My smoking habit changed from however many it turns on that specific day to precisely 36 cigarettes, hand rolled tobacco, 6mm short filters, per day - my then average. I've actually counted.
The reason for these exact numbers is astonishingly stupid - I'm now not allowed to quit because I'm preparing for surgery. Combined with nicotine that tainted my blood and organs in one way, and my meds having done so in another, my body still reached a fucked up equilibrium. I now need to keep that equilibrium in place until after the temporal lobecotomy, survive the probation time, and only then will I be allowed to seen myself off.
I wish I could show you the face of my then neuro when he slowly and carefully explained his reasoning. I've recently also verified this with my potential neurosurgeon as well. Should've taken a pic if his facepalm. So epic, so stupid.