Both. While individual lives can be good, this world is a shithole where there is nothing to do but try to satisfy needs that didn't need to exist, and try to fix messes made by our very existence. Life doesn't solve any problem it didn't first create, if all humans and animals died our absence wouldn't be missed, including by us, just like Mars is not in torment over the absence of martians on its surface.
But all this wouldn't even be a problem on its own, the point is that the needs often don't get met, the pleasures we get from meeting them eventually become weak and ineffective, and our existence has a massive cost both in animal and human suffering because we can't avoid harming others. Even more damning is the fact that the good is stronger than the bad, which means that our pleasure is less intensely good than our pain is intensely bad. And yet we continue to have kids as if none of this was a thing, all for the glory of the DNA or of some bullshit fable or delusion of purpose, when not procreating would have avoided both the bad and the need for good.
Most of humanity is a bunch of religious kooks and shitheads who believe in fables, and kill and torture in the name of their stupid delusions.
And it's not like atheists are not guilty of this as well. Worse, some of them are moral nihilists who think suffering doesn't matter, so they might as well do what they want and torture you or put you at risk because, after all, the universe doesn't care.
And most people in general are assholes praising life even when it abuses them, the same way a battered wife defends her abusive husband, and they treat existence as if it was some God to worship. And don't you dare disagree, because otherwise we will call you sick and vulnerable (and you are sick and vulnerable because you don't like living), and then forcibly hospitalize you because you can't make your decisions about living and dying, even though, conveniently, you are still functional enough to work, pay taxes, and even have kids. But no, you must love life, love it, love it, love it. Why? Because (insert glib responses and empty platitudes here).
And all this for what real purpose? For a bunch of trivial and/or flawed pleasures that we constantly have to strive for, that will eventually will be replaced by other addictions, and that can turn into horrible pain at any time? Because we don't want to believe that there is nothing magical or special about us and why we exist, and that we are just biological machines designed to reproduce and meet needs and wants, even at the cost of torturing others? Do I have to continue?
As for me, I don't want to work most of my life while only having 2 free days a week, only to then become weak when I will no longer have to. I don't want to live in a world where there is no real love that can complete you and we are all ultimately on our own. I don't want to endure some horrible illness later on. I don't want to suffer in general, because the dead can't wish for life, but the living can wish for death, so that's a good reason to get out of here as soon as I can, since I won't need whatever improvement I can get from life once I'm dead.
I don't want to stay alive only so I can continually solve problems only to stave off worse ones. I don't want to strive so I can meet needs that will eventually become more and more ineffective, that are almost never what you expect them to be, and that will be replaced by new ones if you succeed in meeting them. I don't want to live in a world where the only lasting happiness often lies in following some bullshit spiritual path to get rid of your needs, instead of meeting them and being satisfied just with that as it should be.