bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I do, although they don't recommend it. I'm probably charging some neurons. I have become so fed up that sometimes I take my medication with a glass or two of wine. On the heavy drunk day I don't take any anxiolytic or hypnotic. Like last Monday when I had 1 bottle of vodka and I was opening some stupid threads. I wish there was some deadly poison that didn't interfere with the alcohol. All the best.
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Mar 21, 2021
I used to years ago but not anymore they work better without it I have found.
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Mar 21, 2021
Excuse my English. It is not my language. I wanted to say why doesn't it work for you?
Sorry I didn't mean to be rude. I meant the pills work better without any alcohol as I think the alcohol negated the effects of some of the pills.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Sorry I didn't mean to be rude. I meant the pills work better without any alcohol as I think the alcohol negated the effects of some of the pills.
True, but a diazepam and two wines make me sleep better. I don't know how the other drugs will work, I guess not 100% if you drink
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
im guessing you mean the meds im taking to get better, not meds one is using to OD on and alcohol to make it more likely to be successful.

yes, i take my med WITH alcohol because its the drink i have on hand lol
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Paint the black hole blacker
Jan 9, 2021
I'm no alcoholic, can't stand the taste of it but I do mix my diphenhydramine, and diazepam with cider most nights. It's a shame that people on here explain to me that even if I had 100 of these pills, it can't kill me sadly.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
im guessing you mean the meds im taking to get better, not meds one is using to OD on and alcohol to make it more likely to be successful.

yes, i take my med WITH alcohol because its the drink i have on hand lol
haha clear, that's what I do. I know I would hardly die of an overdose on drugs and alcohol, at least with what I have prescribed.
I'm no alcoholic, can't stand the taste of it but I do mix my diphenhydramine, and diazepam with cider most nights. It's a shame that people on here explain to me that even if I had 100 of these pills, it can't kill me sadly.
I have been told that I am a recoverable alcoholic because I can go weeks without drinking. The last time was April 5 and then two weeks later. I really like beer the most, but I would have to drink a lot to get into a drunken state. The vodka bottle thing, well, it's strong yeah. I don't think I could drink hard liquor every day.
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⸙𖦹killing the self as to protect it from harm𖦹⸙
Feb 6, 2020
I do mix my diphenhydramine with alcohol any night that I drink, since I take those pills every night in excess.

I didn't used to drink as much, but as of late it's slowly become a routine at least a few times a week. Nothing too severe happens, but I think often about downing multiple bottles and adding more pills to see how much I could tolerate until my breathing slowed enough to kill me.

I've gone as far as needing 8 50 MG diphenhydramine pills to get me to sleep, that plus any drink is quite the combo.
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Mar 22, 2020
I used to do it a lot but now I don't take my meds the days I drink.


Nov 11, 2020
I've mixed all my medication with alcohol. But yea, probably stupid idea lol
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Oh yes. Only once a week tho

it's either

fucked Fridays


sauced Saturdays

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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I do mix my diphenhydramine with alcohol any night that I drink, since I take those pills every night in excess.

I didn't used to drink as much, but as of late it's slowly become a routine at least a few times a week. Nothing too severe happens, but I think often about downing multiple bottles and adding more pills to see how much I could tolerate until my breathing slowed enough to kill me.

I've gone as far as needing 8 50 MG diphenhydramine pills to get me to sleep, that plus any drink is quite the combo.
I read that diphenhydramine was strong even that it could cause hallucinations.
I used to do it a lot but now I don't take my meds the days I drink.
That's a good idea. I do the same the day I drink too much
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The epitome of bad luck
Feb 5, 2021
I read that diphenhydramine was strong even that it could cause hallucinations.

That's a good idea. I do the same the day I drink too much
yeah DPH at a very high dose acts as a deliriant and is quite very dangerous
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I've mixed all my medication with alcohol. But yea, probably stupid idea lol
Well, if it's daily, it will have a reason If my medicines mixed with alcohol made me happier, do not doubt that I would always take them together
I used to do it a lot but now I don't take my meds the days I drink.
That's a good idea. I do the same the day I drink too much
Oh yes. Only once a week tho

it's either

fucked Fridays


sauced Saturdays

I understand you. On fucking days I drink a lot of alcohol, but it usually happens two or three times a month
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The epitome of bad luck
Feb 5, 2021
So you say you're mixing diazepam with alcohol which is probably pretty benign. At least it's not a more serious benzo where the interaction can actually be deadly, inducing seizures or heart problems etc.
Well, if it's daily, it will have a reason If my medicines mixed with alcohol made me happier, do not doubt that I would always take them together
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The epitome of bad luck
Feb 5, 2021
It doesn't seem like a good drug. :(
In my experience it is quite fun, especially mixed with dxm,,but I cant recommend that due to the risk of psychosis
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Mar 6, 2021
Yes, it works even better with Xanax. But alcohol has been making me very sick lately. My digestive system organs are all messed up and drinking alcohol causes a lot of pain.
So I don't drink as much as I wish anymore.
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Nov 4, 2020
I like a drink on the weekend but never drink and mix it with my medication (Clonazapam) as it's Very dangerous to do so! Plus l need my medication to help keep me calm and help me sleep! Screenshot 20210119 203940
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Yes, it works even better with Xanax. But alcohol has been making me very sick lately. My digestive system organs are all messed up and drinking alcohol causes a lot of pain.
So I don't drink as much as I wish anymore.
Sorry. At the moment my organs are fine, without discomfort.
I like a drink on the weekend but never drink and mix it with my medication (Clonazapam) as it's Very dangerous to do so! Plus l need my medication to help keep me calm and help me sleep!View attachment 66927
A strong wine. Sounds good.
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Dec 15, 2020
Yeah but the NHS just says Prozac and booze might make you more sleepy but that's just so far from being the case for me.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I've been mixing for so long so I don't notice much. It is true that if I drink at night I sleep worse


Jul 8, 2018
I do. I get drunk every day and still take my psychiatric medication.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
I do, although they don't recommend it. I'm probably charging some neurons. I have become so fed up that sometimes I take my medication with a glass or two of wine. On the heavy drunk day I don't take any anxiolytic or hypnotic. Like last Monday when I had 1 bottle of vodka and I was opening some stupid threads. I wish there was some deadly poison that didn't interfere with the alcohol. All the best.
When I'm having a drink, I sometimes grind down a few of my diazepams and snort them.
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Paint the black hole blacker
Jan 9, 2021
I read that diphenhydramine was strong even that it could cause hallucinations.

That's a good idea. I do the same the day I drink too much
Yeah it's a deliriant, it can cause terrorfying hallucinations. I might be wrong but I think it can only happen if you take more than 200mg or something. There's people on YouTube who do it just to get high but since there is a common symptom of seeing spiders and insects crawling on you and on walks etc that's enough to not make me od on that shit. Plus you can die from an OD but it's very rare and is more discomforting than taking SN.
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  • Aww..
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Yeah it's a deliriant, it can cause terrorfying hallucinations. I might be wrong but I think it can only happen if you take more than 200mg or something. There's people on YouTube who do it just to get high but since there is a common symptom of seeing spiders and insects crawling on you and on walks etc that's enough to not make me od on that shit. Plus you can die from an OD but it's very rare and is more discomforting than taking SN.
Fuck, how does such a drug exist.
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