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Extremly kind <3

Extremly kind <3

Jun 8, 2019
When it comes to ethuansia doctors are very merciful with animals and merciless with the human being, a very big question mark remains !!!
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ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴇʀs
May 27, 2019
Animals are lucky in that aspect. At least when it's there time to die they're given dignity and respect to pass rather then being made to suffer for the 'greater good' of god knows who.
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Extremly kind <3

Extremly kind <3

Jun 8, 2019
Why dont the Human rights organizations brings this subject up...?
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
It's because the animal can't be a source of revenue to anyone but the vet killing it. Doctors want to milk you/your insurance for every penny, and they need you alive for that. Doctors can become outright abusive to patients and families who try to refuse life-extending "care", because they want that cash.
If doctors could make more money killing people than by pretending to provide medical "care", they would be.
Doctors only do whatever makes them money, they are basically just whores, except worse, because they pretend they're actually helping people.

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death, so technically they already are killing a ton of people.
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Apr 16, 2019
Why dont the Human rights organizations brings this subject up...?

My theory is, if euthanasia became mainstream, it would cause a domino effect leading to a dramatic decrease in wage-slaves. Our masters will do everything to prevent that.

But with the rise of AI-controlled robots replacing human labor, maybe euthanasia will become a thing. But then again, from our masters' sadistic point of view, what's the fun in controlling robots? It's much more fun to manipulate, deceive and exploit beings with free will.
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May 21, 2019
I believe Doctors should only save a life if there is a quality to it. They save people who end up severely disabled and in a vegetive state. To me that is just sick and evil !
The only way that will stop is for someone to bring a successful prosecution case against a Doctor for making them live a life in that is torture!!
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
@not_a_robot sums it up pretty well. Given that Western society, especially the US is a capitalistic society, doctors and just businesses want to milk out the consumer as much as possible and get every penny that they can get.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
I believe Doctors should only save a life if there is a quality to it. They save people who end up severely disabled and in a vegetive state. To me that is just sick and evil !
The only way that will stop is for someone to bring a successful prosecution case against a Doctor for making them live a life in that is torture!!
Don't worry. They only save disabled and vegetative people who have excellent insurance.
Just be poor enough, and they won't even piss on you to put you out if you're on fire. I've even had public health doctors deliberately prescribe meds that they knew would worsen my condition and hasten my death, thinking I would be like most patients and just blindly swallow a pill without researching it.

Doctors kill. They kill plenty.
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Jun 1, 2019
Don't worry. They only save disabled and vegetative people who have excellent insurance.
Just be poor enough, and they won't even piss on you to put you out if you're on fire. I've even had public health doctors deliberately prescribe meds that they knew would worsen my condition and hasten my death, thinking I would be like most patients and just blindly swallow a pill without researching it.

Doctors kill. They kill plenty.

When I found a doctor who wanted me to do at least 3 days of research of my own before taking anything, I knew he was the one.
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Jun 13, 2019
Why dont the Human rights organizations brings this subject up...?
Because most living people have this grand delusion that says life is a wonderful thing. It really helps with life if you believe this. For the first 30 years of my life I suffered from this delusion despite my life being really crappy.
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May 27, 2019
It's one of many hypocrisies, similar to when people are trying to deter others from suicide, it's said 'there's so much to live for', yet when they pass, it's said 'they've gone to a better place'.

Apparently, when an animal's involved everybody develops an immense sense of empathy.
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Mar 28, 2019
Not granting euthanasia has nothing to do with wage slavery. There are many unemployed people in my country that live off by taxes. They don't have the right either, even though they drain money from everybody. Nor does a mass murderer who lives in a prison gets the right to die.

Why should a politician suddenly deal about a right-to-die? He propably has never heard of this position. If there is no activism, nothing will change. All activism is only made for severly sick people. There is no activism for most cases on this website.
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We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
Remember that without humans the enemies wouldn't be making money, so instead of euthanizing us peacefully they like to lock us up in mental asylums and drug us up like zombified machines with useless medication and send us off to be the "productive" wage slaves that we love to be
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
I recently read about the case of some chronically ill boy who still had hope for saving him yet the doctors swtiched him off life support anyway. And then theres a 18 year old suicidal guy kept alive in a vegetative state against his will. Like, ??????
I just dont understand this fuckery. The way doctors invalidated my feelings and tortured me with gruesome side effects of the medications that never even wroked to remove the cause of my depression made me not ever want to trust anyone with a medical or psychological degree, no matter how nice they are. Just cut ties completely with my counselling community this week. But I digress
Pets have it so much better! When they suffer, the vet whips out some N and grants them some peaceful sleep. In fact, sometimes even healthy dogs get euthanized for some skewed reason.Thats so fucked up!
We need more discussion on this topic, but no one is willing to tackle such a sensitive subject publicly. They would rather start shit storms about gun lwas and abortion.
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May 31, 2019
The World Medical Association and the Declaration of Geneva specifically grants patients autonomy and asks doctors to respect that autonomy.

That should include a seriously ill patients wish to have a dignified and as comfortable as can be death.

There's no reason for why a dying person should have to suffer needlessly before their illness becomes serious enough to kill them the "natural" way.

If you don't want to go through with the process of dying you shouldn't have to.

I dont know what more I could say other than that an individuals autonomy and control over both their life and their own death should be respected.

Letting people suffer needlessly is not an moral ideal we should strive to achieve.

I WILL RESPECT the autonomy and dignity of my patient;
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Nov 27, 2018
They dont get paid for it.
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Mar 7, 2019
I don't think it's about economics, I don't think it's about slaves, I think it comes down to genetics, we are programmed to to help our species survive and help our brothers and sisters survive. Also with that I think religion has indoctrinated people to believe that it's our moral duty to keep people alive, because if they don't want to live then something is morally wrong with them, which empowers us to impose our will over others, all being cloaked in a sheet of morality. But the heart of the situation is more like wolves in sheep's clothing when taken too far.
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life then Death
Jan 18, 2019
When it comes to ethuansia doctors are very merciful with animals and merciless with the human being, a very big question mark remains !!!
I was just arguing this point with my sister the other night
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Oct 27, 2018
I've asked this while inpatient, why doesn't someone just put me to sleep already? What is the point in keeping me alive? It's always argued that suicide can't be a rational decision which is not true at all. There are absolutely cases of rational suicide and besides, the right to die is a human fucking right. It's so frustrating. I'm suffering, have suffered, and I want out. If I could be put to sleep either at home under medical supervision or in a hospital, at least anyone who cared about me could come and say goodbye.

But no...we have barriers being built to prevent people from jumping off bridges, it costs an arm and a leg to get N (for most people) and the other options are shooting oneself in the dome or hanging.

What irks me, too, is that even if someone wanted help ie therapy and/or a decent psychiatrist, it's either unaffordable or simply not available. So what then? People are just supposed to linger in anguish each day until they either again, shoot themselves or hang themselves or jump off a bridge.

These walks and runs to prevent suicide just irritate me, they do nothing to address the reality of the situation.
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Nov 27, 2018
I don't think it's about economics, I don't think it's about slaves, I think it comes down to genetics, we are programmed to to help our species survive and help our brothers and sisters survive. Also with that I think religion has indoctrinated people to believe that it's our moral duty to keep people alive, because if they don't want to live then something is morally wrong with them, which empowers us to impose our will over others, all being cloaked in a sheet of morality. But the heart of the situation is more like wolves in sheep's clothing when taken too far.

Yet time and again such form of morality in itself is immoral. Come on forcing our will onto other through force thats hardly moral.
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