

Mar 10, 2020
I was just writing about this in another post but I thought I'd make a thread about it. I probably sound SUPER creepy, but I swear I'm not, I don't spend every waking minute on this, this is just something that I think about once in a while from time to time, I'm probably being totally ignorant and totally hopeful, and immature, but I just can't help it LOL. I feel like I know somebody who is absolute perfection.

There is this girl I know from school, I've known her since we were 13, we're 32 now. On the first week of highschool, a really nice cute boy asked her out, he was 1 year ahead of us. She has been with him ever since, nonstop, that's like almost 20 years, they got married 6 years ago after she finished uni and started her career (isn't that like the most "right" thing you could do lmao!). She was a straight A honor student, and she became a doctor. She is so beautiful, has always been so kind and nice to me, never gossiped or bullied me like other girls, never seemed to have ANY problems with ANYBODY, everybody loved her. But I am suspicious of her husband I feel like he cheats on her but pffft he probably doesn't, she has nothing but good luck in her life, she's totally blessed. But SHE is perfect, her life is perfect, her family is so loving and caring (they're ethnic but I'd rather not say for privacy), she has a beautiful relationship with her mother, her mom is so proud of her and she always tells her on facebook. And they always had more money to afford anything she wanted, she had a beautiful huge house growing up (I don't know if they were millionaires, they seemed more upper middle class, small business owners, mom was a housewife), her university was amazing, she lived abroad, in the US, she worked in the USA as a doctor. Her facebook is full of photos of her and her husband and family in different places around the world, they love to travel and go on vacations, and just a couple of selfies. She's not self absorbed, she barely wears makeup or cares about fashion or stupid shoes, she doesn't flash her wealth, she's so humble and modest, she blows other girls out of the water in terms of beauty and style, she's extremely classy. She's literally the most perfect human being I have ever met in my life. Last year she had a baby, of course she had a smooth perfect pregnancy, gave birth to a perfect baby - doesn't even look like she was pregnant, I literally just creeped her FB now (I do it like once every couple of years I'm not a total complete stalker LOL but yes I do stalk her for sure and creep her page I will admit), her baby is almost a year old now, she's a beautiful baby! WTF I was actually secretly hoping her baby would be average (you know how some babies don't turn out so great in the beginning LOL,) I know I'm such a sick human being. I'm pathetic, I know, no need to say it.

But seriously, people always say there is no such thing as perfect. But I really think there is.. I have known her since we were kids, I went to her house and met her family, I've been watching her for almost 20 years on the internet on social media accounts, she is literally perfection, I know, I know, people only post the good things on social media, but I see the comments and I have creeped her family members, I just don't think she's like that. I don't think she's ever had a single bad thing happen to her in her life, I'm sure she's had ups and downs, but NOTHING like what I've been through, it's probably just normal things (I even doubt that sometimes though). On her facebook she has a passage from the movie "The Secret" about the law of attraction, and being a good person. She is literally every parent's dream. Whenever I see other girls who think they're so much better than everyone, and when my mom tries to compare me with shit heads who make a lot of money, I always think back to this girl, her pedestal is so high I haven't found a single person to match her, not even celebrities, it makes me feel better to be honest, just because I know she exists and I know her, and I know there are better people out there. Like she clearly wasn't born with a single mental illness or personality disorder, she was totally born into a functional and supportive family, so I don't know if she "deserves" her life, BUT, she's SUPER humble, and super kind, so I do think she deserves her amazing life. I know girls who have pretty amazing lives, some of her own friends actually who come from the exact same type of background (same ethnicity/tribe, same neighborhood and income level growing up, same looks), but they're mean and nasty girls and don't deserve what they were given, in my opinion.

Do you know or suspect anyone in your personal life, that might be perfect, or who seems like they have an amazing life and seems like they've never had anything bad to them? I want to know! I wonder about this, I've never really told anyone this, except my sister. My sister says she hasn't met anyone like her ever. I know, I know, some of you guys will totally think I'm super creepy and being dramatic, and attributing god like qualities to a human. Yes I am a bit creepy like this, I'll admit, so what? It's not like I printed her photos and made a shrine in my closet, or found out where she lives and stalk her, LOL, all I do is creep facebook when I'm super bored or thinking about people, I am a people observer and watcher. Some people watch birds, I watch people AND birds, and insects, and all animals. I love seeing how other humans live, it's something that interests me, I guess because I'm such a HUGE fuck up and I hate myself and want to die, I like to wonder what it's like to not be so mentally disabled like myself, I wonder what it's like to be normal, or just different from me. I have always been that way, I could sit somewhere and stare at things for hours and just think, my mind just goes on and on and on, it never stops. Even when I'm sleeping, I'm in a vivid dream, my mind NEVER sleeps. This girl also gives me a little bit of faith in humanity, like I have no faith at all, but her existence gives me some hope that a human being is capable and has the potential to be great. Anyways I'm sorry if I creeped anyone out or offended you! This is one of my deepest darkest secrets I guess, I felt like sharing and was curious if anyone else has had this experience. Plus I've been on hold with my government services line for almost 3 hours so I'm trying to kill time!
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Fallen Angel
Apr 9, 2019
I think one person I've always seen as not perfect but someone whom I wanted to be like is one of my cousins. It started when I was around eight or nine years old, I can't remember the exact age but it was when I was a kid. She's around six years older than me, so she must've been 15 when I first saw her. She was the only cousin I always saw as truly pretty, I remember the first time I saw her, my aunt took me and my other cousin to see her in her bedroom. I saw her bedroom, everything was pink, I was wearing a Hannah Montana top. I thought to myself that I want to be just like her when I grow older. I had bad social anxiety as a child and growing up in high school, I could never talk to her even though I really wanted to. Whenever my other cousins went to visit them, me and my mother would go as well. I still couldn't talk to her or any of my cousins. I never knew much about what was going on in her life throughout the years but I always saw her as pretty, I don't know if it was her skin colour or her features. She was always very confident which I also wanted to be so badly. A year ago, after an incident happened with my ex-bestfriend and the police, I had to come and live with my aunt and uncle (her parents). She came to visit in the summer and we saw each other after 10 years, she's still pretty and all I see was the girl I saw when I was a kid, it's like no time has passed. I was able to talk to her a bit but I had to push myself. She has a boyfriend now who she met when she was 19, he came to visit us with her. When my aunt tells me stories about her, how she studied in Spain, went on nice holidays, she's living with her true love, I get jealous but not in a bad way. I always was but it's more like I want to be her, not the harmful jealousy. She's so happy, she's still confident and pretty, she's everything that I wanted to be. She had a very luxurious life growing up, that's another thing I wanted but I couldn't have any of it, the looks, confidence, or the luxury. I'm unable to talk to her even now but I think it should get better with time or it probably won't. I've heard of the law of attraction, about how if you're a good person, good things will come to you. I don't think it's true at all, I've been nothing but humble, kind and loving all those years and everything bad happened to me. I know she's had ups and downs but nothing like what I've been through, no one has been through what I have. The only thing that she had to deal with is her father (my uncle) who throws tantrums here and there, which I have witnessed this past year as I've been living with them but that's nothing compared to my mother who is his sister. My mother was physically, emotionally and verbally abusive to me, what my uncle does is nothing in my eyes. I must be pretty, confident and have a wonderful life, I deserve it for all the pain and suffering I've been through. There are so many people who have such good lives and they don't deserve it or they are bad people, why can't I have that? It's just... unfair and cruel. I can only hope that in a few years from now, I'll be in a similar state as her... happy, confident and pretty.

However, the only person who is perfect in my eyes is the one I love. Nothing compares to him, he's absolute perfection. I don't know about his grades in school, if he went to university or if he has a career now and even if he does, it's not because of that at all. We found each other on this forum over a year ago, it feels like it was just yesterday. He is beautiful and by that, I mean true beauty on the inside. He's a pure soul, kind, gentle and loving... everything I used to be. I never knew what he looked like when we were talking with each other and yet, I knew I was in love with him. I only found out what he looked like after he left and honestly, even that has nothing to do with how perfect he is. He told me that he used to be chubby and after that he lost all the weight, a part of me was a bit disappointed because I know I still would have loved him even if he was still chubby. Such a darling, he is. We wrote the longest letters for each other, for the first time, I wasn't worried about the things I was telling him, I didn't have the fear of being judged and somehow I knew he wouldn't think bad of me. I didn't leave anything unsaid and neither did he, he also shared everything without hesitation, like he knew I wouldn't judge him either. He hasn't had the best life and I haven't either but somehow, when we spoke with each other, in those brief moments, we felt so happy. I was always in anticipation, waiting for his next letter. I loved knowing more about him and what he had to say. He respects me a lot and he said I'm a saint even though I told him that I'm far from that. I don't know why he holds me in such a high regard but when I told him that he's so special to me, he would tend to put himself down a lot. I would do the same when he would say lovely things about me. It's like we put ourselves down but we praise each other. It was so unusual. He is a truly beautiful person, he's my angel. I'm not impressed with money, luxury or status, even if he was poor, I will still see him as perfect, I will still love him. It was so wonderful... for the first time, I didn't need to hide myself and neither did he. We could be our real selves when we were talking. I am longing for that, I hate that I have to be fake. He's the only one who saw me for who I am.

They say that perfection is a fantasy and whoever said that is right... except in my situation, that fantasy was manifested into real life. He is everything I ever dreamed about growing up, all those years in high school as I imagined my ideal husband, he has all of the characteristics I wanted, every single one. It's just unbelievable, he is everything I imagined and fantasised about. I can only hope that we will be together. Maybe this law of attraction thing works because we found each other, he has everything I ever wanted and I have everything he has ever wanted. He is, and always has been, my dream... I can't wait for the day that we will be together. Maybe I'll have that happy and beautiful life with him one day, I hope...
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I think this is subjective. What one person considers perfect might not be the same for somebody else. There is definitely a general concensus on what is considered attractive qualities and appearance on average. It doesn't matter what race or culture u are in. There's certain behaviors and personality traits, physical characteristics that will always be considered universally attractive no matter where u go. As long as u are a human being u are subject to natural law and if u steer too far away from what nature designed u will be seen less than perfect lol! So this is one reason obesity will never be universally attractive for example. Because nature did not design that to be a healthy way to be even if some small amount of people have a fetish for it. Promiscuity is not universally attractive because most people prefer their partner to be loyal especially if u are providing for kids that u want to be sure are yours. I went off on a tangent lol!
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
so what? It's not like I printed her photos and made a shrine in my closet

This made me laugh.

her existence gives me some hope that a human being is capable and has the potential to be great

For all your talk about, "I'm creepy, I know I know!" this is the sense I was getting from you. It's good to have a role model. Maybe it would help when you're making a decision to ask yourself, "What would my ideal of perfection do? What would I be capable of if I had the support she has had?"

If you sense her husband cheats on her, don't doubt your perceptions. I would ask myself, "What evidence am I picking up on to leads to that conclusion?" It might help you to be more confident in your perceptions, and be able to better hear and give them credit when they can serve to protect or otherwise support you. For me, sometimes it's something subtle I observe in body language or a facial expression. People put out a lot more info than they realize. Sometimes it's obvious that they have a self-protective mask, and that in itself reveals a lot.
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Mar 10, 2020
I think one person I've always seen as not perfect but someone whom I wanted to be like is one of my cousins. It started when I was around eight or nine years old, I can't remember the exact age but it was when I was a kid. She's around six years older than me, so she must've been 15 when I first saw her. She was the only cousin I always saw as truly pretty, I remember the first time I saw her, my aunt took me and my other cousin to see her in her bedroom. I saw her bedroom, everything was pink, I was wearing a Hannah Montana top. I thought to myself that I want to be just like her when I grow older. I had bad social anxiety as a child and growing up in high school, I could never talk to her even though I really wanted to. Whenever my other cousins went to visit them, me and my mother would go as well. I still couldn't talk to her or any of my cousins. I never knew much about what was going on in her life throughout the years but I always saw her as pretty, I don't know if it was her skin colour or her features. She was always very confident which I also wanted to be so badly. A year ago, after an incident happened with my ex-bestfriend and the police, I had to come and live with my aunt and uncle (her parents). She came to visit in the summer and we saw each other after 10 years, she's still pretty and all I see was the girl I saw when I was a kid, it's like no time has passed. I was able to talk to her a bit but I had to push myself. She has a boyfriend now who she met when she was 19, he came to visit us with her. When my aunt tells me stories about her, how she studied in Spain, went on nice holidays, she's living with her true love, I get jealous but not in a bad way. I always was but it's more like I want to be her, not the harmful jealousy. She's so happy, she's still confident and pretty, she's everything that I wanted to be. She had a very luxurious life growing up, that's another thing I wanted but I couldn't have any of it, the looks, confidence, or the luxury. I'm unable to talk to her even now but I think it should get better with time or it probably won't. I've heard of the law of attraction, about how if you're a good person, good things will come to you. I don't think it's true at all, I've been nothing but humble, kind and loving all those years and everything bad happened to me. I know she's had ups and downs but nothing like what I've been through, no one has been through what I have. The only thing that she had to deal with is her father (my uncle) who throws tantrums here and there, which I have witnessed this past year as I've been living with them but that's nothing compared to my mother who is his sister. My mother was physically, emotionally and verbally abusive to me, what my uncle does is nothing in my eyes. I must be pretty, confident and have a wonderful life, I deserve it for all the pain and suffering I've been through. There are so many people who have such good lives and they don't deserve it or they are bad people, why can't I have that? It's just... unfair and cruel. I can only hope that in a few years from now, I'll be in a similar state as her... happy, confident and pretty.

However, the only person who is perfect in my eyes is the one I love. Nothing compares to him, he's absolute perfection. I don't know about his grades in school, if he went to university or if he has a career now and even if he does, it's not because of that at all. We found each other on this forum over a year ago, it feels like it was just yesterday. He is beautiful and by that, I mean true beauty on the inside. He's a pure soul, kind, gentle and loving... everything I used to be. I never knew what he looked like when we were talking with each other and yet, I knew I was in love with him. I only found out what he looked like after he left and honestly, even that has nothing to do with how perfect he is. He told me that he used to be chubby and after that he lost all the weight, a part of me was a bit disappointed because I know I still would have loved him even if he was still chubby. Such a darling, he is. We wrote the longest letters for each other, for the first time, I wasn't worried about the things I was telling him, I didn't have the fear of being judged and somehow I knew he wouldn't think bad of me. I didn't leave anything unsaid and neither did he, he also shared everything without hesitation, like he knew I wouldn't judge him either. He hasn't had the best life and I haven't either but somehow, when we spoke with each other, in those brief moments, we felt so happy. I was always in anticipation, waiting for his next letter. I loved knowing more about him and what he had to say. He respects me a lot and he said I'm a saint even though I told him that I'm far from that. I don't know why he holds me in such a high regard but when I told him that he's so special to me, he would tend to put himself down a lot. I would do the same when he would say lovely things about me. It's like we put ourselves down but we praise each other. It was so unusual. He is a truly beautiful person, he's my angel. I'm not impressed with money, luxury or status, even if he was poor, I will still see him as perfect, I will still love him. It was so wonderful... for the first time, I didn't need to hide myself and neither did he. We could be our real selves when we were talking. I am longing for that, I hate that I have to be fake. He's the only one who saw me for who I am.

They say that perfection is a fantasy and whoever said that is right... except in my situation, that fantasy was manifested into real life. He is everything I ever dreamed about growing up, all those years in high school as I imagined my ideal husband, he has all of the characteristics I wanted, every single one. It's just unbelievable, he is everything I imagined and fantasised about. I can only hope that we will be together. Maybe this law of attraction thing works because we found each other, he has everything I ever wanted and I have everything he has ever wanted. He is, and always has been, my dream... I can't wait for the day that we will be together. Maybe I'll have that happy and beautiful life with him one day, I hope...

Thank you for telling me about him, that sounds so amazing, it's honestly one of the best experiences to find someone like that. Unfortunately I've never, I do have this one guy that I had a relationship with over 10 years ago, I was his first girlfriend and I think only love in his life, he was my only love too ever, I've slept with lot's of guys and had flings but nothing like that, and we still think about each other, I dream about him a lot and he knows that, I flew to see him last year and it had been so long, but it was always an abusive, toxic relationship. My values and his are completely different. I've become asexual and aromantic over the years, but I've truly always been that way. The only times I ever was interested in the opposite sex or in sex at all, was when I was manic, because of my bipolar disorder. Whenever I was "normal" or depressed, I'd come back down to reality and not care. In my true self, I just want to be a person, I don't want to worry about attraction, or relationships, or looks, etc. I am just a simple, non-gendered person. It must be an incredible thing to find another human like that, I am very glad you got the chance <3

As for your cousin, lol I can totally relate! I have a big family like that too, I guess we have a similar culture I can tell from your Arabic writing ;) I have met girls like that in my life. None of my cousins are that amazing LOL, hah! Well actually I do have these cousins that are sisters, they live overseas, but they are SO gorgeous, and SOOOO nice. But I wouldn't call their lives "perfect" in the sense that society would deem. One of them was really promiscuous and rebellious as a teenager, and the other one had a failed marriage with a shit head loser, she's re-married now though to a nice white guy. But they were always so beautiful, they're probably the "best" cousins I can think of, and I have like over 50+ cousins for real, both my grandparents had 9 and 10 fucking kids!

When I was a kid, I did want to be like these people. I was very young and I remember I really wanted to be a good person, and make my parents happy, and do what I was told, like do well in school, be friendly, pretty, clean, put together, kind, polite, talented, etc. I did want to be like that for a brief moment in my life as a child because I loved my parents so much, and I just wanted to be accepted, and that's what they wanted and what everyone in the world wanted, but something was holding me back. A darkness, something in my mind, now I know what that was, it was a whole bunch of mental disorders and learning disabilities, but unfortunately nobody tried help or care. They just demanded that I be normal like everyone else. The girl I wrote about, I could NEVER be like her, or even WANT to. I couldn't, no freaking way, I don't even WANT TO!!! Not in this mind, no way. I would need a brain transplant or amnesia or a rebirth to be like her, and even then, I wouldn't want to know anything about how I feel now, I would totally have to be a robot or something, I don't know. I call her perfect, in the sense that society has created, this is what society wants.


# 978
Jun 28, 2018
Some people live a charmed life. Unfortunately I am not one of them.
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Mar 10, 2020
I think this is subjective. What one person considers perfect might not be the same for somebody else. There is definitely a general concensus on what is considered attractive qualities and appearance on average. It doesn't matter what race or culture u are in. There's certain behaviors and personality traits, physical characteristics that will always be considered universally attractive no matter where u go. As long as u are a human being u are subject to natural law and if u steer too far away from what nature designed u will be seen less than perfect lol! So this is one reason obesity will never be universally attractive for example. Because nature did not design that to be a healthy way to be even if some small amount of people have a fetish for it. Promiscuity is not universally attractive because most people prefer their partner to be loyal especially if u are providing for kids that u want to be sure are yours. I went off on a tangent lol!

Completely agree. I think she would fit the general consensus for SURE. When I say "perfect", I mean what basically every major culture, and every society in modern times, what most parents want. The majority of parents, the majority of society, governments, etc. I would say people like her are the epitome of success in most cultures, a lot of parents in many cultures always have that cliche of "I want my kid to become a doctor or a lawyer", she totally nailed that and more! Not only did she make something great of herself (that the majority of fucking robot brainwashed society wants), she's also a kind and beautiful (inside and out) person. Her beauty isn't obvious and flashy, when she was young I didn't think she was pretty in highschool, I thought she was average. But now that I'm older, I can see how beautiful she's become, it's more of a natural and subtle beauty, but it's clearly what's wanted in my culture at least, she has all the traits that is sought after by millions of women. She's still young, so who knows what else she will do, maybe she will become a CEO or strike it rich somehow in an honest and fair way. I don't know her financial status, she could easily have a couple million, easily. Or not. She might just have a doctor's salary, but her husband I don't know, I think he comes from a rich family. I don't have the time or the motivation to go around digging like a stalker, I just assume, lol. But I agree, there are many people out there who have a completely different view of what's perfect, but when I talk about her, I mean what my mother would want, what every single parent I have ever met, every teacher, etc, what they would all deem, basically all of society, what they tell us in school, in movies, in books etc.

There's certain behaviors and personality traits, physical characteristics that will always be considered universally attractive no matter where u go.

I would classify her in that group.

For me personally, my perfect would be (in this world): to never have to work or forced to go to school, to be filthy fucking RICH, like a billionaire, or a multi millionaire from a lottery win (lol, or inheritance), and never have to do a god damn thing all day. To do whatever you want, not care about your looks, not care about anything useless and pointless. I would use the money for things that I truly care about, like make an animal sanctuary, or massive enclosures for hamsters or something, like mansions, LOL. Not beauty, the only thing I would want is to be at a healthy weight. Obesity is something that I really really feel horrible for, for the people who suffer from it. I honestly couldn't imagine being obese, on top of everything else that I'm going through. I have seen obese people having wonderful lives though, or just acceptable lives, they're fairly happy and confident, I envy them sometimes. But I'm so thankful that I'm not overweight or obese. I'm getting to the overweight, but my body type is different, I'm slender and long, so it would take a ton of food abuse or a major health issue to make me obese. I used to be anorexic just a few years ago, and I just gained all the weight back plus more, so I'm very thankful for that.

I have another version of perfect, but it doesn't exist in this world. It's more of a heavenly out of this world thing. But the "perfect" that the majority of society wants, I would say this girl is it.
so what? It's not like I printed her photos and made a shrine in my closet

This made me laugh.

her existence gives me some hope that a human being is capable and has the potential to be great

For all your talk about, "I'm creepy, I know I know!" this is the sense I was getting from you. It's good to have a role model. Maybe it would help when you're making a decision to ask yourself, "What would my ideal of perfection do? What would I be capable of if I had the support she has had?"

If you sense her husband cheats on her, don't doubt your perceptions. I would ask myself, "What evidence am I picking up on to leads to that conclusion?" It might help you to be more confident in your perceptions, and be able to better hear and give them credit when they can serve to protect or otherwise support you. For me, sometimes it's something subtle I observe in body language or a facial expression. People put out a lot more info than they realize. Sometimes it's obvious that they have a self-protective mask, and that in itself reveals a lot.

Hehe! Honestly I don't think I want to be like her, my parents would sure love it though. But in my mind and body that I was born with and given, I wouldn't want to be like her. It'd be way too stressful for me, I'd feel like a robot. I wrote the reply above, but the version of "perfect" I deem her to be, is what society wants. When I was a young child, I absolutely wanted to be like that! For sure, I wanted to be loved and accepted by everyone and be successful, and that is what everyone wanted from their kids. Obviously most kids didn't make it that far, it's unachievable for most people imo. But I wasn't cut out for this world, and this cookie cutter type. I would have to be reborn into another body (or a few changes to my current body lol), another brain, another family, etc. No mental illness, no pessimistic and realist worldview. I'm actually thankful for my realism, and my ability to see through ignorance and my skepticism.

As for her husband. He seems like the perfect husband, he was the perfect boyfriend. I remember at school, he would pick her up and they would come to school together. I guess her parents accepted him immediately, and they were really young. I don't know how she managed to keep a stable relationship while studying at medical school, but there are humans who are high achievers so it's not a surprise. It's sad though, we come from the same environment, we both grew up in a horrible city that has a bad reputation, around horrible people, (literally everyone in my town is a mean and nasty person, they're nice to your face but they stab you behind your back, it's a cultural thing for sure, it's barbaric). She was able to overcome all of that. I think that's why she moved away to go to medical school, and she traveled a lot, and didn't spend too much time here. People around here say that it's bad to spend a lot of time in this city, and it's better to just leave and go away somewhere else. It's a horrible place in terms of the people and society and infrastructure/government, but I love my city because of the nature, and the animals, and the peacefulness and suburban vibe, plus it's my home so I'm staying, I just ignore all the people lol.

Oh about her husband though (I talk too much sorry I went off track), I think I saw him once as a client! I was a sex worker for 9 years, I still kind of am (obviously not now due to covid), but I'm a heroin addict, so I had to unfortunately get into prostitution to support my addiction. Anyway, I feel like I've seen him before. But I'm not sure, I was obviously strung out on heroin and stressed out, but it just looked exactly like him. Now it could have been his cousin or his family member instead, there was one difference about this guy though, he didn't have the same hair as him. His hair was thinning, and her husbands hair is thick like a male models or a shampoo commercial, so I'm thinking .... hair transplant? Because a lot of guys in their culture started balding around that age, early balding...and I know during that time, she was in medical school abroad, and he could have still been in town. So I don't know. He's also not as successful as she is, he would be classified as a "loser" by her standards LOL, he dabbled in a few artistic things here and there, but I think he's pretty stable now. But he is definitely proud to be with her, and has no shame in being a good husband and father. He's actually really good looking though, personally not my type, but in general terms, I always knew he was a nice looking guy. Both of them look amazing as a couple too, I'm not the only one who sees it. I can see her facebook comments, literally all the jealous girls and guys comment on there it's so obvious they're drooling, hah. And her mom always comments too and you can see her mom is super proud, her mom's probably living on cloud 9. Honestly it makes me sick too, because like, if this is perfection according to society, then it's sad. The earth will go to shit for sure, the environment, the pollution. Animals will always suffer, there will always be poor and rich, people starving, children starving, children getting raped, people enslaved and tortured, animals enslaved and tortured in the meat industry. Her life and her family's life really does nothing and adds nothing to the world (except maybe her medical experience but she works for people who can afford healthcare). It's just a superficial, cookie cutter, tick all of the boxes type of existence. The way I speak about her, I say it though my mother's eyes, it's exactly what my mom would say and feel if she knew her. But for me personally, it's not important to me, the one thing I like about her is her kindness, and the fact that she was able to achieve the cookie cutter life and still come out and be a kind, and good person inside, that's why I really admire her. All the other things are just a bonus, and it fits the type of person that literally every brainless robot is looking for.
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Mirrory Me
Suicide Discussion
Suicide Discussion