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Do you think the psychiatric industry is toxic?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 84.3%
  • No

    Votes: 8 15.7%

  • Total voters


Game Over
Mar 31, 2019
I think so, they don't show it but they love to see people suffer.
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A Joke
Apr 17, 2018
i think it isnt. I believe a lot of people who work in that system actually wanna help but are sometimes just a bit clueless. Some of them are rotten but that is so in every Industry.
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Game Over
Mar 31, 2019
i think it isnt. I believe a lot of people who work in that system actually wanna help but are sometimes just a bit clueless. Some of them are rotten but that is so in every Industry.
Hmm i see your point but I mainly mean the psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical companies who work with them.
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A Joke
Apr 17, 2018
Hmm i see your point but I mainly mean the psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical companies who work with them.
Ahhh yeah I see, lot of pharmaceutical companies are evil, but every body needs a job right? If I actually make it I might end up being a lawyer for one of those big companies.
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Game Over
Mar 31, 2019
Ahhh yeah I see, lot of pharmaceutical companies are evil, but every body needs a job right? If I actually make it I might end up being a lawyer for one of those big companies.
Those companies are very evil. Eli the maker for zyprexa denies anything inherently wrong with it despite it causing hypertension, and diabetes.
If they want a job maybe they can actually use their degrees for something that is not harmful
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A Joke
Apr 17, 2018
I agree, have you read pieces of her from Karin Slaughter, is a true crime book, had a lot on a healthcare company and a bunch of people like the Manson family who try to change it in that way. I think they should change those things and that they should pump money into that. But they probably wont because it costs money. But hen the question would be if it would cost more money than the class action lawsuits they'll likely get.
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Jan 9, 2019
For me it's in general ridiculous, that dopamine-blockers are prescribed for daily use.
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Apr 18, 2019
No. I understand why you would think that because i agree that there are enough laughable examples that happen for a number of reasons of which i bring to your attention:

1- Even with the advances in medicine, it still is on baby steps and it ultimately has the goal of helping people

2- It is more prone to human error than pretty much any other area in medicine

3- It is a catalyst for an emerging empire of pharma industries that will eventually bleed out, history shows humans repeatedly get rid of their abusers

4- It already possess the ability to help some people, particularly those lucky to find a doctor that doesnt relies on medication as a method to help you. In the end medication is a water balloon and therapy is the fireman's truck.

5- 21th century also happens to make everything more difficult for that area with skyrocketting rates of poor family planning, young cases of depression and a decline in human interaction caused by technology, which leads to other 'pathologies'

Its not toxic in essence, the toxicity lies in how it is currently practiced
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Apr 1, 2019
I don't really think so. Psychology, and as a result psychiatry, is a field that's still relatively in its infancy. If this species actually survives for a couple more centuries, I imagine huge advances will be made and help many people. There'll always be greed and unnecessary prescriptions that hurt people. I don't know about the companies themselves — I'm pretty cynical so imagine a good chunk of the owners are just a bunch of pricks — but I'd say that if the psychiatrists aren't toxic for the most part. Maybe misguided, but that's not the same I guess.
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Mar 21, 2019
Like @AnnihilatedAnna said, I think that there are some people who go into that line of work because they genuinely want to help people... but I think there are also people in higher up positions who go into it for the money. Whether or not someone initially has good intentions, it's rare to find a situation that isn't toxic, because the teachings of the whole industry are so misguided.

At one extreme, I've met people who work in this field who treat patients like zoo animals and take their own issues out on people unfortunate enough to be at their mercy, regard patients with a kind of voyeuristic amusement, mock patients. The lack of transparency to do with the vested interests of pharmaceutical companies sucks balls. The DSM is a pile of shit in my opinion, I find the whole categorisation thing unhelpful.

I just think the industry likes to use vague, unproven ideas about brain chemistry and suchlike to scapegoat societal and circumstantial problems onto the individual.
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Nov 21, 2018
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Mar 19, 2019
Well, Scientology shares the opinion that Psychiatry is evil and I've seen the aftermath of their operations. Not really sure they've contributed anything of value by holding this opinion.

I think what you're asking actually isn't simple. You should always be skeptical of people and organizations. But you also have to keep in mind psychiatry itself is a tool. It's neutral in itself. It actually can be helpful. I've been hurt a lot by bad psychiatrists. It pissed me off that somebody with so much power could be so irresponsible. It's my life, afterall. But I've actually been helped by a few good ones too when I needed them most. How psychiatry is used is a reflection of who is using it.

I think the real problem lies with there being toxic people. It's a morality issue. I worry sometimes the world is losing touch with what this means. I'm not exactly sure how you would go about solving it. I do know that there are still good people in mental health organizations though.
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Nov 21, 2018
@EddieAllenPoe well said. I don't hate medications. It just shouldn't be first line of defense.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Yes, the industry itself is very aggressive at pushing treatments, both through therapy and medication, even for people who didn't really have 'real' problems just to make some quick and big $$$$.

Well, Scientology shares the opinion that Psychiatry is evil and I've seen the aftermath of their operations. Not really sure they've contributed anything of value by holding this opinion.

I think what you're asking actually isn't simple. You should always be skeptical of people and organizations. But you also have to keep in mind psychiatry itself is a tool. It's neutral in itself. It actually can be helpful. I've been hurt a lot by bad psychiatrists. It pissed me off that somebody with so much power could be so irresponsible. It's my life, afterall. But I've actually been helped by a few good ones too when I needed them most. How psychiatry is used is a reflection of who is using it.

I think the real problem lies with there being toxic people. It's a morality issue. I worry sometimes the world is losing touch with what this means. I'm not exactly sure how you would go about solving it. I do know that there are still good people in mental health organizations though.
This is a really good point. And to be honest, the field itself, while a pseudo-science, does have good explanations for things. I trust pseudo-science more than I trust religion itself. Even then, I still take pseudo-science with a grain of salt, and only partially agree with it as it doesn't have concrete, absolute evidence like all other physical or concrete sciences (physics, biology, chemistry, geology, etc.)
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Mar 25, 2019
I think society as a whole is toxic. Psychiatry is just an unfortunate byproduct of an already fucked up society.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Anything the government controls is often not about your best interest. All medicine and treatments are now heavily regulated by gov. The medical cartel destroyed my thyroid gland instead of looking for the under lying cause of my goiter. No I didn't have cancer. They destroyed my gland so I would for life be dependent on a fucking thyroid replacement pill for life. I probably could have been treated and cured in a less invasive way. But gov controls the healthcare u can get. Crowds out alternatives they don't like. Cures are not allowed by gov lol! By making me dependent on a pill I'm more controllable because I literally cannot ever stop taking that medication or I will die.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
There sure is a lot of ignorance and mistreatment of patients in the psych world. There's also a kind of one size fits all mentality as far as treatment options (ie. the same old shitty talk therapy and SSRIs/benzos). I got tired of dealing with it, and being talked down to constantly like I don't know my head from my ass. The last bitch of a psych I saw had the nerve to accuse me of "playing doctor" when I took half my pill instead of the whole one because the full dose made me so tired I could barely get out of bed. That was the final straw for me.
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
I think a lot of the psychiatric industry is toxic and that it has a lot of blood on it's hands. In a way, I think people were doing better before psychology/psychiatry came along. To me, it has too much control over people like religion and politics.
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ember in the dark
Dec 7, 2018
It's mostly down to luck of where you live and who treats/assesses you in my opinion. My experiences have been mostly awful but other people seem to have had success in different places or with different staff.
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