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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
I have two. They look alike.

I was 16. I went to school. The teachers were checking our hair. Long hair was forbidden. Stupid country Turkey. However ... A teacher said my hair was long. He said go to the barber and come. First I wet my hair and laid it back. But I caught the same teacher on the second floor. This time I heard scolding. I set out for the nearest barber. I was away from my own barber. I went to a barber I've never been to before. I sat on the couch and he started doing his job. Suddenly a voice said to me. The barber will say, "You have beautiful hair." I can't tell you that. It's a feeling. I was sure he would say those words. We never talked until then. He was almost done. He smiled and said, "You have beautiful hair."

I had a similar memory at home. My mother was washing dishes. You know the filters at the end of the tap. It was a plastic filter. The same thing happened. I felt the filter would fall and go to the sink hole. I told my mother that. After 5-6 seconds, the filter went into the sink hole.

I can't explain them. Actually, I was an atheist. I reject all irrational elements. But these are still holes in my rational perspective.

Do you have such memories?

Translated by Holy Google
First loss

First loss

Jan 28, 2019
I have lots of paranormal stories, I am just too lazy to write them to be honest with you. To sum it up, I saw a hellhound twice( abnormally large black dog). I invoked demons, I had weird deja vu experiences. Also lots of small paranormal things not really worth mentioning.
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Pastel demon
Dec 8, 2018
My first one was at 10 years old. A fairy-like or orb-like spirit was on my window. They floated for three or five seconds and then disappeared. The detail that I lived in a high condominium , exactly at 13th floor, so it couldn't be another reflect of a light bulb or something, since most of the other apartments was dark since it was at 2 or 3 am.
My second one is to see a person for five seconds at one corridor at my university. I saw them as a long hair dude about 20 or 22 years old, punk clothing style, but the fact is no one of my colleagues saw him, so I ruled them as a demon or spirit.
I have some flash visions sometimes, when I saw people crying, suffering, or random portraits. The most important to me of that flashes (I`ll do my best to explain), I saw a Goddesses or female-like creature, with yellow skin, blue lips and red eyes. She was looking at me. Her hair was floating but there wasn`t any wind to make that. And the rest of the scenario, was an uncountable eyes appointing to her. That eyes were magenta at their iris and cyan at the eyelids.


existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
Yea can't be bothered to retype, so copying and pasting from my blog post just one experience,

One year, I was visiting some friends of my brother, I was around 10yrs of age. he had taken me there as they had just moved in and he wanted to give me a day out.
When we arrived they took me straight to a top bedroom and walked out, within seconds of being there, I felt uncomfortable, I moved further into the room, sat on the end of the bed, and wanted to cry. I felt heat, I felt fire, I felt just pure hated. Hearing a baby's cry, I left the room fast. I was then informed that a man had burnt the home down many years previously killing his two children with him, a deliberate act of evil.


Aug 4, 2019
I've had too many to recount tbh so I'll just mention one. Last year my friend who lived above me was fuc*ing around with ouija boards and stuff. She would tell me about all this weird stuff happening and such, and I never really believed her. But then I started hearing banging a lot at night and all of my important documents for class and my keys would be misplaced or disappear only to reappear a few hours later. We found dead flies and wasps all over the apartment and both of us had extremely bad night terrors for a few months. Eventually her car broke down (for other reasons) and she cut the ouija board in half and left it in the trunk when it was sent to the scrap yard. After that things stopped.
I know a lot of people don't believe in this and that's totally cool, I'm not trying to push my beliefs on anyone or anything like that!
I have lots of paranormal stories, I am just too lazy to write them to be honest with you. To sum it up, I saw a hellhound twice( abnormally large black dog). I invoked demons, I had weird deja vu experiences. Also lots of small paranormal things not really worth mentioning.
If you don't mind me asking what did you experience with the hellhound? I've also had a couple experiences with animals I believe to be hellhounds, or at least that's the only word I can use to describe them although I don't really belong to any set religion.


Mar 4, 2019
Yes, actually. I don't like to focus on them because I'm scarred from them, but to make a long story short: I've dabbled with past-life regression, shared dreams with three different strangers, given and received "phantom hugs" from long-distance individuals who I was really close to via ley lines, have had a few out of body experiences, acted as a medium for one, maybe two other entities that have come and gone, once accidentally drove into a cemetary in the middle of the night while lost (saw various silhouettes of humans, plus a few shadow figures, and heard a scream in the distance), and after the death of two relatives, I had dreams about them and learned things that were apparently true, that apparently no one else taught me. Also am sensitive with energy signatures depending on location and/or individual.

The irony is that I'm not even religious. No, seriously, I know almost nothing about metaphysical matters or religious topics. Past-life regression was just out of pure boredom and curiousity when I was younger. Ignoring that though, all of the other experiences I have had relating to metaphysical stuff haunts me. I've had this stuff happen to me throughout most of my life, but I try my best not to give it much attention. Granted, I was diagnosed with psychotic depression at the end of last year (don't have schizophrenia or general psychosis though), and had a few terrifying suicidal hallucinations for a month or two. However, I never had suicidal hallucinations before my last severe major depressive episode, or anymore since February this year. So, I don't know what to make of any of it other than...I don't know. I've wondered if it was tied to mental illness, but even at my happiest points in life, the meta stuff still happened. So ultimately, I just plain don't know.


Jun 9, 2019
When I as about 9-10 we lived in Sydney in a nice 2 story house in Sydney. We lived upstairs and down stairs my dad had turned into a big games room with a pool table and poker machines, tvs and some lovely sofas. It was a full sized pool table and I being a shorty then dad had put these little steps around the table so i could learn to play.

I use to get up most morning before going to school and play a bit of pool. The downstairs had a room off the side with a big heavy metal door with a slide bolt lock, in this room was just storage stuff. no windows or anything just a big storage room. My parents had installed a padlock so i didn't wander in there and get stuck.

On this morning i was playing pool and standing on one of little steps. When i heard the slide bolt, side back and the door banged open with such a force that i fell off the step in shock.

From the ground i could see the door was open and that there was a light on in there. I bolted up and ran up the stairs and hid under my covers. but as i was running up the stairs i heard the that metal door slam shut. There were only 3 people in this house. Myself and my parents. Who didn't get up until sometime after this. I didn't hear anyone come up the stairs either.

So i have no idea what that was. i also didn't know what happened to the padlock that was on the door. i think i brought this up with my dad but i can't remember what his response was. all i do remember is the sound of that bolt lock moving and door opening and then closing as i ran away. Scared me so bad that i never played pool again unless my dad was down there with me.

The other issue happened in the same house. I'm not sure if it happened before or after the above event. But i was thirsty one night so decided to get up and get a glass of milk. i went into the kitchen and poured it and started to drink it. When i heard a voice behind me say 'that's right dear, drink it all up' i turned around and looked but the kitchen was empty. i again bolted, but this time into parents' bedroom and into bed with them. And yes they were both in bed.

These could have been the mind of a confused young girl. But I still have very vivid memories of the door opening and the voice behind me. Never had any other experience in my life. But those two were just plain weird.
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Aug 18, 2019
House do have memories, leaving behind impressions of persons lived there before.


Jun 5, 2019
My friends and I broke into an abandoned mental hospital and it was night so we had torches and of course our phones. When we descended the stairs to the morgue part all the torches and phones stopped working, and when we ascended back up the stairs they started working again.


Aug 18, 2019
My friends and I broke into an abandoned mental hospital and it was night so we had torches and of course our phones. When we descended the stairs to the morgue part all the torches and phones stopped working, and when we ascended back up the stairs they started working again.
Oops,bravething to do, ...

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