Are you a bad person?

  • Yes

    Votes: 85 56.7%
  • No

    Votes: 40 26.7%
  • Don’t know

    Votes: 25 16.7%

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It’s the end of the line, cowboy
Feb 2, 2020
I feel horrible about who I am as a person. I've screwed over so many people in my life- my one ex accused me of being manipulative , I almost caused my dad to feel guilty for the remainder of his life by lying to him to get some CTB materials, and I'm such a compulsive liar that I've completely lost my sense of identity, and a lot of friendships.
I know a lot of people are here due to circumstance, but I've been digging my own grave since day one.
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Mar 13, 2020
I know what you mean, I often feel that way about myself.. Digging my own grave, I Genuinely hate myself and the things I've done throughout my life. ( Mostly drugs, alcohol , and being a constant Dumbfuck to everyone around me) I guess within my different circle of family / friends. .. Some would say I'm bad, while I feel others wouldn't.

Thoughts, Prayers, and Love - ❤ Thanks for sharing this.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
My friend (ex) has done nothing but been there for me since day 1 and is still here today. And I've fucked him over every way possible. I've cheated and I've lied. Hell while I was cheating he was trying to get me a safe place to stay and he knew I was cheating. I've known him for 6ish years now and only recently made changes to myself. Although I feel like I'm not only lying to him but also me. We'll see I guess.
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Meeting the first minor relapse after recovery
Nov 3, 2019
I'm not sure. I feel like I can be an asshole, but even then, I've been called "a good asshole", since for that person it brings them back to reality. Makes no sense to me, and it does annoy some people, but for some reason they're fine with it at the same time, so I'm not entirely sure. I've done so bad things, though, most which I regret, and there are times when I believe I am a bad person because of them and because of how I'm feeling in that moment. I'd be swinging between 'Yes' and 'Don't know'
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Nós tudo vive pra morrer, mas luta pela vida
Jul 4, 2020
I am always considering my wishes for others and for the world. I feel I have so much love inside of me. Although, I can be mean sometimes, not because I want to. Mostly it is due to thinking only in myself, in my pleasure and in my least suffering. I love the animals and all the goodness that is made, whoever do it (and I feel that is enough). I am only a 'bad person' with people i see doing bad things, like my asshole president.
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Will die soon
Jun 30, 2020
Its hard considering yourself a bad person. Its just you want things the way you just want and just dont get in other peoples way I think?
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Jul 1, 2020
Not really. I've done some asshole things and I'm not perfect, but they were mistakes I consider in the realm "normal" stuff that everybody can do. Yeah I've been a dick, I've cheated on my partners, I wasn't always honest, but I've atoned for those mistakes and I still feel quite guilty and vow to never make those same mistakes. That's the difference between people with a guilty conscious and many of the rampant sociopaths who run our societies. Those in power prey on the vulnerable and exploit them and feel no shred of guilt. It's probably because of sociopathic tendencies they are in power. I can say I'm better than them. I have never murdered or raped or molested a child. I don't torture animals in the name of tradition or some bullshit and I question customs that seem harmful. But remember, you will be the weird one if you do this. I consider myself a good person because I do care about the suffering of others, in particular the animals who have no voice or comprehension why the horrors they face are being done to them.

But I am still complicit to the horrors in many ways. it seems inescapable as long as you're a participant in modern society.
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Jun 30, 2020
I'm not sure. I don't think about the concepts as rigidly as I used to. I think about actions more in the context that they're done for reasons unique to each individual, for reasons that may not make sense unless you are that individual. Even a serial killer is only obeying his nature. If he's to be punished, the punishment should aim to reform him and keep others safe from him, not to inflict some 'deserved' suffering. This doesn't stop me from feeling guilty about my actions though, of course, as even this view doesn't just remove my desire to do what I think is right, it just acknowledges that I'm fundamentally no different from anyone else.

I feel as if I can be too irritable sometimes, which I immediately regret. I also think I neglect my friendships too much, sometimes deliberately not replying to a message because I'm too tired. Also, you could say I'm bad for not actively doing anything about a lot of larger-scale issues or volunteering and things like that; I don't agree with the idea that complicity makes you just as bad, but then again I'm uncertain on the whole concept of 'bad'. Ultimately you can say that my irritability and avoidant nature are only because of mental problems, and it would be correct, but it doesn't mean I want myself to be this way or that it's a good thing. The consequences are still real. It's just that things aren't so clear-cut. Even if I didn't feel bad about all this, would it really make me evil just because my brain rewards me for doing bad things? It's a tricky topic, but I don't think it encourages people to be more bad; like I said, I still dislike doing bad things, I'm just conscious of why I do what I do.
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Jun 11, 2020
I know I am and it sucks that "God" doesn't just fucken take me. Like why take other good people who would love to live? Why not take me in their place? The fuck. I am so annoyed. I cut myself today.

I also have this recent fantasy of slitting my throat and bleeding out. Today though, I had a another one where I cut my stomach open and all my instinstines fall out.

I am horrible and I don't think I'll change
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
I'm a shitty person. I'm shallow and selfish and get too wrapped up caring about my own feelings to consider other people. I don't make anyone's days and happier that's for sure.
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UK in the North
Jul 14, 2020
I am the worst at times and the best at times :(
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May 8, 2020
I don't think I am, but I must be, because everyone treats me like shit.
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Jun 30, 2020
100% without a doubt, I am a bad person.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I don't consider myself to be a bad person per se, but when logic supercedes morality (which I believe it is subjective to the society that one lives in) most of the time, I suppose in the eyes of the world, I am a bad person. However, I do the things I find to be the most logical and rational.
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Apr 2, 2019
I'm not sure. I don't think about the concepts as rigidly as I used to. I think about actions more in the context that they're done for reasons unique to each individual, for reasons that may not make sense unless you are that individual. Even a serial killer is only obeying his nature. If he's to be punished, the punishment should aim to reform him and keep others safe from him, not to inflict some 'deserved' suffering. This doesn't stop me from feeling guilty about my actions though, of course, as even this view doesn't just remove my desire to do what I think is right, it just acknowledges that I'm fundamentally no different from anyone else.

I feel as if I can be too irritable sometimes, which I immediately regret. I also think I neglect my friendships too much, sometimes deliberately not replying to a message because I'm too tired. Also, you could say I'm bad for not actively doing anything about a lot of larger-scale issues or volunteering and things like that; I don't agree with the idea that complicity makes you just as bad, but then again I'm uncertain on the whole concept of 'bad'. Ultimately you can say that my irritability and avoidant nature are only because of mental problems, and it would be correct, but it doesn't mean I want myself to be this way or that it's a good thing. The consequences are still real. It's just that things aren't so clear-cut. Even if I didn't feel bad about all this, would it really make me evil just because my brain rewards me for doing bad things? It's a tricky topic, but I don't think it encourages people to be more bad; like I said, I still dislike doing bad things, I'm just conscious of why I do what I do.

Your post expresses exactly how I feel about myself and being a 'bad person' as well. I am, and have done, all those same things you describe and then when I reflect on them, reach the same conclusions about it all. Thank you for putting the thoughts and feelings into words much better than I ever could.
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Jun 26, 2020
Pretty much everyone would agree that I am. I didn't consciously choose to be this way, but I lack the self-control to shut down my worst impulses. I could've been far worse though.
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May 7, 2020
i've hurt so many people in my life i wish i could just start over.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I'm definitely a good person.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Relatively speaking. Yes I'm a good person and endless bad people hurt and abused me. I never continued the loop of suffering, abuse, bullying or anything bad, I simply avoided humans, no interactions means less suffering for me and others and it stops this toxic circle of negativity. I don't want to hurt anyone and I did much to stop this toxic loop.

I always blamed myself while actually doing nothing wrong and no matter what I do, I'm always bad in people's eyes. Those people are toxic and actually want bad stuff to happen and never accept anything good.

I want to love everyone but this world is based on hate. I'm against racism and discrimination against groups based on sexuality, color, nationality or anything else. People are consciousness in different bodies, we should understand each other because we are the same.

I'm far from perfect, but maybe I'm pure and this world needs the bad and toxic only.

I don't belong to this life and this species. I should quit this life.
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Apr 8, 2020
People say I'm a good person, but I'm really not. I'm horrible and selfish.
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draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
Depends on your perspective. In action, I might seem good. I say good things, support my friends, help people when asked, even doing volunteers sometimes. But my intents isn't as nice. I don't care about other people save for a few closest ones. I'm apathetic at best when faced with people in need for help/in peril. I only do things when people told me to or if it's the right thing to do. I'm childish, egotistical, and selfish. In the core of my personality, I'm pretty shit. But outwards, I'm a friendly neighborhood local kid.
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Oct 26, 2018
No just very mentally ill.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
*Horrible person hours*

Selfish, selfish, selfish. To the point of never asking anyone if theyre okay because its always about me. To the point of making my own family consider putting me inpatient permanently. My ex boyfriend killed himself, and currently I have zero friends except for this one person whos literally an angel and stays by my side since ages.
Lying. Sometimes manipulative but I dont mean it. A general bitch. An addict, and a raging alcoholic too. Bottles and pill packets everywhere. Terribly lazy, and not only because of my illness - yes I get times when Im catatonic with depression and cant even wash myself or eat, but now Im almost fine mentally and still wont even buy groceries and live on tea instead.
So attention seeking I would send my friends pictures of me on the bridge with rope tied to the railing and sign off for 2 days to test how they will react (Im really trying not to do this, I swear Im not evil, this illness destroys me)

Yep. Pretty much.
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But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
Probably, by common moral standards, I guess. I don't really concern myself with it too much these days, but at one point I accepted that's just who I am and I'm okay with it. I live by my own set of rules, guidelines, and beliefs, and if others don't like it, that's on them.
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Jul 2, 2018
Everybody admire my kindness, my devotion in caring for my parents is widely known, and I get a lot of "credit" for this. I always help people when being asked, cause I hope they'll return my favours one day. I'm very warm- hearted, and a giver. I'm very bad at taking care of myself though. I'm a loser in life, and it's my own fault.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
I've said and done some stuff I never thought I'd say or do. Not anything as bad as rape or murder, but still some pretty harsh shit. I also don't function well as a human being between my mental illnesses, drug abuse, and shitty upbringing. I would say functional humans are able to maintain good social connections, good physical health (or as good as they can around any physical problems), keep active either mentally and/or physically, enjoy life to some degree, and are able to find ways to work and live together (to whatever extent) while minimizing the risk of hurting or killing one another. Even if they occasionally make mistakes and hurt someone else or get hurt. This is what I would consider a "good" human.

I am not a good human. I fail on almost every one of those levels, I fail both myself and the people close to me that provide a social net. I am a pretty bad human.
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May 14, 2020
No. An unlucky one. Sad to see how many think they're bad. Truly bad people don't usually care to label themselves as bad
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
I wouldn't say I'm either good or bad. An accurate term would be reactive. My social anxiety disorder makes me extremely paranoid about people. My default setting is suspicion. I have a tendency to always assume the worst about everyone I meet. I think they're going to try and hurt me, so I try and either hurt them first or put up some kind of defense mechanism. It's a fucked up way to live and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

For instance, I've always been good with girls. However due to my trust issues, I always assume that they'll cheat so I make sure to have a back up plan. In other words, I cheat first. So yeah, to most, I must come off as a real asshole.
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Jun 5, 2020
I don't think i am a totally bad person. I do think everyone has good and bad in them though. No one is an angel and innocent .I have made bad mistakes that keep me up at night. :mmm:
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Feb 8, 2019
I'm a bad person because I live again.
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