
Aug 18, 2020
I am not sure. I think with time many experience in their environment painful and agonizing deaths/fates. So I think many old people know it to some extent. I think many young people don't know it. And some middle old people don't want to know it and avoid that topic.

When I was a teen I was an idiot and not empathetic at all. The usual teen. I underestimated mental illness and made fun of other people. It was a way for me to cope with bullying and insecurities. I watched gore and was suicidal to that time. My life was pretty bad but I never had the idea how a living hell really looks like. And I had the honor to go through exactly that a couple of times afterwards.

I think for many it is a defence mechanism to fade out nightmarish scenarios that can happen. For many the topic suicide, death and accidents is dirty, stigmatized and too sad to think about. Many regret that when they had no patient's degree after an accident. Gladly I have one but I am not sure whether they consider it valid.

I think many people underestimate mental illness a lot. Probably also somatic ones. I mean many here (I think one time even myself - I feel sorry for that) wished to have a lethal terminal illness. Be careful what you wish for. Moreover there are invisible illnesses like long-covid or CFS. It must be pretty hard when even the doctors doubt your pain.

I think the more people really think about that topic they become more and more in favor of assisted suicide. Not necessarily for mentall ill people -at least not yet. But I think there is a growing number of people who realize that with some bad luck you will be deeply fucked trapped in a living hell. And I think many members of this forum can confirm. Fuck yes it is no fun to be boiled in a living hell on a daily basis with the society abandoning you and looking away when you despair. The support for people like us is way too less and they should not wonder when people decide to kill themselves when they are left alone.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Maybe they are aware of it, but they do everything to avoid thinking about how absolutely horrific existing can get and they try to distract themselves from it as they don't want to face the fact that they could potentially be tortured in unimaginable ways. And this is seen as so many people certainly don't want to accept the fact that wanting suicide can be a perfectly rational response to existing in this world, people would prefer to delude themselves until they end up in a situation where they wish to die.
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Dec 10, 2021
It depends on where you're from.

Much of Europe and North America have had no clue for generations. I suspect that's changing rapidly right now, yet some (few) don't notice, yet.

However much I live to see it, it's going to be interesting.

Canada has certainly been on it, lately-

For some reason I can't shake the notion that government should exist to make the lives of its' citizenry better, rather than making death easier. Of course, death is easy for me... it's always within arms' reach.

What do I know, eh?
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I don't think you REALLY know until it happens to you. My Grandma brought me up and she suffered everyday with pain. I did feel so sorry for her and it made me aware that a person could develop problems that really can't be fixed. Still, it wasn't till I had gallstones that I REALLY appreciated what it could be like. There's nothing like personal experience.

I think we kind of HAVE to live like this though- distracting ourselves... If the majority of us constantly contemplated all the dreadful things that might happen to us- we'd all be off work with stress and we'd likely end up developing stomach ulcers. Self fulfilling prophecy style.
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Sep 14, 2020
iT gEtS bEttER

teMpoRARY pRoBlEm
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
No, you can read and empathize all you want, but nothing compares to experience.

Before I had my worst depressive episode, I just couldn't comprehend how bad it could get even though I have struggled with depression and anxiety in some form or another since I was a tween.

Even now, years later, I can tell that some distance has formed when I try to recall the headspace I was in then. I can remember the where and when of what happened, but the how really escapes me nowadays.
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"to be overly conscious is a sickness"
Mar 13, 2020
They are but they instinctually believe it won't happen to them.. they know it will happen to others and don't care. Most parents are simply trying to share the burden of their measly amount of suffering. The last thing Enlightened beings who don't have an evil aspect of themselves would choose to do is breed.