.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I get the point that you are making which is very true, I know people will be grieving no matter what I write and I feel like anything I write won't fully reflect how I was feeling. I probably would try to write one as it could provide some closure maybe or it could be at least an attempt of doing so.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
I think short and sweet note is a good idea, no point writing out some long drawn out essay as that is just stupid.

Paragraph or two tops.
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May 5, 2021
Firstly, I'm absolutely not judging anyone for their preferences, whether you like the idea of a note or not it's totally cool and I am not judging.
I'm purely curious, and wonder whether anyone else feels leaving a note is pointless?
For me, I feel like nothing I could ever say in a note would help, or be of any use, and therefore I don't really see the point of leaving a note/letter.

wondered what you guys thought? What are your reasons for / against leaving a note/letter?

I wrote a note almost 4 months ago the night I was planning to jump off a cell tower. At the time it didn't feel pointless but looking back on it it just feels like repeating things I've already told my relatives before. I'm planning to throw it away because I don't want my parents holding onto it and having them being reminded of me every time they look at it.
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