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Aug 22, 2023
In my family, I have 2 older brothers, but one of them has Asperger's Syndrome. My brother and I are completely opposite poles, as while he has Asperger's Syndrome, I have ADHD.
He was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was 6 years old, while I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 20 (I am currently 21 and he is 26).

Socializing with him has been completely difficult, as I am not able to understand him, nor he me.

Since we were children, we were very close. I used to play video games with him every day. However, when he was 12 years old, he stopped playing video games to dedicate himself completely to his studies. At this point, my brother no longer wanted to play with me because studies were more important to him, and also because, according to him, he "wanted to mature and didn't want to keep playing childish games." From this point on, I began to distance myself from my brother little by little to the point that I no longer got along with him because he simply didn't want to spend time with me anymore.

He is the typical autistic person who is an expert in physics and mathematics, as he sometimes boasted that he had better grades than me in high school, although in middle school I had better grades than him. According to my mother, my brother's IQ ranges from 120-130, while I am unaware of mine, but it is probably -1 (the average in my country is 88, according to the internet).

As for the present, we are both equally f*cked.
My brother graduated from college several years ago, but my father doesn't want him to get a job because he wants him to help with household chores. While I dropped out of college and am forced to find shitty jobs to make some money.

On the other hand, sometimes I complain about some of his habits, although I am aware that several habits he has are due to his condition.

- He often repeats the phrases people tell him. If you tell him "You need to pay attention," he repeats, "I need to pay attention."

- He tends to talk to himself all day long, and sometimes my hyperacusis makes it annoying for me to listen to him.

- He is not able to understand sarcasm. I don't know what example to give, but if you ask him if his dog ate his homework, he will most likely say, "Dogs don't eat homework" or "I don't have dogs."

- Neither of us has a social life. The difference is that he is indifferent to social life, while I always complain that I have no one to talk to.

- He is not depressive or emotionally unstable like me. He rarely used to have anxiety attacks, but it was usually due to school stress.

- Sometimes my father asks my brother to play music in the dining room, so my brother always plays the same song over and over again, every single day.

- Sometimes I lend him my PS3 or PS4, and the only game he can think of playing is FIFA. I wonder why he doesn't play the video games I have. Surely he'll say it's because they are "childish video games."

- My brother always gets angry with me when I interfere with his daily routine. Sometimes I feel like he hates me because he often raises his voice aggressively.

- As my brother is older than me, he always thinks he's right. Sometimes he tends to highlight my flaws without realizing that he's offending me.

- He has a good memory and is able to remember things in too much detail. I also have a good memory, but I'm not able to remember as many details as he does.

- As for how I talk to him, it's difficult for me to talk to him because I don't feel like he has knowledge of my favorite topics.
In the past, he used to ask me a lot of things, but they were always weird things.
I remember one day during dinner he asked me, "Do you masturbate?" and I said, "Why do you ask such things?"
One night, he told me he experienced a "nocturnal emission" because he covered his face with the blankets while sleeping.
One day he asked me if listening to "Metallica" stressed me out because it stresses him out to listen to that band. I don't know why he assumed I listened to Metallica when in reality I only listen to European Prog Rock. Also, I don't know why he assumes that any Rock/Metal song is automatically "Metallica."
I just told him, "You don't know what I actually listen to."

There are hundreds of things I could talk about my brother, but in the end, we'll never understand each other.

And you, do you have a close family member with a mental disorder?
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I am falling I am fading I have lost it all
Mar 20, 2023
Yeah, a lot of my family, especially my parents, had pretty bad mental disorders. Needless to say I know I'm fucked even though I don't know half the story. The sick part is though, even when they got help, once I turned into a tween they began to mistreat me with increasing severity. If one of them hadn't died I could have definitely seen myself being locked in the shed or something, beaten, and eventually just shot.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
One of my sisters has severe autism. Like she's severely nonverbal and lower on the spectrum. I've spent the better part of my twenties having to help her because she can't be left alone but at least the government sends us some money I guess. Her behavior got much worse during the pandemic too.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
My dad has manic depression and my uncle, on his side of the family, has mild autism. I don't know about my other family members though.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I have Asperger's, ADHD and social anxiety. My sister only has ADHD though. I think my mom has ADHD as well. She's very disorganized and her area is a mess. I can't stand to look at it; it's like a minefield. My sister's area is a minefield too. It's so messy that it hurts my eyes. Only my area is neat and organized. I'm pretty sure that my maternal uncle also has ADHD. My dad definitely has some kind of personality disorder (probably NPD)
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Unknown User

Mar 3, 2024
A lot of my family members have depression.
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𝚂𝚂 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚘. 43,53?
Dec 22, 2023
Yeap it was mostly tossed down from my fathers side of the family but I know my sis has been diagnosed with Selective Mutism while I've have Autism and prob an undiagnosed eating disorder at some point as well called Pica.
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Chill man
Mar 23, 2024
Only aware of one with schizophrenia
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Peace, Love, Empathy
Feb 27, 2024
Aside from myself, my mother has DEFINETLY got some unchecked shit going on. The only other person with a diagnosed disorder in my immediate family is my sister, shes got bipolar (2? I think its 2)
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Oct 9, 2022
A lot of my family members struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. One of my cousins has depression. I suspect my brother has some kind of mental disorder but he won't get help so we'll never know
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Jan 25, 2023
Dad and oldest brother have schizophrenia, other brother has autism—far enough on spectrum for assisted living, but he is pretty good at video games ngl. Dude just gets any game innately. Sister has anxiety/depression.

Mine, no psychiatrist ever agreed so I just shrug and say GAD/OCD.

Easiest to relate and talk to my brother with schizophrenia (which I hope isn't a warning sign, lmfao). Hardest to relate to is my brother on the spectrum. Honestly, the Internet actually helped socialize him more than public school ever did weirdly. He also developed more ability to read and write thanks to the Internet and Facebook (gag, hate that site though).
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Apr 2, 2023
Manic depression, alcoholism and being a massive bitch behavioral issues run in my family on my mom's side and idk abt dad's side but he's pretty melancholy so yay for that 🙃

I'm autistic (also adhd ocd and bipolar, fun 🥳) which doesn't help, my mom expressed thinking she may also be autistic to a degree but otherwise I don't think anyone else in the family is. Also doesn't help that mom's side has a penchant for guns and knives, can't recall how many times mom threatened to stab me. She even set her home on fire as a child tho apparently it was an accident, she was just a firebug lol
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you see it too. for me, it's always like this.
Jun 15, 2023
my grandfather was schizophrenic, but other members of my immediate family dont have any diagnosed mental illnesses. however knowing them i bet they do. both my parents are very traumatized people who had been abused for years in their childhoods and youth, and it definetely affected their mental states for life. and my brother is also suicidal and had attempts. both him and i probably grew up like that because of how parents were and treated us, and they were both deeply traumatized and abused kids once


On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
Not close family as in parents or grandparents but, from my paternal grandma's side there is a lot of mental health issues. One of her sisters had Bipolar, she ODed some years ago. Her daughter and son have it as well. Then my grandma's brother committed suicide when he was in his 30s, hanged. Another sister of my grandma had a daughter who committed suicide when she was 19, rat poison. Then there is an aunt somewhere that I don't know what she had, she was known in the village for being crazy.

Closer to me there is just my sister that had, and may still have, depression.

As for me, I don't know what I have anymore. Psychiatrists seem to change their mind between diagnosing me with Borderline or Psychotic Depression.


Apologizing for my life and ever entering yours
May 6, 2021
Only one of my cousins as far as I know, although, I don't think it's genetical. She has suffered from depression and anxiety as well; used to have lots of panic attacks a couple of years ago. Not anymore, thankfully.​


Jan 14, 2024
Lot of my family members have mental disorders: My mother, Sister, and my Uncle all have Schizophrenia, and me and my brother both have Autism.


Feb 3, 2024
My mom and sister both are diagnosed w/ clinical depression & anxiety as well, but everyone in my family would agree I suffer from both of these to a much greater extent than the two of them. Hard to say whether I just caught the bad brain of the bunch, if it's my PTSD that further complicates things, or both.

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