
Feb 19, 2019
My life is very busy. There are always things that need to get done; thus, I am always short on time. Part of the reasons my mental health isn't the best is because I never have time to relax. Do you have enough time in your life? For those who are superhumans who manage to juggle career, relationship, family, household chore, gym, self-development, career-development, hobby, vacation, relaxation, etc, how do you do it???
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
I have plenty of time, but don't use it well. I neglect my needs because I dissociate, I have low energy due to poor health, I get too anxious to go out. I do the minimum and sometimes even that is too much for me.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
No, and I neither work nor study nor have children nor move from home, so... so it should be easy for me to find a solution once the problem is posed as a question: How is it possible not to have enough time for anything if I don't have any activity outside of self maintenance?

When you reduce the problems to the minimum everything is clearer. It is evident that my problem comes from the execution of the tasks and the time I dedicate to it, I simply have to gain in efficiency by reducing the empty spaces and the time I dedicate to banal things that do not contribute anything to the final result (the famous perfectionism).

Now that I have the answer to the question everything should be easier, I will put it into practice when I close the computer this afternoon.

* I find it hard to believe that it is so easy...


No, i ni treballo ni estudio ni tinc fills ni em moc de casa, així que... així que m'hauría de resultar fàcil de trobar una sol·lució un cop plantejat el problema com a pregunta: Com es possible no tenir prou temps per a res sinó tinc cap activitat fora de l'automanteniment?

Quan redueixes els problemes al mínim tot és més clar. És evident que el meu problema ve de l'execució de les tasques i el temps que hi dedico, simplement he de guanyar en eficiéncia reduïnt els espais buïts i el temps que hi dedico a coses banals que no aporten res al resultat final (el famós perfeccionisme).

Ara que ja tinc la resposta a la pregunta tot hauría de ser més fàcil, ho posaré en práctica quan tanqui l'ordinador aquesta mateixa tarda.

* Em costa de creure que sigui tan senzill...


Sep 19, 2022
I have plenty of time but no idea what to do with it since nothing makes me happy anymore, nor do I have any dreams to fulfill aside from completing my degree, and even that is more bitter for me than anything even though I wanted that degree and it is a very needed one on the job market. Honestly I would have exchanged my place in a heartbeat with someone who wants to live, like a terminally ill person or an elderly person. I'm sure they'd be able to use my time better than me. I mostly scroll around on the internet and that's it.


Aug 23, 2020
I can absolutely relate to what you're saying. I never have time for anything. Out of the long list of stuff you listed that are supposed to get done, the only thing I actually do is household chores. Besides that I also work (could list that under "career" but let's face it, I work two jobs to cover my basic needs and both are totally dead-end, there is no growth potential and no career to speak of), eat and sleep 2 to 5 hours a day with awful nightmares, which is probably what you could call "relaxation" but I'd say that's a strong word. Okay, I'm also listing suicide forum, drinking and crying under "hobbies".
Generally, prioritizing (aka chosing what is okay to just give up) and planning your day should help. But that's if you don't have too much responsibilities to have a life. Otherwise it's like advice about saving money by "spending 30% of your salary on needs, 30% on wants and saving 20%" given to someone who has to spend more than half of their salary on rent and utilities alone. Like bish, it's not that I don't know how to spend money, I just ain't got none. Same with time - if you have no choice but to spend a ton of time on necessary stuff, you just can't find time for everything, no matter how good you are with planning...
Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I have nothing but time, but always feel unwell to the point that I don't or can't do a lot things normal people do. People that see me post on here or see me briefly in real life might think I'm fine, but they have no idea what my body feels like.


Dec 8, 2020
I never feel like I do, I always feel rushed and frazzled. But realistically I have more than enough time.
ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
too much time on my hands buds, i am reclusive by choice, been burned far too many times for my liking in the workplace and in my private life, so now i have decided to keep to me tod, and just do me, never go out hardly,

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