Even though it's been a very constant thing for me for the past months, there's only a few people close to me I'd tell that I'm inclined to die; not because of actively wanting to hide my state from them or anything, but because I don't want them to feel worried about me. I can only imagine that one would develop endless concern, dread, and worry for a person once you know that they're actively suicidal. I don't want to inflict that on anyone I care for. It sounds like a kind of cloud that just looms over everything and won't go away; I've got enough of that myself as it is. I'd also imagine that you'd just get the same sort of platitudes that you'd just hear ad nauseum from an uninformed/non-understanding viewpoint, the ones dismissive and minimizing of the core issue itself. "Don't be so down, it gets better, you got to do what you got to do, you're just whining, you're selfish," etc.