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Mar 26, 2024
For me personally, I don't think suicide is a solution to anything.

I feel that suicide is a choice, a choice I will make when I am done with living. I don't think it will improve anything or make anything worse. I see it as a very neutral decision, a decision I will make when I'm ready and feel that I have no more reason to endure the suffering from this world.

I don't think suicide is a positive or negative thing. I think it is a personal choice of ones existence, which can be chosen for any reason and should be respected.
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Oct 10, 2023
I don't know that I would call it a solution.
Sometimes folks just don't have anymore to give.
Sometimes we reach our limit.

It is not solving anything- it is removing us from an unbearable situation or circumstance or life. It is a desperate attempt to end- not solve.

Semantics, I suppose.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
It's a solution because people are doing it for a reason. I don't think anyone is here because they're wanting to off themselves "just because". There is something driving them to do it. A problem you can't bare to keep living with. And suicide is their solution to that problem.
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Dark Moon

Sep 21, 2022
For me it's both choice and solution because my disability can't be cured and I can't get out of the situation that I'm in. I doubt therapy will do anything for me either.

I've lived too long and I can't keep going on with this suffering.
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Apr 15, 2022
You contradict yourself in your premise. First, you say that you don't feel suicide is a solution to anything. Later, you say it's a "choice" ( no one ever argues that it isn't, quite the opposite really) to remove yourself from further suffering from the world, which, in essence, is a solution to the suffering you no longer feel like enduring.

I'm not sure what the point of this essay is. Suicide is always a choice. No one forces anyone to kill themselves. It is a solution in that it can remove one from pain - physical, mental, and emotional. Until a person walks a mile in another person's shoes, they aren't qualified to say what is, or what isn't, a solution to someone elses problems.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
For me, suicide is both a solution as well as an escape. I don't want to have to confront or live out life. I'm also not suited for this world anyway. I wasn't meant for this world and I'll never fit in (nor do I want to), so suicide is my solution. I don't see a point in having to live in a society that wasn't built for people like me. I don't want to change myself to suit other people. Why should I have to be the one to change? Society should be more understanding
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Papa Shinai

Papa Shinai

Feb 2, 2024
Suicide makes sense, I wanna unalive myself despite everything is okay on the paper, I also cannot think about other people who are actually suffering. I always think of why was I born, was it really necessary and why most people are ok with living the life till the end.

Life lost its appeal for me. It was magical when I was kid because everything was new to me and there were so much to explore.

Now I feel like I've completed %90 of a videogame and the rest of it are filler quests. Life is indeed a trap where no one can be at true peace even if we had all the things we wanted.
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Mar 26, 2024
You contradict yourself in your premise. First, you say that you don't feel suicide is a solution to anything. Later, you say it's a "choice" ( no one ever argues that it isn't, quite the opposite really) to remove yourself from further suffering from the world, which, in essence, is a solution to the suffering you no longer feel like enduring.

I'm not sure what the point of this essay is. Suicide is always a choice. No one forces anyone to kill themselves. It is a solution in that it can remove one from pain - physical, mental, and emotional. Until a person walks a mile in another person's shoes, they aren't qualified to say what is, or what isn't, a solution to someone elses problems.
I suppose you're right. But I think seeing suicide as a solution implies that there is a problem that would be solved by someone ending their life. Like something positive would come out of it. I personally think it is a very neutral thing in my case, everyone's circumstances are different and I do not claim to speak for anyone. Suicide can absolutely be a solution in some people's cases, but in some it's just a decision to be made no matter the circumstances, not a response to a problem, if that makes sense?


Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
Like something positive would come out of it
It doesn't have to be positive, it just has to be more appealing than living.

In answer to your initial post, I suppose it all depends on what the question is. Is it a solution to being alive - yes. Is it a solution a defined issue - maybe not.
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Let me go
Mar 3, 2024
Since suicide doesn't lead to improvement or resolution in the situation, it can't really be considered a solution in the true sense of the word.

Choosing to end your life is obviously a choice, but whether it solves your problems or not is viewed differently by everyone.

There's no true statement for this question since it's subjective. So yeah, only discussable.
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Use common sense!
Apr 14, 2024
I don't think it solves anything, in my opinion. For me personally, it's almost like my way to prove myself to the ultimate level. If I go on a tangent about why, this would become a 900 word message minimum, but that's what it means to me. Proof of my will. It won't solve a thing in my personal life though, just erase the need for me to be the one to deal with it. I think a solution would be society improving itself, such as with our systems of government becoming better and kinder. But the fact that it is not doing so and hasn't for a long time means that suicide is a very sad but understandable response. If you ask for help and get none because the systems in place don't want to help you, usually because you can't pay for it or your need for justice is just too annoying for them to deal with, then I think it's just logical that people are going to look to the more permanent step thereafter: erasing the need to deal with societal issues at all. So, a solution, no. But a sad, logical step after receiving no help/not enough compassion, yes.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
I always think of why was I born, was it really necessary and why most people are ok with living the life till the end.

Life lost its appeal for me. It was magical when I was kid because everything was new to me and there were so much to explore.

Now I feel like I've completed %90 of a videogame and the rest of it are filler quests. Life is indeed a trap where no one can be at true peace even if we had all the things we wanted.
Same. I honestly think that I've lived too long
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Apr 21, 2024
For me personally, I don't think suicide is a solution to anything.

I feel that suicide is a choice, a choice I will make when I am done with living. I don't think it will improve anything or make anything worse. I see it as a very neutral decision, a decision I will make when I'm ready and feel that I have no more reason to endure the suffering from this world.

I don't think suicide is a positive or negative thing. I think it is a personal choice of ones existence, which can be chosen for any reason and should be respected.
Yes it is a solution a very good one to leave a body I hate to leave a human experience I can't stand yes it is very good I absolutely hate this experience I will never be in another human form ever again... I wish this stupid country United States of America piece of shit would pull their heads out of their asses and allow assisted suicide for mental problems instead of thinking that everyone loves this experience and loves life which I do not well I do if it's the correct life and this human one is not correct I pray for death every day I meditate on leaving this body all the time and yeah I'm still here I drink alcohol to the point of passing out and try to get alcohol poisoning nope not successful I eat horrible things rotten stuff poison things because I just don't care again nope still here .....shit
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annihilation anxiety
Apr 19, 2024
Suicide is the ultimate rage quitting. I see it as more of an ending and less of a solution. I would say solution implies that you're there to experience whatever the solution is (if that makes sense?)
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Jan 1, 2024
It's a solution and choice to end my Brain being an asshole
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I want to fade away.
Aug 11, 2023
I think that it is in many cases. It would be in mine.
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Apr 18, 2023
Suicide is inevitable for me. There's nothing but abject misery in my future if I decide to go on living
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Jul 23, 2023
For me it is a solution…
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Kill me
Nov 26, 2023
It's certainly my solution! Not even a sad thing to me anymore, it's like cutting off contact with a toxic friend. P art of life
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I see suicide as a solution. Suicide is a solution to preventing future suffering and pain. Suicide is a solution to avoid working. In a few cases, the only solution that one can do is suicide, nothing else. In my case, suicide is a solution as it prevents me from suffering extremely in the future
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Hopefully, it's the solution to end all problems. Hopefully, there's nothing after this. But sure- it's a possible solution along with other solutions like trying this or that to solve whatever it is that's blighting our lives. I suspect most people have tried plenty of other things by the time they are seriously considering suicide.

Are any of the things associated with recovery solutions? Therapy, medication, exercise, socialising, walking in nature etc. Will they totally solve all our problems long-term? Maybe for some. For a lot- no. They will maybe just be temporary solutions to longer term problems. The act of living tends to generate problems. So- pessimistically put, death is the solution to life! Depends on how much you like life and fear death really.

Of course, there's the weird paradox that we likely won't be able to 'enjoy' the peace of death. So- in terms of what we understand as conscious fulfilment, it seems unlikely suicide will give us that. Not afterwards anyhow.

Still, in a way, I'm trying to benefit from it now. I've pretty much made a conscious decision not to worry about my future because hopefully, I won't have one! I've spent so much of my life desperately and anxiously looking for solutions to make things better. New jobs, new places to live, new diets, new friends, self help, therapy, medication, education, fitness etc.

Honestly, I can't wait to just let all that go. All that effort and stress and ultimate unfulfiment. I'm simply not convinced that my (quality of) life is something I can 'solve' to my satisfaction.

That's the crux of it I think. If we either don't have an aim in life or, we know that our goal is utterly unrealistic, we can get to a point where we question why we are continuing. If the problem of life (quality) doesn't feel solvable, we may not be willing to keep throwing resources at it.

I think I played a game of chess once where neither of us could checkmate. We just ended up chasing one another around the board until one of us resigned. Life feels a bit like that. You start off wanting to win. Trying your best but then, so much is lost but you still carry on to the last few pieces. Both of you know you can't win outright- the other person is going to have to resign. Initially, you keep on going, one move at a time knowing it's going nowhere and it could potentially go on forever. At first, you don't want to be the one to back down and quit but after a few minutes, it starts to seem less important because it's so utterly tedious!
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Global Mod // will i wiN my recovery arc
Nov 28, 2022
For me personally, I don't think suicide is a solution to anything.

I feel that suicide is a choice, a choice I will make when I am done with living. I don't think it will improve anything or make anything worse. I see it as a very neutral decision, a decision I will make when I'm ready and feel that I have no more reason to endure the suffering from this world.

I don't think suicide is a positive or negative thing. I think it is a personal choice of ones existence, which can be chosen for any reason and should be respected.
I agree with you. It solves nothing and leaves everything behind for everyone else to deal with.

Suicide is simply the opt out button on the subscription to life. It's valid to press it, but you have to acknowledge the huge cost.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
I don't know if i would call it a solution. It's not a solution if we wouldn't even be there to see the solved problem. It's more of an end to my problems i.e, my undesirable life.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Suicide is the solution to unsolvable problems in this world. None of us know what comes after death. Death can eliminate debt if inherits know the details and reject inheriting debt (depending in country law), Death can eliminate physical and mental pain, death can eliminate suffering that is cause for people who cannot generate enough money anymore for a life that is worth living - there are so many more personal reasons death can solve.

One thing is clear, our personal struggle in this world isn't a problem to us anymore however due to law arrangements and inheritance law some of the struggles can be passed on to still living relatives - if they don't know how to prevent themselves from inheriting struggles.

Death is the one and only relieve from all struggles and hardship in life. But it's only a relief for oneself not necessarily for others and relatives.
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Mar 19, 2023
To me, I believe it is. In a very simple way. The general problem being suffering, and it solves that problem, by ceasing to exist anyl longer to experience said suffering. It is a possible option that I believe should be available.

What I don't believe is that it is the perfect or ideal solution. For some, it may be a last resort, that I understand. My only concern is when it could have been preventable. Recently I lost a friend I knew irl and I know for a fact it could have been preventable. I won't get into it too much but my point is, what I truly hate aren't the pro lifers that just say bs about not doing it, it's the ones that say that and are also directly pushing people to this solution. The hypocrisy is inferiorating.

My bad for the ramble but yeah, I do believe it's by definition a solution if put simply.
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sad, lonely & desperate
Nov 21, 2023
I think most people who decide to commit suicide come to that conclusion because of a problem, which makes it a solution. It is solely a choice for someone who lives a happy, problem-free life and decides to end their life when they feel like they're done being alive, which I would imagine is a rare case.
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She wished that she never existed...
Sep 24, 2020
Yes, it truly is for me, suicide solves everything and prevents all future unnecessary suffering in an existence that was always so undesirable in the first place. Suicide is the solution as it removes what I see as the ultimate problem which is existence itself, under no circumstances would I ever wish to exist, rather all I wish for is the eternal absence of existence. In my case I'd always see it as preferable to not exist especially as nobody can be harmed by being permanently unconcious with those who no longer exist being unable to mourn for how they lack the ability to suffer in this meaningless existence, yet existing can potentially get so torturous way beyond how anyone can imagine.

For me suicide is all that feels rational, it's the one way to find safety from suffering and escape from the futile and torturous burden of existing as a human, I have no interest in suffering for decades just to be tormented by old age dying slowly and painfully, the thought of such a thing terrifies me. Only death can bring me peace but only never existing is true perfection, I despise existence, for me suicide is a beautiful release from the evil that is existence.
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Feb 29, 2024
I think if your problem is unfixable then it is the only solution.
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Happy Unbirthday
Oct 12, 2021
I really like your way of seeing it. Think I'll adopt it!
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Dec 14, 2021
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